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Installation and Usage


The feature scope of the security-profiles-operator is right now limited to:

  • Adds a SeccompProfile CRD (alpha) to store seccomp profiles.
  • Adds a ProfileBinding CRD (alpha) to bind security profiles to pods.
  • Adds a ProfileRecording CRD (alpha) to record security profiles from workloads.
  • Synchronize seccomp profiles across all worker nodes.
  • Validates if a node supports seccomp and do not synchronize if not.
  • Providing metrics endpoints

Tutorials and Demos

Install operator

The operator container image consists of an image manifest which supports the architectures amd64 and arm64 for now. To deploy the operator, first install cert-manager via kubectl, if you're not running on OpenShift:

$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl --namespace cert-manager wait --for condition=ready pod -l

OpenShift ships it's own CA injector which means we can skip installing cert-manager. After this step, apply the operator manifest:

$ kubectl apply -f

Installation using OLM from

It is also possible to install packages from using OLM.


To be able to use the resources in OpenShift, create a new CatalogResource like this:

kind: CatalogSource
  name: operatorhubio
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  displayName: Community Operators
  sourceType: grpc

After that, the Security Profiles Operator should then be installable via OperatorHub.

openshift installation

Other Kubernetes distributions

To install SPO, first make sure that OLM itself is installed. Then install SPO using the provided manifest:

$ kubectl apply -f

SPO would be then installed in the security-profiles-operator namespace. To troubleshoot the installation, check the state of the Subscription, CSV and InstallPlan objects in the security-profiles-operator namespace:

$ kubectl get ip,csv,sub -nsecurity-profiles-operator

Installation using OLM using upstream catalog and bundle

The SPO upstream also creates bundles and catalogs for both released versions and after every commit to the main branch. Provided that your cluster uses OLM (see above) you can install SPO using:

$ kubectl apply -f

Note that on OpenShift, the OLM catalogs are deployed into the openshift-marketplace namespace, so you'd need to replace the namespaces before deploying:

$ curl $manifest | sed "s#olm#openshift-marketplace#g" | oc apply -f -

Installation using helm

A helm chart is also available for installation. The chart is attached to each GitHub release as an artifact, and can be installed by executing the following shell commands:

# Install cert-manager if it is not already installed (TODO: The helm
# chart might do this one day - see issue 1062 for details):
kubectl apply -f
kubectl --namespace cert-manager wait --for condition=ready pod -l
# Install the chart from a release URL (note: helm also allows users to
# specify a file path instead of a URL, if desired):
helm install security-profiles-operator

Installation on AKS

In case you installed SPO on an AKS cluster, it is recommended to configure webhook to respect the control-plane label as follows:

$ kubectl -nsecurity-profiles-operator patch spod spod  --type=merge \

Afterwards, validate spod has been patched successfully by ensuring the RUNNING state:

$ kubectl -nsecurity-profiles-operator get spod spod
spod   RUNNING

Set logging verbosity

The operator supports the default logging verbosity of 0 and an enhanced 1. To switch to the enhanced logging verbosity, patch the spod config by adjusting the value:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"verbosity":1}}' patched

The daemon should now indicate that it's using the new logging verbosity:

> k logs --selector name=spod security-profiles-operator | head -n1
I1111 15:13:16.942837       1 main.go:182]  "msg"="Set logging verbosity to 1"

Pull images from private registry

The container images from spod pod can be pulled from a private registry. This can be achived by defining the imagePullSecrets inside of the SPOD configuration.

Configure the SELinux type

The operator uses by default the spc_t SELinux type in the security context of the daemon pod. This can be easily changed to a different SELinux type by patching the spod config as follows:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"selinuxTypeTag":"unconfined_t"}}' patched

The ds/spod should now be updated by the manager with the new SELinux type, and all daemon pods recreated:

 kubectl get ds spod -o yaml | grep unconfined_t -B2
          runAsUser: 65535
            type: unconfined_t
          runAsUser: 0
            type: unconfined_t
          runAsUser: 0
            type: unconfined_t

Restrict the allowed syscalls in seccomp profiles

The operator doesn't restrict by default the allowed syscalls in the seccomp profiles. This means that any syscall can be allowed in a seccomp profile installed via the operator. This can be changed by defining the list of allowed syscalls in the spod configuration as follows:

kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type merge -p
'{"spec":{"allowedSyscalls": ["exit", "exit_group", "futex", "nanosleep"]}}'

From now on, the operator will only install the seccomp profiles which have only a subset of syscalls defined into the allowed list. All profiles not complying with this rule, it will be rejected.

Also every time when the list of allowed syscalls is modified in the spod configuration, the operator will automatically identify the already installed profiles which are not compliant and remove them.

