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Quickstart Guide for "Quantum Computing for Programmers"

This quick start guide may help you getting started using this code base by going through a few core concepts and function calls.


This guide assumes you were successful in downloading the Python sources from github (git clone and installing the Python dependencies absl-py, numpy, and scipy (for example, with sudo pip install absl-py).

For this guide, you don't need bazel or compile the accelerated C++ routines. Make sure you point Python to the sources by setting the enviroment variable PYTHONPATH to the root directory (qcc) of the sources. For example, on Linux:

  export PYTHONPATH=/Users/rhundt/qcc

On Windows:

  # cmd.exe
  set  PYTHONPATH = C:\Users\rhundt\qcc
  # Powershell
  $Env:PYTHONPATH = C:\users\rhundt\qcc

Note that the main installation instruction use bazel to run the algorithms. This is not strictly necessary, you can run the algorithms individually just by invoking them on the Python command-line, such as:

   $ cd qcc/src
   $ python ./   # and any of the other Python algorithms
   $ ...

First Steps

Let's start Python from the root directory - we will always $ as the shell command-prompt and >>> as the Python prompt. Note that your Python version may be different, it shouldn't matter:

/Users/rhundt/qcc $ python
Python 3.8.2 (default, Dec 21 2020, 15:06:04) 
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

As a first step, let's import the Tensor class which is used to represent all matrices, vectors, operators, and states:

>>> from src.lib import tensor

There is no error or warning message, which means this worked. We can double check:

>>> print(tensor)
<module 'src.lib.tensor' from '/Users/rhundt/qcc/src/lib/'>

Let's create a simple matrix with this class. Since Tensor is derived from the numpy ndarray data structure, it behaves just like a numpy array:

>>> A = tensor.Tensor([[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0]])
>>> A
Tensor([[ 1.+0.j,  1.+0.j],
        [ 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j]], dtype=complex64)

Of course, we don't want to operate on simple tensors. Let's import our State class next:

>>> from src.lib import state

This class provides a few functions to produce a state. A single qubit represents a state of, well, a single qubit. Let's create an initial qubit with probability amplitude for |0> being 0.5:

>>> q = state.qubit(alpha=0.5)
>>> q
State([0.5      +0.j 0.8660254+0.j])

Wasn't that easy? Check the file src/lib/ for other function to create a state. For example, to create the state |1011> you can simply call:

>>> psi = state.bitstring(1, 0, 1, 1)
>>> psi
State([0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j
       0.+0.j 1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j])

Next we want to transform states with help of operators. We import the Operator class:

>>> from src.lib import ops

The Operator class has several methods defining operators. For example, to construct a Hadamard gate you would call:

>>> H = ops.Hadamard()
>>> H
Operator([[ 0.70710677+0.j  0.70710677+0.j]
          [ 0.70710677+0.j -0.70710677+0.j]])

Let's create a state psi of 2 qubits corresponding to |00> and apply the Hadamard gate to qubit 0 (the leftmost qubit in state notation):

>>> psi = state.bitstring(0, 0)
>>> psi
State([1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j])
>>> op = ops.Hadamard() * ops.Identity()
>>> psi = op(psi)
>>> psi
State([0.70710677+0.j 0.        +0.j 0.70710677+0.j 0.        +0.j])

Note how we used the Python * operator to create the tensor product of the Hadamard and the identity gate. For plain matrix multiplication, the Python operator @ is being used. Check out the file and discover the many other operators that are being defined in this file.

Given this state psi, what is now the probability of measureing |00>? We can used the prob() method of the state class to compute the probability from the probability amplitude of a state:

>>> psi.prob(0, 0)
>>> psi.prob(1, 0)
>>> psi.prob(1, 1)
>>> psi.prob(0, 1)

The second qubit remained in state |0>, so the probability of finding it in state |1> is zero. We can also simulate an actual measurement with or without state collapse. In this example we measure qubit 0 and force it to be measured as |1> (it is currently in superposition because of the prior Hadamard gate). We also want the state to collapse (and renormalize):

>>> prob, new_state = ops.Measure(psi, idx=0, tostate=1, collapse=True)
>>> prob
>>> new_state
State([0.        +0.j 0.        +0.j 0.99999994+0.j 0.        +0.j])
>>> new_state.prob(1, 0)

The state is now |10> with close to 1.0 probability.

Bell State

Let's extend the previous example a litte bit and add a Controlled-Not gate from qubit 0 to qubit 1:

>>> from src.lib import state
>>> from src.lib import ops
>>> psi = state.bitstring(0, 0)
>>> op = ops.Hadamard() * ops.Identity()
>>> psi = op(psi)
>>> psi = ops.Cnot(0, 1)(psi)
>>> psi
State([0.70710677+0.j 0.        +0.j 0.        +0.j 0.70710677+0.j])
>>> psi.prob(0, 0)
>>> psi.prob(1, 0)
>>> psi.prob(0, 1)
>>> psi.prob(1, 1)

We created the entangled Bell state 1/sqrt(2) [1 0 0 1]^T!

Classical Adder

Now let's build something more complex - a classical 1-bit adder, constructed with qubits and quantum gates. As described in the book, the quantum circuit has several Controlled X-gates and also Controlled-Controlled X-gates!

a    ----o-----o---o-------
b    ----|--o--o---|--o----
cin  ----|--|--|---o--o--o-
sum  ----X--X--|---|--|--X-
cout ----------X---X--X----

We define a routine to apply the gates to a given state. Note how we use Cnot as well as ControlledU to further control some of the Cnot gates:

def fulladder_matrix(psi: state.State):
  psi = ops.Cnot(0, 3)(psi, 0)
  psi = ops.Cnot(1, 3)(psi, 1)
  psi = ops.ControlledU(0, 1, ops.Cnot(1, 4))(psi, 0)
  psi = ops.ControlledU(0, 2, ops.Cnot(2, 4))(psi, 0)
  psi = ops.ControlledU(1, 2, ops.Cnot(2, 4))(psi, 1)
  psi = ops.Cnot(2, 3)(psi, 2)
  return psi

To test this circuit, we can create a state with the corresponding inputs for a, b, cin, as well as |0> for sum and cout. For example, for a=0, b=1, and the carry-in = 1, the sum will be 1 + 1 = 0 mod 2, and the carry-out should be 1:

# a = 0, b = 1, cin = 1
psi = state.bitstring(0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
psi = fulladder_matrix(psi)

bsum, _ = ops.Measure(psi, 3, tostate=1, collapse=False)
bout, _ = ops.Measure(psi, 4, tostate=1, collapse=False)

>>> bsum
>>> bout


This concludes this short quick start guide, I hope it was useful. Please let me know if you wanted to see other or additional content here (