/* error_message: db1: Hook early check failed: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.4(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v8.2.0-alpha-216-gfe5858b]runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference db2: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.4(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v8.2.0-alpha-216-gfe5858b]runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference */ /* query_plan: */ WITH cte_0 AS (select ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c0, ref_0.c_zch as c1, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c2, cast( (cast((right( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char), cast(ref_0.c_yqxr as signed)) not like '%') as unsigned) < cast(ref_0.c_j as decimal)) as unsigned) as c3, ref_0.c_j as c4, locate( cast((select count(c_vpiqmsh6) from t_s436oao0nr) as double), cast(replace( cast(cast( (cast((ref_0.c_qcsmy0w is NULL) as unsigned) & cast(ref_0.c_zch as signed)) as char) as char), cast((select c_x68 from t_c6sdm_smrn order by c_x68 limit 1 offset 1) as char), cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char)) as char)) as c5, ref_0.c_zch as c6, substring( cast(cast( (cast(ref_0.c_j as signed) * cast(('kxa02i' not like 'fb%o_oj') as unsigned)) as char) as char), cast(ref_0.c_n3le03 as signed)) as c7, ref_0.c_zch as c8, ref_0.c_zch as c9, case when 1=1 then cast( (cast(cos( cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as decimal)) as double) XOR cast(65534.9 as double)) as unsigned) else (ref_0.c_x68 like '_zb_7b2x') end as c10, cast( (cast( lag( cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as signed)) over (partition by ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) as signed) DIV cast( last_value( cast(ref_0.c_j as signed)) over (partition by ref_0.c_n3le03 order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) as signed)) as signed) as c11, ref_0.c_yqxr as c12, cast(nullif( abs( cast((ref_0.c_zch between ref_0.c_n3le03 and ref_0.c_lc5_gue5) as unsigned)), (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(truncate( cast((select c_vpiqmsh6 from t_s436oao0nr order by c_vpiqmsh6 limit 1 offset 36) as double), cast(ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as signed)) as double) > cast(ref_0.c_zch as signed)) as unsigned))) ) as unsigned) as c13, ref_0.c_zch as c14, substring( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char), cast((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(8986579202477423482 as signed) = cast(17513 as signed)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as c15, ref_0.c_x68 as c16, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c17, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c18, ref_0.c_yqxr as c19, cast(coalesce( ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_x68 ) as char) as c20, cast( (cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as decimal) & cast(ref_0.c_n3le03 as signed)) as signed) as c21, repeat( cast(case when ((EXISTS ( select -1910011000 as c0 from t_evocp8e0 as ref_3 where 1=1))) or ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as char) as char) <= cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned)))) then ref_0.c_x68 else cast(nullif( ref_0.c_x68, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as char) < 'ksn') as unsigned))) then ref_0.c_x68 else ref_0.c_x68 end ) as char) end as char), 85) as c22, case when ((select avg(c_dcyscg) from t_evocp8e0) not in ( select 129.1 as c0 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_4 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(-1370175283 as signed) && cast(-23597 as signed)) as unsigned))) union ( select 42.41 as c0 from t_evocp8e0 as ref_5 where (-931469469 in ( 1219292916, -326441384, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -792668476)) ))) then first_value( cast(round( cast(49.67 as double), cast(ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as signed)) as double)) over (partition by ref_0.c_qcsmy0w order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) else cast((select c_vpiqmsh6 from t_s436oao0nr order by c_vpiqmsh6 limit 1 offset 6) as double) end as c23, ref_0.c_j as c24, ref_0.c_j as