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Specification: Live Media Ingest # {#IngestSpec}

Abstract ## {#Abstract}

This document presents a Live Media Ingest Protocol specification.
Two protocol interfaces are defined. The first, CMAF ingest, is based on fragmented MPEG-4 as defined by the common media application track format (CMAF). The second interface is based on push based MPEG DASH and HLS and may also use the common application track format (CMAF). Both Interfaces use the HTTP POST Method for transmission. Examples of live streaming workflows using these protocol interfaces are included. The protocol also supports carriage of timed metadata and timed text.

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Introduction # {#Introduction}

This document presents protocol interfaces for Live Media Ingest. Live media ingest happens between an ingest source, such as a
live video encoder [=live encoder=] and distributed media processing entities that receive the ingest stream. Examples of such media processing entities include media packagers, streaming origins and content delivery networks. The structure setup by these media processing entities for receiving the ingest is sometimes referred to as a [=Publishing point=]. The combination of ingest sources and distributed media processing entities
is common in practical video streaming deployments.
In such deployments, interoperability between
ingest sources and downstream processing
entities can sometimes be challenging.
This challenge comes from the fact that
there are multiple levels of interoperability.

For example, the network protocol for transmission
of data and the setup of the connectivity are important.
This includes schemes for establishing the ingest
connection, handling disconnects and failures,
providing procedures for repeatedly sending and receiving the data, and timely resolution of hostnames.

A second level of interoperability lies
in the media container and coded media formats.
The Moving Picture Experts Group defined several media
container formats such as [[!ISOBMFF]] and [[!MPEG2TS]] which are widely adopted and well supported.
However, these are general purpose formats,
targeting several different application areas.
To do so, they provide many different profiles and options.
Detailed interoperability is often achieved through
other application standards such as those for
the broadcast or storage. For interoperable live media ingest, this document provides guidance on how to use [[!ISOBMFF]] and [[!MPEGCMAF]].

In addition, the codec and profile used, e.g. [[!MPEGHEVC]] are important
interoperability points that itself also
have different profiles and different configurations. This specification provides some guidance on how encoded media should be represented and transmitted.

A third level of interoperability, lies in the way metadata is
inserted in streams. live
content often needs such metadata to signal
opportunities for ad insertion,
or other metadata like timed graphics or general information relating to the broadcast. Examples
of such metadata include [[!SCTE35]] markers which
are often found in broadcast streams and other
metadata such as ID3 tags [[!ID3v2]]. In fact, many more types of metadata relating to the live event might be ingested and passed on to an OTT workflow.

Fourth, for live media, handling the timeline
of the presentation consistently is important.
This includes sampling of media, avoiding
timeline discontinuities and synchronizing
timestamps attached by different ingest sources such as audio and video. In addition, media timeline discontinuities must be avoided as much as possible in normal operation. Further, when using redundant ingest sources, ingested streams must be sample accurately synchronized. Last, streams may need to be started at the same time as to avoid miss alignment between audio and video tracks.

Fifth, in streaming workflows it is important
to have support for failovers of both the ingest sources
and media processing entities. This is important
to avoid interruptions of 24/7 live services such
as Internet television where components may fail.

In practical deployments, multiple ingest sources
and media processing entities are used. This requires
that multiple ingest sources and media processing entities work together in a redundant workflow where
some of the components might fail.

This document provides the specification for establishing these interoperability points. The approaches are based on known standardized
technologies that have been tested and deployed
in several large scale streaming

Two key workflows have been
identified for which two different media
ingest interfaces will be detailed. The two interfaces share common protocol and underlying common media format.

In a first workflow for CMAF ingest, CMAF ingest, encoded media is ingested
downstream for further processing of the media in the media processing entity.
Examples of such media processing could be any
media transformation such as packaging,
encrypting or transcoding the streams.
Other example operations include watermarking,
content insertion and generating streaming manifests
based on [[!MPEGDASH]] or HLS [[!RFC8216]].

What is typical of these operations is that they actively inspect,
or modify the media content and may
generate new derived media content.
In this workflow it is important
to convey media data and metadata that
assist such active media processing operations.
This workflow type is addressed
in the first interface referred to as CMAF ingest.

In the second workflow using DASH or HLS ingest, the encoded media is ingested
into an entity that does none or very minimal inspection
or modification of the media content. The main aim
of such processing entities often lies in storage,
caching and delivery of the media content. An example
of such an entity is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
for delivering and caching Internet content.
Content delivery networks are often designed for
Internet content like web pages and might
not be aware of media specific aspects. In fact, streaming
protocols like MPEG DASH and HTTP Live Streaming have been
developed with reuse of such a media agnostic
Content Delivery Networks in mind.

For ingesting encoded media into a content delivery network it
is important to have the media presentation in a form
that is very close or matching to the format
that the clients need to playback the presentation,
as changing or complementing the media presentation
will be difficult. This second workflow is supported
in interface referred to as DASH and HLS ingest. This specification provides a push based ingest for these protocols.

Diagram 1: Example with CMAF Ingest

Diagram 2: Example with DASH Ingest

Diagram 1 shows the workflow with a live media ingest from an
ingest source towards a media processing entity.
In the example in diagram 1, the media processing entity
prepares the final media presentation for the client
that is delivered by the Content Delivery Network to a client. The media processing entity could be a live packager for DASH or HLS streams.

Diagram 2 shows the example in workflow 2 were content
is ingested directly into a Content Delivery Network.
The content delivery network enables the delivery to the client.

An example of a media ingest protocol
is the ingest part of Microsoft Smooth
Streaming protocol [=MS-SSTR=]. This protocol
connects live encoders/ingest sources to the Microsoft Smooth Streaming server and to the Microsoft Azure cloud.
This protocol has shown to be robust, flexible and
easy to implement in live encoders. In addition, it
provided features for high availability and
server side redundancy.

The CMAF ingest protocol advances over the smooth ingest protocol including lessons learned over the last
ten years after the initial deployment of
smooth streaming in 2009 and several advances
on signaling metadata and timed text.
In addition, it incorporates the latest media formats
and protocols, making it ready for current and
next generation media codecs such as [[!MPEGHEVC]]
and protocols like MPEG DASH [[!MPEGDASH]]. In addition, to support the sub profiling of existing media containers CMAF [[!MPEGCMAF]] is referenced.

A second interface referred as DASH and HLS ingest is included for ingest of media
streaming presentations to entities where
the media is not altered actively. A key idea of this part of the specification is to re-use
the similarities of MPEG DASH [[!MPEGDASH]] and HLS [[!RFC8216]] protocols
to enable a simultaneous ingest of media
presentations of these two formats using
common media fragments such as based on [[!ISOBMFF]]
and [[!MPEGCMAF]] formats. In this
profile naming is important to enable direct
processing and storage of the presentation.

We present these two interfaces separately. We made this decision as it will
reduce a lot of overhead in the
information that needs to be signalled
compared to having both interfaces
combined into one, as was the case
in a draft version of this document.

The two interfaces, while presented separately both use a similar underlying media format, the common media application format [[!MPEGCMAF]] in most cases. Further, both use the HTTP POST method defined in [[!RFC7235]] and similar mechanisms for authentication and failure handling.

Therefore, in many practical implementations, the two interfaces might be combined into one, when the DASH or HLS is also using the Common Media Application Track Format.

We further motivate the specification
in this document supporting
HTTP 1.1 [[!RFC7235]] and [[!ISOBMFF]] a bit more.
We believe that Smooth streaming [=MS-SSTR=]
and HLS [[!RFC8216]] have shown that HTTP usage
can survive the Internet ecosystem for
media delivery. In addition, HTTP based
ingest fits well with current HTTP
based streaming protocols including [[!MPEGDASH]].
In addition, there is good support for HTTP
middleboxes and HTTP routing available
making it easier to debug and trace errors.
The HTTP POST provides a push based
method for delivery for pushing the
live content when it becomes available.

The binary media format for conveying
the media is based on CMAF track constraints as
specified in [[!MPEGCMAF]]. A key benefit of this format is that it allows easy identification
of stream boundaries, enabling switching, redundancy,
re-transmission resulting in a good fit with the current
Internet infrastructures. Many problems in
practical streaming deployment often deal
with issues related to the binary
media format.

We believe that the CMAF track format will make things easier
and that the industry is already heading
in this direction following recent specifications
like [[!MPEGCMAF]] and HLS [[!RFC8216]].

Regarding the transport protocol, in future versions,
alternative transport protocols could be considered
advancing over HTTP 1.1 or TCP. We believe the proposed media format and protocol interfaces will provide the same benefits with other transports
protocols. Our view is that for current and near future
deployments using [[!RFC7235]] is still a good approach.

The main goal of this specification is to define the interoperability point between live sources (ingest sources) and media processing entities that typically reside in the cloud or the network. This specification does not impose any new constraints or requirements for live streaming to media clients on end-user devices that consume streams using any defined streaming protocol, with a preference for [[!MPEGDASH]]

The document is structured as follows, in section 3
we present the conventions and terminology used throughout
this document. In section 4 we present use cases and
workflows related to media ingest and the two profiles/interfaces
presented. Sections 5-9 will detail the protocol and
the two different interfaces defined.

Conventions and Terminology # {#conventions}

The following terminology is used in the rest of this document.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119

ISOBMFF : the ISO Base Media File Format specified in [[!ISOBMFF]].

CMAF Ingest: Ingest interface defined in this specification for push based [[!MPEGCMAF]]

DASH Ingest: Ingest interface defined in this specification for push based [[!MPEGDASH]]

HLS Ingest: Ingest interface defined in this specification for push based [[!RFC8216]]

Ingest Stream: The stream of media pushed from the ingest source to the media processing entity in a live event

Live stream event:
The total live stream for the ingest relating to a broadcast event.

Live encoder: Entity performing live
encoding of a high quality Ingest stream,
can serve as ingest source

Ingest source:
A media source ingesting media content to media processing entity
, typically a live encoder but not restricted
to this, e.g. it could be a stored media resource.

Publishing point : Entry point used to receive an ingest stream,
consumes/receives the incoming media [=ingest stream=], typically via a publishing URL setup to receive the stream

Manifest objects Objects ingested that represent streaming manifest e.g. .mpd in MPEG DASH, .m3u8 in HLS

Media objects Objects ingested that represent the media, and or timed text, or other non manifest objects, typically these are CMAF addressable media objects such as CMAF chunks, fragments or segments.

Objects Objects ingested by the ingest source such as manifest objects and media objects (media segments, subtitle segments)

Streaming presentation Manifest objects and media objects composing a Streaming presentation based on a streaming protocol suc h as for example [[!MPEGDASH]]

Media processing entity: Entity used to process the media content,
receives/consumes a media [=Ingest stream].

Receiving entity: Entity used to receive the media content,
receives/consumes an [=Ingest stream].

CMAFstream : Can be defined
using the IETF RFC 5234 ANB [[!RFC5234]] as follows. CMAFstream = headerboxes fragments: headerboxes = [=ftyp=] [=moov=]
fragments = X fragment
fragment = [=Moof=] [=Mdat=]

Media fragment Media fragment, combination of moof and mdat in ISOBMFF structure (MovieFragmentBox and mediaDataBox), can be a CMAF fragment or chunk

CMAF Header : CMAF track header defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

CMAF Media object : CMAF media object defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

CMAF fragment : CMAF fragment defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

CMAF chunk : CMAF chunk defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

CMAF segment : CMAF segment defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

CMAF Track CMAF Track defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]]

Command used in the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol for
sending data from a source to a destination [[!RFC7235]]

POST_URL : Target URL of a POST command in the HTTP protocol
for posting data from a source to a destination.

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as defined in [[!RFC793]]

Arrival Time: The time a metadata item is seen/observed by the application for the first time, e.g. an announcement/avail. The time the event is received (event received time)

Application time : The time a metadata event is applied to a stream (if applicable), correspond to the presentation_time of a dash event [[!MPEGDASH]] (event presentation time)

Connection: A connection setup between two hosts, typically the
media ingest source and media processing entity.

Switching set: Group of tracks corresponding to a switching set defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]] or an adaptationset in [[!MPEGDASH]]

ABR : Adaptive Bit-Rate

RTP : Real Time Protocol

OTT : Over the top transmission (HTTP based video streaming)

moof: The MovieFragmentBox "moof" box as defined in the
ISOBMFF base media file format [[!ISOBMFF]] that defines the metadata of a fragment.

ftyp: The FileTypeBox "ftyp" box as defined in the ISOBMFF [[!ISOBMFF]]

moov: The container box for all metadata MovieBox "moov" defined in the
ISOBMFF base media file format [[!ISOBMFF]] mdat : The mediaDataBox "mdat" box defined in ISOBMFF [[!ISOBMFF]].

mfra: The movieFragmentRandomAccessBox "mfra" box defined in
the ISOBMFF [[!ISOBMFF]] to signal random access samples
(these are samples that require no prior
or other samples for decoding) [[!ISOBMFF]].

tfdt : The TrackFragmentBaseMediaDecodeTimeBox box "tfdt"
defined in [[!ISOBMFF]] used
to signal the decode time of the media
fragment signalled in the [=moof=] box.

basemediadecodetime : Decode time of first sample as signalled in the [=tfdt=] box

mdhd : The MediaHeaderBox "mdhd" as defined in [[!ISOBMFF]],
this box contains information about the media such
as timescale, duration, language using ISO 639-2/T [[!iso-639-2]] codes

elng :
Extended language tag box "elng" defined in [[!ISOBMFF]] that
can override the language information

nmhd :
The nullMediaHeaderBox "nmhd" as defined in [[!ISOBMFF]]
to signal a track for which no specific
media header is defined, used for metadata tracks

Media Ingest Workflows and Profiles # {#workflow_and_use_cases}

In this section we highlight two example workflows corresponding to the two different interfaces defined.
Diagram 3 shows an example workflow of media ingest
with [=CMAF Ingest=] in a streaming workflow. The live media is ingested into the media processing entity that performs operations like on-the-fly encryption, content stitching, packaging and possibly other operations before delivery of the final media presentation to the client.

This type of distributed media processing offloads
many functionalities away from the ingest source.
As long as the stream originating from the media
source contains sufficient metadata, the media
processing entity can generate the media presentation
for streaming to clients or other derived media
presentations as needed by a client.

Diagram 4 shows an alternative example with ingest
to a content delivery network, or perhaps another
passive media entity such as a cloud storage. In this case the ingest source uses HTTP post to push the fragments and the manifests or other media objects composing the [=Streaming presentation=].

In this case, still CMAF [=Media objects=] can be used,
but the ingest works slightly different. The ingest can be based on [=DASH Ingest=] or [=HLS Ingest=] and includes sending the manifest. In this case the [=manifest objects=] and [=Media objects=] are send with using individual fixed length HTTP POST commands to paths that correspond to paths defined in the manifest. While CMAF ingest can also support such operation, it typically uses a long running post with chunked transfer encoding instead.

Practice has shown that the ingest schemes
can be different for the two configurations
, and that combining them into a single protocol
will result in overhead such as sending
duplicate information in the manifest or
ISOBMFF moov box, and increased
signalling overhead for starting, closing
and resetting the [=Connection=]. Therefore,
the two procedures for media ingest in
these two common workflows are presented
as separately in different interfaces.

