Unofficial .NET wrapper for Version 3 of the what3words API
All API methods are provided in a single class called W3WClient. You will need a what3words API key to be able to use the library, which you can obtain from the what3words after signing up for an account.
The following methods are available in the library:
- ConvertTo3WA - Converts a provided latitude and longitude to a 3 word address.
- ConvertToCoordinates - Converts a provided 3 word address to its corresponding latitude and longitude
- AvailableLanguages - Returns a list of all available what3words languages
- GridSection - Returns a section of a 3m x 3m what3words grid for the provided bounding box.
- AutoSuggest - Takes a slightly incorrect 3 word address and suggests a list of valid 3 word addresses
There are also Asynchronous versions of all these methods, which are:
- ConvertToW3AAsync
- ConvertToCoordinatesAsync
- AvailableLanguagesAsync
- GridSectionAsync
- AutoSuggestAsync
You should include the following usings in your code to use the API wrapper:
using Curnow.Biz.What3WordsV3Net;
using Curnow.Biz.What3WordsV3Net.Enums;
using Curnow.Biz.What3WordsV3Net.Models;
Creating an instance of the API wrapper is very easy, you simply need to supply your API key as follows:
W3WClient w3w = new W3WClient("<<your api key>>");
AddressResponse response = w3w.ConvertTo3WA(51.520847, -0.19552);
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {}\nWords: {response.words}\n{response.language}");
There is an optional language parameter that can be used on this method. If language isn't supplied, the default used is en (English):
AddressResponse response = w3w.ConvertTo3WA(51.520847, -0.19552, "fr");
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {}\nWords: {response.words}\n{response.language}");
AddressResponse response = w3w.ConvertToCoordinates("pinch","veal","sector");
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {}\nURL@ {}\nCoords: {},{response.coordinates.lng}");
AddressResponse response = w3w.ConvertToCoordinates("pinch","veal","sector","fr");
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {}\nURL@ {}\nCoords: {},{response.coordinates.lng}");
LanguagesResponse response = w3w.AvailableLanguages();
response.languages.ForEach(l => { Console.WriteLine($"Native: {l.nativeName} - Code: {l.code} - Name: {}"); });
GridSectionResponse response = w3w.GridSection(new BoundingBox
South = 52.207988,
West = 0.116126,
North = 52.208867,
East = 0.117540
response.lines.ForEach(l => { Console.WriteLine($"Start: {l.start.lng}, {} End: {l.end.lng}, {}"); });
There are many optional parameters that can be supplied with this method call. Please refer to the what3words API documentation for this.
AutoSuggestResponse response = w3w.AutoSuggest("plan.clips.a");
foreach (var r in response.suggestions)
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {}\nNearest: {r.nearestPlace}\nWords: {r.words}\ndistancetoFocus: {r.distanceToFocusKm}\nRank: {r.rank}\nLanguage: {r.language}\n\n");
The library handles an exceptions by throwing an exception of the type W3WException. There are specific errors returned by the what3words API based on HTTP Response code. Please refer to the what3words API documentation for this information.
catch(W3WException e)
Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {e.W3WCode} - Message: {e.W3WMessage}");