A Clojure library designed to parse file that contains information about spending money.
Create file that contains some costs with date. For example:
--- 03.10.2013
-170 : cinema
-300 : fastfood
--- 06.10.2013
-2000 : party
--- 11.10.2013
-400 : book
Then change "costsFile" constant and evaluate core.clj. Now you can check how much you spend for fastfood, like that:
(amount (costsFor :fastfood))
amount can take after date or after and before dates, like that:
(amount (costsFor :fastfood "02.10.2013" "04.10.2013"))
You can create bar-charts for any group function you want:
(barChart (costsForAll) #(tCore/month (:when %)))
(barChart (costsForAll) #(:type %))