Constrain spod scheduling

You can constrain the spod scheduling via the spod configuration by setting either the tolerations or affinity.

kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type merge -p
'{"spec":{"tolerations": [{...}]}}'
kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type merge -p
'{"spec":{"affinity": {...}}}'

Create a seccomp profile

Use the SeccompProfile kind to create profiles. Example:

kind: SeccompProfile
  namespace: my-namespace
  name: profile1
  defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG

This seccomp profile will be saved at the path:


An init container will set up the root directory of the operator to be able to run it without root G/UID. This will be done by creating a symlink from the rootless profile storage /var/lib/security-profiles-operator to the default seccomp root path inside of the kubelet root /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator.

Apply a seccomp profile to a pod

Create a pod using one of the created profiles. On Kubernetes >= 1.19, the profile can be specified as part of the pod's security context:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
      type: Localhost
      localhostProfile: operator/my-namespace/profile1.json
    - name: test-container
      image: nginx

Prior to Kubernetes 1.19, the seccomp profile is controlled by an annotation:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  annotations: "localhost/operator/my-namespace/profile1.json"
    - name: test-container
      image: nginx

You can find the profile path of the seccomp profile by checking the seccompProfile.localhostProfile attribute:

$ kubectl --namespace my-namespace get seccompprofile profile1 --output wide
profile1   Active   14s   operator/my-namespace/profile1.json

You can apply the profile to an existing application, such as a Deployment or DaemonSet:

kubectl --namespace my-namespace patch deployment myapp --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"securityContext": {"seccompProfile": {"type": "Localhost", "localhostProfile": "'$(kubectl --namespace my-namespace get seccompprofile profile1 --output=jsonpath='{.status.seccompProfile\.localhostProfile}')'}}}}}}'
deployment.apps/myapp patched

The pods in the Deployment will be automatically restarted. Check that the profile was applied correctly:

$ kubectl --namespace my-namespace get deployment myapp --output=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.securityContext}' | jq .
  "seccompProfile": {
    "localhostProfile": "operator/my-namespace/profile1.json",
    "type": "Localhost"

Base syscalls for a container runtime

An example of the minimum required syscalls for a runtime such as runc (tested on version 1.0.0) to launch a container can be found in the examples. You can use this example as a starting point for creating custom profiles for your application. You can also programmatically combine it with your custom profiles in order to build application-specific profiles that only specify syscalls that are required on top of the base calls needed for the container runtime. For example:

kind: SeccompProfile
  namespace: my-namespace
  name: profile1
  defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_ERRNO
  baseProfileName: runc-v1.0.0
    - action: SCMP_ACT_ALLOW
        - exit_group

If you're not using runc but the alternative crun, then you can do the same by using the corresponding example profile (tested with version 0.20.1).

Label namespaces for binding and recording

The next two sections describe how to bind a security profile to a container image and how to record a security profile from a running container. Both operations require the one of two SPO's webhooks to take action on the workload and in order for the webhooks to be able to reconcile the workload, the namespaces must be labeled appropriately.

The expected labels are for the binding webhook and for the recording webhook by default. The labels can be set with a simple kubectl label command:

$ kubectl label ns spo-test

Note that the labels' values are not important, only their presence matters. In addition, the namespace selector is configurable and the webhook configuration is described in the configuring webhooks section.

Bind workloads to profiles with ProfileBindings

If you do not want to directly modify the SecurityContext of a Pod, for instance if you are deploying a public application, you can use the ProfileBinding resource to bind a security profile to a container's securityContext.

To bind a Pod that uses an 'nginx:1.19.1' image to the 'profile-complain' example seccomp profile, create a ProfileBinding in the same namespace as both the Pod and the SeccompProfile:

kind: ProfileBinding
  name: nginx-binding
    kind: SeccompProfile
    name: profile-complain
  image: nginx:1.19.1

If the Pod is already running, it will need to be restarted in order to pick up the profile binding. Once the binding is created and the Pod is created or recreated, the SeccompProfile should be applied to the container whose image name matches the binding:

$ kubectl get pod test-pod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].securityContext.seccompProfile}'

Binding a SELinux profile works in the same way, except you'd use the SelinuxProfile kind. RawSelinuxProfiles are currently not supported.

Record profiles from workloads with ProfileRecordings

The operator is capable of recording seccomp or SELinux profiles by the usage of the built-in eBPF recorder or by evaluating the audit or syslog files. Each method has its pros and cons as well as separate technical requirements.

Note that SELinux profiles can only be recorded using the log enricher.

Log enricher based recording

When using the log enricher for recording seccomp or SELinux profiles, please ensure that the feature is enabled within the spod configuration resource. The log based recording works in the same way with [containerd][containerd] and [CRI-O][cri-o], while using the node local logs as input source of truth.

