diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+# DSL
+DSL ease the creation of expressions by providing a set of built-in helper functions.
+### what is DSL?
+DSL is a library allows to create and evaluate expressions. You can define expressions to compare, filter, or transform data, and then evaluate them against a set of data.
+### Example
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/Knetic/govaluate"
+ "github.com/projectdiscovery/dsl"
+func main() {
+ // Define the data to evaluate
+ data := map[string]interface{}{
+ "username": "johndoe",
+ "email": "johndoe@example.com",
+ "password": "12345",
+ "ip": "",
+ "url": "https://www.example.com",
+ "date": "2022-05-01",
+ }
+ // Define the expressions to evaluate
+ expressions := map[string]string{
+ "username_and_email_matcher": "contains(username, 'john') && contains(email, 'example.com')",
+ "password_criteria": "contains_any(password, '0123456789') && regex_any(password, '[A-Z]')",
+ "sha256_username_matcher": "sha256(username) == 'a0d95c8b32fa9b05a7d790a08e221c384b317ca05f66a7b84978d22c9838bb2a'",
+ "ip_format_matcher": "ip_format(ip, '1') == ''",
+ "url_valid_matcher": "startswith(url, 'http') && contains(url, '://') && contains(url, '.') && !contains_any(url, ':@')",
+ }
+ for matcherName, expression := range expressions {
+ compiledExpression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpressionWithFunctions(expression, dsl.DefaultHelperFunctions)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("Fialed to compile expresion: %v\n", expression)
+ }
+ result, err := compiledExpression.Evaluate(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("Fialed to evaluate expresion: %v\n", expression)
+ }
+ if result == true {
+ fmt.Printf("[%v] matches data\n", matcherName)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Printf("[%v] not matches data\n", matcherName)
+ }
+ }
+### Default Helper functions list
+| Helper function | Description | Example | Output |
+| aes_gcm(key, plaintext interface{}) []byte | AES GCM encrypts a string with key | `{{hex_encode(aes_gcm("AES256Key-32Characters1234567890", "exampleplaintext"))}}` | `ec183a153b8e8ae7925beed74728534b57a60920c0b009eaa7608a34e06325804c096d7eebccddea3e5ed6c4` |
+| base64(src interface{}) string | Base64 encodes a string | `base64("Hello")` | `SGVsbG8=` |
+| base64_decode(src interface{}) []byte | Base64 decodes a string | `base64_decode("SGVsbG8=")` | `Hello` |
+| base64_py(src interface{}) string | Encodes string to base64 like python (with new lines) | `base64_py("Hello")` | `SGVsbG8=\n` |
+| bin_to_dec(binaryNumber number | string) float64 | Transforms the input binary number into a decimal format | `bin_to_dec("0b1010")`
`bin_to_dec(1010)` | `10` |
+| compare_versions(versionToCheck string, constraints ...string) bool | Compares the first version argument with the provided constraints | `compare_versions('v1.0.0', '>v0.0.1', '`date_time("%Y-%M-%D %H:%m", 1654870680)`
`date_time("2006-01-02 15:04", unix_time())` | `2022-06-10 14:18` |
+| dec_to_hex(number number | string) string | Transforms the input number into hexadecimal format | `dec_to_hex(7001)"` | `1b59` |
+| ends_with(str string, suffix ...string) bool | Checks if the string ends with any of the provided substrings | `ends_with("Hello", "lo")` | `true` |
+| generate_java_gadget(gadget, cmd, encoding interface{}) string | Generates a Java Deserialization Gadget | `generate_java_gadget("dns", "{{interactsh-url}}", "base64")` | `rO0ABXNyABFqYXZhLnV0aWwuSGFzaE1hcAUH2sHDFmDRAwACRgAKbG9hZEZhY3RvckkACXRocmVzaG9sZHhwP0AAAAAAAAx3CAAAABAAAAABc3IADGphdmEubmV0LlVSTJYlNzYa/ORyAwAHSQAIaGFzaENvZGVJAARwb3J0TAAJYXV0aG9yaXR5dAASTGphdmEvbGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7TAAEZmlsZXEAfgADTAAEaG9zdHEAfgADTAAIcHJvdG9jb2xxAH4AA0wAA3JlZnEAfgADeHD//////////3QAAHQAAHEAfgAFdAAFcHh0ACpjYWhnMmZiaW41NjRvMGJ0MHRzMDhycDdlZXBwYjkxNDUub2FzdC5mdW54` |
+| generate_jwt(json, algorithm, signature, unixMaxAge) []byte | Generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the claims provided in a JSON string, the signature, and the specified algorithm | `generate_jwt("{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"foo\":\"bar\"}", "HS256", "hello-world")` | `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.EsrL8lIcYJR_Ns-JuhF3VCllCP7xwbpMCCfHin_WT6U` |