c25, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c26, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c27, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c28, ref_0.c_j as c29, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c30, ref_0.c_zch as c31, case when (case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(1=1 as unsigned) || cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal)) as unsigned))) then ref_0.c_x68 else to_base64( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char)) end like 'lsg8shx4%') then (select c_oq628f from t_evocp8e0 order by c_oq628f limit 1 offset 5) else ref_0.c_x68 end as c32, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c33, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c34, ref_0.c_yqxr as c35, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c36, cast( (cast( avg( cast(ref_0.c_zch as signed)) over (partition by ref_0.c_yqxr order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) as double) <= cast((ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 <> ( select cast((select count(c_vpiqmsh6) from t_s436oao0nr) as double) as c0 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_6 where (EXISTS ( select 1455183673 as c0, 2039942170 as c1 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_7 where 0<>0 order by c0, c1 desc limit 20)) order by c0 desc limit 1)) as unsigned)) as unsigned) as c37, cast((select count(c_ray1y7y) from t_evocp8e0) as signed) as c38, ref_0.c_zch as c39, ref_0.c_x68 as c40, ref_0.c_j as c41, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c42, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c43, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c44, round( cast(95.34 as double), cast(ref_0.c_yqxr as signed)) as c45, cast( (cast(-4255778398558762148 as signed) >> cast(ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as signed)) as signed) as c46, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c47, ref_0.c_x68 as c48, ref_0.c_yqxr as c49, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as signed) <=> cast(-4972144155096821168 as signed)) as unsigned))) then ref_0.c_yqxr else ref_0.c_yqxr end as c50, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c51, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c52, ref_0.c_zch as c53, ln( cast(32767.6 as double)) as c54, cast( (ref_0.c_zch = truncate( cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as signed), cast(ref_0.c_zch as signed))) as unsigned) as c55, ref_0.c_yqxr as c56, lower( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char)) as c57, ref_0.c_yqxr as c58, abs( cast(cast( (cast(ref_0.c_n3le03 as signed) & cast(ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as signed)) as signed) as signed)) as c59, ref_0.c_zch as c60, ref_0.c_yqxr as c61, cast( (cast(ref_0.c_zch as decimal) <=> cast(round( cast( lag( cast((select c_vpiqmsh6 from t_s436oao0nr order by c_vpiqmsh6 limit 1 offset 2) as double)) over (partition by ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) as double), cast(ref_0.c_n3le03 as signed)) as double)) as unsigned) as c62, ref_0.c_j as c63, cast( (cast( (cast(ref_0.c_n3le03 as decimal) ^ cast(ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as signed)) as signed) - ref_0.c_yqxr) as signed) as c64, ref_0.c_x68 as c65, count( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char)) over (partition by ref_0.c_qcsmy0w order by ref_0.c_zch, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5, ref_0.c_yqxr, ref_0.c_j, ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_n3le03) as c66, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c67, ref_0.c_yqxr as c68, ref_0.c_zch as c69, to_base64( cast(substring_index( cast(cast(coalesce( ref_0.c_x68, ref_0.c_x68 ) as char) as char), cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char), cast(ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as signed)) as char)) as c70, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c71, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c72, ref_0.c_lc5_gue5 as c73, right( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char), cast(is_ipv4_compat( cast(ref_0.c_x68 as char)) as signed)) as c74, ref_0.c_qcsmy0w as c75, ref_0.c_x68 as c76, cast( (cast(floor( cast(34.94 as