To record by using the enricher, create a ProfileRecording which is using recorder: logs:

kind: ProfileRecording
  name: test-recording
  kind: SeccompProfile
  recorder: logs
      app: my-app

Then we can create a workload to be recorded, for example two containers within a single pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
    app: my-app
    - name: nginx
    - name: redis

If the pod is up and running:

> kubectl get pods
my-pod   2/2     Running   0          18s

Then the enricher should indicate that it receives audit logs for those containers:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs --since=1m --selector name=spod log-enricher
I0705 12:08:18.729660 1843190 enricher.go:136] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="redis" "executable"="/usr/local/bin/redis-server" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1847839 "pod"="my-pod" "syscallID"=232 "syscallName"="epoll_wait" "timestamp"="1625486870.273:187492" "type"="seccomp"

Now, if we remove the pod:

> kubectl delete pod my-pod

Then the operator will reconcile two seccomp profiles:

> kubectl get sp
NAME                   STATUS      AGE
test-recording-nginx   Installed   15s
test-recording-redis   Installed   15s

Recording a SELinux profile would work the same, except you'd use kind: SelinuxProfile in the ProfileRecording object.

Please note that log based recording does not have any effect if the recorded container is privileged, that is, the container's security context sets privileged: true. This is because privileged containers are not subject to SELinux or seccomp policies at all and the log based recording makes use of a special seccomp or SELinux profile respectively to record the syscalls or SELinux events.

eBPF based recording

The operator also supports an eBPF based recorder. This recorder only supports seccomp profiles for now. Recording via ebpf works for kernels which expose the /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux file per default as well as a custom list of selected Linux kernels. In addition, this feature requires new library versions and thus might not be enabled. You can find out if your SPO build has the eBPF feature disabled by looking at the build tags:

> kubectl logs --selector name=security-profiles-operator | grep buildTags

If the output contains no_bpf then the feature has been disabled.

To use the recorder, enable it by patching the spod configuration:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableBpfRecorder":true}}' patched

We can verify that the recorder is up and running after the spod rollout has been finished:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs --selector name=spod -c bpf-recorder
Found 6 pods, using pod/spod-h7dpm
I1115 12:02:45.991786  110307 main.go:182]  "msg"="Set logging verbosity to 0"
I1115 12:02:45.991901  110307 deleg.go:130] setup "msg"="starting component: bpf-recorder"  "buildDate"="1980-01-01T00:00:00Z" "compiler"="gc" "gitCommit"="unknown" "gitTreeState"="clean" "goVersion"="go1.16.9" "libseccomp"="2.5.1" "platform"="linux/amd64" "version"="0.4.0-dev"
I1115 12:02:45.991955  110307 bpfrecorder.go:105] bpf-recorder "msg"="Setting up caches with expiry of 1h0m0s"
I1115 12:02:45.991973  110307 bpfrecorder.go:121] bpf-recorder "msg"="Starting log-enricher on node:"
I1115 12:02:45.994232  110307 bpfrecorder.go:152] bpf-recorder "msg"="Connecting to metrics server"
I1115 12:02:48.373469  110307 bpfrecorder.go:168] bpf-recorder "msg"="Got system mount namespace: 4026531840"
I1115 12:02:48.373518  110307 bpfrecorder.go:170] bpf-recorder "msg"="Doing BPF load/unload self-test"
I1115 12:02:48.373529  110307 bpfrecorder.go:336] bpf-recorder "msg"="Loading bpf module"
I1115 12:02:48.373570  110307 bpfrecorder.go:403] bpf-recorder "msg"="Using system btf file"
I1115 12:02:48.373770  110307 bpfrecorder.go:356] bpf-recorder "msg"="Loading bpf object from module"
I1115 12:02:48.403766  110307 bpfrecorder.go:362] bpf-recorder "msg"="Getting bpf program sys_enter"
I1115 12:02:48.403792  110307 bpfrecorder.go:368] bpf-recorder "msg"="Attaching bpf tracepoint"
I1115 12:02:48.406205  110307 bpfrecorder.go:373] bpf-recorder "msg"="Getting syscalls map"
I1115 12:02:48.406287  110307 bpfrecorder.go:379] bpf-recorder "msg"="Getting comms map"
I1115 12:02:48.406862  110307 bpfrecorder.go:396] bpf-recorder "msg"="Module successfully loaded, watching for events"
I1115 12:02:48.406908  110307 bpfrecorder.go:677] bpf-recorder "msg"="Unloading bpf module"
I1115 12:02:48.411636  110307 bpfrecorder.go:176] bpf-recorder "msg"="Starting GRPC API server"

The recorder does a system sanity check on startup to ensure everything works as expected. This includes a load and unload of the BPF module. If this fails, please open an issue so that we can find out what went wrong.

