Docstrings shall be written in NumpyDoc format.
At least the following sections shall be provided:
- the short summary (one sentence at the top)
- the parameters section (if the function has input arguments)
- the returns section (if the function returns anything other than
Until Numpy version 1.22+ becomes generally adopted this library will not provide type annotations.
Linting shall be performed with flake8, flake8-isort, flake8-black and pep8-naming.
The default configurations for these linting tools shall be upheld, which includes pep8 style and naming conventions.
Automated formatting shall be performed with black and isort.
Black is left at defaults, flake8 and isort are configured to adhere to black.
All functions need to be covered by unit tests.
The primary purpose of pylinalg as a library is to support linear algebra operations in pygfx and applications based on pygfx. As such, pylinalg shares its coordinate frame conventions with pygfx, which in turn follows gITF's conventions .
Unless stated otherwise, frames use 3-dimensional euclidean coordinates and a
right-handed coordinate frame. What differs depending on the type are the
semantics used to describe each axis. Distances are measured in m
(meters) and
and angles in rad
(radians) unless stated otherwise.
- Object Coordinates are represented using
(x, y, z)
vectors and are used to describe objects in a scene. They use the following semantics:- The negative X axis is called right.
- The positive Y axis is called up.
- The positive Z axis is called forward.
- Camera Coordinates are represented using
(x, y, z)
vectors and are used to describe cameras and lights. They use the following semantics:- The positive X axis is called right.
- The positive Y axis is called up.
- The negative Z axis is called forward.
- Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) are left-handed and represented using
(x, y, z)
vectors. They are used to describe points to render/plot. Points inside the unit (half) box are rendered, others are not. NDC uses the following semantics:- The positive X axis is called right and the box extent is
[-1, 1]
. - The positive Y axis is called up and the box extent is
[-1, 1]
. - The positive Z axis is the viewing direction and the box extent is
[0, 1]
- The positive X axis is called right and the box extent is
- Spherical Coordinates are represented using
(radius, theta, phi)
vectors and use the following semantics:- The radius measures the distance between a point and the origin and lies
[0, inf)
. - The phi angle measures the counter-clockwise (CCW) rotation around the
positive y-axis. It is measured from the positive Z-axis and lies between
[0, pi)
. - The theta angle measures the counter-clockwise (CCW) rotation around the
negative X-axis. It is measured from the positive Y-axis and lies between
[0, 2*pi)
- The radius measures the distance between a point and the origin and lies
- Homogeneous Coordinates are represented using
(x, y, z, 1)
vectors and use the same semantics as their cartesian dual, i.e., if they represent an object, they use the semantics of object coordinates and when they represent a camera they use the semantics of camera coordinates. - Quaternion Coordinates are represented using
(x, y, z, w)
vectors and have no explicit semantics.
We identify three important coordinate frames that we use as named references:
- world: The world frame is the (global) inertial reference frame. All other coordinate frames are positioned relative to world; either explicitly, or implicitly via a sequence of frames that were previously placed relative to world. This creates a graph of coordinate frames (called the scene graph), with world at its root and it allows finding a transformation matrix between pairs of coordinate frames. World uses object coordinates.
- local: The local frame is the coordinate frame in which an object's vertices are expressed. For example, when inspecting the position of a cube's corners their numerical values are given in the cube's local frame.
- parent: The parent frame is the coordinate frame in which an object's pose (position + orientation) is expressed. Parent can either be the inertial reference frame (world) or it can be another object's local frame. An object's position is always relative to its parent; for example, if a lightbulb has a lamp's local frame as it's parent, then the lightbulb's position expressed in world coordinates will change whenever the position of lamp changes, i.e., if the lamp moves, so does the lightbulb.
Further, when talking about transformation matrices and coordinate transforms, we use two additional frames to avoid confusion:
- source: The source frame is the coordinate frame in which to-be-transformed vectors are expressed, i.e., it is the reference frame of the input vectors. Source uses homogeneous coordinates.
- target: The target frame is the coordinate frame in which transformed vectors are expressed, i.e., it is the reference frame of the output vectors. Target uses homogeneous coordinates.
