From d7a573056017dd504a7cc168c03b1b6ccda71807 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Github Actions - Git Commit Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 08:33:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] This a commit from Github Actions --- docs/PuppeteerLibrary.html | 2 +- vscode-PuppeteerLibrary.json | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/PuppeteerLibrary.html b/docs/PuppeteerLibrary.html index 47760a2..6140731 100644 --- a/docs/PuppeteerLibrary.html +++ b/docs/PuppeteerLibrary.html @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ jQuery.extend({highlight:function(e,t,n,r){if(e.nodeType===3){var;if(i){var s=document.createElement(n||"span");s.className=r||"highlight";var o=e.splitText(i.index);o.splitText(i[0].length);var u=o.cloneNode(true);s.appendChild(u);o.parentNode.replaceChild(s,o);return 1}}else if(e.nodeType===1&&e.childNodes&&!/(script|style)/i.test(e.tagName)&&!(e.tagName===n.toUpperCase()&&e.className===r)){for(var a=0;a diff --git a/vscode-PuppeteerLibrary.json b/vscode-PuppeteerLibrary.json index d38ec15..80a9df3 100644 --- a/vscode-PuppeteerLibrary.json +++ b/vscode-PuppeteerLibrary.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"name": "PuppeteerLibrary", "version": "1.2.4", "keywords": [{"name": "Capture Page Screenshot", "args": ["filename=puppeteer-screenshot-{index}.png"], "doc": "Capture current web page as image png file.\n\nThe ``filename`` argument specifies filename and path to save the file.\nDefault valid is 'puppeteer-screenshot-{index}.png'.\n\nExample:\n\n| Capture page screenshot | |\n| Capture page screenshot | custom-{index}.png |"}, {"name": "Clear Element Text", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clears value of text field identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Clear Element Text` | id:name |"}, {"name": "Click Button", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks button identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Button` | id:submit |"}, {"name": "Click Element", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Element` | id:register |"}, {"name": "Click Image", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks image identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Image` | id:cat_image |"}, {"name": "Click Link", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks link identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Link` | id:view_more |"}, {"name": "Close All Browser", "args": [], "doc": "Close all browser"}, {"name": "Close Browser", "args": ["alias=None"], "doc": "Closes the current browser"}, {"name": "Close Puppeteer", "args": [], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Disable Debug Mode", "args": [], "doc": "Disable debug mode. This keyword will close all browser and reset debug mode to False."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Disabled", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is disabled."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Enabled", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is enabled."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Visible", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is visible."}, {"name": "Element Should Contain", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator contains text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Should Not Be Visible", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is not be visible."}, {"name": "Element Should Not Contain", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator should not contains text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Text Should Be", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator contains exact the text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Text Should Not Be", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator not contains exact the text `expected`."}, {"name": "Enable Debug Mode", "args": ["slowMo=150", "devtools=True"], "doc": "Enable debug mode.\n\nThe ``slowMo`` argument specifies delay for each test step.\nThe ``devtools`` argument specifies enable devtools or not.\n\nExample:\n\n| Enable Debug Mode | | |\n| Open browser | | |\n| Input text | id:username_field | demo |\n| Input text | id:password_field | mode |"}, {"name": "Enable Emulate Mode", "args": ["emulate_name"], "doc": "Emulate specific mobile or tablet\n\nThe ``emulate_name`` argument specifies which emulator to use.