Library for manage Time with the control of reset millis() after 49 day and interval change during working
The library is used to handle pauses or temporal repetitions without using the delay () that blocks the execution of the code.
The library also handles multiple instances, the millis() function reset after about 49 days (with exact time calculation after the reset) and the ability to change the interval during execution. When changing the interval, you can indicate whether the change will occur immediately or wait new alarm.
Use Libray:
#include <MyTimeAlarm.h> //include library
MyTimeAlarm Timer1; //Inizialize instances Timer1 -> MyTimeAlarm XXXXXXX;
Timer1.on(5000) //set Timer1 ON with the indication of the interval in milliseconds (limit Unsigned Long) - return true or false //set Timer1 OFF - return true or false //to know if the alarm was triggered - return true or false
if ( Serial.println("Alarm Timer1"); //for example (in loop...)
Timer1.change(3000,true); //change Timer1 immediately (Interval, true) - return true or false
Timer1.change(3000,false); //change Timer1 NOT immediately (Interval, false) - wait new alarm