To record seccomp profiles by using the BPF recorder, create a ProfileRecording which is using recorder: bpf:

kind: ProfileRecording
  name: my-recording
  kind: SeccompProfile
  recorder: bpf
      app: my-app

Then we can create a workload to be recorded, for example this one:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
    app: my-app
    - name: nginx

If the pod is up and running:

> kubectl get pods
my-pod   1/1     Running   0          10s

Then the BPF recorder should indicate that it found the container:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs --since=1m --selector name=spod -c log-enricher
I1115 12:12:30.029216   66106 bpfrecorder.go:654] bpf-recorder "msg"="Found container ID in cluster"  "containerID"="c2e10af47011f6a61cd7e92073db2711796f174af35b34486967588ef7f95fbc" "containerName"="nginx"
I1115 12:12:30.029264   66106 bpfrecorder.go:539] bpf-recorder "msg"="Saving PID for profile"  "mntns"=4026533352 "pid"=74384 "profile"="my-recording-nginx-1636978341"
I1115 12:12:30.029428   66106 bpfrecorder.go:512] bpf-recorder "msg"="Using short path via tracked mount namespace"  "mntns"=4026533352 "pid"=74403 "profile"="my-recording-nginx-1636978341"
I1115 12:12:30.029575   66106 bpfrecorder.go:512] bpf-recorder "msg"="Using short path via tracked mount namespace"  "mntns"=4026533352 "pid"=74402 "profile"="my-recording-nginx-1636978341"

Now, if we remove the pod:

> kubectl delete pod my-pod

Then the operator will reconcile the seccomp profile:

> kubectl get sp
NAME                 STATUS      AGE
my-recording-nginx   Installed   15s

Merging per-container profile instances

By default, each container instance will be recorded into a separate profile. This is mostly visible when recording pods managed by a replicating controller (Deployment, DaemonSet, etc.). A realistic example might be a workload being recorded in a test environment where the recorded Deployment consists of several replicas, only one of which is receiving the test traffic. After the recording is complete, only the container that was receiving the traffic would have container all the syscalls that were actually used.

In this case, it might be useful to merge the per-container profiles into a single profile. This can be done by setting the mergeStrategy attribute to containers in the ProfileRecording. Note that the following example uses a SeccompProfile as the kind but the same applies to SelinuxProfile as well.

kind: ProfileRecording
  # The name of the Recording is the same as the resulting `SeccompProfile` CRD
  # after reconciliation.
  name: test-recording
  kind: SeccompProfile
  recorder: logs
  mergeStrategy: containers
      app: sp-record

Create your workload:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deploy
  replicas: 3
      app: sp-record
        app: sp-record
      serviceAccountName: spo-record-sa
      - name: nginx-record
        - containerPort: 8080

You'll see that the deployment spawns three replicas. To test the merging feature, you can perform an action in one of the pods, for example:

> kubectl exec nginx-deploy-65bcbb956f-gmbrj -- bash -c "mknod /tmp/foo p"

Note that this is a silly example, but shows the feature in action.

To record the individual profiles, delete the deployment:

> kubectl delete deployment nginx-deploy

The profiles will be reconciled, one per container. Note that the profiles are marked as "partial" and the spod deamon instances do not reconcile the profiles.

> kubectl get sp --show-labels
NAME                                STATUS    AGE     LABELS
test-recording-nginx-record-gmbrj   Partial   2m50s,,,
test-recording-nginx-record-lclnb   Partial   2m50s,,,
test-recording-nginx-record-wdv2r   Partial   2m50s,,,

Inspecting the first partial profile, which corresponds to the pod where we ran the extra command shows that mknod is allowed:

> kubectl get sp test-recording-nginx-record-gmbrj -o yaml | grep mknod
  - mknod

On the other hand the others do not:

> kubectl get sp test-recording-nginx-record-lclnb -o yaml | grep mknod
> kubectl get sp test-recording-nginx-record-wdv2r -o yaml | grep mknod

To merge the profiles, delete the profile recording to indicate that you are finished with recording the workload. This would trigger the merge operation done by the controller and the resulting profile will be reconciled by the controller as seen from the Installed state:

> kubectl delete profilerecording test-recording "test-recording" deleted
> kubectl get sp
NAME                          STATUS      AGE
test-recording-nginx-record   Installed   17m

The resulting profile will contain all the syscalls that were used by any of the containers, including the mknod syscall:

> kubectl get sp test-recording-nginx-record -o yaml | grep mknod
  - mknod

Create a SELinux Profile

There are two kinds that can be used to define a SELinux profile - SelinuxProfile and RawSelinuxProfile.

The default one and the one created during workload recording is SelinuxProfile. It is more readable and has several features that allow for better security hardening and better readability. The RawSelinuxProfile kind should be used mostly when there's an already existing SELinux policy (perhaps created with udica) that you wish to use in your cluster.

In particular, the SelinuxProfile kind:

  • restricts the profiles to inherit from to the current namespace or a system-wide profile. Because there are typically many profiles installed on the system, but only a subset should be used by cluster workloads, the inheritable system profiles are listed in the spod instance in spec.selinuxOptions.allowedSystemProfiles. Depending on what distribution your nodes run, the base profile might vary, on RHEL-based systems, you might want to look at what profiles are shipped in the container-selinux RPM package.
  • performs basic validation of the permissions, classes and labels
  • adds a new keyword @self that describes the process using the policy. This allows to reuse a policy between workloads and namespaces easily, as the "usage" of the policy (see below) is based on the name and namespace.

Below is an example of a policy that can be used with a non-privileged nginx workload:

kind: SelinuxProfile
  name: nginx-secure
  namespace: nginx-deploy
      - listen
      - name_bind
      - node_bind
  - kind: System
    name: container

After the policy is created, we can wait for selinuxd to install it:

$ kubectl wait --for=condition=ready selinuxprofile nginx-secure condition met

The CIL-formatted policies are placed into an emptyDir owned by the SPO where you can view the resulting CIL policy:

$ kubectl exec -it -c selinuxd spod-fm55x -- sh
sh-4.4# cat /etc/selinux.d/nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.cil
(block nginx-secure_nginx-deploy
(blockinherit container)
(allow process nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.process ( tcp_socket ( listen )))
(allow process http_cache_port_t ( tcp_socket ( name_bind )))
(allow process node_t ( tcp_socket ( node_bind )))

However, the binary policies are installed into the system policy store on the nodes, so you can verify that a policy has been installed:

# semodule -l | grep nginx-secure

Apply a SELinux profile to a pod

SELinux profiles are referenced to based on their "usage" string:

kubectl get -nnginx-deploy -ojsonpath='{.status.usage}'

Use this string in the workload manifest in the .spec.containers[].securityContext.seLinuxOptions attribute:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-secure
  namespace: nginx-deploy
    - image: nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.21
      name: nginx
          # NOTE: This uses an appropriate SELinux type
          type: nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.process

Note that the SELinux type must exist before creating the workload.

Record a SELinux profile

Please refer to the seccomp recording documentation, recording a SELinux profile would work the same, except you'd use kind: SelinuxProfile. Note that only the log enricher is capable of recording SELinux profiles.

Restricting to a Single Namespace

The security-profiles-operator can optionally be run to watch SeccompProfiles in a single namespace. This is advantageous because it allows for tightening the RBAC permissions required by the operator's ServiceAccount. To modify the operator deployment to run in a single namespace, use the namespace-operator.yaml manifest with your namespace of choice:

Restricting to a Single Namespace with upstream deployment manifests


curl | sed "s/NS_REPLACE/$NAMESPACE/g" | kubectl apply -f -

Restricting to a Single Namespace when installing using OLM

Since restricting the operator to a single namespace amounts to setting the RESTRICT_TO_NAMESPACE environment variable, the easiest way to set that (or any other variable for SPO) is by editing the Subscription object and setting the spec.config.env field:

        value: <your-namespace>

OLM would then take care of updating the operator Deployment object with the new environment variable. Please refer to the OLM documentation for more details on tuning the operator's configuration with the Subscription objects.

Using metrics

The security-profiles-operator provides two metrics endpoints, which are secured by a kube-rbac-proxy sidecar container. All metrics are exposd via the metrics service within the security-profiles-operator namespace:

> kubectl get svc/metrics -n security-profiles-operator
metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   43s

The operator ships a cluster role and corresponding binding spo-metrics-client to retrieve the metrics from within the cluster. There are two metrics paths available:

  • for controller runtime metrics
  • for the operator daemon metrics

To retrieve the metrics, just query the service endpoint by using the default serviceaccount token in the security-profiles-operator namespace:

> kubectl run --rm -i --restart=Never \
    -n security-profiles-operator metrics-test -- bash -c \
    'curl -ks -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/"'
# HELP security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total Counter about seccomp profile operations.
# TYPE security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total counter
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total{operation="delete"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total{operation="update"} 2

If the metrics have to be retrieved from a different namespace, just link the service account to the spo-metrics-client ClusterRoleBinding or create a new one:

> kubectl get clusterrolebinding spo-metrics-client -o wide
NAME                 ROLE                             AGE   USERS   GROUPS   SERVICEACCOUNTS
spo-metrics-client   ClusterRole/spo-metrics-client   35m                    security-profiles-operator/default

Every metrics server pod from the DaemonSet runs with the same set of certificates (secret metrics-server-cert: tls.crt and tls.key) in the security-profiles-operator namespace. This means a pod like this can be used to omit the --insecure/-k flag:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
    - name: test-container
        - bash
        - -c
        - |
          curl -s --cacert /var/run/secrets/metrics/ca.crt \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" \
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/metrics
          name: metrics-cert-volume
          readOnly: true
  restartPolicy: Never
    - name: metrics-cert-volume
        defaultMode: 420
        secretName: metrics-server-cert

Available metrics

The controller-runtime (/metrics) as well as the DaemonSet endpoint (/metrics-spod) already provide a set of default metrics. Beside that, those additional metrics are provided by the daemon, which are always prefixed with security_profiles_operator_:

Metric Key Possible Labels Type Purpose
seccomp_profile_total operation={delete,update} Counter Amount of seccomp profile operations.
seccomp_profile_audit_total node, namespace, pod, container, executable, syscall Counter Amount of seccomp profile audit operations. Requires the log-enricher to be enabled.
seccomp_profile_bpf_total node, mount_namespace, profile Counter Amount of seccomp profile bpf operations. Requires the bpf-recorder to be enabled.
seccomp_profile_error_total reason={
Counter Amount of seccomp profile errors.
selinux_profile_total operation={delete,update} Counter Amount of selinux profile operations.
selinux_profile_audit_total node, namespace, pod, container, executable, scontext,tcontext Counter Amount of selinux profile audit operations. Requires the log-enricher to be enabled.
selinux_profile_error_total reason={
Counter Amount of selinux profile errors.