\n\n| = Example Options = |\n| iPhone X |\n| Pixel 2 |\n\nMore emulate_name please visit []("}, {"name": "Execute Javascript", "args": ["code"], "doc": "Executes the given JavaScript code\n\nExamples:\n| `Handle Alert` | ACCEPT |\n| `Execute Javascript` | alert('Hello world'); |\n\n\nExamples:\n| `Execute Javascript` | console.log('Hi 5'); |"}, {"name": "Get Location", "args": [], "doc": "Get page location"}, {"name": "Get Text", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Returns text value of element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${text} | `Get Text` | id:username |"}, {"name": "Get Title", "args": [], "doc": "Get page title"}, {"name": "Get Value", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Returns specific attribute value of element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${value} | `Get Value` | id:comment |"}, {"name": "Get Window Count", "args": [], "doc": "Get windows count"}, {"name": "Go Back", "args": [], "doc": "Simulate browser go back"}, {"name": "Go To", "args": ["url"], "doc": "Navigates the current page to the ``url``"}, {"name": "Handle Alert", "args": ["action", "prompt_text="], "doc": "Handles the current alert and returns its message.\n\naction:\n- ACCEPT: Accept the alert i.e. press Ok. Default.\n- DISMISS: Dismiss the alert i.e. press Cancel.`.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Run Async Keywords` | | |\n| ... Handle Alert | ACCEPT | AND |\n| ... Click Button | id=alert_confirm | |"}, {"name": "Input Text", "args": ["locator", "text", "clear=True"], "doc": "Types the given text into text field identified by ``locator``.\n\nIf clear is true, the input element will be cleared before the text is typed into the element.\nOn the other hand clear is false, the previous text will not be cleared from the element.\n\nExamples:\n| `Input Text` | id:name | John Doe | |\n| `Input Text` | id:username | john | True |"}, {"name": "Maximize Browser Window", "args": ["width=1366", "height=768"], "doc": "Maximize view port not actual browser and set default size to 1366 x 768"}, {"name": "Mock Current Page Api Response", "args": ["url", "mock_response", "method=GET", "body=None"], "doc": "Mock current page api response.\n\nThe ``mock_response`` is a dictionary which can have the following fields:\n- ``status`` (int): Response status code, defaults to 200.\n- ``headers`` (dict): Optional response headers.\n- ``contentType`` (str): If set, equals to setting ``Content-Type`` response header.\n- ``body`` (str|bytes): Optional response body.\n\nThe ``url`` is request url. url can be partial url match using regexp\nMatch Options:\n\n| Options | Url value |\n| Exact match | ^\\?count=3$ |\n| Partial match | /ajax_info.json\\?count=3 |\n| Regular expression | .*?/ajax_info.json\\?count=3 |\n\nThe ``method`` is HTTP Request Methods:\n- GET (default)\n- POST\n- PUT\n- HEAD\n- DELETE\n- PATCH\n\nThe ``body`` is request body message. body can match using regexp\n\nExample:\n\n| &{response} | Create Dictionary | body=I'm a mock response |\n| Mock Current Page Api Response | /ajax_info.json\\?count=3 | ${response} |"}, {"name": "Mouse Down", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Mouse down on the element."}, {"name": "Mouse Move", "args": ["x", "y"], "doc": "Move mouse to position x, y."}, {"name": "Mouse Over", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Mouse over the element."}, {"name": "Mouse Up", "args": [], "doc": "Mouse up."}, {"name": "Open Browser", "args": ["url", "browser=chrome", "alias=None", "options=None"], "doc": "Opens a new browser instance to the specific ``url``.\n\nThe ``browser`` argument specifies which browser to use.\n\n| = Browser = | = Name(s) = |\n| Google Chrome | chrome |\n\n\nThe ``options`` argument as a dictionary\n\n| = Property = | = Value = |\n| headless | default True |\n| width | default 1366 |\n| height | default 768 |\n\n\nExample:\n\n| &{options} = | create dictionary | headless=${False} |\n| `Open browser` | | options=${options} |"}, {"name": "Print As Pdf", "args": ["filename=pdf-{index}.pdf"], "doc": "Print current web page as pdf file. This keyword only support with ``HEADLESS`` mode enable.\n\nThe ``filename`` argument specifies filename and path to save the file.\nDefault valid is 'pdf-{index}.pdf'.\n\nExample:\n\n| &{options} = | create dictionary | headless=${False} |\n| Open browser | | options=${options} |\n| Print as PDF | | |\n| Print as PDF | custom-pdf-{index}.pdf | |"}, {"name": "Reload Page", "args": [], "doc": "Reload the current page"}, {"name": "Run Async Keywords", "args": ["*keywords"], "doc": "Executes all the given keywords in a asynchronous and wait until all keyword is completed\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | |\n| `Run Async Keywords` | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait for response url | ${HOME_PAGE_URL}/home.html | |"}, {"name": "Select From List By Label", "args": ["locator", "labels"], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Select From List By Value", "args": ["locator", "values"], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Set Timeout", "args": ["timeout"], "doc": "Sets the timeout that is used by various keywords.