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Add user-defined placement in expression (more succinctly, "an in expression"), an operator analogous to "placement new" in C++. This provides a way for a user to specify (1.) how the backing storage for some datum should be allocated, (2.) that the allocation should be ordered before the evaluation of the datum, and (3.) that the datum should preferably be stored directly into the backing storage (rather than allocating temporary storage on the stack and then copying the datum from the stack into the backing storage).

This RFC does not suggest any change to the non-placement box expression special form (box <value-expr>); a future RFC is planned that will suggest changes to that form based on preliminary feedback to this RFC, but that is orthogonal to this RFC's goals.

Table of Contents


As put by Bjarne Stroustrup, "The Design and Evolution of C++":

Two related problems were solved by a common mechanism:

  1. We needed a mechanism for placing an object at a specific address, for example, placing an object representing a process at the address required by special-purpose hardware.

  2. We needed a mechanism for allocating objects from a specific arena, for example, for allocating an object in the shared memory of a multi-processor or from an arena controlled by a persistent object manager.

In C++, the solution was overload the pre-existing new operator with an additional "new (buf) X" form known as "the placement syntax", where the static type of the buf input dictates which overloaded variant is used.

We also want to solve the above two problems in Rust. Moreover, we want to do so in an efficient manner (i.e., we want our generated code to be competitive with that of C++).

Why ptr write is not sufficient

Today, one can emulate both goals (1.) and (2.) above by using unsafe native pointers and copying already constructed values into the target addresses via unsafe code. In particular, one can write code like this, which takes an input value, allocates a place for it, and writes it into place.

fn allocate_t(t: T) -> MyBoxOfTee {
    unsafe {
        let place = heap::allocate(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>());
        let place : *mut T = mem::transmute(place);

        // `place` is uninitialized; don't run dtor (if any) for T at place.
        ptr::write(place, t);

        MyBoxOfTee { my_t: place }

However, this is inefficient; using this API requires that one write code like this allocate_t(make_value()), which to the rustc compiler means something like this:

    let value : T = make_value();
    let my_box = allocate_t(value);

This is not ideal: it is creating a temporary value for T on the stack, and then copies it into the final target location once it has been allocated within the body of allocate_t. Even if the compiler manages to inline the body of allocate_t into the callsite above, it will still be quite difficult for it to get rid of the intermdiate stack-allocation and the copy, because to do so requires moving the heap::allocate call up above the make_value() call, which usually will not be considered a semantics-preserving transformation by the rustc compiler and its LLVM backend.

A general solution to this problem requires finding some way to ensure that the evaluation of the make_value() call will occur after the heap::allocate call made by the implementation of allocate_t.

Doing allocation prior to value construction

The Rust development team has known about the above problem for a long time; long enough that it established the box expression syntax ahead of time to deal with this exact problem (though with much debate about what exact syntax to use):

The point is to provide some syntactic special form that takes two expressions: a <place-expr> and <value-expr>. (For context, in rustc today one writes the special form as box (<place-expr>) <value-expr>.) The <place-expr> dicates the allocation of the backing storage (as well as the type used as a handle to the allocated value, if any); the <value-expr> dicates the actual datum to store into the backing storage.

We need to provide both expressions to the special form because we need to do the allocation of the backing storage before we evalute <value-expr>, but (for safety in the general case) we want to ensure that the resulting value is written into the backing storage (initializing it) before the address of the backing storage leaks to any code that assumes it to be initialized.

Placement in as an (overloaded) operator

While the original motivation for adding placement new in C++ was for placing objects at specific memory addresses, the C++ design was also made general enough so that the operation could be overloaded: statically dispatched at compile-time based on the type of the target place. This allows for distinct allocation protocols to be expressed via a single syntax, where the static type of <place-expr> indicates a particular allocation method. Rust can also benefit from such a generalization, as illustrated by some examples adapted from rust meeting October 2013:

// (used below)
let mut arena : Arena = ...;
let mut my_vector : Vec<Foo> = ...;

// Allocates an `RcBox<Thing>` (includes ref-count word on backing
// storage), initializes associated payload to result of evaluating
// `Thing::init("hello")` and returns an `Rc<Thing>`. Uses singleton
// (static) constant `RC` to signal this allocation protocol.
let my_thing : Rc<Thing> = box(in RC) Thing::init("hello");

// Allocates an entry in a locally-allocated arena, then stores result
// of `Foo::new()` into it, returning shared pointer into the arena.
let a_foo : &Foo = box(in arena) Foo::new()