double)) as signed) * cast(98.10 as double)) as double) as c77, ref_0.c_n3le03 as c78, ref_0.c_x68 as c79 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_0 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as double) as double) && cast((ref_0.c_x68 not like '_h%8b') as unsigned)) as unsigned)))), cte_1 AS (select 1583300673 as c0, dense_rank() over (partition by subq_0.c0 order by subq_0.c0, ref_9.c_zch, ref_9.c_qcsmy0w, ref_9.c_lc5_gue5, ref_9.c_yqxr, ref_9.c_j, ref_9.c_x68, ref_9.c_n3le03) as c1, cast(coalesce( cast(coalesce( cast((select count(c_x68) from t_c6sdm_smrn) as char), substring( cast(ref_9.c_x68 as char), cast(ref_9.c_j as signed)) ) as char), cast(ref_9.c_x68 as char) ) as char) as c2, asin( cast(2315402832249950018 as signed)) as c3, (select c_k0yjq8k from t_ktz order by c_k0yjq8k limit 1 offset 4) as c4, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_9.c_qcsmy0w as signed) >= cast(case when (481229428 is not NULL) then cast((select c_j from t_c6sdm_smrn order by c_j limit 1 offset 2) as signed) else subq_0.c0 end as signed)) as unsigned))) then ref_9.c_x68 else ref_9.c_x68 end as c5, subq_0.c0 as c6, cast( (cast(abs( cast(ref_9.c_zch as decimal)) as decimal) % cast(ref_9.c_lc5_gue5 as signed)) as decimal) as c7, ref_9.c_x68 as c8 from ((select cast((select min(c_j) from t_c6sdm_smrn) as signed) as c0 from t_ktz as ref_8 where (ref_8.c_k0yjq8k not like 'bi_w%9nb') order by c0 desc limit 119) as subq_0 inner join t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_9 on ((subq_0.c0 not in ( round( cast(subq_0.c0 as signed), cast(ref_9.c_yqxr as signed)), subq_0.c0)))) where (cast((select min(c_atq2lf4e6v) from t_s436oao0nr) as signed) in ( select ref_10.c_ray1y7y as c0 from t_evocp8e0 as ref_10 where (625970164 in ( truncate( cast(ref_10.c_ray1y7y as signed), cast(ref_10.c_to as signed)), ref_10.c_ray1y7y, ref_10.c_ray1y7y, cast( (cast(-6833530282315213385 as signed) * cast(ref_10.c_ray1y7y as signed)) as signed), ref_10.c_ray1y7y)) union ( select ref_11.c_qcsmy0w as c0 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_11 where (case when (cast(null as signed) not in ( 2337225190246000374)) then ref_11.c_j else (-2037657240 is NULL) end is not NULL) )))), cte_2 AS (select ref_12.c_jb6qd70seo as c0, -312910981 as c1, ref_12.c_jb6qd70seo as c2, sum( cast(7370151880712573968 as signed)) over (partition by ref_12.c_atq2lf4e6v order by ref_12.c_atq2lf4e6v, ref_12.c_vpiqmsh6, ref_12.c_jb6qd70seo, ref_12.c_sd_11z) as c3, ref_12.c_atq2lf4e6v as c4, cast( (cast(6300400690168418627 as signed) & cast((select count(c_k0yjq8k) from t_ktz) as signed)) as signed) as c5, ref_12.c_sd_11z as c6 from t_s436oao0nr as ref_12 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(1=1 as unsigned) < cast(ref_12.c_sd_11z as double)) as unsigned)))) or (((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as decimal) <= 22.71) as unsigned)))) or ((ref_12.c_jb6qd70seo between ref_12.c_atq2lf4e6v and ref_12.c_atq2lf4e6v))) as unsigned) >= cast((EXISTS ( select ref_13.c_x68 as c0, (select sum(c_vpiqmsh6) from t_s436oao0nr) as c1, (select c_atq2lf4e6v from t_s436oao0nr order by c_atq2lf4e6v limit 1 offset 3) as c2, ref_13.c_qcsmy0w as c3, ref_13.c_qcsmy0w as c4, ref_12.c_sd_11z as c5, ref_13.c_lc5_gue5 as c6, (select c_atq2lf4e6v from t_s436oao0nr order by c_atq2lf4e6v limit 1 offset 2) as c7, ref_13.c_n3le03 as c8, ref_13.c_n3le03 as c9, (select c_lc5_gue5 from t_c6sdm_smrn order by c_lc5_gue5 limit 1 offset 6) as c10 from t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_13 where 0<>0 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 asc limit 174)) as unsigned)) as unsigned)))), cte_3 AS (select left( cast(ref_14.c_oq628f as char), cast(cast( (cast((ref_14.c_wdj4m not in ( select 1=1 as c0 from t_evocp8e0 as ref_16 where 0<>0 union ( select 0<>0 as c0 from t_s436oao0nr as ref_17 where 1=1 ))) as unsigned) + cast(ref_14.c_wdj4m as signed)) as signed) as signed)) as c0, subq_1.c0 as c1 from (t_evocp8e0 as ref_14 cross join (select ref_15.c_sd_11z as c0, ref_15.c_vpiqmsh6 as c1, ref_15.c_vpiqmsh6 as c2, ref_15.c_vpiqmsh6 as c3, ref_15.c_vpiqmsh6 as c4, ref_15.c_atq2lf4e6v as c5, ref_15.c_vpiqmsh6 as c6 from t_s436oao0nr as ref_15 where 0<>0 