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Proxy-Wasm C++ SDK API Overview

This page explains the main concepts and structure of the C++ SDK API. For detailed API semantics, refer to the doc comments in the header files listed in the Codemap section, in particular proxy_wasm_api.h.

Concepts and terminology

  • Plugin: a unit of code for customizing network proxy functionality. Plugins can be written in a variety of programming languages (in this case, C++), and are compiled to Wasm modules.

  • Wasm VM: the virtual machine that runs plugins. A network proxy may internally instantiate multiple Wasm VMs to run plugins, for example one per worker thread. A given Wasm VM can host multiple plugins at the same time.

  • Hostcalls and callbacks: callbacks are the entry points to the plugin: they are functions defined by the plugin that the proxy invokes when events of interest (e.g. plugin startup, receipt of a new incoming HTTP request) occur. Hostcalls are function calls that the plugin can make to the host (the network proxy) to query additional state or perform actions, such as reading and modifying HTTP response headers.

  • Contexts: objects that are associated with the current plugin, or the current "stream" (either HTTP/gRPC request or, if L4 proxying, TCP stream). In the C++ SDK, Contexts serve multiple purposes:

    • They are the receivers of Proxy-Wasm callbacks: for example, when HTTP request headers are received, that is represented as a call to the onRequestHeaders method of a Context object. Callbacks are declared as virtual methods on a Context base class, which plugin code can override.
    • They provide the interface for most hostcalls, particularly those associated with the current stream. The hostcalls are defined as methods on Context base classes, which plugin code can call.

    There are two types of Contexts: Plugin Contexts (also known as Root Contexts) and Stream Contexts (sometimes just called Contexts). Plugin Contexts are represented by the RootContext class, and are associated with plugins as a whole--i.e. within a given Wasm VM, there is one Plugin Context per plugin. Stream Contexts are represented by the Context class, and are associated with individual streams--i.e. incoming HTTP/gRPC calls, or TCP streams.

    In the C++ SDK programming model, plugins are implemented by subclassing RootContext and/or Context, and providing implementations of their various callback methods. Plugins can also define fields in these subclasses to keep per-plugin or per-request state. A plugin's RootContext object lives for the full duration that the plugin runs in its Wasm VM, while each stream Context object lives for the duration of the HTTP/gRPC request with which it is associated.

Registering Contexts

RegisterContextFactory is the mechanism for bootstrapping plugin code. Plugin code instantiates a RegisterContextFactory in a static variable. RegisterContextFactory takes as constructor params std::functions for creating new plugin context and stream context instances. The plugin can use these to create and return instances of its own subclasses of RootContext and Context. For example:

static RegisterContextFactory register_ExampleContext(
    CONTEXT_FACTORY(ExampleContext), ROOT_FACTORY(ExampleRootContext));

ROOT_FACTORY and CONTEXT_FACTORY are convenience macros for lambdas that create instances of the specified RootContext and Context subclasses.


RootContext instances are associated with the plugin as a whole. Accordingly, they receive callbacks corresponding to different events in the lifecycle of a plugin:

  • validateConfiguration: May be called to validate the configuration data that will be passed to a plugin on startup, e.g. in the control plane.
  • onCreate: called when context is created.
  • onStart: called on plugin start.
  • onConfigure: called on plugin start, and any time configuration subsequently changes.
  • onDone: called when the plugin is being shut down.
  • onDelete: called after the plugin has acknowledged shutdown is complete, as indication to release resources.

RootContexts can also receive other callbacks for events that are not strictly tied to an incoming stream:

  • onTick: called when a timer fires. See Timers.
  • onQueueReady: called when data arrives on a SharedQueue. See Shared queues.

RootContext defines methods for initiating outbound HTTP and gRPC callouts:

  • httpCall: initiates an HTTP callout (i.e. outbound HTTP request). See HTTP callouts.
  • grpcSimpleCall: initiates a gRPC callout (i.e. outbound gRPC call). See gRPC callouts.
  • grpcCallHandler: initiates a gRPC callout (i.e. outbound gRPC call). See gRPC callouts.
  • grpcStreamHandler: initiates a streaming gRPC callout (i.e. outbound gRPC call). See gRPC callouts.

