- The program is hardcoded to encode the 'Lena_gray.png' image and decode it from the 'Lines.png' image. Therefore, please ensure that these files are in the same folder as the program.
- Run 'encoding.py' to generate numpy dump files - scales.npy, offsets.npy and indices.npy. These represent the compressed version of the file
- Run 'decoding.py' to decompress the image. This file reads the scales.npy, offsets.npy and indices.npy to recreate the image. The decompressed image is stored in the same folder as 'decompressed.png'.
- By default, the decompression runs for 10 iterations. This can be changed by editing the iterations parameter in line:126 of the 'decoding.py' file. Increasing the number of iterations produces better quality images, decreasing it makes the decompression faster.