diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 27c1573..d2bc9e4 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -2025,10 +2025,10 @@ of =magit=.
        ["Inapt Predicates Child"
         ("s" "switched" tsc--wave-surely
          :transient transient--do-return
-         :if tsc--child-scope-p)
+         :inapt-if tsc--child-scope-p)
         ("u" "unswitched" tsc--wave-normally
          :transient transient--do-return
-         :if-not tsc--child-scope-p)]
+         :inapt-if-not tsc--child-scope-p)]
        ;; in the body, we read the value of the parent and set our scope to
        ;; non-nil if the switch is set
diff --git a/transient-showcase.el b/transient-showcase.el
index 2732959..3bcc088 100644
--- a/transient-showcase.el
+++ b/transient-showcase.el
@@ -878,10 +878,10 @@ When this is called in layouts, it's the transient being layed out"
   ["Inapt Predicates Child"
    ("s" "switched" tsc--wave-surely
     :transient transient--do-return
-    :if tsc--child-scope-p)
+    :inapt-if tsc--child-scope-p)
    ("u" "unswitched" tsc--wave-normally
     :transient transient--do-return
-    :if-not tsc--child-scope-p)]
+    :inapt-if-not tsc--child-scope-p)]
   ;; in the body, we read the value of the parent and set our scope to
   ;; non-nil if the switch is set