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Benchmarking quantum simulation

This repository contains benchmark scripts for quantum circuit simulation using Qibo and multiple simulation engines.

Installing prerequisites

In order to run the benchmarks, you need to install the required libraries.

In order to set up an environment with most of the libraries available in this repository, you can set up a conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml This recipe doesn't include the installation of CUDA Toolkit, CuPy, cuQuantum nor HybridQ, Qulacs-GPU, qsim GPU and TensorFlow Quantum.

Supported simulation backends

  • qibojit: uses numba on CPU and cupy/cuquantum on GPU for custom operations.
  • qibotf: uses tf primitives with custom operators on CPU and GPU.
  • tensorflow: uses tf default primitives.
  • numpy: single-threaded CPU implementation.

For more details check the documentation here.

Running the benchmarks

The script in benchmarks/ executes the benchmark code following the supported configuration flags (check python -h):

$ python -h

usage: [-h] [--nqubits NQUBITS] [--backend BACKEND]
               [--platform PLATFORM] [--circuit CIRCUIT]
               [--circuit-options CIRCUIT_OPTIONS] [--nreps NREPS]
               [--nshots NSHOTS] [--transfer] [--precision PRECISION]
               [--memory MEMORY] [--threading THREADING] [--filename FILENAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nqubits NQUBITS     Number of qubits in the circuit.
  --backend BACKEND     Qibo backend to use for simulation.
  --platform PLATFORM   Qibo platform to use for simulation.
  --circuit CIRCUIT     Type of circuit to use. See README for the list of
                        available circuits.
  --circuit-options CIRCUIT_OPTIONS
                        String with options for circuit creation. It should
                        have the form 'arg1=value1,arg2=value2,...'. See
                        README for the list of arguments that are available
                        for each circuit.
  --nreps NREPS         Number of repetitions of the circuit execution. Dry
                        run is not included.
  --nshots NSHOTS       Number of measurement shots. If used the time required
                        to measure frequencies (no samples) is measured and
                        logged. If it is ``None`` no measurements are
  --transfer            If used the final state array is converted to numpy.
                        If the simulation device is GPU this requires a
                        transfer from GPU memory to CPU.
  --precision PRECISION
                        Numerical precision of the simulation. Choose between
                        'double' and 'single'.
  --memory MEMORY       Limit the GPU memory usage when using Tensorflow based
                        backends. The memory limit should be given in MB.
                        Tensorflow reserves the full available memory by
  --threading THREADING
                        Switches the numba threading layer when using the
                        qibojit backend on CPU. See
                        named-threading-layer for a list of available
                        threading layers.
  --filename FILENAME   Directory of file to save the logs in json format. If
                        not given the logs will only be printed and not saved.

Before executing the code keep in mind the following:

  • GPUs are the default devices for qibojit and qibotf. If you need CPU performance numbers do export CUDA_VISIBLES_DEVICE="" before executing the benchmark script.
  • CPU simulations by default use physical cores as number of threads with qibojit and qibotf. To control this behaviour without touching the code do export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<threads> (or export NUMBA_NUM_THREADS=<threads> for qibojit numba backend) before executing the benchmark script.
  • The benchmark script provides several options, including the possibility to modify the default numba threading pooling technology, (see docs) or limiting the GPU memory used be Tensorflow. See python -h for more details.

The scripts/ folder contains example bash scripts that execute circuit benchmarks for different numbers of qubits. We refer to the README inside this folder for more details.

Comparing simulation libraries

In addition to the above benchmark, we provide the benchmark for comparing the performance of different simulation libraries. The usage is similar to with the --backend flag replaced by the --library flag which can be used to select one of the available quantum simulation libraries (check python -h).

$ python -h

usage: [-h] [--nqubits NQUBITS] [--library LIBRARY] [--library-options LIBRARY_OPTIONS] [--circuit CIRCUIT] [--circuit-options CIRCUIT_OPTIONS] [--precision PRECISION] [--nreps NREPS]
                  [--filename FILENAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nqubits NQUBITS     Number of qubits in the circuit.
  --library LIBRARY     Quantum simulation library to use in benchmark. See README for the list of available libraries.
  --library-options LIBRARY_OPTIONS
                        String with options for the library. It should have the form 'arg1=value1,arg2=value2,...'. Each library supports different options.
  --circuit CIRCUIT     Type of circuit to use. See README for the list of available circuits.
  --circuit-options CIRCUIT_OPTIONS
                        String with options for circuit creation. It should have the form 'arg1=value1,arg2=value2,...'. See README for the list of arguments that are available for each circuit.
  --precision PRECISION
                        Numerical precision of the simulation. Choose between 'double' and 'single'.
  --nreps NREPS         Number of repetitions of the circuit execution. Dry run is not included.
  --filename FILENAME   Directory of file to save the logs in json format. If not given the logs will only be printed and not saved.

