# Changelog ## [1.188.0] - 2019-06-16 ### Added - src/expandableCalendar/AgendaList.js - invoking used SectionList's events. ### Removed - example/src/screens/ExpandableCalendar.js - removing unnecessary 'data' prop sent to AgendaList. ## [1.189.0] - 2019-06-24 ### Bug Fix - CalendarProvider - fix for 'date' prop update. ## [1.190.0] - 2019-06-24 ### Added - CalendarContext - 'disabledOpacity' prop to control the opacity of the today button when it is disabled (default is now undefined, meaning no opacity). - src/style.js - adding support for today button's font size, weight, family. ### Bug Fix - CalendarContext - fix for today button's width to allow button to take content's width. ## [1.191.0] - 2019-06-24 ### Bug Fix - ExpandableCalendar - limit calendar min height to closed height. ## [1.192.0] - 2019-06-25 ### Fix - CalendarProvider - fix for warning on Image 'source' type. - ExpandableCalendar - fix shadow/elevation style. ## [1.193.0] - 2019-06-26 ### Bug Fix - ExpandableCalendar - fix for week paddings. Changing knob container height and weekDays style. - CalendarList/item - limit 'headerStyle' to horizontal only. ## [1.194.0] - 2019-06-30 ### Added - CalendarProvider - 'onMonthChange' event returning date object and updateSource. ## [1.195.0] - 2019-07-04 ### Changed - Components' props comment format. ## [1.196.0] - 2019-07-04 ### Added - CalendarList - passing 'testID' to static CalendarHeader. ## [1.197.0] - 2019-07-14 ### Added - asCalendarConsumer - hoist non-react statics. ## [1.198.0] - 2019-07-14 ### Fix - ExpandableCalendar - fix example screen. ## [1.199.0] - 2019-07-18 ### Changed - CalendarHeader - editing 'testID' for static CalendarHeader. ## [1.200.0] - 2019-07-18 ### Added - ExpandableCalendar - adding 'testID' for knob. ## [1.201.0] - 2019-07-25 ### Changed - eslint - updating to version 6.1.0. - lodash - importing library instead of sub-libraries. ## [1.202.0] - 2019-07-25 ### Added - CalendarHeader - adding 'firstDay' (PR #826), 'monthFormat' (PR #787) and 'weekNumbers' to shouldComponentUpdate. - Agenda - adding support for weekdays name's 'fontSize', 'fontFamily' and 'fontWeight' (PR #711). - ReservationList - adding support for Day number's 'fontFamily', and to Day text's 'fontFamily' and 'fontWeight' (PR #711). ## [1.203.0] - 2019-07-31 ### Fix - ExpandableCalendar - fix for vertical open height. ## [1.204.0] - 2019-08-6 ### Fix - CalendarProvider - adding 'buttonTopPosition' prop to control the button's y position. ## [1.205.0] - 2019-08-15 ### Fix - Week - fix for style - removing width to allow flex. ## [1.206.0] - 2019-08-15 ### Fix - CalendarProvider - fix header in vertical mode when initial position is 'open'. ## [1.207.0] - 2019-08-15 ### Added - CalendarProvider - 'todayButtonStyle' prop to allow passing style to the today button. ## [1.208.0] - 2019-08-15 ### Added - CalendarProvider - today button size for tablet. Passing style prop to a container View. - ExpandableCalendar - adjusting vertical mode open height for tablet in both orientations. ## [1.209.0] - 2019-08-20 ### Fix - CalendarProvider - fix for children wrapper view. ## [1.213.0] - 2019-11-13 ### Changed - Upgrading react-native to version 61.4.0. ## [1.214.0] - 2019-12-12 ### Fix - Agenda - fix typo on 'scrollEnable' prop. - ExpandableCalendar - fix passed props to CalendarList. ## [1.215.0] - 2019-12-23 ### Added - ExpandableCalendar - adding week scroll to closed position. ## [1.216.0] - 2019-12-24 ### Fix - Week - moving width style to style file. ## [1.217.0] - 2019-12-24 ### Fix - Week - moving width style to WeekCalendar. ## [1.218.0] - 2020-1-12 ### Added - AgendaList - allow text transform override for section header text. ## [1.221.0] - 2020-1-16 ### Bug Fix - ExpandableCalendar - fix 'renderArrow' (PR #1037). ## [1.223.0] - 2020-1-16 ### Added - WeekCalendar - new component. ## [1.224.0] - 2020-1-16 ### Added - AgendaList - allow passing 'keyExtractor'. ## [1.225.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Bug Fix - package.json - adding 'hoist-non-react-statics' dependency (fix issue #900). ## [1.226.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Added - Life cycle methods - renaming with UNSAFE_ prefix 'componentWillMount()' and 'componentWillReceiveProps()'. ## [1.227.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Added - AgendaList - allow passing 'stickySectionHeadersEnabled' (PR #1004). ## [1.228.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Bug Fix - Day custom - fix for 'selectedDayTextColor' not working (PR #995). ## [1.229.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Added - Calendar - adding ref to CalendarHeader (PR #986). ## [1.230.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Fix - Agenda - fix for calendar offset (PR #953). ## [1.231.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Change - Agenda - use 'initialScrollPadPosition()' (PR #948). ## [1.232.