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536 lines (392 loc) · 15.8 KB

Skinny Framework

Skinny is a full-stack web app framework, which is built on Scalatra and additional components are integrated.

To put it simply, Skinny framework's concept is Scala on Rails. Skinny is highly inspired by Ruby on Rails and it is optimized for sustainable productivity for ordinary Servlet-based app development.


[Notice] Still in alpha stage. Architecture and API compatibility won't be kept until 1.0 release (2013 4Q).

Why Skinny?

What does the name of Skinny actually mean?

Application should be skinny

All the parts of web application - controllers, models, views, routings and other settings - should be skinny. If you use Skinny framework, you don't need to have non-essential code anymore. For instance, when you create a simple registration form, all you need to do is just defining parameters and validation rules and creating view templates in an efficient way (ssp, scaml, jade, FreeMarker or something else) in most cases.

Framework should be skinny

Even if you need to investigate Skinny's inside, don't worry. Skinny keeps itself skinny, too. I believe that if the framework is well-designed, eventually the implementation is skinny.

"su-ki-ni" in Japanese means "as you like it"

A sound-alike word "好きに (su-ki-ni)" in Japanese means "as you like it". This is only half kidding but it also represents Skinny's concept. Skinny framework should provide flexible APIs to empower developers as much as possible and shouldn't bother them.

How to use

Actually, application built with Skinny framework is a Scalatra application. After preparing Scalatra app, just add the following dependency to your project/Build.scala.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-framework" % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-task"      % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-test"      % "[0.9,)" % "test"

If you need only Skinny-ORM or Skinny-Validator, you can use only what you need. Even if you're a Play2 (or any others) user, these components are available for you as well.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-orm"       % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-validator" % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-test"      % "[0.9,)" % "test"

Try Skinny now

Download and unzip it, then just run ./skinny command on your terminal. That's all!

If you're a Windows user, don't worry. Use skinny.bat on cmd.exe instead.


Let's create your first Skinny app by using scaffold generator.

./skinny g scaffold members member name:String activated:Boolean luckyNumber:Option[Long] birthday:Option[LocalDate]
./skinny db:migrate
./skinny run

And then, access http://localhost:8080/members.

You can run generated tests.

./skinny db:migrate test
./skinny test

Let's create war file to deploy.

./skinny package

Yeoman generator


If you're familiar with Yeoman, a generator for Skinny framework is available.


# brew instsall node
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-skinny
mkdir skinny-app
cd skinny-app
yo skinny
./skinny run


Routing & Controller & Validator

Skinny's routing mechanism and controller layer on MVC architecture is a rich Scalatra. Skinny's extension provides you much simpler/rich syntax. Of course, if you need to use Scalatra's API directly, Skinny never bothers you.


SkinnyController is a trait which extends ScalatraFilter and out-of-the-box components are integrated.

// src/main/scala/controller/MembersController.scala
class MembersController extends SkinnyController {

  beforeAction(only = Seq('index, 'new)) { set("countries", Country.findAll()) }

  def index = {
    // set 'members' in the request scope, then you can use it in views
    set("members" -> Member.findAll())

  def newOne = render("/members/new")

  def createForm = validation(
    paramKey("name") is required & minLength(2), 
    paramKey("countryId") is numeric

  def createFormParams = params.permit(
    "groupId" -> ParamType.Int , "countryId" -> ParamType.Long)

  def create = if (createForm.validate()) {
  } else {

// src/main/scala/controller/Controllers.scala
object Controllers {
  val members = new MembersController with Routes {

// src/main/scala/ScalatraBootstrap.scala
class ScalatraBootstrap exntends SkinnyLifeCycle {
  override def initSkinnyApp(ctx: ServletContext) {
    // register routes

Skinny-Validator is newly created validator which is based on seratch/inputvalidator and much improved. Rules are so simple that you can easily add original validation rules. Furthermore, you can use this validator with any other frameworks.

