A mini database management system ,which helps the small scale petshop owner to keep track the available pet and it's products along with the sales details of his shop.
To provide web based interface to a petshop owner to manage his petshop activities.
To provide an option for storing and managing the basic information about pets and pet products in the shop.
To provide an option for storing and managing the sales details of the shop.
To provide an option for storing and managing the basic information about the customer.
To track the information about sold pets and products to a customer.
Full report view
Login page
Home page
Animals page
Birds page
Pet Products page
Sales details page
Customer page
Add new Animal
Download the project
create a new database called "petshop_management" in MySQL and import petshop_management.sql
change the user and password for db connection in every php file with respect to the server you are using
login page : Username ="abcd" password =123
Thank you 😃