Localization for UltraPowerSavingMode
- English
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Japanese
- Turkish
- Arabic
- Spanish
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- French
- Italian
- Korean
It's really simple! Here is how to do it:
- Open Base.lproj and then open one of the .strings file
- Once you open one of the .strings file, you can start translating it to your native language
Translation Example: "TWEAK_ENABLED" = "Tweak Enabled";
Don't remove or change "TWEAK_ENABLED" or text/string on the left. You can only change the text/string on the right side, which is "Tweak Enabled" to your local language.
First visit this website to see your country locale codes (https://www.ibabbleon.com/iOS-Language-Codes-ISO-639.html)
- Then open up the folder containing your country code. Example: ja.lproj (Japanese)
- Open .strings file and edit the one that you want to be updated
- Request a pull request, I will update include the new translation in the next tweak update
Yes! If the translation language is not translated by anyone yet, just drop me a PM on Twitter and say that you've translated a new language for the tweak. Once verified, I'll send you an UltraPowerSavingMode coupon code for free. Please note, that you have to translate all of the .strings file (it's not a lot by the way) in order to get a free coupon code.