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File metadata and controls

248 lines (179 loc) · 9.94 KB

Create a test run

You can create a test run by using the create command. The create command is used to create a new test run in the specified project and save a test run ID to a file. You can specify the file path using the --output option. If the file path is not specified, the test run ID will be saved to qase.env in the current directory.

The file will contain the test run ID in the following format:


You can use the test run ID in subsequent steps to upload test results for the test run. For exctract test run ID from file you can use command:

cat qase.env | grep QASE_TESTOPS_RUN_ID | cut -d'=' -f2

Example usage:

qli testops run create --project <project_code> --token <token> --title <title> --description <description> --environment <environment> --milestone <milestone> --plan <plan> --verbose

The create command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the test run will be created. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --title: The name of the test run. Required.
  • --description, -d: The description of the test run. Optional.
  • --environment, -e: The environment where the test run will be executed. Optional.
  • --milestone, -m: The milestone of the test run. Optional.
  • --plan: The test plan of the test run. Optional.
  • --output, -o: The output path to save the test run ID. Optional. Default is qase.env in the current directory.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to create a test run in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops run create --project PROJ --token <token> --title "Test Run 1" --description "This is a test run" --environment "Production" --milestone "Milestone 1" --plan "Test Plan 1" --verbose

Complete a test run

You can complete a test run by using the complete command. The complete command is used to complete a test run in the specified project.

Example usage:

qli testops run complete --project <project_code> --token <token> --id <run_id> --verbose

The complete command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the test run will be completed. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --id: The ID of the test run to complete. Required.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to complete a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops run complete --project PROJ --token <token> --id 1 --verbose

Delete test runs

You can delete test runs by using the delete command. The delete command is used to delete test runs in the specified project.

Example usage:

qli testops run delete --project <project_code> --token <token> --ids <run_id> --verbose

The delete command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the test runs will be deleted. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --ids: The IDs of the test runs to delete. Optional if all doesn't set.
  • --all: Delete all test runs in the project. Optional if ids doesn't set.
  • --start, -s: The start date of the test runs to delete. Optional.
  • --end, -e: The end date of the test runs to delete. Optional.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to delete a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops run delete --project PROJ --token <token> --ids 1 --verbose

The following example shows how to delete all test runs in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops run delete --project PROJ --token <token> --all --verbose

The following example shows how to delete all test runs in the project with the code PROJ that were created between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31:

qli testops run delete --project PROJ --token <token> --all --start "2022-01-01" --end "2022-12-31" --verbose

Upload test results

You can upload test results by using the upload command. The upload command is used to upload test results for a test run in the specified project.

Example usage:

qli testops result upload --project <project_code> --token <token> --id <run_id> --format <format> --path <results_file> --batch <batch> --verbose

The upload command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the test results will be uploaded. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --id: The ID of the test run to upload results for. Required if title doesn't set.
  • --title: The title of the test results. Required if id doesn't set.
  • --description, -d: The description of the test results. Optional.
  • --format: The format of the test results file. Required. Allow values: junit, qase, allure, xctest.
  • --path: The path to the test results file or folder. Required.
  • --steps: The mode of upload steps for XCTest. Optional. Allow values: all, user.
  • --batch: The batch number of the test results. Optional. Default is 200.
  • --suite, -s: The suite name of the test results. Optional.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to upload test results in the JUnit format for a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops result upload --project PROJ --token <token> --id 1 --format junit --path /path/to/results.xml --verbose

The following example shows how to upload test results in the Qase format for a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops result upload --project PROJ --token <token> --id 1 --format qase --path /path/to/results.json --verbose

The following example shows how to upload test results in the Allure format for a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops result upload --project PROJ --token <token> --id 1 --format allure --path /path/to/allure-results --verbose

The following example shows how to upload test results in the XCTest format for a test run with the ID 1 in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops result upload --project PROJ --token <token> --id 1 --format xctest --steps user --path /path/to/xctest-results --verbose

Create an environment

You can create an environment by using the create command. The create command is used to create a new environment in the specified project and save an environment slug to a file. You can specify the file path using the --output option. If the file path is not specified, the environment ID will be saved to qase.env in the current directory.

The file will contain the environment slug in the following format:


You can use the environment slug in subsequent steps to specify the environment for a test run. For exctract environment slug from file you can use command:

cat qase.env | grep QASE_ENVIRONMENT | cut -d'=' -f2

Example usage:

qli testops env create --project <project_code> --token <token> --title <title> --slug <slug> --description <description> --host <host> --verbose

The create command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the environment will be created. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --title : The name of the environment. Required.
  • --slug, -s: The slug of the environment. Required.
  • --description, -d: The description of the environment. Optional.
  • --host : The host of the environment. Optional.
  • --output, -o: The output path to save the environment slug. Optional. Default is qase.env in the current directory.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to create an environment in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops env create --title 'New environment' --slug local --description 'This is an environment' --host --project 'PRJ' --token 'TOKEN' --output 'env.env' --verbose

Create a milestone

You can create a milestone by using the create command. The create command is used to create a new milestone in the specified project and save a milestone ID to a file. You can specify the file path using the --output option. If the file path is not specified, the milestone ID will be saved to qase.env in the current directory.

The file will contain the milestone ID in the following format:


You can use the milestone ID in subsequent steps to specify the milestone for a test run. For exctract milestone ID from file you can use command:

cat qase.env | grep QASE_MILESTONE | cut -d'=' -f2

Example usage:

qli testops milestone create --project <project_code> --token <token> --title <title> --description <description> --status <status> --due-date <due_date> --verbose

The create command has the following options:

  • --project, -p: The project code where the milestone will be created. Required.
  • --token, -t: The API token to authenticate with the TestOps API. Required.
  • --title : The name of the milestone. Required.
  • --description, -d: The description of the milestone. Optional.
  • --status, -s: The status of the milestone. Optional. Allow values: active, completed.
  • --due-date : The due date of the milestone. Optional.
  • --output, -o: The output path to save the milestone ID. Optional. Default is qase.env in the current directory.
  • --verbose, -v: Enable verbose mode. Optional.

The following example shows how to create a milestone in the project with the code PROJ:

qli testops milestone create --project PROJ --token <token> --title "Milestone 1" --description "This is a milestone" --status active --due-date "2022-12-31" --verbose