platform | device | language |
linux |
eve raspberry |
c |
- Introduction
- Step 1: Prerequisites
- Step 2: Prepare your Device
- Step 3: Build and Run the Sample
- Tips
About this document
This document describes how to connect Eve Raspberry device running Linux with Azure IoT SDK. This multi-step process includes:
- Configuring Azure IoT Hub
- Registering your IoT device
- Build and deploy Azure IoT SDK on device
You should have the following items ready before beginning the process:
- [Prepare your development environment][setup-devbox-linux]
- Setup your IoT hub
- Provision your device and get its credentials
- Follow the instructions from device website.
Open a PuTTY session and connect to the device.
Install the prerequisite packages for the Microsoft Azure IoT Device SDK for C by issuing the following commands from the command line on your board:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y curl libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential cmake git
Note: This setup process requires cmake version 2.8.12 or higher.
You can verify the current version installed in your environment using the following command:
cmake --version
This library also requires gcc version 4.9 or higher. You can verify the current version installed in your environment using the following command:
gcc --version
For information about how to upgrade your version of gcc on Ubuntu 14.04, see
Download the Microsoft Azure IoT Device SDK for C to the board by issuing the following command on the board::
git clone --recursive
Verify that you now have a copy of the source code under the directory ~/azure-iot-sdks.
Edit the following file using any text editor of your choice:
For AMQP protocol:
For HTTP protocol:
For MQTT protocol:
Find the following place holder for IoT connection string:
static const char* connectionString = "[device connection string]";
Replace the above placeholder with device connection string you obtained in Step 1 and save the changes.
Build the SDK using following command.
sudo ./azure-iot-sdks/c/build_all/linux/ | tee LogFile.txt
Run the sample by issuing following command:
For AMQP protocol: Run sample iothub_client_sample_amqp
For HTTP protocol: Run sample iothub_client_sample_http
For MQTT protocol: Run sample iothub_client_sample_mqtt
See Manage IoT Hub to learn how to observe the messages IoT Hub receives from the application.
- See Manage IoT Hub to learn how to send cloud-to-device messages to the application.
If you just want to build the serializer samples, run the following commands:
cd ./c/serializer/build/linux make -f makefile.linux all