Currently the available libraries (defined under benchmarks/libraries) are:

  • Qiskit, defined as qiskit and qiskit-gpu in the library option of
  • Qulacs, defined as qulacs and qulacs-gpu.
  • Cirq, defined as cirq.
  • TensorFlow Quantum, defined as tfq.
  • Qsim, defined as qsim, qsim-gpu and qsim-cuquantum.
  • HybridQ, defined as hybridq and hybridq-gpu.
  • ProjectQ, defined as projectq.
  • QCGPU, defined as qcgpu.
  • Qibo, defined as qibo.

All the circuits described below are available for both and

Benchmark output

The benchmark script prints a summary of the circuit and user selected flags together with:

  • import_time: time required to import the qibo library and build the selected backend in seconds.
  • creation_time: time required to prepare the circuit for execution in seconds.
  • dry_run_execution_time: first execution performance, includes JIT timings in seconds.
  • dry_run_transfer_time: time required to convert the final state to numpy array in seconds.
  • simulation_times: list of timings for simulation based on nreps in seconds.
  • transfer_times: list of timings for conversion to numpy array in seconds.
  • simulation_times_mean: average simulation time for nreps repetitions in seconds.
  • simulation_times_std: standard deviation of simulation_time in seconds.
  • transfer_times_mean: average transfer time for nreps repetitions in seconds.
  • transfer_time_std: standard deviation of transfer_times in seconds.
  • measurement_time: time required to sample frequencies for nshots measurement shots in seconds (relevant only if the --nshots argument is given).

Note that if a GPU is used for simulation then transfer times measure the time required to copy the final state from the GPU memory to CPU.

If --filename is given the above logs are saved in json format in the given directory.

Implemented circuits

Here is a list of the available circuits for benchmarks. As described above the circuit should be selected using the --circuit flag and one of the following circuit names. Additional options can be passed using the --options flag. The options supported by each circuit are analyzed below. Note that some circuits require additional Python libraries to work as stated below.

  • one-qubit-gate: circuit consisting of a single one qubit gate. The gate is applied to every qubit in the circuit. Available options:
    • gate: String defining the one qubit gate to be benchmarked (eg. "H"). Default is "H"
    • nlayers: Number of times that the gate is applied to each qubit. Default is 1.
    • additional parameters (eg. theta, etc.) required for parametrized gates.
  • two-qubit-gate: circuit consisting of a single two qubit gate. The gate is applied to every pair of adjacent qubits in the circuit (assuming one dimensional topology).
    • gate: String defining the one qubit gate to be benchmarked. Default is CNOT.
    • nlayers: Number of times that the gate is applied to each qubit. Default is 1.
    • additional parameters (eg. theta, etc.) required for parametrized gates.
  • qft: quantum fourier transform
    • swaps: Boolean controling if swaps are applied after the main QFT circuit. Default is True.
  • variational: variational quantum circuit consisting a layer of RY rotations followed be a layer of CZ entangling gates. Can be created using either standard qibot gates or the optimized VariationalLayer gate.
    • nlayers: Number of times that the gate is applied to each qubit.
    • varlayer: Boolean controling whether the VariationalLayer or standard gates are used. Default is False.
  • bernstein-vazirani (bv): circuit that applies the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm based on the related OpenQASM example.
  • hidden-shift (hs): circuit that solves the Hidden shift problem, based on the Cirq implementation.
    • shift: The hidden bitstring for which the two oracle functions in the hidden shift problem differ. If not given this bitstring will be generated randomly using np.random.randint.
  • qaoa: Example implementation of the Quantum Approximate Optization Algorithm (QAOA) for solving the MaxCut problem. Follows the Cirq example. Requirements: networkx.
    • nparams: Number of variational parameters.
    • graph: Name of json file to load the problem graph structure. The graph will be loaded using networkx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph. If not given the graph will be generated randomly using networkx.random_regular_graph.
  • qasm: Creates benchmark circuit using OpenQASM code.
    • qasm: OpenQASM code that generates the circuit as a Python string.
  • supremacy: Random circuit proposed for demonstrating quantum supremacy. Based on Cirq's generate_boixo_2018_supremacy_circuits_v2 method. Requirements: Cirq.
    • depth: Number of layers with CZ gates.
    • seed: Seed for random circuit instance generator.
  • basis-change (bc): Basis transformations that implement exact evolution under a random one-body fermionic Hamiltonian. See OpenFermion's tutorial for more details. Requirements: Cirq, OpenFermion.
    • simulation_time: Evolution time.
    • seed: Seed to use for the random Hamiltonian generation.
  • quantum-volume (qv): Quantum volume circuit model from Qiskit. Requirements: Qiskit.
    • depth: Layers of SU(4) operations in circuit.
    • seed: Seed for random gate generator.