import skinny.validator._
object alphabetOnly extends ValidationRule {
  def name = "alphabetOnly"
  def isValid(v: Any) = isEmpty(v) || v.toString.matches("^[a-zA-Z]*$")

def createForm = validation(
  paramKey("name") is required & minLength(2) & alphabetOnly, 
  paramKey("countryId") is numeric

SkinnyResource which is similar to Rails ActiveResource is available. That's a pretty DRY way.

object CompaniesController extends SkinnyResource {

  override def model = Company
  override def resourcesName = "companies"
  override def resourceName = "company"

  override def createForm = validation(
    paramKey("name") is required & maxLegnth(64), paramKey("registrationCode" is numeric)
  override def createFormStrongParameters = 
    Seq("name" -> ParamType.String, "registrationCode" -> ParamType.Int)

  override def updateForm = validation(paramKey("name") is required & maxLegnth(64))
  override def updateFormStrongParameters = Seq("name" -> ParamType.String)

Company object should implement skinny.SkinnyModel APIs and you should prepare some view templates under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/.


Skinny provides you Skinny-ORM as the default O/R mapper, which is built with ScalikeJDBC.


Skinny-ORM is much powerful, so you don't need to write much code. Your first model class and companion are here.

case class Member(id: Long, name: String, createdAt: DateTime)

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] {
  // only define ResultSet extractor at minimum
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]) = new Member(
    id = rs.long(,
    name = rs.string(,
    createdAt = rs.dateTime(n.createdAt)

That's all! Now you can use the following APIs.

Member.withAlias { m => // or "val m = Member.defaultAlias"
  // find by primary key
  val member: Option[Member] = Member.findById(123)
  val member: Option[Member] = Member.where('id -> 123).apply().headOption
  val members: List[Member] = Member.where('id -> Seq(123, 234, 345)).apply()
  // find many
  val members: List[Member] = Member.findAll()
  val groupMembers = Member.where('groupName -> "Scala Users", 'deleted -> false).apply()
  // count
  val allCount: Long = Member.countAll()
  val count = Member.countBy(sqls.isNotNull(m.deletedAt).and.eq(m.countryId, 123))
  val count = Member.where('deletedAt -> None, 'countryId -> 123).count.apply()

  // create with stong parameters
  val params = Map("name" -> "Bob")
  val id = Member.createWithPermittedAttributes(
    params.permit("name" -> ParamType.String))
  // create with unsafe parameters
    'id -> 123,
    'name -> "Chris",
    'createdAt ->

  // update with strong parameters
  Member.updateById(123).withAttributes(params.permit("name" -> ParamType.String))
  // update with unsafe parameters
  Member.updateById(123).withAttributes('name -> "Alice")

  // delete

If you need to join other tables, just add belongsTo, hasOne or hasMany (hasManyThrough) to the companion.

[Notice] Unfortunately, Skinny-ORM doesn't retrieve nested associations (e.g. automatically though we're still seeking a way to resolve this issue.

class Member(id: Long, name: String, companyId: Long, 
  company: Option[Company] = None, skills: Seq[Skill] = Nil)

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] {
  // If byDefault is called, this join condition is enabled by default
  belongsTo[Company](Company, (m, c) => m.copy(company = Some(c))).byDefault
  val skills = hasManyThrough[Skill](
    MemberSkill, Skill, (m, skills) => m.copy(skills = skills))

Member.findById(123) // without skills
Member.joins(Member.skills).findById(123) // with skills

If you need to add methods, just write methods that use ScalikeJDBC' APIs directly.

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] {
  val m = defaultAlias
  def findByGroupId(groupId: Long)(implicit s: DBSession = autoSession): List[Member] = 
    withSQL { select.from(Member as m).where.eq(m.groupId, groupId) }

timetamps from ActiveRecord is available as the TimestampsFeature trait.

class Member(id: Long, name: String, createdAt: DateTime, updatedAt: Option[DateTime] = None)
object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] with TimestampsFeature[Member]
// created_at timestamp not null, updated_at timestamp

Soft delete support is also available.

