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232 lines (170 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (170 loc) · 10.5 KB

Migration guides

3.12.x to 3.13.x

  • The Radar.trackVerified() method now returns token: RadarVerifiedLocationToken, which includes user, events, token,, expiresAt, expiresIn, and passed. The Radar.trackVerifiedToken() method has been removed, since Radar.trackVerified() now returns a signed JWT.
// 3.13.x
Radar.trackVerified { (status, token) in
  if (token?.passed == true) {
    // allow access to feature, send token to server for validation
  } else {
    // deny access to feature, show error message

// 3.12.x
Radar.trackVerified { status, location, events, user ->
  if (user?.fraud?.passed == true && == true &&
    user.state?.allowed == true) {
    // allow access to feature
  } else {
    // deny access to feature, show error message

Radar.trackVerifiedToken { status, token ->
  // send token to server for validation

3.11.x to 3.12.x

  • The RadarReceiver interface has been changed to add a onLocationPermissionStatusUpdated() method.

3.9.x to 3.10.x

  • The Radar.searchGeofences() methods have been changed. Use includeGeometry to include full geometry of the geofence. Radius is now optional.

3.8.x to 3.9.x

  • The Radar.autocomplete(query, near, layers, limit, country, expandUnits, callback) method is now Radar.autocomplete(query, near, layers, limit, country, expandUnits, mailable, callback).
    • expandUnits has been deprecated and will always be true regardless of value passed in.

3.6.x to 3.7.x

  • Custom events have been renamed to conversions.
    • Radar.sendEvent(customType, metadata, callback) is now Radar.logConversion(name, metadata, callback).
    • Radar.logConversion(name, revenue, metadata, callback) has been added.
    • Radar.sendEvent(customType, metadata, location, callback) has been removed.
    • RadarSendEventCallback has been renamed to RadarLogConversionCallback.
      • onComplete(status, location, events, user) is now onComplete(status, event). location and user are no longer available, and only the conversion event is returned as event instead of a coalesced list of events.
    • On RadarEvent, customType is now conversionName, and RadarEventType.CUSTOM is now RadarEventType.CONVERSION.
// 3.7.0 - logging conversions
val metadata = JSONObject().put("foo", "bar")

val callback = object : Radar.RadarLogConversionCallback {
      override fun onComplete(status: Radar.RadarStatus, event: RadarEvent?) {
            val conversionName = event?.conversionName // should be "conversion_with_callback"
            val conversionType = event?.type // should be RadarEvent.RadarEventType.CONVERSION

Radar.logConversion("conversion_with_callback", metadata, callback)

Radar.logConversion("conversion_with_revenue", 0.2, metadata) { status, event ->
      val revenue = event?.metadata?.get("revenue") // should be 0.2
// 3.6.x - logging conversions
val metadata = JSONObject().put("foo", "bar")

val callback = object : Radar.RadarSendEventCallback {
      override fun onComplete(status: Radar.RadarStatus, location: Location?, events: Array<RadarEvent>?, user: RadarUser?) {


Radar.sendEvent("custom_event_with_callback", metadata, callback)

// sendEvent() with location no longer exists in 3.7.0
Radar.sendEvent("event_with_location", Location(...), metadata) { status, location, events, user ->


3.5.7 to 3.5.8

  • If your application depends on classes in, you may need to update your code to reflect the changes made to play-services-location in version 20.0.0, as documented here. Version 3.5.8 of the Radar SDK updates play-services-location to version 21.0.1. Besides the Radar SDK, if your application does not depend on classes in no migrations are necessary.

3.3.x to 3.4.x

  • foregroundService is no longer available in RadarTrackingOptions. This has been replaced by Radar.setForegroundServiceOptions instead.
// 3.4.x - enabling foreground service
// enable or disable the foreground service
val trackingOptions: RadarTrackingOptions = RadarTrackingOptions(...)
trackingOptions.foregroundServiceEnabled = true
// set the foreground service options
val foregroundOptions: RadarTrackingOptionsForegroundService = RadarTrackingOptionsForegroundService(...)
// start tracking
// 3.3.x - enabling foreground service
val trackingOptions: RadarTrackingOptions = RadarTrackingOptions(...)
trackingOptions.foregroundService = RadarTrackingOptionsForegroundService(...)

3.2.x to 3.3.x

No changes needed.

3.1.x to 3.2.x

  • RadarReceiver no longer subclasses BroadcastReceiver. Instead of registering RadarReceiver in your manifest, pass an instance to Radar.initialize() in application onCreate().
  • RadarTripCallback now returns trip and events on calls to Radar.startTrip(), Radar.updateTrip(), Radar.completeTrip(), and Radar.cancelTrip().
  • On RadarReceiver, user is now optional on onEventsReceived(). user will be null when events are delivered from calls to Radar.startTrip(), Radar.updateTrip(), Radar.completeTrip(), and Radar.cancelTrip().
  • trackingOptions.foregroundService now starts a foreground service by default when using RadarTrackingOptions.CONTINUOUS. If you are already starting a foreground service when using RadarTrackingOptions.CONTINUOUS, consider using trackingOptions.foregroundService instead.
// 3.2.x

// instead of registering `RadarReceiver` in your manifest, pass `RadarReceiver` to `initialize()`
val receiver = MyRadarReceiver()
Radar.initialize(context, publishableKey, receiver)

// `RadarTripCallback` now returns `trip` and `events`
Radar.startTrip(tripOptions) { status, trip, events ->

// `user` is now optional
override fun onEventsReceived(context: Context, events: Array<RadarEvent>, user: RadarUser?) {
// 3.1.x

Radar.initialize(context, publishableKey)

Radar.startTrip(options: options) { status in

override fun onEventsReceived(context: Context, events: Array<RadarEvent>, user: RadarUser) {

3.0.x to 3.1.x

  • The Radar.trackOnce(desiredAccuracy, callback) method is now Radar.trackOnce(desiredAccuracy, beacons, callback). Use beacons = true to range beacons.
  • The Radar.stopTrip() method has been removed. Call Radar.completeTrip() or Radar.cancelTrip() instead.
  • The ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission has been removed from the SDK manifest. If using background location, you must manually add the permission to your app manifest.

2.1.x to 3.0.x

  • This update introduces new tracking options and presets. See the announcement, the background tracking documentation, and the tracking options reference.
    • If you were using Radar.startTracking(), you must choose a preset. v2 default behavior was similar to Radar.startTracking(RadarTrackingOptions.RESPONSIVE).
    • If you were using RadarTrackingOptions.Builder().priority(RadarTrackingPriority.EFFICIENCY), use the preset RadarTrackingOptions.EFFICIENT instead.
  • Support Library dependencies have been migrated to AndroidX. The WorkManager dependency has been removed.
  • The Radar.initialize(context, publishableKey) method now requires context and publishableKey.
  • The Radar.updateLocation(location, callback) method has been renamed to Radar.trackOnce(location, callback).
  • The onClientLocationUpdated() method is now required in RadarReceiver. It tells the receiver that the client's location was updated, but not necessarily synced to the server. To receive only server-synced location updates and user state, use onLocationUpdated() instead.
  • adId collection is now optional. To collect adId, call Radar.setAdIdEnabled(true).
  • Radar.setPlacesProvider(placesProvider) has been removed.
// 3.0.x

Radar.initialize(context, publishableKey);

Radar.trackOnce(location, callback);


// 2.1.x


Radar.updateLocation(location, callback);

RadarTrackingOptions trackingOptions = new RadarTrackingOptions.Builder()

2.0.x to 2.1.x

// 2.1.x

RadarTrackingOptions trackingOptions = new RadarTrackingOptions.Builder()
// 2.0.x


1.3.x to 2.0.x

  • The package has been renamed from com.onradar.sdk.* to io.radar.sdk.*.
  • The Radar.initialize(activity) and Radar.initialize(activity, publishableKey) methods have been removed. Call Radar.initialize(publishableKey) instead.
  • The RadarReceiver action has been renamed from com.onradar.sdk.RECEIVED to io.radar.sdk.RECEIVED. Update the intent-filter in your manifest.
  • The RadarCallback class has moved from com.onradar.sdk.RadarCallback to io.radar.sdk.Radar.RadarCallback, and the onCallback() method has been renamed to onComplete().
  • The Radar.requestPermissions() and Radar.checkSelfPermissions() helper methods have been removed. Call the corresponding methods on ActivityCompat and ContextCompat instead.
  • The RadarStatus.ERROR_USER_ID and RadarStatus.ERROR_PLACES enum values have been removed. The SDK now handles these cases gracefully.

1.2.x to 1.3.x

  • On RadarUser, userId is now nullable.
  • The Radar.reidentifyUser() method has been removed. To reidentify a user, call Radar.setUserId() with the new userId instead.