- Allow user to specify the extension type of files via setting
- Fix missing semi colons in generated output
- Allow user to specify whether or not to generate a function or function expression via setting
- Allow user to specify files to open after generating a component via setting
- Props are now exported from modules by default
- Props are now prefixed with the component name
- Fix broken link in README that redirected to another repos settings
- Fix missing newline generated in index files
- Fixed launch config for local testing
- Fix broken image url in README so that demo gif can be displayed on the Visual Studio Marketplace
- Create React Component Command on folder Right Click
- Allow user to specify what language to generate the component via setting
- Allow user to specify what testing library to import via setting
- Allow user to specify whether or not to generate cleanup when using react-testing-library via setting
- Allow user to specify whether or not to create a module when creating a component via setting