Automatic ServiceMonitor deployment

If the Kubernetes cluster has the Prometheus Operator deployed, then the Security Profiles Operator will automatically create a ServiceMonitor resource within its namespace. This monitor allows automatic metrics discovery within the cluster, which is pointing to the right service, TLS certificates as well as bearer token secret.

When running on OpenShift, then the only configuration to be done is enabling user workloads by applying the following config map:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  config.yaml: |
    enableUserWorkload: true

After that, the Security Profiles Operator can be deployed or updated, which will reconcile the ServiceMonitor into the cluster:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs security-profiles-operator-d7c8cfc86-47qh2 | grep monitor
I0520 09:29:35.578165       1 spod_controller.go:282] spod-config "msg"="Deploying operator service monitor"
> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator get servicemonitor
NAME                                 AGE
security-profiles-operator-monitor   35m

We can now verify in the Prometheus targets that all endpoints are serving the metrics:

> kubectl port-forward -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring pod/prometheus-user-workload-0 9090
Forwarding from -> 9090
Forwarding from [::1]:9090 -> 9090

prometheus targets

The OpenShift UI is now able to display the operator metrics, too:

prometheus targets

Using the log enricher

The operator ships with a log enrichment feature, which is disabled per default. The reason for that is that the log enricher container runs in privileged mode to be able to read the audit logs from the local node. It is also required that the enricher is able to read the host processes and therefore runs within host PID namespace (hostPID).

One of the following requirements to the Kubernetes node have to be fulfilled to use the log enrichment feature:

  • auditd needs to run and has to be configured to log into /var/log/audit/audit.log
  • syslog can be used as fallback to auditd and needs to log into /var/log/syslog. Depending on the system configuration, a printk rate limiting may be in place which has direct influence on the log enrichment. To diable the rate limiting, set the following sysctls:
    > sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=0
    > sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit_burst=0

If all requirements are met, then the feature can be enabled by patching the spod configuration:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableLogEnricher":true}}' patched

Alternatively, make sure the operator deployment sets the ENABLE_LOG_ENRICHER variable, to true, either by setting the environment variable in the deployment or by enabling the variable trough a Subscription resource, when installing the operator using OLM (see Restricting the operator to specific nodes for an example of setting another variable).

Now the operator will take care of re-deploying the spod DaemonSet and the enricher should listening on new changes to the audit logs:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs -f ds/spod log-enricher
I0623 12:51:04.257814 1854764 deleg.go:130] setup "msg"="starting component: log-enricher"  "buildDate"="1980-01-01T00:00:00Z" "compiler"="gc" "gitCommit"="unknown" "gitTreeState"="clean" "goVersion"="go1.16.2" "platform"="linux/amd64" "version"="0.4.0-dev"
I0623 12:51:04.257890 1854764 enricher.go:44] log-enricher "msg"="Starting log-enricher on node:"
I0623 12:51:04.257898 1854764 enricher.go:46] log-enricher "msg"="Connecting to local GRPC server"
I0623 12:51:04.258061 1854764 enricher.go:69] log-enricher "msg"="Reading from file /var/log/audit/audit.log"
2021/06/23 12:51:04 Seeked /var/log/audit/audit.log - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}

To be able to trace an application, we have to create a logging profile like this:

kind: SeccompProfile
  name: log
  namespace: default
  defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG

After the profile has been created, a corresponding workload can be started to use the profile:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: log-pod
      type: Localhost
      localhostProfile: operator/default/log.json
    - name: log-container
      image: nginx

If the pod is running, then we can examine the log enricher output:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs -f ds/spod log-enricher
I0623 12:59:10.220291 1854764 container.go:77] log-enricher "msg"="container ID is still empty, retrying"  "containerName"="log-container"
I0623 12:59:10.724938 1854764 container.go:77] log-enricher "msg"="container ID is still empty, retrying"  "containerName"="log-container"
I0623 12:59:11.479869 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=3 "syscallName"="close" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1061" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:11.487323 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=157 "syscallName"="prctl" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1062" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:11.492157 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=157 "syscallName"="prctl" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1063" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.258523 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=12 "syscallName"="brk" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2873" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.263349 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=21 "syscallName"="access" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2874" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.354091 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=257 "syscallName"="openat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2875" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.358844 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=5 "syscallName"="fstat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2876" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.363510 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=9 "syscallName"="mmap" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2877" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.454127 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=3 "syscallName"="close" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2878" "type"="seccomp"
I0623 12:59:20.458654 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=257 "syscallName"="openat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2879" "type"="seccomp"

The startup of the nginx container already invokes a huge amount of syscalls, which are now all available within a human readable way within the log enricher.

