GPU instancing is a feature primarily used for improving performance of rendering many of the same mesh. However, we it can be abused as a method of getting the positions of arbitrary objects in a shader, as an alternative to point lights (see point light abuse section in
At the top the shader, add a pragma for instancing:
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
Next, use macros to declare instance ID's in the input structs to your vertex and fragment shader:
struct appdata
struct v2f
In your vertex shader, make sure to transfer the instance ID using the relevant macros:
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
That's it, you are now ready to sample the positions of different renderers using the shader.
First, setup your scene:
- Make a renderer (a cube for example) for each object you want to track the position of
- Make one material for the renderers. All renderers should be using the same material
- Make sure the 'GPU Instancing' checkbox is ticked on the material
- Apply the material to each of the renderers
Now, as an example, let's make a shader that gets the position of 3 cubes and shows these positions as colors. We are going to be abusing some macros that only work when instancing is enabled, so you should put your code within such a guard:
// ... code goes here
return 0;
Inside of this guard, declare a value of your input struct to the fragment function:
v2f dummy;
Next, we'll use the UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(...)
macro to get the positions of each of the renderers. Calling this macro will change the value of unity_ObjectToWorld
to correspond to the matrix for the renderer with the given instance ID. We can then extract position in world space from the last column of this:
float3 cube_positions[3];
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
// make unity_ObjectToWorld point to renderer given by idx
dummy.instanceID = idx;
// get world space position of renderer and store it
float3 wpos = float3(unity_ObjectToWorld[0][3], unity_ObjectToWorld[1][3], unity_ObjectToWorld[2][3]);
cube_positions[idx] = wpos;
After the loop, make sure to restore the current renderers matrix:
Lastly, we can use these retrieved positions to color the cubes:
return float4(cube_positions[floor(i.uv.x * 3)], 1);
Putting it all together, we get something like this:
float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
v2f dummy;
float3 cube_positions[3];
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++) // get positions of 3 first renderers
dummy.instanceID = idx;
float3 wpos = float3(unity_ObjectToWorld[0][3], unity_ObjectToWorld[1][3], unity_ObjectToWorld[2][3]);
cube_positions[idx] = wpos;
return float4(cube_positions[floor(i.uv.x * 3)], 1);
return 0;
And the result looks like so:
Notice how changing any of the 3 cubes affects the shading of all 3.
You may notice an issue with the previous example. The instance ID of each renderer seems to be changing depending their position, causing the order of the color strips to change seemingly at random.
A common use case of this technique is to have 1 of the renderers do all the rendering, while the other renderers sole purpose is to track position. To properly implement this, we need to be able to pin or at least keep track of which renderer is which.
One solution is to set some sort of property on each renderer to identify, such as a custom scale. For example, lets set the scale for one of the renderers in the previous example to 0.4, and look for that specific number in the shader. Above the previous return statement I add:
if (unity_ObjectToWorld[0][0].x == 0.4) return 0;
Now the cube with scale of 0.4 is rendered differently from the other 2, even though all 3 positions are still tracked:
This solution isn't very robust though, so a better solution is described in the following section.
Resident genius lox9973 found that one can set the sortingOrder property of each renderer to uniquely identify each renderer with an instance ID that doesn't change. This serialized property is not exposed in the inspector, but can be set via an editor script. Let's write a script to do this:
using UnityEngine;
public class SetSortingOrder : MonoBehaviour
public int sortingOrder;
void OnEnable()
GetComponent<Renderer>().sortingOrder = sortingOrder;
Add the script to each of the renderers, and make sure to set a different number for each in the inspector. I used 0, 1, 2. Then, enable the script on each of the renderers. Let's test it out:
Notice how you can now rely on the instance IDs being stable!
To further illustrate, let's try shading each renderer based on its instance ID:
float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return i.instanceID / 3.0;
return 0;
And see how every renderer is getting a different, stable shade of gray:
If you don't want to jump through the hoops of using macros to access specific transform matrices, you can directly access the data like so:
unity_Builtins0Array[unity_BaseInstanceID + rendererID].unity_ObjectToWorldArray
Where rendererID
is the instanceID of the renderer you want to access (the one assigned via Renderer.sortingOrder
if you used that trick).