\nThe value can be given as a number that is considered to be seconds or as a human-readable string like 1 second.\nThe previous value is returned and can be used to restore the original value later if needed.\nSee the Timeout section above for more information.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${orig timeout} = | Set Timeout | 15 seconds |\n| Open page that loads slowly | | |\n| Set Timeout | ${orig timeout} | |"}, {"name": "Switch Browser", "args": ["alias"], "doc": "Switch browser context based on alias name"}, {"name": "Switch Window", "args": ["locator=MAIN"], "doc": "Switches to tabs matching locator\nlocator support options NEW, MAIN and query using name, title and url\n - NEW: latest opened window\n - MAIN: main window\n - title=\"QAHive\": window title. Page title will have have error if new tab have auto redirection\n - url=\"\": url support regex Example: url=.*"}, {"name": "Upload File", "args": ["locator", "file_path"], "doc": "Upload file"}, {"name": "Wait For Navigation", "args": [], "doc": "Waits until web page navigates to new url or reloads.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | `Wait For Navigation` | | |"}, {"name": "Wait For New Window Open", "args": ["timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until new page or tab opens.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:view_conditions | AND |\n| ... | `Wait For New Window Open` | | |"}, {"name": "Wait For Request Url", "args": ["url", "method=GET", "body=None", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Wait until web application sent request to ``url``.\n\nThe ``url`` is request url. url can be partial url match using regexp\nMatch Options:\n\n| Options | Url value |\n| Exact match | ^$ |\n| Partial match | /ajax_info.json |\n| Regular expression | .*?/ajax_info.json |\n\nThe ``method`` is HTTP Request Methods:\n- GET (default)\n- POST\n- PUT\n- HEAD\n- DELETE\n- PATCH\n\nThe ``body`` is request body message. body can match using regexp\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND | |\n| ... | `Wait For Request Url` | ${URL_API}/login | POST | username=demo |"}, {"name": "Wait For Response Url", "args": ["url", "status=200", "body=None", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Wait until web application received response from ``url``.\n\nThe ``url`` is response url.\n\nThe ``status`` is HTTP Status Codes:\n- 200 (default)\n- 201\n- 204\n- 400\n- 401\n- 404\n- 500\nReference:[|]\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND | |\n| ... | `Wait For Response Url` | ${URL_API}/login | 200 | username=demo |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Contains", "args": ["locator", "text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element contains ``text``.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} |\n| `Wait Until Element Contains` | css:#container p | Please input your user name |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Does Not Contains", "args": ["locator", "text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element does not contains ``text``.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Does Not Contains` | css:#container p | Please input your user name | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Is Hidden", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element is hide or removed from web page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Is Hidden` | id:login_button | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Is Visible", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element is displayed on web page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Is Visible` | id:welcome | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Location Contains", "args": ["expected", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until the current URL contains `expected`.\n\nThe `expected` argument contains the expected value in url."}, {"name": "Wait Until Location Does Not Contains", "args": ["expected", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until the current URL does not contains `expected`.\n\nThe `expected` argument contains the expected value must not in url."