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] 
  with SoftDeleteWithTimestamp[Member]
// deleted_at timestamp

Furthermore, optimistic lock is also available.

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] 
  with OptimisticLockWithVersionFeature[Member]
// lock_version bigint

DB Migration

DB migration comes with Flyway. Usage is pretty simple.

Flyway Logo

./skinny db:migrate [env]

This command expects src/main/resources/db/migration/V***_***.sql files.

Try it with blank-app right now!

View Templates

Skinny framework basically follows Scalatra's ScalateSupport, but Skinny has an additional convention.

Scalate Logo

Templates' path should be {path}.{format}.{extension}. Expected {format} are html, json, js and xml.

The following ssp is src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/index.html.ssp.

<%@val members: Seq[model.Member] %>
<table class="table table-bordered">
  #for (member <- members)
      <a href="/members/${}/edit" class="btn btn-info">Edit</a>
      <a data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure?" href="/members/${}" class="btn btn-danger">Delete</a>

Your controller code will be like this:

class MembersController extends SkinnyController {
  def index = {
    set("members", Member.findAll())

If you need to customize view templates, override the settings.

class MembersController extends SkinnyServlet {
  override val scalateExtension = "scaml"

And then, use scaml instead.

CoffeeScript & LESS support

First, add skinny-assets to libraryDependencies.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-framework" % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-assets"    % "[0.9,)",
  "com.github.seratch" %% "skinny-test"      % "[0.9,)" % "test"

And then, add AssetsController to routes. Now you can easily use CoffeeScript, TypeScript and LESS.

// src/main/scala/ScalatraBootstrap.scala
class ScalatraBootstrap exntends SkinnyLifeCycle {
  override def initSkinnyApp(ctx: ServletContext) {


CoffeeScript Logo

If you use CoffeeScript, just put *.coffee files under WEB-INF/assets/coffee:

# src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/assets/coffee/
echo = (v) -> console.log v
echo "foo"

You can access the latest compiled JavaScript code at http://localhost:8080/assets/js/echo.js.

(function() {
  var echo;

  echo = function(v) {
    return console.log(v);





If you use LESS, just put *.less files under WEB-INF/assets/less:

// src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/assets/less/box.less
@base: #f938ab;
.box { 
  color: saturate(@base, 5%);
  border-color: lighten(@base, 30%);

You can access the latest compiled CSS file at http://localhost:8080/assets/css/box.css.

.box {
  color: #fe33ac;
  border-color: #fdcdea;

In production environment, precompiling coffee/less files to js/css is recommended.

Testing support

You can use Scalatra's great test support. Some optional feature is provided by skinny-test library.

class ControllerSpec extends ScalatraFlatSpec with SkinnyTestSupport {
  addFilter(MembersController, "/*")

  it should "show index page" in {
    withSession("userId" -> "Alice") {
      get("/members") { status should equal(200) }

You can see some examples here:


Though Skinny's FactoryGirl is not a complete port of thoughtbot/factory_girl, this module will be quite useful when testing your apps.

case class Company(id: Long, name: String)
object Company extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Company] {
  def extract ...

val company1 = FactoryGirl(Company).create()
val company2 = FactoryGirl(Company).create('name -> "FactoryPal, Inc.")

val country = FactoryGirl(Country, 'countryyy).create()

val memberFactory = FactoryGirl(Member).withValues('countryId ->
val member = memberFactory.create('companyId ->, 'createdAt ->

Settings is not in yaml files but typesafe-config conf file. In this example, src/test/resources/factories.conf is like this:

countryyy {
member {
company {
  name="FactoryGirl, Inc."
name {
skill {
  name="Scala Programming"


These are major tasks that Skinny should fix.

  • Official website
  • Documentation (wiki)
  • Designing Authentication API
  • View helper API
  • Framework test coverage
  • Executable war file generation

Your feedback or pull requests are always welcome.


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2013 Kazuhiro Sera @seratch