+| gzip(input string) string | Compresses the input using GZip | `base64(gzip("Hello"))` | `+H4sIAAAAAAAA//JIzcnJBwQAAP//gonR9wUAAAA=` |
+| gzip_decode(input string) string | Decompresses the input using GZip | `gzip_decode(hex_decode("1f8b08000000000000fff248cdc9c907040000ffff8289d1f705000000"))` | `Hello` |
+| hex_decode(input interface{}) []byte | Hex decodes the given input | `hex_decode("6161")` | `aa` |
+| hex_encode(input interface{}) string | Hex encodes the given input | `hex_encode("aa")` | `6161` |
+| hex_to_dec(hexNumber number | string) float64 | Transforms the input hexadecimal number into decimal format | `hex_to_dec("ff")`
`hex_to_dec("0xff")` | `255` |
+| hmac(algorithm, data, secret) string | hmac function that accepts a hashing function type with data and secret | `hmac("sha1", "test", "scrt")` | `8856b111056d946d5c6c92a21b43c233596623c6` |
+| html_escape(input interface{}) string | HTML escapes the given input | `html_escape("test")` | `<body>test</body>` |
+| html_unescape(input interface{}) string | HTML un-escapes the given input | `html_unescape("<body>test</body>")` | `test` |
+| join(separator string, elements ...interface{}) string | Joins the given elements using the specified separator | `join("_", 123, "hello", "world")` | `123_hello_world` |
+| json_minify(json) string | Minifies a JSON string by removing unnecessary whitespace | `json_minify("{ \"name\": \"John Doe\", \"foo\": \"bar\" }")` | `{"foo":"bar","name":"John Doe"}` |
+| json_prettify(json) string | Prettifies a JSON string by adding indentation | `json_prettify("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"name\":\"John Doe\"}")` | `{\n \"foo\": \"bar\",\n \"name\": \"John Doe\"\n}` |
+| len(arg interface{}) int | Returns the length of the input | `len("Hello")` | `5` |
+| line_ends_with(str string, suffix ...string) bool | Checks if any line of the string ends with any of the provided substrings | `line_ends_with("Hello\nHi", "lo")` | `true` |
+| line_starts_with(str string, prefix ...string) bool | Checks if any line of the string starts with any of the provided substrings | `line_starts_with("Hi\nHello", "He")` | `true` |
+| md5(input interface{}) string | Calculates the MD5 (Message Digest) hash of the input | `md5("Hello")` | `8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7` |
+| mmh3(input interface{}) string | Calculates the MMH3 (MurmurHash3) hash of an input | `mmh3("Hello")` | `316307400` |
+| oct_to_dec(octalNumber number | string) float64 | Transforms the input octal number into a decimal format | `oct_to_dec("0o1234567")`
`oct_to_dec(1234567)` | `342391` |
+| print_debug(args ...interface{}) | Prints the value of a given input or expression. Used for debugging. | `print_debug(1+2, "Hello")` | `3 Hello` |
+| rand_base(length uint, optionalCharSet string) string | Generates a random sequence of given length string from an optional charset (defaults to letters and numbers) | `rand_base(5, "abc")` | `caccb` |
+| rand_char(optionalCharSet string) string | Generates a random character from an optional character set (defaults to letters and numbers) | `rand_char("abc")` | `a` |
+| rand_int(optionalMin, optionalMax uint) int | Generates a random integer between the given optional limits (defaults to 0 - MaxInt32) | `rand_int(1, 10)` | `6` |
+| rand_text_alpha(length uint, optionalBadChars string) string | Generates a random string of letters, of given length, excluding the optional cutset characters | `rand_text_alpha(10, "abc")` | `WKozhjJWlJ` |
+| rand_text_alphanumeric(length uint, optionalBadChars string) string | Generates a random alphanumeric string, of given length without the optional cutset characters | `rand_text_alphanumeric(10, "ab12")` | `NthI0IiY8r` |
+| rand_ip(cidr ...string) string | Generates a random IP address | `rand_ip("")` | `` |
+| rand_text_numeric(length uint, optionalBadNumbers string) string | Generates a random numeric string of given length without the optional set of undesired numbers | `rand_text_numeric(10, 123)` | `0654087985` |
+| regex(pattern, input string) bool | Tests the given regular expression against the input string | `regex("H([a-z]+)o", "Hello")` | `true` |
+| remove_bad_chars(input, cutset interface{}) string | Removes the desired characters from the input | `remove_bad_chars("abcd", "bc")` | `ad` |
+| repeat(str string, count uint) string | Repeats the input string the given amount of times | `repeat("../", 5)` | `../../../../../` |
+| replace(str, old, new string) string | Replaces a given substring in the given input | `replace("Hello", "He", "Ha")` | `Hallo` |
+| replace_regex(source, regex, replacement string) string | Replaces substrings matching the given regular expression in the input | `replace_regex("He123llo", "(\\d+)", "")` | `Hello` |
+| reverse(input string) string | Reverses the given input | `reverse("abc")` | `cba` |
+| sha1(input interface{}) string | Calculates the SHA1 (Secure Hash 1) hash of the input | `sha1("Hello")` | `f7ff9e8b7bb2e09b70935a5d785e0cc5d9d0abf0` |
+| sha256(input interface{}) string | Calculates the SHA256 (Secure Hash 256) hash of the input | `sha256("Hello")` | `185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969` |
+| starts_with(str string, prefix ...string) bool | Checks if the string starts with any of the provided substrings | `starts_with("Hello", "He")` | `true` |
+| to_lower(input string) string | Transforms the input into lowercase characters | `to_lower("HELLO")` | `hello` |
+| to_unix_time(input string, layout string) int | Parses a string date time using default or user given layouts, then returns its Unix timestamp | `to_unix_time("2022-01-13T16:30:10+00:00")`
`to_unix_time("2022-01-13 16:30:10")`
`to_unix_time("13-01-2022 16:30:10". "02-01-2006 15:04:05")` | `1642091410` |
+| to_upper(input string) string | Transforms the input into uppercase characters | `to_upper("hello")` | `HELLO` |
+| trim(input, cutset string) string | Returns a slice of the input with all leading and trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed | `trim("aaaHelloddd", "ad")` | `Hello` |
+| trim_left(input, cutset string) string | Returns a slice of the input with all leading Unicode code points contained in cutset removed | `trim_left("aaaHelloddd", "ad")` | `Helloddd` |
+| trim_prefix(input, prefix string) string | Returns the input without the provided leading prefix string | `trim_prefix("aaHelloaa", "aa")` | `Helloaa` |
+| trim_right(input, cutset string) string | Returns a string, with all trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed | `trim_right("aaaHelloddd", "ad")` | `aaaHello` |
+| trim_space(input string) string | Returns a string, with all leading and trailing white space removed, as defined by Unicode | `trim_space(" Hello ")` | `"Hello"` |
+| trim_suffix(input, suffix string) string | Returns input without the provided trailing suffix string | `trim_suffix("aaHelloaa", "aa")` | `aaHello` |
+| unix_time(optionalSeconds uint) float64 | Returns the current Unix time (number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC) with the added optional seconds | `unix_time(10)` | `1639568278` |
+| url_decode(input string) string | URL decodes the input string | `url_decode("https:%2F%2Fprojectdiscovery.io%3Ftest=1")` | `https://projectdiscovery.io?test=1` |
+| url_encode(input string) string | URL encodes the input string | `url_encode("https://projectdiscovery.io/test?a=1")` | `https%3A%2F%2Fprojectdiscovery.io%2Ftest%3Fa%3D1` |
+| wait_for(seconds uint) | Pauses the execution for the given amount of seconds | `wait_for(10)` | `true` |
+| zlib(input string) string | Compresses the input using Zlib | `base64(zlib("Hello"))` | `eJzySM3JyQcEAAD//wWMAfU=` |
+| zlib_decode(input string) string | Decompresses the input using Zlib | `zlib_decode(hex_decode("789cf248cdc9c907040000ffff058c01f5"))` | `Hello` |
+**Supported encodings:**
+- `base64` (default)
+- `gzip-base64`
+- `gzip`
+- `hex`
+- `raw`
+**Deserialization helper function format:**
+{{generate_java_gadget(payload, cmd, encoding}}
+**Deserialization helper function example:**
+{{generate_java_gadget("commons-collections3.1", "wget http://{{interactsh-url}}", "base64")}}
+#### JSON helper functions
+Nuclei allows manipulate JSON strings in different ways, here is a list of its functions:
+- `generate_jwt`, to generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the claims provided in a JSON string, the signature, and the specified algorithm.
+- `json_minify`, to minifies a JSON string by removing unnecessary whitespace.
+- `json_prettify`, to prettifies a JSON string by adding indentation.
+To generate a JSON Web Token (JWT), you have to supply the JSON that you want to sign, _at least_.
+Here is a list of supported algorithms for generating JWTs with `generate_jwt` function _(case-insensitive)_:
+- `HS256`
+- `HS384`
+- `HS512`
+- `RS256`
+- `RS384`
+- `RS512`
+- `PS256`
+- `PS384`
+- `PS512`
+- `ES256`
+- `ES384`
+- `ES512`
+- `EdDSA`
+- `NONE`
+Empty string ("") also means `NONE`.
+{{generate_jwt(json, algorithm, signature, maxAgeUnix)}}
+> Arguments other than `json` are optional.
+ json: | # required
+ {
+ "foo": "bar",
+ "name": "John Doe"
+ }
+ alg: "HS256" # optional
+ sig: "this_is_secret" # optional
+ age: '{{to_unix_time("2032-12-30T16:30:10+00:00")}}' # optional
+ jwt: '{{generate_jwt(json, "{{alg}}", "{{sig}}", "{{age}}")}}'
+> The `maxAgeUnix` argument is to set the expiration `"exp"` JWT standard claim, as well as the `"iat"` claim when you call the function.
+ json: |
+ {
+ "foo": "bar",
+ "name": "John Doe"
+ }
+ minify: '{{json_minify(json}}'
+`minify` variable output:
+{"foo":"bar","name":"John Doe"}
+ json: '{"foo":"bar","name":"John Doe"}'
+ pretty: '{{json_prettify(json}}'
+`pretty` variable output:
+ "foo": "bar",
+ "name": "John Doe"
+### Thanks
+Knetic/govaluate - For providing a powerful expression evaluation package.
diff --git a/dsl_test.go b/dsl_test.go
index aaeca61..52d84cc 100644
--- a/dsl_test.go
+++ b/dsl_test.go
@@ -272,11 +272,6 @@ func TestDslExpressions(t *testing.T) {
`join(", ", split(hex_encode("abcdefg"), 2))`: "61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67",
`json_minify("{ \"name\": \"John Doe\", \"foo\": \"bar\" }")`: "{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"name\":\"John Doe\"}",
`json_prettify("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"name\":\"John Doe\"}")`: "{\n \"foo\": \"bar\",\n \"name\": \"John Doe\"\n}",
- // `resolve("scanme.sh")`: "",
- // `resolve("scanme.sh","a")`: "",
- // `resolve("scanme.sh","6")`: "2400:6180:0:d0::91:1001",
- // `resolve("scanme.sh","aaaa")`: "2400:6180:0:d0::91:1001",
- // `resolve("scanme.sh","soa")`: "ns69.domaincontrol.com",
`ip_format('', '1')`: "",
`ip_format('', '3')`: "0177.0.0.01",
`ip_format('', '5')`: "281472812449793",