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Eleventy was created to be a JavaScript alternative to Jekyll. It’s zero-config by default but has flexible configuration options. Eleventy works with your project’s existing directory structure.
Eleventy uses independent template engines. We don’t want to hold your content hostage. If you decide to use something else later, having your content decoupled in this way will make migration easier.
Eleventy works with multiple template languages. You can pick one or use them all together in a single project:
{% templatelangs templatetypes, page %}
Eleventy is not a JavaScript framework—that means zero boilerplate client-side JavaScript. We’re thinking long term and opting out of the framework rat race. The tool chain, code conventions, and modules you use in your front end stack are decoupled from this tool. Work from a solid foundation of pre-rendered templates that suit your project’s progressive enhancement baseline requirements.
Eleventy is incremental. You don’t need to start an Eleventy project from scratch. Eleventy is flexible enough to allow conversion of only a few templates at a time. Migrate as fast or as slow as you’d like.
Eleventy works great with data—use both front matter and external data files to inject content into templates.
Read more about Eleventy’s project goals.
➡ Keep going! Read Getting Started.
There are a bunch of sites built using Eleventy. But listen to what these happy developers are saying about Eleventy:
{% include "testimonials.md" %}
This project aims to directly compete with all other Static Site Generators. We encourage you to try out our competition: