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Abnormal memory consumption of Molecule3dViewer #511

m97 opened this issue Aug 7, 2020 · 1 comment · Fixed by #576

Abnormal memory consumption of Molecule3dViewer #511

m97 opened this issue Aug 7, 2020 · 1 comment · Fixed by #576


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m97 commented Aug 7, 2020

Molecule3dViewer application memory usage increases while rotating molecule. By increase I mean in order of GB, which consumes whole system memory to the point of crash.

To Reproduce:
Operating system - Linux Mint 20
Web Browser - Google Chrome Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  1. Open demo (for example
  2. Start rotating molecule while monitoring ram consumption.

Expected behavior:
Interacting with displayed molecule should not lead to dramatic increase of ram consumption and system crash.

Before rotating displayed molecule:

After few seconds of rapid rotation:

Python version: Python 3.8.2

Python enviroment:

apt-clone 0.2.1
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zipp 1.0.0

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Also encounter this issue. This seems to be a common issue with plotly's 3d viewer(harmless for small dataset) but serious in Molecule3dViewer.

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