In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
connectToPair Globally allows dex client to connect to pair including sharding optimization of deployed wallets
Returns object with unified current extension main methods
async function broxus() {
await ton.ensureInitialized();
const {accountInteraction} = await ton.requestPermissions({
permissions: ['tonClient', 'accountInteraction']
if (accountInteraction == null) {
return new Error('Insufficient permissions');
let curExtenson = {};
let providerState = await ton.getProviderState();
let netType = providerState.selectedConnection; = nets[netType] = "broxus";
curExtenson.address = accountInteraction.address._address;
curExtenson.pubkey = accountInteraction.publicKey;
curExtenson.contract = (contractAbi, contractAddress) => {
return new Contract(contractAbi, new AddressLiteral(contractAddress))
curExtenson.runMethod = async (methodName, params, contract) => {
return await contract.methods[methodName](params).call({cachedState: undefined})
curExtenson.callMethod = async (methodName, params, contract) => {
return await contract.methods[methodName](params).sendExternal({publicKey: accountInteraction.publicKey})
curExtenson.SendTransfer = async (to,amount) => {
return await ton.sendMessage({
sender: curExtenson.address,
recipient: new Address(to),
amount: amount,
bounce: false
return curExtenson
async function extraton() {
const provider = getProvider();
const signer = await provider.getSigner();
const network = await provider.getNetwork();
let wallet = signer.getWallet()
let curExtenson = {}; = network.server; = "extraton";
curExtenson.address = signer.wallet.address;
curExtenson.pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
curExtenson.contract = (contractAbi, contractAddress) => {
return new freeton.Contract(signer, contractAbi, contractAddress)
curExtenson.runMethod = async (methodName, params, contract) => {
return await contract.methods[methodName].run(params)
curExtenson.callMethod = async (methodName, params, contract) => {
return await contract.methods[methodName].call(params)
curExtenson.SendTransfer = async (to,amount) => {
return await wallet.transfer(to, amount, false,"")
return curExtenson
Function to deploy dex client - it is performed in several stages:
- first step - check client exists on dex root as creator(need to send few tons as pay for register your pubkey on dex root)
- if false will offer you to send transfer
- second step - get shard arg
- last one - createDEXclient methos that you should sign in extension.
Dex client will be deployes in few seconds.
Function to connect to dex pair - it is performed in several stages:
- first step - connectPair, pair sets it`s data to dex client
- second step - get shard arg for all wallets that need to deploy - depends on pair token roots
- last step - deploy wallets that client does not have
Allows user to use processSwapA/processSwapB call method on dex client smart contract
export async function swapA(curExt,pairAddr, qtyA) {
const {pubkey, contract, callMethod,SendTransfer} = curExt._extLib
let getClientAddressFromRoot = await checkPubKey(pubkey)
if(getClientAddressFromRoot.status === false){
return getClientAddressFromRoot
let checkClientBalance = await getClientBalance(getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient)
if(500000000 > (checkClientBalance*1000000000)){
await transfer(SendTransfer,getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient,3000000000)
try {
const clientContract = await contract(DEXclientContract.abi, getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient);
const processSwapA = await callMethod("processSwapA", {pairAddr:pairAddr, qtyA:qtyA}, clientContract)
return processSwapA
} catch (e) {
return e
Push liquidity to pair, it turns out LP tokens for some amount of qtyA & qtyB tokens
export async function processLiquidity(curExt,pairAddr, qtyA, qtyB) {
const {pubkey, contract, SendTransfer, callMethod} = curExt._extLib
let getClientAddressFromRoot = await checkPubKey(pubkey)
if(getClientAddressFromRoot.status === false){
return getClientAddressFromRoot
let checkClientBalance = await getClientBalance(getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient)
if(500000000 > (checkClientBalance*1000000000)){
await transfer(SendTransfer,getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient,3000000000)
try {
const clientContract = await contract(DEXclientContract.abi, getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient);
const processLiquidity = await callMethod("processLiquidity", {pairAddr:pairAddr, qtyA:Number(qtyA).toFixed(0), qtyB:Number(qtyB).toFixed(0)}, clientContract)
return processLiquidity
} catch (e) {
return e
Return liquidity from pair, it turns out tokens of pair for LP tokens or pair
export async function returnLiquidity(curExt,pairAddr, tokens) {
const {pubkey, contract, SendTransfer, callMethod} = curExt._extLib
let getClientAddressFromRoot = await checkPubKey(pubkey)
if(getClientAddressFromRoot.status === false){
return getClientAddressFromRoot
let checkClientBalance = await getClientBalance(getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient)
if(500000000 > (checkClientBalance*1000000000)){
await transfer(SendTransfer,getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient,3000000000)
try {
const clientContract = await contract(DEXclientContract.abi, getClientAddressFromRoot.dexclient);
const returnLiquidity = await callMethod("returnLiquidity", {pairAddr:pairAddr, tokens: tokens}, clientContract)
return returnLiquidity
} catch (e) {
return e