Alt + I : focus input box Ctrl + O : open file
Alt + O : focus output box Ctrl + S : save file
Alt + D : focus filter box Ctrl + Q : quit application
ESC : clear filter box (when focused) Ctrl + I : toggle 'ignore case'
Ctrl + R : toggle 'reverse output'
\\t : Tab
\\n : Newline
-f <name> or --function <name> : Name of initially selected function
-i <path_to_file> or --input-file <path_to_file> : Path to text file to load into input field
-p <value> or --param <value> : Parameter value for function in order specified
(provide as many as necessary)
Put <value>
in quotes if it contains spaces. Leftover text will be uses as input. If no input is
provided the input field will be populated with what's in the clipboard.
0.20 - 16. May 2017
- Fixed window not showing when starting the application after it has been closed while minimized
0.19 - 18. November 2015
- Support capture group references in replacement text for Regex Search & Replace (use \1, \2, etc.)
0.18 - 8. August 2015
- Specify escape characters in help
- Add command line arguments (see above)
- Combine Remove words left/right into Remove words
- Add Remove characters
0.17 - 16. June 2015
- Lines - Split - Add possibility to split by comma
0.16 - 10. September 2014
- Added Lines - Remove duplicates & count unique
0.15 - 1. August 2014
- Fixed incorrect handling of "^" and "$" in regex search & replace
0.14 - 6. May 2014
- Fixed last word and space after word problem with Web - Twitter and List - Trim to size
0.13 - 4. May 2014
- Added Search & Replace - Highlight word multiplication
- Added Web - Twitter
- Added List - Trim to size
0.12 - 5. March 2014
- Added Capitalisation - Title
- Added Capitalisation - Toggle
- Added possibility to use \t for tab and \n for newline where it might make sense
0.11 - 11. Feb 2014
- Renamed category 'List' to 'Lines'
- Renamed category 'Search' to 'Search & Replace'
- Added Search & Replace - highlight non-ascii characters
- Added Lines - Keep / Remove words at beginning / end of lines (can be used to remove line numbers as well)
- Added Lines - remove duplicate lines
- Added Lines - remove extra empty lines
- Added Lines - delete to tag
- Added Search & Replace
- Can now specify line number start and increment
0.9 - 31. Jan 2014
- Save window size/position and state of 'ignore case' and 'reverse output direction'
- Print number of highlights (matches) in status bar (e.g. in search)
- Highlight filter text
- Added Web - Remove tags
0.8 - 25. Jan 2014
- Fixed reverse words, scramble within words layout
- Added prepend line number
- Added tooltips to the buttons
0.7 - 24. Jan 2014
- Streamlined layout
- Added ignore case toggle button (and Ctrl + I)
- Added reverse output toggle button (and Ctrl + R)
- Some additional keyboard shortcuts
- Using monospace font for input/output boxes
- Clicking the link in About now opens a web browser
0.6 - 22. Jan 2014
- Added filter for text manipulation tree
- Improved keyboard usage
- Added file open and save
0.5 - 18. Jan 2014
- Input field and parameter field now show a hint right above the respective field
- Added
- Order - Reverse lines
- Order - Scramble lines
0.4 - 17. Jan 2014
- Parameter field is now disabled if it doesn't apply
- Added
- List - Remove empty lines
- List - Append
- List - Prepend
- Preparation to display hints on Input and Parameter fields (currently, F1 toggles a tooltip if a hint is available, but will change this to be more obvious)
0.3 - 14. Dec. 2013
- Added sort lines
- List/Split now splits by words instead of by characters (use , to delimit individual words)
- Added some buttons for clipboard operations and to copy output back to input
0.2 - 5. Dec. 2013
- Added to/from Leet