Simple News service in Go. Integrates with Google news api - Uses cassandra as storage layer and Go for backend. Docker deployable.
cassandra cluster Docker deploy
How to create cassandra cluster in docker Refer to - Assuming docker installed and cassandra image pulled. NOTE : I have cassandra 3.11 Commands Create one node - Exposed on port 9042
docker run -p 9042:9042 --name my-cassandra-1 -m 2g -d bitnami/cassandra
Check the IP
docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' my-cassandra-1
Create another node and link to prev node - Exposed on port 9043
docker run -p 9043:9042 --name my-cassandra-2 -m 2g -d -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS="$(docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' my-cassandra-1)" bitnami/cassandra
To use cassandra via client cqlsh
docker run -it --link my-cassandra-1 --rm bitnami/cassandra bash -c 'exec cqlsh <>'
To check cassandra node status
docker exec -i -t my-cassandra-1 bash -c 'nodetool status'
DB schema Create keyspace "godemo" CREATE KEYSPACE "godemo" with replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3}; Use godemo
Create table create table user (uid int, name text, t_un text, chat_id int, primary key(uid, t_un)); create table news_by_source (sid varchar, title_hash text, created_at timeuuid, sname varchar, sdesc text, surl text, scategory varchar, slang varchar, scountry varchar, nauthor varchar, ntitle text, ndesc text, nurl text, nurl_to_image text, npublished_at varchar, ncontent text, primary key ((sid), title_hash)); CREATE TABLE news_sources (sid text, created_at timeuuid, scategory text, scountry text, sdesc text, slang text, sname text, surl text, PRIMARY KEY (scountry, sid));
Insert data insert into user(uid, name, t_un) values (1367340022, 'Prateek Gupta', 'Prtkgpt');
For running in your system, update the ip in cas.go file to your system ip via ifconfig.
Data load mechanism
Docker commands docker-compose up --build
Debug the docker image docker run -it --rm --entrypoint sh
Telegram bot Poll for update Webhook Set -{bot_token}/setWebhook?url={your_server_url} Delete -{bot_token}/deleteWebhook Send msg to user{bot_token}/sendMessage?chat_id={chat_id}&text={text}