This is an atomicapp based on Nulecule specification. This is a standalone Golang application based on this example. Every time you access the web page, a message is displayed which indicates the number of times the web page was accessed in past one minute.
Motivation of this example is to showcase a quick example running using
atomicapp. The Docker image dharmit/gocounter
is under 7 MB in size!
You need to install atomicapp
from its git
repo before being able to check
the app.
####Option 1 - Interactive
Run the image with below command. It'll use kubernetes
as the default
provider. It will prompt for the parameters in Nulecule file that do not have
default values.
$ [sudo] atomicapp run dharmit/gocounterapp
####Option 2 - Unattended
Create a new directory and in that, create a file called answers.conf
below contents:
goImage = dharmit/gocounter:master
NODE_PORT = 32000
namespace = default
provider = docker
Now, from the directory containting answers.conf
file, run the application:
$ [sudo] atomicapp run -a answers.conf dharmit/gocounterapp
####Option 3 - Install and Run
You can download the application, review the Nulecule
file and edit
answerfile before running the application.
Download the app using
atomicapp install
:[sudo] atomicapp install dharmit/gocounterapp
into the directory where the files were loaded by above command. Renameanswers.conf.sample
:mv answers.conf.sample answers.conf
, review the files if desired and run:[sudo] atomicapp run -a answers.conf dharmit/gocounterapp
###Check the app
To check the app, open http://localhost:32000 in the
web browser. If you have chosen some other value for the environment variable
, use that port instead of 32000.