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 asc limit 120) as subq_1 ) where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(trim( cast(ref_14.c_oq628f as char)) as char) <= cast(ref_14.c_oq628f as char)) as unsigned)))) select ref_22.c0 as c0, ref_21.c6 as c1, (select c_dcyscg from t_evocp8e0 order by c_dcyscg limit 1 offset 69) as c2, to_base64( cast(ref_19.c4 as char)) as c3, cast(nullif( ref_23.c_sd_11z, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_22.c0 as signed) = cast(ref_23.c_atq2lf4e6v as signed)) as unsigned))) then case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) > cast(70.54 as double)) as unsigned))) then asin( cast(0<>0 as unsigned)) else ref_23.c_vpiqmsh6 end else (select c_vpiqmsh6 from t_s436oao0nr order by c_vpiqmsh6 limit 1 offset 1) end ) as double) as c4, ref_23.c_jb6qd70seo as c5, ref_23.c_jb6qd70seo as c6, ascii( cast(ref_19.c8 as char)) as c7, ref_18.c_oq628f as c8, substring( cast(cast( (cast((ref_21.c6 is not NULL) as unsigned) | cast((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_19.c3 as double) > cast(ref_19.c7 as decimal)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as char) as char), cast((ref_18.c_oq628f not like 'y8nmn_kl') as unsigned), cast((ref_20.c_n3le03 not in ( select 1461337433 as c0 from cte_1 as ref_24 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(-3772104703446992261 as signed) = cast(1227571042 as signed)) as unsigned))) union ( select -1548994181 as c0 from t_evocp8e0 as ref_25 where (1625204811 between 1036180124 and -565700961) ))) as unsigned)) as c9, ref_21.c6 as c10, last_value( cast(ref_20.c_x68 as char)) over (partition by ref_18.c_dcyscg order by ref_18.c_ray1y7y, ref_18.c_dcyscg, ref_18.c_wdj4m, ref_18.c_to, ref_18.c_oq628f, ref_19.c0, ref_19.c1, ref_19.c2, ref_19.c3, ref_19.c4, ref_19.c5, ref_19.c6, ref_19.c7, ref_19.c8, ref_20.c_zch, ref_20.c_qcsmy0w, ref_20.c_lc5_gue5, ref_20.c_yqxr, ref_20.c_j, ref_20.c_x68, ref_20.c_n3le03, ref_21.c0, ref_21.c1, ref_21.c2, ref_21.c3, ref_21.c4, ref_21.c5, ref_21.c6, ref_22.c0, ref_22.c1, ref_22.c2, ref_22.c3, ref_22.c4, ref_22.c5, ref_22.c6, ref_23.c_atq2lf4e6v, ref_23.c_vpiqmsh6, ref_23.c_jb6qd70seo, ref_23.c_sd_11z) as c11, cast( (cast(ref_19.c7 as decimal) XOR cast((select count(c_oq628f) from t_evocp8e0) as decimal)) as unsigned) as c12, ref_22.c3 as c13, ref_20.c_lc5_gue5 as c14, ref_18.c_to as c15, cast( (cast(substring( cast(ref_19.c5 as char), cast(ref_19.c1 as signed), cast(ref_19.c1 as signed)) as char) <=> cast(ref_19.c5 as char)) as unsigned) as c16, ref_21.c3 as c17, ref_20.c_qcsmy0w as c18, ref_19.c1 as c19, case when (ref_19.c0 <= ( select ref_26.c27 as c0 from cte_0 as ref_26 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as char) as char) >= cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))) order by c0 asc limit 1)) then (select c_to from t_evocp8e0 order by c_to limit 1 offset 4) else (select count(c_x68) from t_c6sdm_smrn) end as c20, (select c_ray1y7y from t_evocp8e0 order by c_ray1y7y limit 1 offset 4) as c21, ord( cast(ref_19.c2 as char)) as c22, cast( (cast(ref_19.c7 as decimal) XOR cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_19.c7 as decimal) XOR cast(ref_19.c6 as signed)) as unsigned))) then ref_19.c7 else cast(nullif( ref_19.c7, ref_19.c7 ) as decimal) end as decimal)) as unsigned) as c23, cast( (cast(ref_19.c6 as signed) / cast(ref_20.c_n3le03 as signed)) as double) as c24, ref_20.c_yqxr as c25, lpad( cast(ref_19.c8 as char), 18, cast(left( cast((select c_k0yjq8k from t_ktz order by c_k0yjq8k limit 1 offset 3) as char), cast(ref_19.c1 as signed)) as char)) as c26, ref_20.c_zch as c27, ref_19.c5 as c28, (select c_dcyscg from t_evocp8e0 order by c_dcyscg limit 1 offset 100) as c29, ref_23.c_sd_11z as c30, cast( (cast( (cast(ref_19.c6 as signed) & cast(ref_18.c_dcyscg as unsigned)) as signed) || ref_19.c1) as unsigned) as c31 from (((t_evocp8e0 as ref_18 cross join cte_1 as ref_19 ) inner join (t_c6sdm_smrn as ref_20 inner join cte_2 as ref_21 on (ref_20.c_zch = ref_21.c0 )) on (ref_19.c0 = ref_20.c_zch )) cross join (cte_2 as ref_22 inner join t_s436oao0nr as ref_23 on (ref_22.c4 = ref_23.c_atq2lf4e6v )) ) where (ref_22.c4 is not NULL) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31 asc limit 41;