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Work in progress, toward an online edition of the Manual.
- Front matter
- I. The Setting of the Problem of Reproducing Research Materials
- II. Publishing and Library Costs: The Book
- III. Printed Books and Reprints
- IV. The Typescript Book or Memorandum: The Typewriter and Typescript
- V. The Typescript Book or Memorandum: Reproduction Techniques
- VI. Blueprinting, Photostating, and Allied Techniques
- VII. Books Containing Characters Not in the Roman Alphabet, Tabular Matter, Diagrams and Illustrations
- VIII. A Study of Paper Permanence
- IX. Binding, Vertical Filing, and Film Storage
- X. Reduced-Scale Photographic and Photolithographic Copying on Paper for Reading through Magnifying Glasses
- XI. Cost Levels and Applications of Microcopying and Projection Reading
- XII. Photographic and Projecting Apparatus
- XIII. The Recording of Sound
- XIV. Conclusion
- Back matter
The search service uses staticSearch 1.1 by Martin Holmes and Joey Takeda. The configuration is still very basic.
- [Manifest]({{ 'iiif/manualonmethodso00robe/manifest.json' | absolute_url }})
- [Mirador view]({{ 'mirador3' | absolute_url }})
The manifest uses the image service from Internet Archive's IIIF platform, but has enhancements such as a detailed table of contents.
Edited by Peter Binkley