Nevertheless, when using the Common Media Application Format for the [=Media objects=] a significant level of compatibility between the interfaces can be achieved, especially when encryption and timed metadata is not used.

Diagram 3: Streaming with CMAF Ingest

Diagram 4: Streaming with DASH Ingest

Table 1 highlights some of the key
differences and practical considerations of the interfaces. In CMAF ingest, the ingest source can be
simple as the [=Receiving entity=] can
do many of the operations related to the
delivery such as encryption or generating the streaming
manifests. In addition, the distribution of functionalities
can make it easier to scale a deployment with many
live media sources and media processing entities.

In some cases, an encoder has sufficient
capabilities to prepare the final presentation for the
client, in that case content can be ingested directly
to a more passive media processing entity that provides
a pass through like functionality.
In this case also [=Manifest objects=] and other client specific
information needs to be ingested. Besides these factors
, choosing a workflow for a video streaming platform depends
on many other factors. This specification does not provide guidance on what workflow is best to use in which cases. Yet, the live ingest specification covers the two interfaces suitable for different types of workflows, or in some cases the interfaces may be combined into a live streaming workflow.

The best choice for a specific platform depends
on many of the use case specific requirements, circumstances and the available technologies.

Table 1: different ingest use cases

Profile Ingest source Media processing
CMAF Ingest Limited overview, simpler encoder, multiple sources re-encryption, transcode, stitching, watermark, packaging
DASH/HLS Ingest Global overview, targets duplicate presentations, limited flexibility no redundancy manifest manipulation, transmission, storage

Diagram 5: workflow with redundant Ingest sources and receiving entities

Diagram 5 highlights another aspect that was taken into
consideration for large scale systems with many users.
Often one would like to run multiple ingest sources,
multiple receiving entities and make them available
to the clients via a load balancer. This way requests
can be balanced over multiple processing nodes.
This approach is common when serving web pages,
and this architecture also applies to video
streaming platforms. In Diagram 5 it is highlighted how one or more
Ingest sources can be sending data to one or more processing entities. In such a workflow it is important to handle the case
when one ingest source or media processing entity fails over.
We call this support for failover. It is an important
consideration in practical video streaming systems that
need to run 24/7 such as Internet Television. Failovers must be handled robustly
and without causing service interruption.
This specification details how this failover and redundancy
support can be achieved. In addition, some recommendations for redundant ingest sources and media processing entities are provided.

General Ingest Protocol Behavior # {#general}

The media ingest follows the following
general requirements for both target /interfaces.

 1. The ingest source SHALL communicate 
    using the HTTP POST method as defined in 
    the HTTP protocol, version 1.1 [[!RFC7235]]
 2. The ingest source SHOULD 
    use HTTP over TLS, if TLS is used it SHALL be 
    TLS version 1.2 or higher [[!RFC2818]]
 3. The ingest source SHOULD repeatedly resolve
    the hostname to adapt to changes in the IP to Hostname mapping
    such as for example by using the domain naming system
    DNS [[!RFC1035]] or any other system that is in place.
 4. The ingest source MUST update the IP to hostname
    resolution respecting the TTL (time to live) from DNS
    query responses, this will enable better resilience
    to changes of the IP address in large scale deployments
    where the IP address of the  media
    processing entities may change frequently.
 5. In case HTTP over TLS  [[!RFC2818]] protocol is used,
    basic authentication HTTP AUTH [[!RFC7617]]
    or TLS client certificates MUST be supported.
 6. Mutual authentication SHALL be supported.
    Client certificates SHALL chain to a trusted CA
    , or be self assigned. 
 7. As compatibility profile for the TLS encryption
    the ingest source SHOULD use the mozzilla
    intermediate compatibility profile [=MozillaTLS=].
 8. In case of an authentication error, the ingest 
    source SHALL retry establishing the [=Connection=]
    within a fixed time period 
    with updated authentication credentials
 9. The  ingest source SHOULD terminate
    the [=HTTP POST=] request if data is not being sent
    at a rate commensurate with the MP4 fragment duration.
    An HTTP POST request that does not send data can
    prevent media processing entities
    from quickly disconnecting from the ingest source 
    in the event of a service update.
 10. The HTTP POST for sparse
    data SHOULD be short-lived,
    terminating as soon as the data of a fragment is sent.
 11. The POST request uses a [=POST_URL=] to the basepath of the
    publishing point at the media processing entity and
    SHOULD use an additional relative path when posting
    different streams and fragments, for example, 
    to signal the stream or fragment name.

CMAF Ingest General Considerations # {#profile_1_general}

CMAF ingest assumes ingest to an active media processing entity, or any other entity such as a storage or origin server, from one or more [=Ingest source=], ingesting one or more
types of media streams. This advances over the ingest
part of the smooth ingest protocol [=MS-SSTR=] by only using
standardized media container formats and boxes based on [[!ISOBMFF]] and [[!MPEGCMAF]].
In addition, this allows extension towards codecs like [[!MPEGHEVC]] and
timed metadata ingest of subtitle and timed text streams.
The workflow ingesting multiple media ingest streams with
fragmented MPEG-4 ingest is illustrated in Diagram 6. Discussions on the early development have been documented [=fmp4git=].

Diagram 6: fragmented MPEG-4 ingest with multiple ingest sources

Diagrams 7-9 detail some of the concepts and structures.
Diagram 7 shows the data format structure of the [=CMAF Track=] format [[!ISOBMFF]] and [[!MPEGCMAF]]. In this format media meta data
such as playback time, sample duration and sample data (encoded samples)
are interleaved. The MovieFragmentBox [=moof=] box as specified in [[!ISOBMFF]] is used
to signal the information to playback and decode the samples
stored in the following mdat box.
The [=ftyp=] and moov box contain the track specific information
and can be seen as a [=CMAF Header=] of the stream, sometimes referred
as a [[!MPEGCMAF]] header.
The combination of [=moof=] [=mdat=] can be referred
as a [=CMAF fragment=] or [=CMAF chunk=] or a [=CMAF segment=] depending on the structure content and the number of moof mdat structures in the addressable object.

The combination of [=ftyp=] and [=moov=] can be referred
to as a [=CMAF header=].
These CMAF Addressable media objects can be jointly referred to as [=CMAF Media object=]

Diagram 7: [=CMAF Track=] stream:

Diagram 8 illustrates the synchronization model, that
is based on the synchronization model proposed in [[!MPEGCMAF]]. Different bit-rate tracks and/or media streams are conveyed in separate CMAF tracks. By having the boundaries to the fragments time aligned for tracks comprising the same content stream at different bit-rates, bit-rate
switching can be achieved. By using a common timeline
different streams can be synchronized at the receiver,
while they are in a separate [=CMAF Track=], send over a separate connection, possibly from a different
[=Ingest source=]. For more information on the synchronization model we refer to section 6 of [[!MPEGCMAF]]. For synchronization of tracks coming from different encoders, sample time accuracy is required. i.e. the same samples need to be mapped to the sample time on the timescale used for the track. Further, in case multiple redundant ingest sources are used they must present sample accurately synchronized streams.

In diagram 9 another advantage of this synchronization model
is illustrated, the concept of late binding. In the case
of late binding, a new stream becomes available and is adopted later in a presentation. By using
the fragment boundaries and a common timeline it can
be received by the media processing entity and embedded
in the presentation. Late binding is useful for many
practical use cases when broadcasting television
content with different types of media and metadata tracks originating from different sources.