The metrics endpoint of the Security Profiles Operator can be used to examine the log enricher data in a more structured way. This means that each syscall invocation will create a new metric entry security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total containing the corresponding metadata as labels:

# HELP security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total Counter about seccomp profile audits, requires the log enricher to be enabled.
# TYPE security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total counter
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="access"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="arch_prctl"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="bind"} 2
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="brk"} 18
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="close"} 154
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="pread64"} 4
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="prlimit64"} 3
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="pwrite64"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="recvmsg"} 120
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="rt_sigaction"} 14
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="rt_sigprocmask"} 14
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="rt_sigsuspend"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="sendmsg"} 68
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="set_robust_list"} 13
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="set_tid_address"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="setgid"} 12
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="setgroups"} 12
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="setsockopt"} 3
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="setuid"} 12
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="socket"} 6
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="socketpair"} 24
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="stat"} 6
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="sysinfo"} 1
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="uname"} 2
security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_audit_total{container="log-container",executable="/usr/sbin/nginx",namespace="default",node="",pod="log-pod",syscall="write"} 20

Configuring webhooks

Both profile binding and profile recording make use of webhooks. Their configuration (an instance of MutatingWebhookConfiguration CR) is managed by SPO itself and not part of the deployed YAML manifests. While the defaults should be acceptable for the majority of users and the webhooks do nothing unless an instance of either ProfileBinding or ProfileRecording exists in a namespace and in addition the namespace must be labeled with either or respectively by default, it might still be useful to configure the webhooks.

In order to change webhook's configuration, the spod CR exposes an object webhookOptions that allows the failurePolicy, namespaceSelector and objectSelector to be set. This way you can set the webhooks to "soft-fail" or restrict them to a subset of a namespaces and inside those namespaces select only a subset of object matching the objectSelector so that even if the webhooks had a bug that would prevent them from running at all, other namespaces or resources wouldn't be affected.

For example, to set the webhook's configuration to ignore errors as well as restrict it to a subset of namespaces labeled with, create a following patch file:

    - name:
      failurePolicy: Ignore
          - key:
            operator: In
              - "true"

And patch the spod/spod instance:

$ kubectl -nsecurity-profiles-operator patch spod spod -p $(cat /tmp/spod-wh.patch) --type=merge

To view the resulting MutatingWebhookConfiguration, call:

$ kubectl -nsecurity-profiles-operator get MutatingWebhookConfiguration spo-mutating-webhook-configuration -oyaml


Confirm that the profile is being reconciled:

$ kubectl -n security-profiles-operator logs security-profiles-operator-mzw9t
I1019 19:34:14.942464       1 main.go:90] setup "msg"="starting security-profiles-operator"  "buildDate"="2020-10-19T19:31:24Z" "compiler"="gc" "gitCommit"="a3ef0e1ea6405092268c18f240b62015c247dd9d" "gitTreeState"="dirty" "goVersion"="go1.15.1" "platform"="linux/amd64" "version"="0.2.0-dev"
I1019 19:34:15.348389       1 listener.go:44] controller-runtime/metrics "msg"="metrics server is starting to listen"  "addr"=":8080"
I1019 19:34:15.349076       1 main.go:126] setup "msg"="starting manager"
I1019 19:34:15.349449       1 internal.go:391] controller-runtime/manager "msg"="starting metrics server"  "path"="/metrics"
I1019 19:34:15.350201       1 controller.go:142] controller "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile" "source"={"Type":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"defaultAction":""}}}
I1019 19:34:15.450674       1 controller.go:149] controller "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile"
I1019 19:34:15.450757       1 controller.go:176] controller "msg"="Starting workers" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile" "worker count"=1
I1019 19:34:15.453102       1 profile.go:148] profile "msg"="Reconciled profile from SeccompProfile" "namespace"="security-profiles-operator" "profile"="nginx-1.19.1" "name"="nginx-1.19.1" "resource version"="728"
I1019 19:34:15.453618       1 profile.go:148] profile "msg"="Reconciled profile from SeccompProfile" "namespace"="security-profiles-operator" "profile"="security-profiles-operator" "name"="security-profiles-operator" "resource version"="729"

Confirm that the seccomp profiles are saved into the correct path:

$ kubectl exec -t -n security-profiles-operator security-profiles-operator-v6p2h -- ls /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator/my-namespace/my-workload

Please note corrupted seccomp profiles can disrupt your workloads. Therefore, ensure that the user used cannot be abused by:

  • Not creating that user on the actual node.
  • Restricting the user ID to only security-profiles-operator (i.e. using PSP).
  • Not allowing other workloads to map any part of the path /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator.