// Adds an uninitialized entry to the end of the `Vec`, then stores
// result of `Foo::new()` into it, returning `()`, or perhaps the
// `uint` of the associated index. (It is a library design detail;
// this system should support either.)
box(my_vector.emplace_back()) Foo::new()

In addition, one can imagine a further generalization of the arena example to support full-blown reaps, a form of arena that supports both owned references (where the associated memory can be given back to the reap and reallocated) and shared references.

let reap : reap::Reap = ...;

let a_foo : &Foo = {
    // both of afoo_{1,2} own their respective handles into the reap
    let afoo_1 : reap::OwningRef<Foo> = box(reap) Foo::new();
    let afoo_2 : reap::OwningRef<Foo> = box(reap) Foo::new();

    let shared_foo : &Foo = afoo_1.to_shared();
    shared_foo // here storage of afoo_2 is returned to the reap


Failure handling

One final detail: Rust supports task failure, and thus the placement in syntax needs to make sure it has a sane story for properly unwinding its intermediate state if the <value-expr> fails.

To be concrete: we established in Doing allocation prior to value construction that we must do the allocation of the backing storage before we start evaluating <value-expr>. But this implies that if <value-expr> causes a failure, then we are also responsible for properly deallocating that backing storage, or otherwise tearing down any state that was set up as part of that allocation.

Summary of motivations

So the goals are:

  1. Support evaluating a value into a specific address, without an intermediate copy,

  2. Provide user-extensible access to the syntax, so that one can control the types and executed code for both (2a.) the backing storage of the value, and (2b.) the resulting wrapper type representing the handle (this "handle" may be either owned or shared, depending on the design of library), and

  3. Still handle task failure/panic properly.

Detailed design

The presentation of the design is broken into the following sections.

  • Section 1, Syntax: A placement box syntax box (<place-expr>) <value-expr> has been in place within rustc for a while, but remains a point of contention for some, and thus is worth teasing out from the other parts.

    This RFC proposes using the slightly different syntax in (<place-expr>) <value-expr>, to further distinguish the placement form from the non-placement box <value-expr> form.

    (Note that the Alternatives section does discuss some of the alternative high-level syntaxes that have been proposed.)

  • Section 2, Semantics: The placement in semantics, as observed by a client of the syntax using it with whatever standard library types support it. This section should be entirely uncontroversial, as it follows essentially from the goals given in the motivation section.

  • Section 3, API: The method for library types to provide their own overloads of the placement in syntax. In keeping with how other operators in Rust are handled today, this RFC specifies a trait that one implements to provide an operator overload. However, due to the special needs of the placement in protocol as described in "Section 2, Semantics", this trait is a little more complicated to implement than most of the others in core::ops.

Section 1: Syntax

As stated in Doing allocation prior to value construction, we need a special form that takes a <place-expr> and a <value-expr>.

This RFC suggests using the form:

in (<place-expr>) <value-expr>

with the special case:

  • if you want the default owned box Box<T> (which allocates a T on the inter-task exchange heap), you can use the shorthand in () <value-expr>, omitting the <place-expr>.

Note: The form that was merged in Rust PR 10929 takes the following form:

box (<place-expr>) <value-expr>

with the following special cases:

  • if you want the default owned box Box<T> (which allocates a T on the inter-task exchange heap), you can use the shorthand box () <value-expr>, omiting the <place-expr>.

  • as an additional special case for Box<T>: if <value-expr> has no surrounding parentheses (i.e. if <value-expr> starts with a token other than (), then you can use the shorthand box <value-expr>.

(The combination of the above two shorthands do imply that if for some strange reason you want to create a boxed instance of the unit value (), i.e. a value of type Box<()>, you need to write either box () (), or box (HEAP) () where HEAP is an identifier that evaluates to the inter-task exchange heap's placer value.)

The semantics and API described below are entirely compatible with the present day box (<place-expr>) <value-expr> syntax; it should be trivial to adopt any of the alternative syntaxes. The bulk of this RFC is dedicated to the semantics and API, because that is of foremost importance.

Section 2: Semantics

The type of the <place-expr> indicates what kind of box should be constructed to hold the result of evaluating <value-expr>.

From the viewpoint of a end programmer, the semantics of box (<place-expr>) <value-expr> is meant to be:

  1. Evaluate <place-expr> first (call the resulting value PLACE).
  2. Perform an operation on PLACE that allocates the backing storage for the <value-expr> and extracts the associated native pointer ADDR to the storage.
  3. Evaluate the <value-expr> and write the result directly into the backing storage.
  4. Convert the PLACE and ADDR to a final value of appropriate type; this final associated type is derived from the static types of <place-expr> and <value-expr>.

(Note that it is possible that in some instances of the protocol that PLACE and ADDR may be the same value, or at least in a one-to-one mapping.)

In addition, if a failure occurs during step 3, then instead of proceeding with step 4, we instead deallocate the backing storage as part of unwinding the continuation (i.e. stack) associated with the placement box expression.

Examples of valid <place-expr> that will be provided by the standard library:

  • The global constant std::boxed::HEAP allocates backing storage from the inter-task exchange heap, yielding Box<T>.

  • The global constant std::rc::RC allocates task-local backing storage from some heap and adds reference count meta-data to the payload, yielding Rc<T>

  • It seems likely we would also provide a Vec::emplace_back(&mut self) method (illustrated in the example code in [Placement box as an (overloaded) operator]), which allocates backing storage from the receiver vector, and returns (). (Or perhaps uint; the point is that it does not return an owning reference.)

In addition, the libarena crate will probably provide support for writing in (arena_ref) <value-expr>, (where arena_ref: &Arena or arena_ref: &TypedArena<T> and <value-expr>: T), which will first allocate backing storage from the referenced arena (which is likely to have lifetime bounded by a stack frame) and then evaluate <value-expr> into it.

Section 3: API

How a library provides its own overload of placement in.

The standard library provides two new traits in core::ops:

/// Interface to user-implementations of `in (<placer_expr>) <value_expr>`.
/// `in (P) V` effectively expands into:
/// `{ let b = P.make_place();
///    let raw_place = b.pointer();
///    let v = V;
///    unsafe { ptr::write(raw_place, v); b.finalize() }
///  }`
/// An instance of `Interim` is transient mutable value; an instance
/// of `Placer` may *also* be some transient mutable value, but the
/// placer could also be an immutable constant that implements `Copy`.
pub trait Placer<Sized? Data, Owner, Interim: PlacementAgent<Data, Owner>> {
    /// Allocates a place for the data to live, returning an
    /// intermediate agent to negotiation build-up or tear-down.
    fn make_place(self) -> Interim;

/// Helper trait for expansion of `in (P) V`.
/// A placement agent can be thought of as a special representation
/// for a hypothetical `&uninit` reference (which Rust cannot
/// currently express directly). That is, it represents a pointer to
/// uninitialized storage.
/// The client is responsible for two steps: First, initializing the
/// payload (it can access its address via the `pointer()`
/// method). Second, converting the agent to an instance of the owning
/// pointer, via the `finalize()` method.
/// See also `Placer`.
pub trait PlacementAgent<Sized? Data, Owner> {
    /// Returns a pointer to the offset in the place where the data lives.
    fn pointer(&mut self) -> *mut Data;

    /// Converts this intermediate agent into owning pointer for the data.
    /// Note: successful result evaluation and conversion implies that the
    /// agent no longer owns the value's backing storage, and therefore
    /// should not deallocate the backing storage when `self` is dropped.
    /// Implementations of the `finalize` method can accomplish this,
    /// e.g. by calling `std::mem::forget` on self.
    unsafe fn finalize(self) -> Owner;

The necessity of a Placer trait of some form to hook into the operator syntax should be unsuprising. The Placer trait has a single make_place method, which is the first thing invoked by the placement in operator. The interesting aspects of Placer are:

  • It has three type parameters. The first two are the Data being stored and the Owner that will be returned in the end by the box expression; the need for these two follows from [Placement box as an (overloaded) operator]. The third type parameter is used for the return value of make_place, which we explain next.

  • The return value of make_place is a so-called "interim agent" with two methods. It is effectively an &uninit reference: i.e. it represents a pointer to uninitialized storage.

  • The Data type parameter to Placer has the Sized? generalization marker, implying that Placer accepts instances of unsized types. However, this is just meant to future-proof the Placer trait (and likewise the PlacementAgent trait below) for hypothetical future support for instances of unsized types. This RFC, in particular the placement protocol defined here, does not attempt to support unsized types.

The library designer is responsible for implementing the two traits above in a manner compatible with the hypothetical (hygienic) syntax expansion:

            in (P) V
    { let b = P.make_place(); let v = V; unsafe { b.pointer() = v; b.finalize() } }

In addition, any type implementing PlacementAgent is likely to want also to implement Drop. The way that this design provides Failure handling is to couple any necessary cleanup code with the drop for the interim agent. Of course, when doing this, one will also want to ensure that such drop code does not run at the end of a call to PlacementAgent::finalize(self); that is why the documentation for that method states that one might choose to forget self (as in mem::forget(self);), in order to ensure that its destructor is not run. (Of course one can use other methods to avoid the failure-cleanup path, such as by setting a boolean flag within the agent.)