For API details, see doc comments for the RootContext class in proxy_wasm_api.h.


Context instances are associated with individual streams--i.e. incoming HTTP or gRPC requests, or TCP streams if the network proxy is acting as an L4 proxy. Context instances receive callbacks corresponding to different events in the lifecycle of a stream:

  • onCreate: called when handling of a new stream starts.
  • onDone: called when the host is done processing the stream.
  • onLog: called after the host is done processing the stream, if the plugin is being used for access logging (for example, in Envoy, as a WasmAccessLog extension).
  • onDelete: called after the plugin has completed all processing related to the stream, as indication to release resources.

Context instances also receive callbacks corresponding to stream events. For HTTP or gRPC streams, these are:

  • onRequestHeaders: called when HTTP or gRPC request headers are received.
  • onRequestBody: called when a new chunk of HTTP or gRPC request body data is received.
  • onRequestTrailers: called when HTTP or gRPC request trailers are received.
  • onResponseHeaders: called when HTTP or gRPC response headers are received.
  • onResponseBody: called when a new chunk of HTTP or gRPC response body data is received.
  • onResponseTrailers: called when HTTP or gRPC response trailers are received.

For TCP streams, Context instances may receive the following callbacks:

  • onNewConnection: called when a new connection is established.
  • onDownstreamData: called when a new chunk of data is received from downstream over a connection.
  • onUpstreamData: called when a new chunk of data is received from upstream over a connection.

Callback methods return status enums that indicate whether and how the host should continue to process the stream. Status enum meanings are specified in the doc comments in proxy_wasm_enums.h. Callbacks can also generate an immediate local response to an HTTP or gRPC request using the sendLocalResponse hostcall.

For API details, see doc comments for the Context class in proxy_wasm_api.h.


Many plugin operations require passing data buffers between the host and the plugin. Because this incurs some expense in copying data into or out of the Wasm VM's linear address space, data is only fetched or passed when explicitly requested via one of the following hostcalls:

  • getBufferBytes: retrieves bytes from a given buffer.
  • getBufferStatus: returns whether a given buffer is available, and if so, what its size is
  • setBuffer: writes bytes into a given buffer.

With each of these calls, buffer data is held by an instance of the WasmData class, which represents a span of bytes. The buffer to use as a source or destination of data is indicated by the WasmBufferType enum. For example, the WasmBufferType::HttpResponseBody enum value indicates the buffer used for passing or receiving HTTP response body data.

Certain buffer types are only accessible during certain callbacks. For example, the WasmBufferType::HttpResponseBody buffer is only accessible during Context::onResponseBody and Context::onLog callbacks. See doc comments for individual callbacks in proxy_wasm_api.h for which buffers are accessible in each callback. Documentation for the WasmData class is also in proxy_wasm_api.h.

Handling HTTP and gRPC request headers and trailers

Plugins that handle HTTP and gRPC requests do so by overriding one or more of the HTTP-related callback methods declared by the Context class (see the Context section for a list). For example, a plugin that needs to modify HTTP request headers can do so by overriding the Context::onRequestHeader method. The subclass implementation of onRequestHeader can use hostcalls to fetch and/or mutate HTTP headers.

Hostcalls for accessing and modifying HTTP headers are listed below:

  • addHeaderMapValue: adds a header field.
  • getHeaderMapValue: returns the current value of a header field.
  • replaceHeaderMapValue: replaces an existing header field.
  • removeHeaderMapValue: removes a header field.
  • getHeaderMapPairs: returns all header fields.
  • setHeaderMapPairs: sets all header fields.
  • getHeaderMapSize: returns the current number of header fields.

Each of the above hostcalls takes a WasmHeaderMapType that indicates the type of headers targeted by the operation, e.g. RequestHeaders, ResponseTrailers, etc. For convenience, the C++ SDK also provides functions that are specific to a particular header type. For example:

  • addRequestHeader: adds a request header field.
  • getRequestHeader: returns the value of a request header field.
  • replaceRequestHeader: replaces a request header field.
  • removeRequestHeader: removes a request header field.
  • getRequestHeaderPairs: returns all request header fields.
  • setRequestHeaderPairs: sets all request header fields.
  • getRequestHeaderSize: returns the current number of request header fields.

