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This tutorial demonstrates the deployment of SCRFD models in RKNPU2. For model description and download of ONNX models, refer to Model Description。
Taking scrfd_500m_bnkps_shape640x640 as an example, the following commands in Ubuntu18.0 demonstrate how to fast convert SCRFD ONNX models to RKNN quantification models:
wget https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlehub/fastdeploy/rknpu2/scrfd_500m_bnkps_shape640x640.zip
unzip scrfd_500m_bnkps_shape640x640.zip
python /Path/To/FastDeploy/tools/rknpu2/export.py \
--config_path tools/rknpu2/config/scrfd.yaml \
--target_platform rk3588
- This document and code are written based on SCRFD CommitID:17cdeab