platform | device | language |
Ubuntu 10.04LTS |
c |
About this document
This document describes how to connect CPS-MC341-ADSC2 device running ubuntu10.04LTS with Azure IoT SDK. This multi-step process includes:
- Configuring Azure IoT Hub
- Registering your IoT device
- Build and deploy Azure IoT SDK on device
You should have the following items ready before beginning the process:
By connecting a serial cable from host PC to CONPROSYS through the serial port (Diameter 3.5 MINI-JACK), you can log in from the console to the product. See the setting details below.
- Baud rate:115200 bps
- Data bit:8bit
- Parity:none
- Stop bit:1bit
- Hardware flow:none
We recommend the following serial cable for connecting the host PC to CONPROSYS.Download appropriate driver software to match OS of PC serial monitoring.
- TTL-232R-3V3 AJ by FTDI (included when purchasing the package version)
- URL for driver can be found here
- Default log-in and password are
- Log-in:conprosys
- Password:contec
Computer with Git client installed and access to the azure-iot-sdks GitHub public repository.
CPS-MC341-ADSC2 device.
Download and install DeviceExplorer.
- With your IoT hub configured and running in Azure, follow the instructions in "Create Device" section of DeviceExplorer Usage document.
- Make note of the Connection String for your device by following the instructions in "Get device connection string or configuration data" section of DeviceExplorer Usage document.
Default network setting is listed below:
- LAN A (eth0):
- LAN B (eth1): (for 2 LAN Type setting only)
If you would like to change the network setting, edit the file on target at location etc/network/interfaces
Example) Set "eth0" to "dhcp". auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp
On the board, system reboot.
Set the time synchronization using the ntpdate command.
Install the uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
Download the Microsoft Azure IoT Device SDK for C to the board by issuing the following command on the board::
git clone --recursive
Edit the following file using vi editor:
{{For AMQP protocol:}}
{{For HTTPS protocol:}}
Find the following place holder for device connection string:
static const char* connectionString = "[device connection string]";
Replace the above placeholder with device connection string you obtained in Step 1 and save the changes.
Set the time synchronization using the ntpdate command.
Edit the following file using vi editor:
Find the following place holder:
CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
Edit as follows, and then save the changes:
Edit the following file using vi editor:
Add, and then save the changes:
Build the SDK samples using the following command:
sudo -E ./azure-iot-sdks/c/build_all/linux/
Run the sample by issuing following command:
{{If using AMQP protocol:}}
{{If using HTTPS protocol:}}
On Windows, refer "Monitor device-to-cloud events" in DeviceExplorer Usage document to see the data your device is sending.
- On Windows, refer "Send cloud-to-device messages" in DeviceExplorer Usage document for instructions on sending messages to device.