Note that it is important, as defined in MPEG CMAF that different CMAF Tracks have the same starting time sharing an implicit timeline. A stream becoming available late needs to be synchronized and time aligned with other streams ingested avoiding miss alignment and other issues.

Diagram 8: [=CMAF Track=] synchronization:

Diagram 9: CMAF late binding:

Diagram 10 shows the flow of the media ingest. It starts with a
DNS resolution (if needed) and an authentication step (using Authy,
or TLS certificates) to establish a secure [=TCP=] connection.
In some private datacenter deployments where nodes
are not reachable from outside, a non authenticated connection
may also be used. The ingest source then issues a POST
to test that the [=media processing entity=] is listening. This POST contains the [=moov=] + [=ftyp=] box (the init fragment or [=CMAF Header=] or could be empty. In case this is successful this is followed by the rest of the fragments in the [=CMAFstream=]. At the end of the session, for tear down the source can send an empty [=mfra=] box to close the connection. This is then followed with a zero length chunk, allowing the receiver to send a response, the encoder can follow up by closing the TCP connection using a FIN command as defined in HTTP RFC2616.

Diagram 10: CMAF ingest flow

Ingest Interface 1: CMAF Ingest Protocol Behavior # {#profile_1}

This section describes the protocol behavior specific to
interface 1: CMAF ingest. Operation of this
profile MUST also adhere to the general requirements.

General Protocol Requirements ## {#general_Protocol_Requirements_p1}

 1. The ingest source SHALL start
    by sending an HTTP POST request with the 
    CMAF Header, or an empty request,
    by using the POSTURL
    This can help the ingest source 
    to quickly detect whether the
    publishing point is valid,
    and if there are any authentication
    or other conditions required.
 2. The ingest source MUST initiate
    a media ingest connection by posting the
    [=CMAF header=] after step 1
 3. The ingest source SHOULD use the chunked transfer
    encoding option of the HTTP POST command [[!RFC2626]]
    when the content length is unknown at the start of transmission
    or to support use cases that require low latency
 4. If the HTTP POST request terminates or times out with a TCP
    error, the ingest source MUST establish
    a new connection, and follow the
    preceding requirements. Additionally, the ingest source MAY resend
    the fragment in which the timeout or TCP error occurred.
 5. The ingest source MUST handle
    any error responses
    received from the media processing entity, by establishing
    a new connection and following the preceding
    requirements including retransmitting 
    the ftyp and moov boxes or the [=CMAF Header=].
 6. In case the [=Live stream event=] is over the 
    ingest source SHALL signal
    the stop by transmitting an empty [=mfra=] box
    towards the media processing entity.
    After that it SHALL send an empty HTTP chunk, 
    Wait for the HTTP response before closing 
    TCP session RFC2616 
    when this response is received
 7. The [=Ingest source=] SHOULD use a separate TCP
    connection for ingest of each different CMAF track
 8. The [=Ingest source=] MAY use a separate relative path
    in the [=POST_URL=] for ingesting each different track by 
    appending it to the [=POST_URL=], this can make it 
    easy to detect redundant streams from different ingest
 9. The base media decode timestamps 
    in tfdt of fragments in the
    SHOULD arrive in increasing order 
    for each of the fragments in the different
    tracks/streams that are ingested.
 10. The fragment sequence numbers 
    seq_num of fragments in the
    [=CMAFstream=] signalled in the tfhd
    SHOULD arrive in increasing order for each of the different
    tracks/streams that are ingested. Using both 
    timestamp basemediadecodetime and seq_num 
    based indexing will help the media processing 
    entities identify discontinuities in the ingest stream.
 11. Stream names MAY be signalled by adding the relative path 
     Stream(stream_name) to the [=POST_URL=], this can be 
     useful for identification when multiple
     ingest sources send the same redundant stream to a receiver
 12. The average and maximum bitrate of each 
     track SHOULD be signalled 
     in the btrt box in the sample 
     entry of the CMAF header or init fragment
 12. In case a track is part of a [=Switching set=], all 
     properties section 6.4 and 7.3.4 of [[!MPEGCMAF]] MUST be satisfied,
     enabling the receiver to group the tracks in respective 
     switching sets
 13. Ingested tracks MUST conform to CMAF track structure defined 
     in [[!MPEGCMAF]]
 14. CMAF Tracks SHOULD NOT use segmentTypeBox to signal [=CMAF Media object=]
     brands like chunk, fragment, segment. 

Requirements for Formatting Media Tracks ## {#Requirements_for_formatting_Media_Tracks}

 1. Media tracks SHALL be formatted using boxes 
    according to section 7 of [[!MPEGCMAF]] except 
    for section 7.4. which dictates boxes that are 
    not compliant to [[!ISOBMFF]] relating to encryption
    and DRM systems
 2. The trackFragmentDecodeTime box [=tfdt=] box
    MUST be present for each fragment posted.
 3. The ISOBMFF media fragment duration SHOULD be constant,
    the duration MAY fluctuate to compensate
    for non-integer frame rates. By choosing an appropriate
    timescale (a multiple of the frame rate is recommended)
    this issue should be avoided.
 4. The fragment durations SHOULD be between
    approximately 1 and 6 seconds.
 5. The CMAF Tracks SHOULD use
    a timescale for video streams based on the framerate
    and 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz for audio streams
    or any another timescale that enables integer
    increments of the decode times of
    fragments signalled in the "tfdt" box based on this scale.
    If necessary, integer multiples of these timescales 
    could be used.
 6. The language of the CMAF Track SHOULD be signalled in the
    [=mdhd=] box or [=elng=] boxes in the
    init fragment, cmaf header
    and/or [=moof=] headers ([=mdhd=]).
 7. Media CMAF tracks SHOULD
    contain the bitrate btrt box specifying the target
    average and maximum bitrate of the fragments 
    in the sample entry container in the init fragment/CMAF header
 8. The CMAF track MAY comprise CMAF chunks 
    [[!MPEGCMAF]] which are moof mdat structures that may  
    not be an IDR or switching point
 9. For video tracks, profiles like avc1 and hvc1 MAY be used 
    that signal the sequence parameter set in the CMAF Header 
    in the sample entry. In this case parameters do not change
    dynamically during the live event and are signalled 
    in the moviebox  of the CMAF Header.
 10. Alternatively, video tracks MAY use profiles like avc3 or 
     hev1 that signal the parameter sets (PPS, SPS, VPS) in 
      in the media samples.
 11. In case the language of track changes a new init fragment
      with update [=mdhd=] and or [=elng=] SHOULD be send. 
 12. Track roles can be signalled in the ingest by using a kind box 
      in userData udta box. The kind box MUST contain a schemeIdUri MPEG 
      urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011 and a value containing a Role 
      as defined in [[!MPEGDASH]]

Note: [[!MPEGCMAF]] has the notion of a segment, a fragment and a chunk. A fragment can be composed of one or more chunks, while a segment can be composed of one or more fragments. The [=Media fragment=] defined here is independent of this notion and can be a chunk, a fragment containing a single chunk or a segment containing a single fragment containing a single chunk. In this text we use [=Media fragment=] to denote the structure combination moof mdat.

Requirements for Signalling Switching Sets ## {#Requirements_for_switchingsets}

In live streaming a bundle of streams corresponding to a channel is ingested by posting to a publishing point. CMAF has the notion of switchingsets [[!MPEGCMAF]] which map to similar streaming protocol concepts like adaptationset in [[!MPEGDASH]]. To signal a switching set CMAF media tracks MUST correspond to the constraints defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]] section 7.3.4 . Table 2 summarizes the CMAF Switching set constraints.

Table 2: Switching set constraints

Box General CMAF header constraints in a CMAF switching set
ftyp Shall be identical except for media profile brands (see ‎1 in ‎
mvhd Shall be identical except for creation_time, and modification_time
tkhd Shall be identical except for width, height, creation_time, and modification_time. See NOTE 1.
trex identical
elst Shall be identical except for video CMAF track files with a different composition offset
mdhd Shall be identical except for creation_time, and modification_time
mehd Global overview, targets duplicate presentations
meta May contain different boxes and data
udta May contain different boxes and data
cprt identical
kind identical
elng identical
hdlr identical
vmhd identical
smhd identical
sthd identical
dref identical
stsd Sample entries shall have the same codingname (four-character code)

NOTE 1: Track width and height can differ, but picture aspect ratio is the same for all CMAF tracks. NOTE 2 Sample entry constraints for CMAF switching sets are defined by each CMAF media profile

For additional signalling of CMAF tracks belonging to the same switching set, the ingest source MAY set the alternate_group value in the TrackHeaderBox tkhd to a value that is the same for tracks belonging to the same switching set. This allows explicit signalling of tracks that do apply to switchingset constraints but do not belong to the same switching set. Alternatively one could signal switching explicitly by means outside of this specification.

Requirements for Timed Text, Captions and Subtitle Streams ## {#timed_text_and_subtitle_streams}

The live media ingest specification follows requirements for ingesting a track with timed text, captions and/or subtitle streams. The recommendations for formatting subtitle and timed text track are defined in [[!MPEGCMAF]] and [[!MPEG4-30]] and are re-iterated here for convenience to the reader. Note that the text in [[!MPEGCMAF]] prevails the text below when different except for the notion of 9 and 10-11 on roles adding a bitrate box.

 1. The track SHOULD be a sparse track signalled by a null media
    header [=nmhd=] containing the timed text, images, captions
    corresponding to the recommendation of storing tracks
    in CMAF [[!MPEGCMAF]], or a sthd for an ISOBMFF
    subtitle track (e.g. TTML)
 2. Based on this recommendation, the trackhandler "hdlr" SHALL
    be set to "text" for WebVTT and "subt" for TTML following
 3. In case TTML is used the track MUST use the XMLSampleEntry
    to signal sample description of the sub-title stream [[!MPEG4-30]]
 4. In case WebVTT is used the track must use the WVTTSampleEntry
    to signal sample description of the text stream [[!MPEG4-30]]
 5. These boxes SHOULD signal the mime type and specifics as
    described in [[!MPEGCMAF]] sections 11.3 ,11.4 and 11.5
 6. The boxes described in 2-4 must be present in the init
    fragment ([=ftyp=] + [=moov=]) or cmaf header for the given track
 7. subtitles in CTA-608 and CTA-708 format SHOULD be conveyed
    following the recommendation section 11.5 in [[!MPEGCMAF]] via
    Supplemental Enhancement Information SEI messages
    in the video track [[!MPEGCMAF]]
 8. The [=ftyp=] box in the CMAF Header for the track
    containing timed text, images, captions and sub-titles
    MAY use signalling using CMAF profiles based on [[!MPEGCMAF]]
       8a. WebVTT   Specified in 11.2 ISO/IEC 14496-30
         [[!MPEG4-30]] *cwvt*
       8b.TTML IMSC1 Text  Specified in 11.3.3 [[!MPEG4-30]]
         IMSC1 Text Profile   *im1t*
       8c.TTML IMSC1 Image Specified in 11.3.4 [[!MPEG4-30]]
         IMSC1 Image Profile  *im1i*
       8d. CEA  CTA-608 and CTA-708 Specified in 11.4 [[!MPEG4-30]]
         Caption data is embedded in SEI messages in video track ccea
9.    The BitRateBox btrt SHOULD be used to signal the average and 
      maximum bitrate in the sample entry box, this is 
      most relevant for bitmap or xml based timed text subtitles
      that may consume significant bandwidths (e.g. im1i) 
10.   In case the language of a track changes, a new init fragment or 
      CMAF Header with updated [=mdhd=] and/or [=elng=] SHOULD be send from the 
      ingest source to the media processing entity. 
11.   Track roles can be signalled in the ingest, by using a kind box 
      in udta box. The kind box MUST contain a schemeIdUri MPEG 
      urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011 and a value containing a Role 
      as defined in [[!MPEGDASH]]

Note: [[!MPEGCMAF]] allows multiple kind boxes, hence multiple roles can be signalled. By default one should signal the DASH role urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011. A receiver can derive corresponding configuration for other streaming protocols such as HLS [[!RFC8216]]. In case this is not desired, additional kind boxes with corresponding schemeIdUri and values can be used to explicitly signal this kind of information. Subschemes can be signalled in the schemeIdURI as schemeIdURI@value.

An informative scheme of defined roles in MPEG DASH and respective corresponding roles in HLS [[!RFC8216]] can be found below, additionally the forced subtitle in HLS might be derived from a DASH forced subtitle role

Table 3: Roles for subtitle and Audio tracks and HLS Characteristics

Characteristic [[!RFC8216]] urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011
transcribes-spoken-dialog subitle
easy-to-read easyreader
description description

MPEG DASH roles are defined in urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011 [[!MPEGDASH]]. Additionally another example for explicitly signalling roles could b e DVB DASH [[!DVB-DASH]]. One could use schemeiduri@value and role as defined there. e.g. kind.schemeIdUri="urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007@1 kind.value=Alternate

Requirements for Timed Metadata ## {#timed_metadata}

This section discusses the specific formatting requirements
for CMAF ingest of timed metadata related to events and markers for
ad insertion or other timed metadata. An example of
these are opportunities for splice points and program information
signalled by SCTE-35 markers. This type of event signalling
is different from regular audio/video information
because of its sparse nature. In this case,
the signalling data usually does not
happen continuously, and the intervals can
be hard to predict.

Examples of timed metadata are ID3 tags
[[!ID3v2]], SCTE-35 markers [[!SCTE35]] and DASH emsg
messages defined in section of [[!MPEGDASH]]. In addition, any other metadata can be signalled in this scheme by providing a URI to identify the scheme, and the metadata embedded as samples in mdat.
For example, DASH Event messages contain a schemeIdUri that defines the payload of the message.

Table 4 provides some example urn schemes to be signalled in the emsg Table 5 illustrates an example of a SCTE-35 marker stored
in a DASH emsg.

The presented approach enables ingest of
timed metadata from different sources,
possibly on different locations by embedding them in
sparse metadata tracks. In this approach metadata are not interleaved with the media as for example the case in emsg boxes in [[!MPEGCMAF]]. However, by embedding the emsg structure as samples the benefits of its usages in DASH and CMAF are kept.

Example metadata messages include inband event message box as used in [[!MPEGDASH]], [[!DVB-DASH]], or alternatively direct embedding of [[!SCTE35]] or [[!ID3v2]] which might in some cases be used.

Table 4: Roles for subtitle and Audio tracks and HLS Characteristics

SchemeIdURI Reference
urn:mpeg:dash:event:2012 [[!MPEGDASH]], 5.10.4 subtitle
urn:dvb:iptv:cpm:2014 [[!DVB-DASH]],
urn:scte:scte35:2013:bin [[!SCTE35]] 14-3 (2015), 7.3.2 Nielsen ID3 in MPEG-DASH [[!ID3v2]]

Table 5: Example of a SCTE-35 marker embedded in a DASH eventmessagebox

Tag Value
scheme_uri_id urn:scte:scte35:2013:bin
Value value used to signal subscheme
Timescale positive number, ticks per second, similar to track timescale
presentation_time_delta non-negative number, splice time compared to tfdt
event_duration duration of event "0xFFFFFFFF" if unknown
id unique identifier for message
message_data splice info section including CRC

Alternatively, a version 1 of the eventmessagebox with absolute timing could be used, where the presentation time is added as a 64 bit integer. In this case care must be taken not to signal events in the past or too far in the future.

The following steps are recommended for timed metadata
ingest related to events, tags, ad markers and
program information:

 1. Metadata SHALL be conveyed in a CMAF track, where
    the media handler (hdlr) is "meta",
    the track handler box is a null media header box [=nmhd=].
 2. The metadata track applies to the media streams
    ingested to a [=Publishing point=] entry at the media 
    processing entity or origin server
 3. The URIMetaSampleEntry entry SHALL contain, 
    in a URIbox, the URI following the URI syntax in 
    [[!RFC3986]] defining the form  of the metadata
    (see the ISO Base media file format
     specification [[!ISOBMFF]]). 
 4.  The URIMetaSampleEntry
      SHOULD contain the urn urn:mpeg:dash:event:2012 
      or an equivalent urn to signal the presence of event
      message boxes
 5. The timescale of the metadata SHOULD match the value
    specified in the media header box "mdhd" of the
    metadata track.
 6.  The [=Arrival time=] is signalled in the "tfdt" box
     of the track fragment  as the basemediadecode
     time, this is the time when the metadata will be
     first received.
 6. The [=Application time=] can be signalled as 
    a difference to the arrival time by an 
    empty sample with duration delta, the application
    time is the time when the metadata or event is 
    applied. It is equal to the media presentation time
    of the sample containing the event/metadata. Alternatively
     composition time offset can be used to signal the difference
     between the Arrival and application time.
 7. The duration of the sample signalled in the 
    trun box SHOULD correspond to the duration of 
    the metadata if the metadata is valid 
    for a duration of time (if applicable), however,
    sometimes this is not the case and alternative
    durations can be used.
 8. Empty samples, and fragments with empty samples 
    SHOULD be used to fill the timeline to avoid timeline 
    gaps or 32 bit duration overflow for large timescales 
 9. All Timed Metadata samples SHOULD
    be sync samples [[!ISOBMFF]],
    defining the entire set of
    metadata for the time interval
    they cover. Hence, the sync
    sample table box SHOULD
    not be present.
 10. The payload is conveyed in the mdat box as 
    sample information.  
 11. In some cases, the duration of the metadata may not 
    be known, in this case the sample duration could 
    be set to zero and updated later when the timestamp 
    of the next metadata fragment is received.
 12. The ingest source SHALL not embed inband event message 
     boxes emsg in the ingest stream

Note: [[!MPEGCMAF]] has the notion of an inband event message box to convey metadata and event messages. In the current specification a separate track is used instead to convey such information. Advantages include avoiding sending duplicate information in multiple tracks, and avoiding a strong dependency between media and metadata by interleaving them. The ingest source shall NOT send inband emsg box and the receiver SHALL ignore it. However, event message box can be embedded as samples in the timed metadata track.

Requirements for Media Processing Entity Failover ## {#failover}

Given the nature of live streaming, good failover support is
critical for ensuring the availability of the service.
Typically, media services are designed to handle various types
of failures, including network errors, server errors, and storage
issues. When used in conjunction with proper failover
logic from the ingest sources side, highly reliable live streaming
setups can be build. In this section, we discuss requirements
for failover scenarios. The following steps are required for an ingest source to deal with a failing media processing entity.

The CMAF ingest source may implement the following recommendations to achieve failover support.

 1. The ingest source MUST use a timeout for establishing the
    TCP connection. If an attempt to establish 
    the connection takes longer, abort the operation and try again.
 2. The ingest source MUST resend media fragments for which a
    connection was terminated early
 3. The ingest source SHOULD
    NOT limit the number of retries to establish a
    connection or resume streaming after a TCP error occurs.
 4. After a TCP error:
    a. The current connection MUST be closed,
      and a new connection MUST be created
      for a new HTTP POST request.
    b. The new HTTP POST URL MUST be the same
      as the initial POST URL for the
      fragment to be ingested.
    c. The new HTTP POST MUST include stream
      headers ([=ftyp=], and [=moov=] boxes)
      identical to the stream headers.
 5.  In case the media processing entity cannot process the
     POST request due to authentication or permission
     problems then it SHOULD return a permission denied HTTP 403
 6.  In case the media processing entity can process the request
     it SHOULD return an HTTP 200 OK or 202 Accepted
 7.  In case the media processing entity can process
     the fragment in the POST request body but finds
     the media type cannot be supported it SHOULD return an HTTP 415
     unsupported media type
 8. In case an unknown error happened during
     the processing of the HTTP
     POST request a HTTP 404 Bad request SHOULD be returned
     by the media processing entity
 9. In case the media processing entity cannot
     process a fragment posted
     due to missing or incorrect init fragment, an HTTP 412
     unfulfilled condition SHOULD be returned
 10. In case an ingest source receives an HTTP 412 response,
     it SHALL resend [=ftyp=] and [=moov=] boxes

Requirements for Live Media Source Failover ## {#failover_source}

[=Live encoder=] or [=Ingest source=] failover is the second type
of failover scenario that needs to be supported for end-to-end
live streaming delivery. In this scenario, the error condition
occurs on the ingest source side. The following expectations apply
to the live ingestion endpoint when encoder failover happens:

  1. A new ingest source instance SHOULD be instantiated 
     to continue the ingest
  2. The ingest source MUST use
     the same URL for HTTP POST requests as the failed instance.
  3. The new  ingest source POST request
     MUST include the same [=CMAF Header=] or 
     init fragment as the failed instance
  4. The ingest source
     MUST be properly synced with all other running ingest sources
     for the same live presentation to generate synced audio/video  
     samples with aligned fragment boundaries.
     This implies that UTC timestamps
     for fragments in the "tfdt" match between decoders,
     and encoders. In addition, fragment boundaries need 
     to be appropriately synchronized.
  5. The new stream MUST be semantically equivalent
     with the previous stream, and interchangeable
     at the header and media fragment levels.
  6. The new instance of ingest source SHOULD
     try to minimize data loss. The basemediadecodetime tfdt
     of media fragments SHOULD increase from the point where
     the encoder last stopped. The basemediadecodetime in the
     tfdt box SHOULD increase in a continuous manner, but it
     is permissible to introduce a discontinuity, if necessary.
     Media processing entities can ignore
     fragments that it has already received and processed, so
     it is better to error on the side of resending fragments
     than to introduce discontinuities in the media timeline.

Ingest Interface 2: DASH and HLS Ingest Protocol Behavior # {#dash_ingest}

DASH/HLS is designed to ingest a [=Streaming presentation=] composed of [=Manifest objects=] and [=Media objects=] to receiving entities that provide either pass-through functionality or limited processing of the content. In this mode, the [=Ingest source=] prepares and ingests all the [=Objects=] intended for consumption by a client. These are complete [=Streaming presentation=] including all manifest and media objects.

The requirements below encapsulate all needed functionality to support Interface 2. The requirements listed for Profile 1 in section [[#general_Protocol_Requirements_p1]] do not apply to Interface 2. General shared requirements are covered in section [[#general]]. In case [!MPEGCMAF] media is used, the media track and segment formatting will be similar as defined in Interface 1.

General requirements ##{#DASH_General}

Industry Compliance ###{#Industry_compliance}

   1. The [=Streaming presentation=] ingested MUST be either MPEG DASH [[!MPEGDASH]] 
      or HTTP live Streaming [[!RFC8216]] conforming. 
   2. The ingest source MUST support the use of fully qualified domain names to identify the [=Receiving entity=].
   3. Both the ingest source and [=Receiving entity=] MUST support IPv4 and IPv6 transport.
   4. The ingest source MUST have the capability of specifying the publishing path 
      (which will be used to publish the content) as well as the delivery path 
	  (which clients will use to retrieve the content). 
  These capabilities are further illustrated in the Examples sections, and may be defined outside the scope of this 

HTTP connections ### {#DASH_Ingest_HTTP}

   1. [=Manifest objects=] and [=Media objects=] MUST be uploaded via individual HTTP 1.1  [[!RFC7235]] 
       PUT or POST operations. This specification does not imply any functional differentiation 
	    between a PUT or a POST operation. Either may be used to supply content to the receiving entity. 
   3. [=Media objects=] that are not referenced in corresponding [=Manifest objects=] 
      SHOULD be removed by the ingest source via an HTTP DELETE operation. 
	  A DELETE request should support:   
       3.1. deleting an empty folder.
       3.2. deleting the corresponding folder if the last 
	        file in the folder is deleted and it is not a root folder 
			but not necessarily recursively deleting empty folders.
   4. Persistent TCP connections SHOULD be used.
   5. Multiple Parallel connections SHOULD be used to ingest the streaming presentation 
      that is being concurrently generated. For example, parallel connections 
      can be used for [=Media objects=] for different bitrates. 
   6. If the content length of an object is not known at the start of the upload, 
      for example with low latency chunked encoding, 
      then HTTP 1.1 Chunked transfer encoding MUST be used. 

Unique segment and manifest naming ### {#DASH_Ingest_naming}

 1. All [=Media objects=] (video segments, audio segments, init segments and caption segments) 
     MUST carry unique path names. This uniqueness applies across all
	  ingested content in previous sessions, 
	  as well as the current session. 
 2. All objects in a [=Live stream event=] MUST be contained within a root path assigned to it.
 3. [=Manifest objects=] MUST carry paths which are unique to each live stream event. 
     One suggested method of achieving this is to introduce the timestamp of the start of the 
	  live stream event in to the manifest path. 
 4. Objects uploaded with the same path as a prior object will replace the prior object. 
 5. Media object names MUST end with a number which is monotonically increasing. 
     It MUST be possible to retrieve this numeric suffix via a regular expression
 6. Media objects containing initialization fragments MUST be identified 
     through either using the .init file extension OR 
	  " init" in their file name. 'All other objects which do not contain initialization fragments 
	  MUST NOT include the string "init" in their file name.
 7. All objects must carry a file extension and a MIME-type. 
    The following file extensions and mime-types are the ONLY permissible combinations to be used:

Table 6:
File Extension Mime Type
.m3u8 application/x-mpegURL or
.mpd application/x-mpegURL
.cmfv video/mp4
.cmfa audio/mp4
.cmft application/mp4
.cmfm application/mp4
.mp4 video/mp4 or application/mp4
.m4v video/mp4
.m4a audio/mp4
.m4s video/iso.segment
.init video/mp4
.header video/mp4
.key to be defined

DNS lookups ###{#DASH_Ingest_DNS_Lookups}

 DNS lookup requirements are defined in the general protocol requirements section [[#general]].

Ingest source identification ###{#DASH_Ingest_Publisher_Identification}

 1. The ingest source MUST include a User-Agent header (which provides information about brand name, 
     version number, and build number in a readable format) in all post messages.

Common Failure behaviors ###{#DASH_Ingest_Common_Failure_Behaviors}

   The following items define the behavior of an ingest source when encountering certain conditions. 
  1.  When the ingest source receives a TCP connection attempt timeout, abort midstream, response timeout, 
       TCP send/receive timeout or 5xx response when attempting to POST content to the [=Receiving entity=], it MUST
               a. For manifest objects: re-resolve DNS on each retry (per the DNS TTL) and retry indefinitely.
               b. For media objects: re-resolve DNS on each retry (per the DNS TTL) and continue 
	     uploading for n seconds, where n is the segment duration. 
		  After it reaches the media object duration value, drop the current data and continue with the next media   object. 
		  To maintain continuity of the time-line, the ingest source SHOULD continue to upload 
		  the missing media object with a lower priority. Once a media object is successfully uploaded, 
		  update the corresponding manifest object 
		  with a discontinuity marker appropriate for the protocol format at hand.
   2. HTTP 403 or 400 errors
      For all objects (manifest and non-manifest), do not retry. 
	    The ingest source MUST stop ingesting objects and 
	    provide a log or fatal error condition.

HLS specific requirements ##{#HLS_Ingest_specific_requirements}

File extensions and mime-types ###{#HLS_file_extensions_and_mime_types}

 1. The parent and child playlists MUST use a .m3u8 file extension.
 2. The keyfile, if required, MUST use a .key file extension, if statically served.
 3. If segments are encapsulated using a Transport Stream File Format, they MUST carry a ".ts" file extension.
 4. If segments are encapsulated using [[!MPEGCMAF]], then they MUST NOT use  a ".ts" file extension and must use one of the other allowed file extensions appropriate for the mime-type of the content they are carrying. 

Upload order ###{#Upload_order}

In accordance with the HTTP live Streaming [[!RFC8216]] recommendation, ingest sources
MUST upload all required files for a specific bitrate and segment before proceeding to the next segment.
For example, for a bitrate that has segments and a playlist that updates every segment and key files, 
ingest sources should upload the segment file followed by a key file (optional) and the playlist file in serial fashion. 
The encoder should only move to the next segment after the previous segment has been successfully 
uploaded or after the segment duration time has elapsed. The order of operation should be:
   1.1 Upload media segment,
   1.2 Optionally upload key file, if required,
   1.3 Upload the .m3u8.
If there is a problem with any of the Steps, retry them. 
Do not proceed to Step 3 until Step 1 succeeds or times out as described in common 
failure behaviors above. Failed uploads MUST result in a stream manifest Discontinuity per [[!RFC8216]].

Encryption ###{#HLS_Ingest_Encryption}

  1. The ingest source MAY choose to encrypt the media segments 
     and publish the corresponding keyfile to the receiving entity.

Relative paths ###{#HLS_Ingest_relative_paths}

 1. Relative URL paths SHOULD be used to address each segment.

Resiliency ###{#HLS_Ingest_Resiliency}

  1. When ingesting media objects to multiple receiving entities, 
     the ingest source MUST send identical media objects with identical names
  2. To allow resumption of failed sessions and to avoid reuse of previously 
     cached content, the ingest source MUST NOT restart object names 
	 or use previously used object names. 
  3. When multiple ingest sources are used, they MUST use consistent media object
     names including when reconnecting due to any application or transport error. 
	 A common approach is to use epoch time/segment duration as the object name.

DASH specific requirements ## {#DASH_requirements}

File extensions and mime-types ###{#DASH_mime_types_and_extensions}

  1. The manifest objects MUST use a ".mpd" file extension.
  2. Media objects MUST NOT use  a ".ts" file extension and must use 
     one of the other allowed file extensions defined in this document. 

Relative paths ###{#DASH_Relative_paths_and_extensions}

  1. Relative URL paths MUST be used to address each segment.

Illustrative Example of using CMAF and DASH ingest specification # {#Example_ingest}

In this section we provide some example deployments for live streaming, mapping to the architecture defined in DASH-IF live Task Force. Diagram 11 shows an example where a separate packager and origin server are used.

Diagram 11: Example setup schema with CMAF ingest and DASH/HLS ingest

The broadcast source is used as input to the live [=ABR=] encoder. The broadcast sources can be original SDI signals from a broadcast facility or TS streams intercepted from a broadcast that need to be re-used in an [=OTT=] distribution workflow. The live ABR encoder source performs the ABR encoding of the tracks into CMAF tracks and functions as the ingest source in the CMAF ingest interface. Multiple live ABR encoder sources can be used, providing redundant inputs to the packager, which is the media processing entity consuming the CMAF ingest. The packager is receiving the different CMAF tracks. The ingest follows the CMAF Ingest specification in this document, allowing for failover, redundancy and many of the other features related to the content tracks. The live encoder source performs the following tasks:

      - It demuxes and receives the MPEG-2 transport stream and/or HD SDI signal 
      - It formats the metadata in these streams such as SCTE-35 or SCTE 104 to timed metadata tracks
      - It performs a high quality ABR encoding in different bit-rates with aligned switching points 
      - It packages all media and timed text tracks as CMAF compliant tracks and signals track roles 
        in kind boxes
      - It POSTs the addressable media objects composing the tracks to the live packager according 
        to the CMAF ingest specification interface defined in this document. 
      - The CMAF ingest allows multiple live encoder sources and packagers to be deployed benefiting 
        from redundant stream creation, avoiding timeline discontinuities due to failures as much as 
      - In case the receiver fails, it will reconnect and resend as defined in the section on failover once it
      - In case the live encoder source fails it will restart and perform the steps as detailed in the section on      failover

The live encoder source can be deployed in the cloud or on a bare metal server or even as a dedicated hardware. The live encoder source may have some tools or configuration API's to author the CMAF tracks and feed instruction/properties from the original SDI or broadcast into the CMAF tracks. The packager receives the ingested streams, and performs the following tasks.

       - It receives the CMAF tracks, grouping switching sets based on switching set constraints
       - When packaging to MPEG DASH, an adaptationset is created for each switchingset ingested 
       - The near constant fragment duration is used to generate segmenttemplate based presentation 
         using either $Number$ or $Time$ 
       - In case changes happen, the packager can update the manifest and embed inband events to trigger 
         manifest updates in the fragments 
       - The DASH Packager encrypts media segments according to key information available. This key information 
         is typically exchanged by protocol defined in Content Protection Interchange Format (CPIX) this 
         allows configuration of the content keys, initialization vectors and embedding encryption information in the manifest 
       - The DASH packager signals subtitles in the manifest based on received CMAF streams and roles signalled in 
         kind box 
       - In case a fragment is missing and SegmentTimeline is used, the packager may signal a discontinuity in the 
         Manifest presentation description 
       - In case a low latency mode is used, the packager may make output available before the entire fragment 
         is received in the chunked transfer encoding
       - The packager may also have a proprietary API similar to the live source, for configuration of aspects 
         like the segmentTimeBuffer, DVR window, encryption modes enabled etc.    
       - The packager uses a DASH or HLS ingest to push content to an origin server of content delivery network.       Alternatively, it could also make content directly available as DASH or HLS as an origin server. In this       case DASH/HLS ingest is avoided, and the packager also serves as the origin server.
       - The packager converts the timed metadata track and uses it to convert to either MPD Events or inband events 
         signalled in the manifest. 
       - The packager may also generate HLS or other streaming media presentations based on the input. 
       - In case the packager crashes or fails, it will restart itself and wait for the ingest source to perform the   actions as detailed in the section on failover
     The content delivery network (CDN) consumes a DASH/HLS ingest, or serves as a proxy for content delivered to a client. 
     The CDN, in case it is consuming the POST based DASH/HLS ingest performs the following tasks 
       - it stores all posted content and makes them available for HTTP GET requests from locations 
         corresponding to the paths signalled in the manifest
       - it occasionally deletes content based on instructions from the ingest source, in this setup the packager
       - in case low latency mode is used, content could be made available before the entire pieces of content are available 
       - It updates the manifest accordingly when a manifest update is received 
       - It serves as a cache proxy for HTTP get requests forwarded to the packager

     In case the CDN serves as a proxy, it only forwards requests for content to the packager to receive the content,and caches relevant segments for a duration N until it expires. 
  The client receives DASH or HLS streams, and is not affected by the specification of this work. Nevertheless, it is expected that by using a common media application format, less caching and less overhead in the network
  will result in a better user experience. The client still needs to retrieve license and key information by steps defined outside of this specification. Information 
  on how to retrieve this information will typically be signalled in the manifest prepared by the packager. 
  This example aims to illustrate how the specification defined in this document can be used to provide a 
  live streaming presentation to clients, this example does not preclude other ways of using the 
  specification and protocols defined in this document.

  A second example can be seen in Diagram 12. It constitutes the reference workflow for chunked DASH CMAF 
  under development by DASH-IF and DVB. In this workflow a contribution encoder produces an [=RTP=] mezzanine stream 
  that is transmitted to FFMPEG, an open source encoder/packager running on a server. Alternatively, a file resource may be used. In this workflow FFMPEG functions as the ingest source. FFMPEG produces the ingest stream with different ABR encoded CMAF tracks. In addition, it also sends a manifest that complies with DASH-IF and DVB low latency CMAF specification and MPD updates. The CMAF tracks also contain respective timing information (prft etc.).
  In this case the ingest source implements interface 2 DASH ingest. But as in this case the DASH 
  presentation uses CMAF, the media and track constraints of interface 1 are also satisfied. By also 
  resending CMAF Headers in case of failures both interfaces may be satisfied. 
  The origin server is used to pass the streams to the client, and may in some cases also perform a re-encryption 
  or re-packaging of the streaming presentation as needed by the client (in case encryption is needed for example).  
  The target client is DASH.js and an end-to-end latency of maximum 3500 ms is targeted.
  This example DASH reference workflow uses DASH Ingest that does not employ encryption and timed metadata and uses CMAF formatting. This exploits the synergies between the two interfaces defined in this document
  hence the ingest between FFMPEG and the origin server may implement both interfaces simultaneously. 
  To receive the stream as a CMAF ingest for re-packaging at the origin the following steps can be applied. 
  1. Ignore the DASH Manifest
  2. Ignore the segment names, only look at the relative path to identify the stream names 
  3. Ignore the HTTP Delete commands 
  The approaches for authentication and DNS resolution are similar for the two profiles/interfaces, as are the track
  formatting in case CMAF based media are used. This example does not use timed metadata. The ingest source 
  may resend the CMAF header or init fragment in case of connection failures to conform to the CMAF ingest 
  specification. The origin server can then be used to repackage or re-encrypt the streams.
  To receive the stream as a DASH Ingest in this workflow, the steps described in DASH Ingest may be applied.

  Diagram 12: DASH-IF Reference DASH-IF Live Chunked CMAF Production Workflow

IANA Considerations # {#iana}

This memo includes no request to IANA.

Acknowledgements # {#contrib}

We thank the contributors to draft and the support from the following companies: Huawei, Akamai, BBC R&D, CenturyLink, Microsoft, Unified Streaming, Facebook, Hulu, Comcast, ITV, Qualcomm, Tencent, Samsung, MediaExcel, Harmonic, Sony, Arris, BitMovin, DSR and AWS Elemental.

References # {#references_custom}

URL References ## {#references-url}

<dfn dfn>fmp4git</dfn>    Unified Streaming github fmp4 ingest,

<dfn dfn>MozillaTLS</dfn> Mozilla Wikie Security/Server Side TLS
            (last acessed 30th of March 2018)

<dfn dfn>MS-SSTR</dfn>   Smooth streaming protocol  

            last updated March 16 2018 (last acessed June 11 2018)
Revision: 1.0

Title: Specification of Live Media Ingest
Status: LD
Shortname: ingest
Issue Tracking: GitHub
Repository: GitHub
Editor: DASH IOP Ingest TF 

Default Highlight: text

Line Numbers: off
Markup Shorthands: markdown yes
Boilerplate: copyright off, abstract off
Abstract: None