nohup sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection TrecCoreCollection \
-input /path/to/nyt_corpus/ -generator JsoupGenerator \
-index lucene-index.core.pos+docvectors -threads 16 -storePositions -storeDocvectors -optimize \
> log.core.pos+docvectors &
The directory /path/to/nyt_corpus/
should be the root directory of TREC Core collection, i.e., ls /path/to/nyt_corpus/
should bring up a bunch of subdirectories, 1987
to 2007
. The command above builds a standard positional index
) that's optimized into a single segment (-optimize
). If you also want to store document vectors
(e.g., for query expansion), add the -docvectors
option. The above command builds an index that stores term positions
) as well as doc vectors for relevance feedback (-storeDocvectors
), and -optimize
force merges all
index segment into one.
After indexing is done, you should be able to perform a retrieval as follows:
sh target/appassembler/bin/SearchWebCollection \
-topicreader Trec -index lucene-index.core.pos+docvectors -bm25 \
-topics src/main/resources/topics-and-qrels/topics.701-750.txt -output run.core.300-450.600-700.bm25.txt
For the retrieval model: specify -bm25
to use BM25, -ql
to use query likelihood, and add -rm3
to invoke the RM3
relevance feedback model (requires docvectors index).