A similar set of methods is provided for each of: request trailers, response headers, and response trailers.

gRPC requests received by the proxy are dispatched to the plugin using the same Context callback methods as HTTP requests. Plugin code can determine whether an incoming request is gRPC in the same way that network proxies do: by checking if the ":method" pseudoheader has value "POST" and the "content-type" header starts with value "application/grpc".

Plugin callbacks can access the request URL via the ":method", ":scheme", ":authority", and ":path" pseudo-headers defined in RFC 9113 section 8.3.1. They can access HTTP response status via the ":status" pseudo-header defined in RFC 9113 section 8.3.2.

For API details, see doc comments accompanying the functions in proxy_wasm_api.h.

Handling TCP streams

Plugins that handle TCP (or TCP-like) connections do so by overriding one or more of the connection-related callback methods declared by the Context class (see the Context section for a list). For example, a plugin that wanted to inspect data sent by the upstream client could override the Context::onUpstreamData method.

To access the actual data being proxied, plugin code would use the buffer-related hostcalls described in Buffers, specifying NetworkUpstreamData as the WasmBufferType.


A plugin can schedule a periodic timer by calling the low-level proxy_set_tick_period_milliseconds hostcall directly. The host will then call onTick on the RootContext object periodically at the specified interval.

HTTP callouts

Plugins can initiate outbound HTTP requests by invoking RootContext::httpCall. This method initiates an HTTP request, taking as a parameter a std::function to invoke when the request completes (or fails).

RootContext::httpCall wraps a lower-level hostcall, makeHttpCall, that uses token values to match HTTP request and corresponding response callback.

For details, see doc comments for these functions in proxy_wasm_api.h.

gRPC callouts

Plugins can initiate outbound gRPC requests by invoking one of the following hostcalls:

  • grpcSimpleCall: initiates a gRPC call, taking a std::function to invoke upon call response or failure.
  • grpcCallHandler: initiates a gRPC call, taking a GrpcCallHandlerBase object to call as various parts of the gRPC response are received.
  • grpcStreamHandler: initiates a streaming gRPC call, taking a GrpcStreamHandlerBase object to call as new response data arrives over the gRPC stream. The GrpcStreamHandlerBase object can also be used to send additional data over the streaming gRPC call.

These RootContext methods wrap lower-level hostcalls that use token values to match gRPC events to a given gRPC call:

  • grpcCall: initiates a non-streaming gRPC call.
  • grpcStream: initiates a streaming gRPC call.

The gRPC hostcalls listed above use the following supporting types as parameters:

  • GrpcCallHandlerBase: base class for handler objects that receive callbacks on events for a non-streaming gRPC call.
  • GrpcCallHandler: subclass of GrpcCallHandlerBase that is templated by protobuf message type.
  • GrpcStreamHandlerBase: base class for handler objects that receive callbacks on events for a streaming gRPC call.
  • GrpcStreamHandler: subclass of GrpcStreamHandlerBase that is templated by protobuf message type.

Plugin code can subclass the appropriate type and override event handling methods to process gRPC call responses.

For details of the gRPC hostcalls and their associated types, see doc comments for these functions and types in proxy_wasm_api.h.

Shared data

Proxy-Wasm includes a concept of a shared key-value store that can be accessed by multiple plugin instances. The C++ SDK provides this access via the following hostcalls:

  • getSharedData: reads the current value associated with a given key, returning it via out-param.
  • getSharedDataValue: reads the current value associated with a given key, returning it via return value.
  • setSharedData: sets the value associated with a given key.

In addition to a key param that specifies which entry in the key-value store to read or write, these methods also accept and return a CAS (compare-and-swap) value that can be used for atomic updates. For details, see doc comments accompanying the functions in proxy_wasm_api.h.

Shared queues

Proxy-Wasm includes a concept of shared queues that can be used for communication between multiple plugin instances. Shared queues are FIFO queues that can have multiple producers and consumers.

The following hostcalls operate on shared queues:

  • registerSharedQueue: establishes a shared queue under a given name.
  • resolveSharedQueue: resolves an existing shared queue to an ID that can be used for enqueueing or dequeueing items to/from the queue.
  • enqueueSharedQueue: writes a chunk of data onto the shared queue.
  • dequeueSharedQueue: consumes a chunk of data from the shared queue.

The RootContext::onQueueReady callback informs a plugin when there is data that is available to be consumed from a shared queue.

For API details, see doc comments in proxy_wasm_api.h.


Plugins can emit log messages for the host proxy to incorporate into its own logging or otherwise record. Each logging operation takes a log level and string message. The following logging macros log messages at various log levels, in increasing order of severity, with file and function name automatically prepended to the log message:


The macros above allow plugin execution to continue. There is also a logging hostcall that terminates plugin execution:

  • logAbort: logs at Critical level, then aborts the plugin

For API details, see associated doc comments in proxy_wasm_api.h.


Plugins can register and update metrics, to be exported by the host proxy. Each metric can be one of the following types, represented by the MetricType enum:

  • MetricType::Counter: numeric value representing a cumulative count of some event, which monotonically increases over time.
  • MetricType::Gauge: numeric value representing a current snapshot of some quantity, which may take arbitrary values over time.
  • MetricType::Histogram: a bucketed distribution of values.

The following low-level hostcalls support defining and updating metrics:

  • defineMetric: registers a metric under a given name.
  • incrementMetric: increments a metric counter.
  • recordMetric: sets a metric counter.
  • getMetric: reads a metric counter.

On top of these base hostcalls, the C++ SDK provides convenience classes for representing and updating metrics:

  • Counter
  • Gauge
  • Histogram
  • Metric: all of the above

Metrics can be subdivided by tags, using similar structure to Envoy statistics.

Foreign function interface (FFI)

Hosts can make additional hostcalls available for plugins to call via the foreign function interface. Plugin code can invoke such hostcalls via the proxy_call_foreign_function hostcall defined in proxy_wasm_externs.h, which specifies the foreign hostcall to invoke by a string name.

Hosts can also invoke callbacks for events outside of those defined by the Proxy-Wasm spec, which are dispatched to the plugin via calls to ContextBase::onForeignFunction. These calls use an integer function ID to identify the foreign callback to invoke.

With both foreign hostcalls and callbacks, the plugin and host must agree out-of-band on what hostcalls/callbacks will be available. For API details, see associated doc comments in proxy_wasm_externs.h and proxy_wasm_api.h.


Some of the concepts and APIs described above are illustrated by the example plugin code in

First, the example plugin defines subclasses of RootContext and Context that override callbacks of interest:

class ExampleRootContext : public RootContext {
  explicit ExampleRootContext(uint32_t id, std::string_view root_id) : RootContext(id, root_id) {}
  bool onStart(size_t) override;
  bool onConfigure(size_t) override;
  // ...

class ExampleContext : public Context {
  explicit ExampleContext(uint32_t id, RootContext *root) : Context(id, root) {}
  void onCreate() override;
  FilterHeadersStatus onRequestHeaders(uint32_t headers, bool end_of_stream) override;
  // ...

RegisterContextFactory registers these classes for creation:

static RegisterContextFactory register_ExampleContext(CONTEXT_FACTORY(ExampleContext),

The implementations of callback methods use hostcalls to access and mutate request or response state:

FilterHeadersStatus ExampleContext::onResponseHeaders(uint32_t, bool) {
  LOG_DEBUG(std::string("onResponseHeaders ") + std::to_string(id()));
  auto result = getResponseHeaderPairs();
  auto pairs = result->pairs();
  LOG_INFO(std::string("headers: ") + std::to_string(pairs.size()));
  for (auto &p : pairs) {
    LOG_INFO(std::string(p.first) + std::string(" -> ") + std::string(p.second));
  addResponseHeader("X-Wasm-custom", "FOO");
  replaceResponseHeader("content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
  return FilterHeadersStatus::Continue;


The main files containing the Proxy-Wasm C++ SDK API and implementation are listed below: