- fix limit async execution of prepare apps
- limit async execution of prepare apps
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- limit async execution of packageApp
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- limit async execution of setEnv
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- update some dependencies
- update some dependencies
- mapSeries for bindServices
- update some dependencies
- update some dependencies
- update some dependencies
- update some dependencies
- failsafe deleteApps workflow
- limit more parallel execution of service binding interactions
- limit parallel execution of service binding interactions
- fix blueGreen, update some dependencies
- update some dependencies
- bump cf-adapter
- bump cf-adapter
- waitForServiceInstance in bluegreen
- bump cf-adapter
- use pushApp instead of createApp and uploadApp
- for routes check use path too
- bump cf-adapter
- prepareApps and desiredApps now waits for service to be ready before trying to bind
- bump cf-adapter
- added index
- added ensureRunning
- bump cf-adapter
- enhances blueGreen workflow to handle preexisting but unassociated routes
- update dependencies