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Bug Fix - Day components - fix for 'disableTouchEvent' marking to disable interactions for all marking types. ## [1.233.0] = 2020-1-19 ### Added - Calendar - update when 'displayLoadingIndicator' changes (PR #939). ## [1.234.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Fix - Calendar and README - typo (PR #). ## [1.235.0] - 2020-1-19 ### Fix - README - typo (Pr #912). ## [1.236.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Changed - Agenda - 'scrollEventThrottle' from 1 to 8 (Pr #908). ## [1.237.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - CalendarHeader - re-render when 'renderArrow' changes (PR #907). ## [1.238.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - CalendarList - pass 'onEndReached' and 'onEndReachedThreshold' to FlatList (PR #893). ## [1.239.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - CalendarList - pass 'keyExtractor' (PR #883). ## [1.240.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - Day - adding 'onLongPress' support to type multi-period. ## [1.241.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Fix - README - add 'disabledByDefault' prop (Pr #774). ## [1.242.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - Agenda - invoking 'onVisibleMonthsChange()' directly (PR #746). ## [1.243.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - Calendar - adding 'disableArrowLeft' and 'disableArrowRight' (PR #530). ## [1.244.0] - 2020-1-20 ### Added - Agenda - allow showing extra days (by passing hideExtraDays={false}). ### Changed - Calendars screen - remove redundant prop. ## [1.245.0] - 2020-1-21 ### Changed - README - editing. ## [1.246.0] - 2020-1-21 ### Changed - Example - refresh demo app style. ## [1.247.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Added - iOS - app icon. ## [1.248.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Changed - iOS - demo app name. ## [1.249.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Added - CalendarList - passing 'keyboardShouldPersistTaps' to FlatList. ## [1.250.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Added - Agenda - passing 'testId' to knob. ## [1.251.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Bug Fix - CalendarList - 'keyboardShouldPersistTaps' PropTypes. ## [1.252.0] - 2020-1-22 ### Changed - Agenda - Animated.ScrollView invoke 'scrollTo' using ref.getNode() for RN62 compatibility (PR #1040). ## [1.253.0] - 2020-1-23 ### Added - CalendarHeader - 'aria-level' for web accessability support (PR #792). ## [1.254.0] - 2020-1-23 ### Added - ExpandableCalendar - default value to height style to avoid NaN value (PR #1044). ## [1.255.0] - 2020-1-23 ### Added - .eslintrc - new roles. - src files - fix lint errors. ## [1.256.0] - 2020-1-23 ### Fix - README - fix examples. ## [1.257.0] - 2020-1-23 ### Bug fix - Reservation - secure calls to prop functions to avoid crashes. ## [1.258.0] - 2020-1-25 ### Fix - file cosmetics. ## [1.259.0] - 2020-1-25 ### Added - Android - app icon and demo app name. ## [1.260.0] - 2020-2-3 ### Fix - Fix app icon. ## [1.261.0] - 2020-2-5 ### Added - Calendar - adding accessibility features. ## [1.262.0] - 2020-2-18 ### Added - Agenda - adding scroll events callbacks (PR #1063). ## [1.263.0] - 2020-2-18 ### Added - Calendar - passing testID to header (PR #1058). ## [1.264.0] - 2020-3-3 ### Bug fix - CalendarListItem - fix previous months bug (PR #1069). ## [1.265.0] - 2020-3-12 ### Added - Setup Detox for e2e tests (iOS). ## [1.282.0] - 2020-6-04 ### New Feature - Calendar - Enable swipe. ## [1.291.0] - 2020-6-10 ### New Feature - Calendar - Render custom header. ## [1.292.0] - 2020-6-10 ### New Feature - Calendar - Show should show six weeks by passing 'showSixWeeks'. ## [1.297.0] - 2020-6-17 ### Bug fix - Calendar isn't getting re-rendered if the first day prop is changed. ## [1.298.0] - 2020-6-17 ### New Feature - Calendar - Control the swipe with new 'enableSwipeMonths' prop. ## [1.299.0] - 2020-8-5 ### Fix - Android RNN version and configuration (PR #1251). ## [1.300.0] - 2020-8-5 ### Fix - ExpandableCalendar and AgendaList RTL style. ## [1.309.0] - 2020-8-12 ### Fix - AgendaList - Check 'dayFormat' prop before passing to XDate.toString(). ## [1.310.0] - 2020-8-13 ### Fix - Calendar - Remove default gesture wrapper (PR #1248). ## [1.311.0] - 2020-8-13 ### Fix - Fix E2E tests (PR #1255). ## [1.312.0] - 2020-8-13 ### Added - Test E2E on CI (PR #1264). ## [1.313.0] - 2020-8-16 ### Added - Prettier (PR #1265). ## [1.314.0] - 2020-8-16 ### Fix - Fix iOS example bundle identifier. - ExpandableCalendar style - using I18nManager from common constants. ### Added - Updating CHANGELOG. - Configuring github stale bot. ## [1.315.0] - 2020-8-23 ### Added - AgendaList - adding 'useMoment' to allow using moment.js for section header's date string formatting. ## [1.316.0] - 2020-8-27 ### Fix - Calendar Header - Fixed issue on react-native-web where the calendar arrows were not appearing (PR #934). ## [1.317.0] - 2020-8-29 ### Fix - Calendar Header style - fix for arrows not showing in mobile due to PR #934.