We should change the way we're testing API controllers.
Currently for (almost) every controller there are two test classes:
- one that test the behavior in an unit manner (calling the controller method, mocking collaborators)
- one that load a whole EDC runtime and test the behavior integrated with the rest of the services.
This approach brings in a lot of problems:
- duplicated tests
- every time a new EDC service is added somewhere, the integration tests could fail because of missing service registrations.
The way to go would be to have a single test class for every controller that's a way between the unit and the integration approach. In these tests we want to test the integration with the Jersey framework and the Controller behavior, to do that we will have an abstract class that start an embedded Jetty instance with Jersey and deploys a controller.
public abstract class JerseyIntegrationTestBase {
private JettyService jetty;
protected final int port = getFreePort();
protected Monitor monitor = mock(Monitor.class);
protected abstract Object controller();
void setup() {
var config = new JettyConfiguration(null, null);
config.portMapping(new PortMapping("test", port, "/"));
jetty = new JettyService(config, monitor);
var jerseyService = new JerseyRestService(jetty, new JacksonTypeManager(), mock(JerseyConfiguration.class), monitor);
jerseyService.registerResource("test", controller());
void teardown() {
This class could then be extended by the actual test class that will instantiate the controller with mocked collaborators,
and use RestAssured
to call the controller methods. This way the integration with Jersey (paths, validations, serdes)
will be verified.
public class AssetApiControllerIntegrationTest extends JerseyIntegrationTestBase {
private final AssetService service = mock(AssetService.class);
private final DataAddressResolver dataAddressResolver = mock(DataAddressResolver.class);
private final DtoTransformerRegistry transformerRegistry = mock(DtoTransformerRegistry.class);
protected Object controller() {
return new AssetApiController(monitor, service, dataAddressResolver, transformerRegistry);
void getAllAssets() {
when(transformerRegistry.transform(isA(Asset.class), eq(AssetResponseDto.class)))
when(transformerRegistry.transform(isA(QuerySpecDto.class), eq(QuerySpec.class)))
.body("size()", is(1));