The following two examples are taken from a concrete prototype implementation of the above API in Rust PR 18233.

API Example: Box

Here is an adaptation of code to go into alloc::boxed to work with this API.

/// This the singleton type used solely for `boxed::HEAP`.
pub struct ExchangeHeapSingleton { _force_singleton: () }

pub const HEAP: ExchangeHeapSingleton =
    ExchangeHeapSingleton { _force_singleton: () };

pub struct Box<Sized? T>(*mut T);

pub struct IntermediateBox<Sized? T>{
    ptr: *mut u8,
    size: uint,
    align: uint,

impl<T> Placer<T, Box<T>, IntermediateBox<T>> for ExchangeHeapSingleton {
    fn make_place(self) -> IntermediateBox<T> {
        let size = mem::size_of::<T>();
        let align = mem::align_of::<T>();

        let p = if size == 0 {
            heap::EMPTY as *mut u8
        } else {
            let p = unsafe {
                heap::allocate(size, align)
            if p.is_null() {
                panic!("Box make_place allocation failure.");

        IntermediateBox { ptr: p, size: size, align: align }

impl<Sized? T> PlacementAgent<T, Box<T>> for IntermediateBox<T> {
    fn pointer(&mut self) -> *mut T {
        self.ptr as *mut T
    unsafe fn finalize(self) -> Box<T> {
        let p = self.ptr as *mut T;

impl<Sized? T> Drop for IntermediateBox<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.size > 0 {
            unsafe {
                heap::deallocate(self.ptr, self.size, self.align)

Of interest is the use of const HEAP: ExchangeHeapSingleton = ... to define the HEAP item: since ExchangeHeapSingleton is Copy and the HEAP item is defined via const, we can use HEAP as an r-value and thus call methods like Placer::make_place that take self by-value.

API Example: Vec emplace_back

On the flip side, a Vec::emplace_back placer shows how to use the Placer API to directly evaluate an expression into a target cell within a vector object; it follows the example established by Placement in as an (overloaded) operator, where the emplace_back() method returns a temporary value that negotiates the handling of the backing storage (in particular, establishing the vector's new length when panic does not occur, thus finalizing the computed value as a member of the vector).

struct EmplaceBack<'a, T:'a> {
    vec: &'a mut Vec<T>,

// The requirement to make this `pub` may serve as a new motivation
// for priv trait methods...
pub struct EmplaceBackAgent<'a, T:'a> {
    vec_ptr: &'a mut Vec<T>,
    offset: uint,

pub trait EmplaceBack<'a, T> {
    fn emplace_back(&'a mut self) -> EmplaceBackPlacer<'a, T>;

impl<'a, T:'a> EmplaceBack<'a, T> for Vec<T> {
    fn emplace_back(&'a mut self) -> EmplaceBackPlacer<'a, T> {
        EmplaceBackPlacer { vec: self }

impl<'a, T:'a> Placer<T, (), EmplaceBackAgent<'a, T>> for EmplaceBackPlacer<'a, T> {
    fn make_place(self) -> EmplaceBackAgent<'a, T> {
        let len = self.vec.len();
        EmplaceBackAgent { vec_ptr: self.vec, offset: len }

impl<'a, T> PlacementAgent<T, ()> for EmplaceBackAgent<'a, T> {
    fn pointer(&mut self) -> *mut T {
        let len = self.vec_ptr.len();
        assert_eq!(self.vec_ptr.len(), self.offset);
        assert!(self.offset < self.vec_ptr.capacity());
        unsafe {

    unsafe fn finalize(self) -> () {
        assert_eq!((*self.vec_ptr).len(), self.offset);
        assert!(self.offset < (*self.vec_ptr).capacity());
        self.vec_ptr.set_len(self.offset + 1);

impl<'a, T> Drop for EmplaceBackAgent<'a, T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Do not need to do anything; all `make_place` did was ensure
        // we had some space reserved, it did not touch the state of
        // the vector itself.


We have been getting by without user-defined box so far, so one might argue that we do not need it now. My suspicion is that people do want support for the features listed in the motivation section (and are just waiting patitently under the assumption that we are going to add it given our past discussions).

In fact, as the rust-dev December 2013 thread was winding down, pcwalton pointed out:

Rust and C++ are different. You don't use placement new for shared_ptr in C++; however, you will use placement new (or box) for RC in Rust (the equivalent). For this reason I suspect that placement new will be much commoner in Rust than in C++.