}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Contains", "args": ["text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``text`` appears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Page Contains` | Invalid user name or password | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Contains Element", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element appears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} |\n| `Wait Until Page Contains Element` | id:username | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Does Not Contains", "args": ["text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``text`` disappears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Page Does Not Contains` | Please input your user name | | |"}]} \ No newline at end of file +{"name": "PuppeteerLibrary", "version": "1.2.5", "keywords": [{"name": "Capture Page Screenshot", "args": ["filename=puppeteer-screenshot-{index}.png"], "doc": "Capture current web page as image png file.\n\nThe ``filename`` argument specifies filename and path to save the file.\nDefault valid is 'puppeteer-screenshot-{index}.png'.\n\nExample:\n\n| Capture page screenshot | |\n| Capture page screenshot | custom-{index}.png |"}, {"name": "Clear Element Text", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clears value of text field identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Clear Element Text` | id:name |"}, {"name": "Click Button", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks button identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Button` | id:submit |"}, {"name": "Click Element", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Element` | id:register |"}, {"name": "Click Image", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks image identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Image` | id:cat_image |"}, {"name": "Click Link", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Clicks link identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Click Link` | id:view_more |"}, {"name": "Close All Browser", "args": [], "doc": "Close all browser"}, {"name": "Close Browser", "args": ["alias=None"], "doc": "Closes the current browser"}, {"name": "Close Puppeteer", "args": [], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Disable Debug Mode", "args": [], "doc": "Disable debug mode. This keyword will close all browser and reset debug mode to False."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Disabled", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is disabled."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Enabled", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is enabled."}, {"name": "Element Should Be Visible", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is visible."}, {"name": "Element Should Contain", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator contains text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Should Not Be Visible", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Verifies that element identified by locator is not be visible."}, {"name": "Element Should Not Contain", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator should not contains text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Text Should Be", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator contains exact the text `expected`."}, {"name": "Element Text Should Not Be", "args": ["locator", "expected", "ignore_case=False"], "doc": "Verifies that element locator not contains exact the text `expected`."}, {"name": "Enable Debug Mode", "args": ["slowMo=150", "devtools=True"], "doc": "Enable debug mode.\n\nThe ``slowMo`` argument specifies delay for each test step.\nThe ``devtools`` argument specifies enable devtools or not.\n\nExample:\n\n| Enable Debug Mode | | |\n| Open browser | | |\n| Input text | id:username_field | demo |\n| Input text | id:password_field | mode |"}, {"name": "Enable Emulate Mode", "args": ["emulate_name"], "doc": "Emulate specific mobile or tablet\n\nThe ``emulate_name`` argument specifies which emulator to use.\n\n| = Example Options = |\n| iPhone X |\n| Pixel 2 |\n\nMore emulate_name please visit []("}, {"name": "Execute Javascript", "args": ["code"], "doc": "Executes the given JavaScript code\n\nExamples:\n| `Handle Alert` | ACCEPT |\n| `Execute Javascript` | alert('Hello world'); |\n\n\nExamples:\n| `Execute Javascript` | console.log('Hi 5'); |"}, {"name": "Get Location", "args": [], "doc": "Get page location"}, {"name": "Get Text", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Returns text value of element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${text} | `Get Text` | id:username |"}, {"name": "Get Title", "args": [], "doc": "Get page title"}, {"name": "Get Value", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Returns specific attribute value of element identified by ``locator``.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${value} | `Get Value` | id:comment |"}, {"name": "Get Window Count", "args": [], "doc": "Get windows count"}, {"name": "Go Back", "args": [], "doc": "Simulate browser go back"}, {"name": "Go To", "args": ["url"], "doc": "Navigates the current page to the ``url``"}, {"name": "Handle Alert", "args": ["action", "prompt_text="], "doc": "Handles the current alert and returns its message.