- Enhancement: Added functionality to compute delta metrics between two successive releases
- Bugfix: Caught missing TypeError that made the program fail when executing AnsibleMetrics on an empty script
- Bugfix UnicodeDecodeError when reading file content
- Updated dependency to AnsibleMetrics (0.3.8)
- Updated discard of undesired commits and ansible file recognition
- Bugfix: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
- Added cli option (--include-commits) to include a list of fixing-commits. The purpose is to save time during future analyses.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Added two more options to the CLI to mine fixing-commits and fixed-files
- Refactored application
- Changed command-line options
- Changed APIs parameters in miners and metrics_extractors
- Renamed modules (repository -> mining.ansible, mining.tosca).
- RepositoryMiner is now BaseMiner in mining.base, and is extended by AnsibleMiner in mining.ansible and ToscaMiner in mining.tosca.
- Command-line changes (see the updated docs for usage).
- Refactoring.
- It is now possible to set up a list of fixing-files to exclude from mining.
- It is now possible to set up a list of commits to ignore before mining.
- Added conditions in get_fixing_commits_from_* to speed up execution when fixing-commits are provided in advance. In this way, the miner avoid parsing commit messages for those commits already known to be fixing-commits.
- Bugfix.
- Bugfix.
The module miner has been renamed to repositoryminer, to avoid misleading imports in third-party applications.
Important: be sure to rename import miner into import repositoryminer in your code.
- Bug-fixing
- Bug-fixing
- Fixed minor bugs
- Replaced issues in get_closed_issues from set to list to fix error 'Unashable type: Issue'
- Released new standalone version. GithubMiner is not supported anymore and has been moved to its own repository.
- The mine-repository option is now supported
- Removed unused dependencies
- Fixed excepton catching
- Added command-line interface
- First working release