To make this concrete, imagine a scene with a space shuttle that is about to lift off. The world frame is a frame that is anchored to the surface of the planet, the local frame is a frame attached to the space shuttle, and the space shuttle's parent frame is the local frame of the rocket to which the shuttle is attached to.
In the above example, gravity points along the negative y-axis in world (Y is up) and along the positive z-axis in local (-Z is forward). During take-off, the rocket will generate thrust and move in the direction of parent's negative Z (forward). From the perspective of world, however, the rocket launches in the direction of the positive y-axis (up, as it should). The space shuttle, being attached to the rocket, will be dragged along for the ride. It's position relative to the rocket doesn't change; however, from the perspective of world it, too, will accelerate along the positive y-axis.
To render an object we have to express its vertices in a camera's NDC. Recall that vertices are expressed in the object's local frame, which means we need to work out the transformation from object local to camera NDC. We can do this by following the chain of transformations in the scene graph from object local via world to camera local and from camera local into NDC. Since this chain is very important for rendering, it's parts have special names:
- World Matrix: The transformation from object's local into world.
- View Matrix: The transformation from world to camera's local. This is the inverse of the camera's world matrix.
- Projection Matrix: The transformation from camera's local into NDC.
Row-major can mean two things:
- Memory layout; are rows or columns contiguous in memory
- Are vectors columns or rows
Pylinalg's kernels are written assuming a row-major (C-contigous) layout. If a kernel supports batch processing of vetors, it assumes that the last dimension contains the relevant vector data and that all other dimensions are batch/loop dimensions. As such, you can think of vectors being row vectors.
This API is for power-users that want to vectorize operations on large sets of things.
Performance is prioritized over extensive input validation.
The source for this API resides in the pylinalg
package and is
organized by type.
Since all functions are exposed on the root pylinalg
module object,
a simple naming scheme is put in place:
- Functions are organized by type. For example, functions that work on
matrices, or create matrices, go into the
module and their function names are prefixed bymat_
We strive to align closely with numpy conventions in order to be least-surprising for users accustomed to numpy.
- Data arguments feeding into computation are positional-only.
- Optional arguments affecting the result of computation are keyword-only.
- The
arguments are available whenever possible, and they work as they do in numpy:- The
argument can be provided to write the results to an existing array, instead of a new array. - The
argument can be provided to override the data type of the result. - If there are multiple outputs,
is expected to be a tuple with matching number of elements. - If
are both provided, thedtype
argument is ignored.
- The
Here is an example of a function that complies with the conventions posed in this document:
def vec_transform(vectors, matrix, /, *, w=1, out=None, dtype=None):
Transform vectors by a transformation matrix.
vectors : ndarray, [..., 3]
Array of vectors
matrix : ndarray, [4, 4]
Transformation matrix
w : number, optional, default 1
The value for the homogeneous dimensionality.
this affects the result of translation transforms. use 0 (vectors)
if the translation component should not be applied, 1 (positions)
out : ndarray, optional
A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it
must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or
None, a freshly-allocated array is returned. A tuple must have
length equal to the number of outputs.
dtype : data-type, optional
Overrides the data type of the result.
ndarray, [..., 3]
transformed vectors
vectors = vec_homogeneous(vectors, w=w)
# usually when applying a transformation matrix to a vector
# the vector is a column, so if you were to have an array of vectors
# it would have shape (ndim, nvectors).
# however, we instead have the convention (nvectors, ndim) where
# vectors are rows.
# therefore it is necessary to transpose the transformation matrix
# additionally we slice off the last row of the matrix, since we are not interested
# in the resulting w coordinate
transform = matrix[:-1, :].T
if out is not None:
# if `out` is exactly compatible, that is the most performant
return, transform, out=out)
except ValueError:
# otherwise we need a temporary array and cast
out[:] =, transform)
return out
# otherwise just return whatever dot computes
out =, transform)
# cast if requested
if dtype is not None:
out = out.astype(dtype, copy=False)
return out
Since the conventions align with those of numpy, in some cases, it just does not
make sense to add the function this library and incur all the overhead of
maintenance, documentation and testing. For example, a function to perform
vector addition would be exactly equal to the np.add
function, and as such, it
is not necessary to add them to pylinalg.