Same semantics, but different surface syntax

There were a variety of suggestions listed on rust-dev November 2013 rust-dev December 2013 rust-dev July 2014.

In addition, RFC Issue 405 provides yet another list of alternatives.

The complaints listed on RFC Issue 405 are largely about the use of parentheses in the syntax especially given its special cases (as described in Section 1: Syntax).

Some example alternatives, (many taken from RFC Issue 405):

  • box (<place-expr>) <value-expr> ("i.e. present day form")
  • box (in <place-expr>) <value-expr> ("box-in placement")
  • box <value-expr> in <place-expr> ("paren-free placement, in on rhs")
  • box::(<place-expr>) <value-expr> ("box colon colon")
  • in <place-expr> box <value-expr> ("paren-free placement, box on rhs")
  • in (<place-expr>) <value-expr> ("just in placement"; this RFC)

The author (Felix) personally wants to keep the <place-expr> lexically to the left of <value-expr>, to remind the reader about the evaluation order. But perhaps in <place-expr> box <value-expr> would be alternative acceptable to the author of RFC Issue 405?

As a reminder: the form in <place-expr> <value-expr> would not work, because of parsing ambiguities such as whether in a - b ... is parsed as in (a - b) ... (and the parser state is "waiting for a <value-expr> in the ...") or as in (a) (-b) ... (and the parser state is "have now read a complete placement in expression").

Also, nikomatsakis on discuss seems to promote the "just in placement" form (in (<place-expr>) <value-expr>). That is the main reason I wrote the RFC using the "just in placement" form (rather than "box-in placement" box (in <place-expr>) <value-expr> form). I am not terribly attached to any particular syntax for the placement in expression.

Just desugar into once-functions, not implementations of traits

At the rust meeting August 2014, the team thought we could do a simpler desugaring that would wrap the <value-expr> in a once-function closure; this way, you would still force the expected order-of-evaluation (do the allocation first, then run the closure, letting return value optimization handle writing the result into the backing storage).

The most obvious place where this completely falls down is that it does not do the right thing for something like this:

let b: PBox<T> = box (place) try!(run_code())

because under the once-function desugaring, that gets turned into something like:

place.make_box(|once: | -> T { try!(run_code()) })

which will not do the right thing when run_code returns an Err variant, and in fact will not even type-check.

So the only way to make the once-function desugaring work would be to either severely restrict the kinds of expressions that "work" as the <value-expr>, or to make the desugaring a much more invasive transformation of the <value-expr>; neither of these options is really palatable.

Get rid of Placer and just use PlacementAgent trait

Hypothetically, if we are willing to revise our API's for interacting with placement box, then we could get rid of the Placer trait.

In particular, if we change the protocol so that <place-expr> itself is responsible for returning an instance of PlacementAgent, then we would not need Placer at all.

This would mean we could no longer write in (rc::RC) <value-expr> or in (boxed::HEAP) <value-expr>; it would have to be something like in (rc::RC()) <value-expr> and in (boxed::HEAP()) <value-expr>, at best. Many usages of the placement in expression would be more complicated.

The API Example: Vec emplace_back would be slightly simplified (since the body of fn make_place will just be folded into the body of fn emplace_back).

In short, I am not sure this would be much of a real win. It seems it would provide a small boon to library designers but a burden to many library users.

Nota bene: you cannot take the alternative tack of removing the PlacementAgent and just using a Placer trait -- you need the agent because it carries the destructor code to run if you encounter failure while evaluating the <value-expr>.

Unresolved questions

  • Is there a significant benefit to building in linguistic support for &uninit rather than having the protocol rely on the unsafe methods in PlacementAgent?

  • Can these traits be used in some manner to support dynamically-sized types (DST)? A small amount of forward-thinking was applied, in that the trait definitions genralize the Data type parameter via the Sized? generalization marker, but this RFC explicitly is not attempting to address DST support, and the placement in expression syntax fundamentally should not be used to compute instances of unsized values.

    My guess is that the Placer API itself is likely to be too impoverished to support DST, since make_place itself is not given any information about the value's size and alignment, since the trait was designed to be used with in (<place-expr>) <value-expr>, where we can compute the size and alignment from the static type of <value-expr>. But it is possible that an extension of Placer could provide the needed methods and then be used with PlacementAgent. (This may be an argument for removing the Sized? generalization marker from Data in Placer, but for keeping the Sized? marker on Data in PlacementAgent.)