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290 lines (216 loc) · 8.42 KB

File metadata and controls

290 lines (216 loc) · 8.42 KB


First of all, thanks for taking your time to contribute and help make our project even better than it is today! The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to TagMark. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.


Development Environment Setup

First please enter the root directory of tagmark.

1. Setup Python and Poetry

Option 1: Using self-created virtual env

Step 1 create you and enter virtual environment:

here we take mamba(conda) as example:

 ➜ mamba create -n testvenv python=3.11
 ➜ mamba activate testvenv

Step 2 install poetry

(testvenv) ➜ pip install poetry

Step 3 fork and clone the tagmark repo

Step 4 if your IDE is vscode, here are the recommended settings


    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Module",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "module": "tagmark.cli",
            "justMyCode": false,
            "args": [
                // args for debug, change according to your needs 


    "python.testing.pytestArgs": [
    "python.testing.unittestEnabled": false,
    "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
    "[python]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": ""
    "python.formatting.provider": "none",
Option 2: Using VSCode + devcontainer

Step 1 run Docker daemon

Step 2 Build devcontainer image and start container:

in a new VSCode win, press Ctrl+Shift+P(windows) / Command+Shift+P(MacOS) to open Command Palette and select Dev container: Clone Repository in Container Volume..., you may be required to enter these/choose things:

  • `git repo url``:
  • Python version: you should select version >= 3.11
  • Linux Distribution: I selected the first one(an alias of a specified version of ubuntu), but I did not test the others. You can try what you like.

after a while the image will be built and the container will be run, the VSCode windows will be reloaded and the git repo will show up.


create a PAT and store it into the .env file in your local tagmark source dir, the details has been referred in README > Installation > Step 4

3. Install TagMark Dependencies

Option 1: Using make Command
make install
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
poetry install

4. Linting

Option 1: Using make Command
make lint
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
black .
isort --profile black .
flake8 --ignore=E501,W503 .

5. Testing

Option 1: Using make Command
make test
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
poetry run pytest -v --cov=tagmark --cov-report=term-missing tests/

or if you want to generate a html report, just replace --cov-report=term-missing with --cov-report=html

6. Build

Option 1: Using make command
make build
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
poetry build

7. Clean Up

Option 1: Using make command
make clean
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
	find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$\)" | xargs rm -rf
  rm -rf dist
	rm -rf .coverage
	rm -rf .pytest_cache
	rm -rf htmlcov

8. Generating Changelog

Option 1: Using make command
make changelog o=v0.1.0 n=v0.2.0 f=changelog.txt
  • o: an older(starting) Git commit version number, its optional values are:
    • Git commit hash
    • Git tag
  • n: a newer(ending) Git commit version number, its optional values are:
    • Git commit hash
    • Git tag
    • HEAD, HEAD^, HEAD~3, etc.
  • f: the path of the output file
Option 2: Run Original Command(s)
git log {o}..{n} --oneline --abbrev-commit --pretty="* %h %s" > {f};

the meaning of the arguments are the same as those in Option 1: Using make command.


git log v0.1.0..v0.2.0 --oneline --abbrev-commit --pretty="* %h %s" > changelog.txt

Commit Messages Rules

commit message format: {scope}>{action}: msg

  • {scope}:
    • infra: infrastructure, fundamental things
      • build system
      • CI configuration files and scripts
      • infra.misc: miscellaneous things or other things
        • .gitignore
        • .github
        • Makefile
        • etc
    • code: code of TagMark
      • code.dep: (external) dependencies(libraries/modules/packages, etc.)
      • code.core: main core code of TagMark in core folder
      • code.tool: tool/plugin of TagMark in tool folder
      • code.tests: testing code of TagMark in tests folder
      • code.misc: miscellaneous things or other things
      • any data used by code
    • data
      • any data not used by code
      • the final output/result of the code execution
      • etc
    • docs: documentation
    • proj: this project, often used in combination with the release action
  • {action}:
    • new
      • add new file(s) to a scope
      • add new feature to existing file(s)
      • add new content to existing document(s)
    • modify: any modifications for existing files
      • modify.fix: bug fix
      • modify.perf: code change that improves performance
      • Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, naming, etc.)
      • modify.refactor: code refactor which not relates to fix, perf and style
      • modify.update: update an external dependencies(libraries/modules/packages, etc.)
      • modify.misc: miscellaneous things or other things
        • comment
    • revert: revert any existing commits
    • del: remove
    • release: Commit a release for a conventional changelog project

The subject contains a succinct description of the change, like Update code highlighting in

  • No dot (.) at the end.
  • Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes".

Code Style

please run the linter command in 4. Linting to format your code before pushing your pull request.

The Linting commands will also be run in the CI progress auto triggered by Github Actions to check the style of your code when you push your pull request to dev branch. If the check failed your pull request is not able to be merged.