Manócska contains all Hungarian verb frame databases, these are as follows:
- Hungarian verbal structures (dictionary). Bálint Sass et al.
- 28 million syntactically parsed sentences and 500000 verbal structures (list). Bálint Sass.
- Tádé – A frequency list of verb frames. András Kornai et al.
- PrevLex – A revised table of particle verbs in Hungarian. Ágnes Kalivoda.
- Infinitival constructions in Hungarian. Ágnes Kalivoda.
- The verb frame database of the hungarian-english variant of MetaMorpho. Gábor Prószéky et al.
It contains 'verb – verbal particle – argument frame' triplets with their frequencies in the above mentioned resources.
- manocska.txt: the Manócska database in TSV format (with rows ordered by verb and argument frame)
- manocska.sorted.txt: ordered by rank (this value is computed by dividing the actual frame frequency and the summarized frame frequency for each resource, and finally by summarizing the divisions' results)
- manocska.sorted.nolex.txt: ordered by rank, without frames having a lexically bound argument
- manocska.sorted.lex.txt: ordered by rank, only frames having a lexically bound argument
- manocska.log.txt: information about the merging process and some statistics
- manocska.xml.gz: the Manócska database in XML format
- every field is separated by Tab
- 1st field: the verb lemma (the verbal particle is separated by pipe, |)
- 2nd field: arguments, separated by space
- the cases are represented with emMorph-like tags ([Poss] stands for every person and number in possessive, 'e' means singular, 't' means plural)
- the INF_ prefix stands for the infinitival argument
- = is placed before the postpositions
- @ means that the verb does not have any arguments
- ??? can be seen in cases when we don't have any information about the argument frame
- in case of lexically bound arguments, the word stem is concatenated with the case and/or the postposition
- 3rd field: the frequency of the argument frame, based on the Hungarian verbal structures (dictionary)
- 4th field: the frequency of the argument frame, based on the 500000 verbal structures (list)
- 5th field: the frequency of the argument frame, based on Tádé
- 6th field: the frequency of the argument frame (of the particle verbs only), based on PrevLex (in the case of verbs without particle, this field gets a None value)
- 7th field: the frequency of the argument frame by verbs having infinitival arguments, based on Ágnes Kalivoda's collection (Infinitival constructions in Hungarian; in case of verbs without infinitival argument, this field gets a None value)
- 8th field: the frequency of the argument frame, based on MetaMorpho
- 9th field: the rank value
In order to facilitate reproducibility, Manócska can be created with the following commands, using the preprocessed formats of the other resources (git clone --recursive ...). The git repository does not contain the original resources needed for reproduction, due to their licences.
time (python3 --TSV 2> manocska.log.txt | tee manocska.txt | sort --parallel=$(nproc) -t$'\t' -k9,9nr -k1,2 | \
tee manocska.sorted.txt | grep -v $'[^\t ][=[]' > manocska.sorted.nolex.txt) &&
cat manocska.sorted.txt | grep $'[^\t ][=[]' > manocska.sorted.lex.txt
Manócska can be used for education, research and private projects. Please refer to every resource used by Manócska according to their authors original request. In every other case, you should keep yourself to the licences set by the resources' creators.
To cite Manócska use one of the following bibliographic entries:
Ágnes Kalivoda, Noémi Vadász, Balázs Indig. Manócska: A Unified Verb Frame Database for Hungarian. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2018). 135--143. Brno 2018.
title={{\textsc {Manócska}: A Unified Verb Frame Database for Hungarian}},
booktitle={{Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue---TSD 2018, Brno, Czech Republic}},
series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
volume = 11107,
year = 2018,
editor = {Petr Sojka and Ale{\v s} Hor{\'a}k and Ivan Kope{\v c}ek and Karel Pala},
month = Sep,
day = {11--14},
author={{\'A}gnes Kalivoda and No{\'e}mi Vad{\'a}sz and Bal{\'a}zs Indig},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
isbn = {978-3-030-00794-2},
Vadász Noémi, Kalivoda Ágnes, Indig Balázs. Egy egységesített magyar igei vonzatkerettár építése és felhasználása XIV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2018). 3--15. Szeged. 2018.
title = {Egy egys{\'e}ges{\'i}tett magyar igei vonzatkerett{\'a}r {\'e}p{\'i}t{\'e}se {\'e}s felhaszn{\'a}l{\'a}sa},
booktitle = {XIV. Magyar Sz{\'a}m{\'i}t{\'o}g{\'e}pes Nyelv{\'e}szeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2018)},
year = {2018},
pages = {3{\textendash}15},
publisher={Szegedi Tudom{\'a}nyegyetem Informatikai Tansz{\'e}kcsoport},
organization = {Szegedi Tudom{\'a}nyegyetem Informatikai Int{\'e}zet},
address = {Szeged},
author = {Vad{\'a}sz, No{\'e}mi and Kalivoda, {\'A}gnes and Indig, Bal{\'a}zs},
editor = {Vincze, Veronika}
The bibliographical data needed for citing the other resources can be found on the links presented at the top of this page.