\n\naction:\n- ACCEPT: Accept the alert i.e. press Ok. Default.\n- DISMISS: Dismiss the alert i.e. press Cancel.`.\n\nExample:\n\n| `Run Async Keywords` | | |\n| ... Handle Alert | ACCEPT | AND |\n| ... Click Button | id=alert_confirm | |"}, {"name": "Input Text", "args": ["locator", "text", "clear=True"], "doc": "Types the given text into text field identified by ``locator``.\n\nIf clear is true, the input element will be cleared before the text is typed into the element.\nOn the other hand clear is false, the previous text will not be cleared from the element.\n\nExamples:\n| `Input Text` | id:name | John Doe | |\n| `Input Text` | id:username | john | True |"}, {"name": "Maximize Browser Window", "args": ["width=1366", "height=768"], "doc": "Maximize view port not actual browser and set default size to 1366 x 768"}, {"name": "Mock Current Page Api Response", "args": ["url", "mock_response", "method=GET", "body=None"], "doc": "Mock current page api response.\n\nThe ``mock_response`` is a dictionary which can have the following fields:\n- ``status`` (int): Response status code, defaults to 200.\n- ``headers`` (dict): Optional response headers.\n- ``contentType`` (str): If set, equals to setting ``Content-Type`` response header.\n- ``body`` (str|bytes): Optional response body.\n\nThe ``url`` is request url. url can be partial url match using regexp\nMatch Options:\n\n| Options | Url value |\n| Exact match | ^\\?count=3$ |\n| Partial match | /ajax_info.json\\?count=3 |\n| Regular expression | .*?/ajax_info.json\\?count=3 |\n\nThe ``method`` is HTTP Request Methods:\n- GET (default)\n- POST\n- PUT\n- HEAD\n- DELETE\n- PATCH\n\nThe ``body`` is request body message. body can match using regexp\n\nExample:\n\n| &{response} | Create Dictionary | body=I'm a mock response |\n| Mock Current Page Api Response | /ajax_info.json\\?count=3 | ${response} |"}, {"name": "Mouse Down", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Mouse down on the element."}, {"name": "Mouse Move", "args": ["x", "y"], "doc": "Move mouse to position x, y."}, {"name": "Mouse Over", "args": ["locator"], "doc": "Mouse over the element."}, {"name": "Mouse Up", "args": [], "doc": "Mouse up."}, {"name": "Open Browser", "args": ["url", "browser=chrome", "alias=None", "options=None"], "doc": "Opens a new browser instance to the specific ``url``.\n\nThe ``browser`` argument specifies which browser to use.\n\n| = Browser = | = Name(s) = |\n| Google Chrome | chrome |\n\n\nThe ``options`` argument as a dictionary\n\n| = Property = | = Value = |\n| headless | default True |\n| width | default 1366 |\n| height | default 768 |\n\n\nExample:\n\n| &{options} = | create dictionary | headless=${False} |\n| `Open browser` | | options=${options} |"}, {"name": "Print As Pdf", "args": ["filename=pdf-{index}.pdf"], "doc": "Print current web page as pdf file. This keyword only support with ``HEADLESS`` mode enable.\n\nThe ``filename`` argument specifies filename and path to save the file.\nDefault valid is 'pdf-{index}.pdf'.\n\nExample:\n\n| &{options} = | create dictionary | headless=${False} |\n| Open browser | | options=${options} |\n| Print as PDF | | |\n| Print as PDF | custom-pdf-{index}.pdf | |"}, {"name": "Reload Page", "args": [], "doc": "Reload the current page"}, {"name": "Run Async Keywords", "args": ["*keywords"], "doc": "Executes all the given keywords in a asynchronous and wait until all keyword is completed\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | |\n| `Run Async Keywords` | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait for response url | ${HOME_PAGE_URL}/home.html | |"}, {"name": "Select From List By Label", "args": ["locator", "labels"], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Select From List By Value", "args": ["locator", "values"], "doc": ""}, {"name": "Set Timeout", "args": ["timeout"], "doc": "Sets the timeout that is used by various keywords.\nThe value can be given as a number that is considered to be seconds or as a human-readable string like 1 second.\nThe previous value is returned and can be used to restore the original value later if needed.\nSee the Timeout section above for more information.\n\nExample:\n\n| ${orig timeout} = | Set Timeout | 15 seconds |\n| Open page that loads slowly | | |\n| Set Timeout | ${orig timeout} | |"}, {"name": "Switch Browser", "args": ["alias"], "doc": "Switch browser context based on alias name"}, {"name": "Switch Window", "args": ["locator=MAIN"], "doc": "Switches to tabs matching locator\nlocator support options NEW, MAIN and query using name, title and url\n - NEW: latest opened window\n - MAIN: main window\n - title=\"QAHive\": window title. Page title will have have error if new tab have auto redirection\n - url=\"\": url support regex Example: url=.