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Sphinx Foundation Theme

This is a Sphinx theme based on the Foundation 4 css framework. It was created as a by-product of the Authomatic authentication / authorization library.


  • Responsive design
  • Support for SVG in <img/> tags with fallback to PNG
  • Google Analytics support
  • Fork Me On Github support
  • pip installable
  • SEO rudiments
    • SEO meta tags
    • Open Graph meta tags
    • Facebbok, Twitter and Google+ social buttons
    • Authorship Google Rich Snippet


Istall with pip.

$ pip install foundation-sphinx-theme

Set the html_theme variable to 'foundation'.

import foundation_sphinx_theme

# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'foundation_sphinx_theme'

# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
html_theme_path = foundation_sphinx_theme.HTML_THEME_PATH

You also need to add the foundation extension in the The extension just injects some foundation Foundation 4 css classes needed for creation of the top bar navigation.


sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.abspath('_themes/foundation-sphinx-theme')]
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'foundation_sphinx_theme']


There are two ready made styles.

If you want to customize them or make your own, extend the sass sources in foundation/static/foundation/sass.

Page Specific SEO Description

Use the ..seo-description:: directive if you want to have different SEO description than the one specified in html_theme_options for a specific document/page. The directive can appear anywhere in the document. If you specify more than one, the content of the last one will be used.

.. seo-description::

        Content of this directive overrides the seo_description
        in the html_theme_options only for this page.

Title of Your Document

.. seo-description::

   Value of the last seo-description directive will be used.


There are these theme options available:


html_theme_options = {
        'motto': 'Long description which appears next to logo.',

        # Your stylesheet relative to the _static dir.
        # Default is 'foundation/css/basic.css'
        'stylesheet': '/path/to/your/stylesheet.css',

        # Logo image in SVG format. If the browser doesn't support SVG
        # It will try to load JPG with the same name.
        'logo_screen': '',

        # Logo for small screens. If ommited, logo_screen will be used.
        'logo_mobile': '',

        # Path to your favicon.ico file relative to the _static dir.
        'favicon': '',

        # Use this if the top-level items of the toctree don't fit in the top-bar navigation.
        # If True, the whole toctree will be placed inside a single top-level item.
        'top_bar_force_fit': True,

        # The title of the aformentioned top-level item. Default is "Sections"
        'top_bar_content_title': 'Sections',

        # If set, Google Analytics code will be appended to body of each page.
        'google_analytics_id': 'your-google-analytics-id',

        # The "og:title", "og:type", "og:url", "og:site_name" and "og:description" Open Graph tags
        # will be generated automatically, but you should specify the
        # path to the image that you want to be used
        # in the required "og:image" property relative to the _static dir.
        'opengraph_image': 'path/to/your/opengraph-image.jpg',

        # Any custom additional OG tags
        'opengraph_tags': {
                'foo': 'bar', # will be rendered as <meta property="og:foo" content="bar" />

        # The "description" meta tag will be created automatically, but
        # you can specify additional meta tags here.
        'meta_tags': {
                'foo': 'bar', # will be rendered as <meta name="foo" content="bar">

        # The value for "description" and "og:description" metatags.
        # If omitted, the value of "motto" will be used.
        'seo_description': 'This is an example of the Foundation Sphinx Theme output.',

        # Use this as the base for Open Graph URLs without trailing slash.
        'base_url': '',

        # If true a bar with Facebook, Google+ and Twitter social buttons will be displayed
        # underneath the header.
        'social_buttons': True,

        # ID of your Facebook app associated with the Facebook Like button.
        'facebook_app_id': '123456789',

        # A Twitter ID used for the via mention of the Twitter button.
        'twitter_id': 'FoundationSphinx',

        # Flattr button settings.
        'flattr_id': 'andypipkin', # Your Flattr ID
        'flattr_title': '', # If missing docstitle or title will be used.
        'flattr_description': '', # If missing seo_description or motto will be used.
        'flattr_tags': '', # Optional.

        # If "author" and "copyright_year" are set they will override the "copyright" setting.

        # Author's name.
        'author': 'Peter Hudec',

        # Author's link.
        'author_link': '',

        # Year to be used in the copyright statement.
        'copyright_year': '2013',

        # Author's Google+ id. If set a G+ authorship link will be added.
        'google_plus_id': '117034840853387702598',

        # Fork me on GitHub ribbon will be displayed if "github_user", "github_repo" and "github_ribbon_image" are set:
        # Ribbons are hidden on small screens!

        # Your GitHub ID.
        'github_user': 'foundation-sphinx-theme',

        # The repository slug.
        'github_repo': 'foundation-sphinx-theme',

        # Path to the ribbon image relative to the "_static" directory.
        'github_ribbon_image': 'my-github-ribbon.png',

        # Position of the ribbon "left" or "right".
        'github_ribbon_position': 'right',