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doc compliance processes

Tom Purucker edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 8 revisions

nerl clearance procedures

nerl guidance

DOIs for repositories

github provides dois as a service for their repositories

register at zenodo with your github account

creating an OEI-owned EPA github repository

Putting the code up to github is pretty straightforward. You can request that it be public when you do so:

1 Email to

  • Valerie – we’d like a new private/public dev repo created; “proposed_repo_name”, owner is Owner name; read/write access for:

  • FirstName LastName


  • github_username

  • as many users as you need

  • Please let me know if you need anything further; thanks.

2 To make it public, email from branch chief forwarded to

  • Hi BC-
  • Can you approve our request to make the usepa/reponame repo public. Valerie Brandon will need an email stating that: “I approve of your request to make the proposed_repo_name GitHub repository a public repository” etc..

Procedure for requesting SSL certificate

government travel