Enable CPU and memory profiling

It is possible to enable the CPU and memory profiling endpoints for debugging purposes. To be able to utilize the profiling support, patch the spod config by adjusting the enableProfiling value:

> kubectl -n security-profiles-operator patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableProfiling":true}}' patched

The containers of the daemon should now indicate that it's serving the profiling endpoint, where every container is using a different port:

> k logs --selector name=spod -c security-profiles-operator | grep "Starting profiling"
I1202 15:14:40.276363 2185724 main.go:226]  "msg"="Starting profiling server"  "endpoint"="localhost:6060"

> k logs --selector name=spod -c log-enricher | grep "Starting profiling"
I1202 15:14:40.364046 2185814 main.go:226]  "msg"="Starting profiling server"  "endpoint"="localhost:6061"

> k logs --selector name=spod -c bpf-recorder | grep "Starting profiling"
I1202 15:14:40.457506 2185914 main.go:226]  "msg"="Starting profiling server"  "endpoint"="localhost:6062"

Then use the pprof tool to look at the heap profile:

> go tool pprof http://$PODIP:6060/debug/pprof/heap

Or to look at a 30-second CPU profile:

go tool pprof http://$PODIP:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30

Note that selinuxd, if enabled, doesn't set up a HTTP listener, but only listens on a UNIX socket shared between selinuxd and the spod DS pod. Nonetheless, this socket can be used to reach the profiling enpoint as well:

kubectl exec spod-4pt84 -c selinuxd -- curl --unix-socket /var/run/selinuxd/selinuxd.sock http://localhost/debug/pprof/heap --output - > /tmp/heap.selinuxd
go tool pprof /tmp/heap.selinuxd

For a study of the facility in action, please visit:

Use a custom /proc location for nested environments like kind

The operator configuration supports specifying a custom /proc location, which is required for the container ID retrieval of the log-enricher as well as the bpf-recorder. To use a custom path for /proc, just patch the spod accordingly:

kubectl patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"hostProcVolumePath":"/my-proc"}}'

Notes on OpenShift and SCCs

There are several things particular to OpenShift that are useful to be aware of when deploying and recording security profiles, mostly coming from OpenShift's default use of SCCs.

SELinux recording should allow seLinuxContext: RunAsAny

Recording of SELinux policies is implemented with a webhook that injects a special SELinux type to the pods being recorded. This type makes the pod run in "permissive" mode, logging all the AVC denials into audit.log. By default, especially with the more restrictive SCCs, a workload is not allowed to run with a custom SELinux policy, but uses an autogenerated type.

Therefore in order to record a workload, the workload must use a service account that is allowed to use an SCC that allows the webhook to inject this permissive type into it. This can be achieved by using any SCC that uses seLinuxContext: RunAsAny, including the privileged SCC shipped by default with OpenShift.

Replicating controllers and SCCs

When deploying security policies (both SELinux and seccomp) for replicating controllers (deployments, daemonsets, ...), note that the pods that these controllers spawn are not running with the identity of the user who creates the workload. Unless a ServiceAccount is selected, this means that the pods might fall back to using one of the secure but restricted SCCs which don't allow to use a custom security policy.

One option is to use an SCC with seLinuxContext: RunAsAny and/or seccompProfiles: [*], but it's more secure to only restrict your workloads to the security profiles they should be using.

Taking the SELinux policy we recorded earlier for an nginx deployment as an example, we might create the following SCC which is based on the restricted SCC shipped in OpenShift, just allows our SELinux policy to be used. Note that we'll be deploying in the nginx-secure namespace, as you can see from the ServiceAccount name we are putting into the users array.

kind: SecurityContextConstraints
  annotations: A special SCC for running nginx with a custom SELinux policy
  name: nginx-secure
allowHostIPC: false
allowHostNetwork: false
allowHostPID: false
allowHostPorts: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
allowPrivilegedContainer: false
allowedCapabilities: null
defaultAddCapabilities: null
  type: MustRunAs
priority: null
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  type: MustRunAsRange
  type: MustRunAs
    type: test-selinux-recording-nginx-0_nginx-secure.process
  type: RunAsAny
- system:serviceaccount:nginx-secure:nginx-sa
- configMap
- downwardAPI
- emptyDir
- persistentVolumeClaim
- projected
- secret

Please note that a common mistake when creating custom SCCs is to bind them to a wide range of users or SAs through the group attribute, e.g. the system:authenticated group. Make sure your SCC is only usable by the serviceAccount it is supposed to be used by. Please refer to the OCP documentation or this Red Hat blog post for more information on managing SCCs.

Then we create the appropriate role:

kind: Role
  name: nginx
  namespace: nginx-secure
- apiGroups:
  - securitycontextconstraints
  - nginx-secure
  - use

and finally a role binding and the SA.

With all that set up, we can finally create our deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
      app: nginx
  replicas: 2
        app: nginx
      serviceAccountName: nginx-sa
      - name: nginx
        image: nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.21

Note that we don't specify the SELinux type at all in the workload, that's handled by the SCC instead. When the pods are created through the deployment and its ReplicaSet, they should be running with the appropriate profile.


To uninstall, remove the profiles before removing the rest of the operator:

$ kubectl delete seccompprofiles --all --all-namespaces
$ kubectl delete -f