*"}, {"name": "Upload File", "args": ["locator", "file_path"], "doc": "Upload file"}, {"name": "Wait For Navigation", "args": [], "doc": "Waits until web page navigates to new url or reloads.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | `Wait For Navigation` | | |"}, {"name": "Wait For New Window Open", "args": ["timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until new page or tab opens.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:view_conditions | AND |\n| ... | `Wait For New Window Open` | | |"}, {"name": "Wait For Request Url", "args": ["url", "method=GET", "body=None", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Wait until web application sent request to ``url``.\n\nThe ``url`` is request url. url can be partial url match using regexp\nMatch Options:\n\n| Options | Url value |\n| Exact match | ^$ |\n| Partial match | /ajax_info.json |\n| Regular expression | .*?/ajax_info.json |\n\nThe ``method`` is HTTP Request Methods:\n- GET (default)\n- POST\n- PUT\n- HEAD\n- DELETE\n- PATCH\n\nThe ``body`` is request body message. body can match using regexp\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND | |\n| ... | `Wait For Request Url` | ${URL_API}/login | POST | username=demo |"}, {"name": "Wait For Response Url", "args": ["url", "status=200", "body=None", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Wait until web application received response from ``url``.\n\nThe ``url`` is response url.\n\nThe ``status`` is HTTP Status Codes:\n- 200 (default)\n- 201\n- 204\n- 400\n- 401\n- 404\n- 500\nReference:[|]\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} | | |\n| Input Text | id:username | foo | | |\n| Input Text | id:password | bar | | |\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND | |\n| ... | `Wait For Response Url` | ${URL_API}/login | 200 | username=demo |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Contains", "args": ["locator", "text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element contains ``text``.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} |\n| `Wait Until Element Contains` | css:#container p | Please input your user name |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Does Not Contains", "args": ["locator", "text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element does not contains ``text``.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Does Not Contains` | css:#container p | Please input your user name | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Is Enabled", "args": ["selenium_locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until the specific element is Enabled."}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Is Hidden", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element is hide or removed from web page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Is Hidden` | id:login_button | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Element Is Visible", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element is displayed on web page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Element Is Visible` | id:welcome | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Location Contains", "args": ["expected", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until the current URL contains `expected`.\n\nThe `expected` argument contains the expected value in url."}, {"name": "Wait Until Location Does Not Contains", "args": ["expected", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until the current URL does not contains `expected`.\n\nThe `expected` argument contains the expected value must not in url."}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Contains", "args": ["text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``text`` appears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Page Contains` | Invalid user name or password | | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Contains Element", "args": ["locator", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``locator`` element appears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Open browser | ${HOME_PAGE_URL} | options=${options} |\n| `Wait Until Page Contains Element` | id:username | |"}, {"name": "Wait Until Page Does Not Contains", "args": ["text", "timeout=None"], "doc": "Waits until ``text`` disappears on current page.\n\nExample:\n\n| Run Async Keywords | Click Element | id:login_button | AND |\n| ... | Wait For Navigation | | |\n| `Wait Until Page Does Not Contains` | Please input your user name | | |"}]} \ No newline at end of file