New build with multiple tracking
Idea about performance - js profiling
The following is a part of
It has not been updated since 26 Aug 2017
fix subMarkerControls visibility in babylon.js
- put subMarkerControls visibility into an external file. with 2 handling for three.js and babylon.js
once this refactor is done, publish is as AR.js v2.0 with a blog post
do a button - display-hittester-plane
- in three.js and in aframe.js
cleanup /three.js/examples
- which version remains in ar.js session and currently
have a source in images and video. in three.js and aframe.js
remove the area from the trackingMethod
better handling of the area stuff in trackingMethod
REFACTOR trackingMethod - should i put changeMatrixMode into trackingMethod ?
- should just drop it ? ??? why insit. it seems trouble
- it is needed for all the test and all
- what is trackingMethod ? it is unclear and messy
- trackingMethod = trackingBackend + defaultAnchorDefinition
- why single string ? when it is actually 2 things
- {trackingBackend}/{defaultAnchorType}-{changeMatrixMode}-{smoothed}
- smoothed controls need to be a parameter
- it need to be sorted out
- currently it is only in arProfile... could it be like a profile-string - a preset
- not something real... it seems too magic/hackish
- markers-area and changeMatrixMode are about arAnchor
- (artoolkit|aruco|tango)-(area|hiro|kanji)(modelViewMatrix|cameraTransformMatrix)(-Smoothed)+
- hiro-cameraTransformMatrix
- area-artoolkit-modelViewMatrix
- area-aruco-cameraTransformMatrix
- what is it on tango ? some fictuous barcode ?
- trackingBackend is about the session
DONE put multimarkers learner on and not location.hash
DONE port webar-playground on new API
DONE ensure backward compatibility of aframe api
- it seems works ?
DONE multi-marker learner doesnt work on firefox
DONE make trackingBackend switchable in arjs-session.html
DONE in aframe, i define .initialised but aframe defined .initialized..!?!?! super error prone
- rename as in isReady ? better than nothing. good for now
DONE to fix build file...
- make one build for external tracking
- one build for pure ar.js
- would that work ?
- it worked beofre... with aframe. why it doesnt work anymore ?
DONE implement working build
- apparently some issue if artoolkit is included in the build
- it worked in aframe before... what is happening
- what if i change the order of the scripts
DONE maybe a class arjs-session-debugui.js
- create the UI
- let user attach it to the dom
DONE buttons aframe doesnt work
- in arjs system, debugUIEnabled = true/false
- how to create the scene dynamically in aframe
- handle that with a reload
DONE implement picking in aframe
- first make it works, then find a good API
- inside the controlled object
DONE in arjs.session.js - TODO change that to a usual this.parameters
- do emulation layer with display
DONE rename arjsmarker aframe component into arjs-anchor
DONE rename HitTester into HitTesting
LATER aruco got perspective issue - likely camera init
DONE markerhelper fails IF changeMatrixMode===cameraTransformMatrix
DONE tango video fails
- some post processing in aframe.js -
- it seems to override renderer.render by its own function... not super clean but if it works ok
- it can be changed later
DONE tango tracking is working ? i think so
- test in both mode
- tracking only tho, clearly no video
honor marker preset
- hiro + kanji and area
- old issue with the same markers ?? deep in jsartoolkit
clickability works IIF changeMatrixMode === modelViewMatrix
- change that
- not a bug, it is just not implemented
- arjs-hittester and threex-arclickability are messy
- clean those 2. no need for 2 class ?
- which API will remain
- hittester-plane
- hittester-tango
- replace ARClickability with something better and port arjs-hittester on top
Check it works on all cases
- no special cases incompatibilities
- changeMatrixMode
- tango point cloud fails in cameraTransformMatrix
later rename file/class
- move all THREEx for ar.js as ARjs.
- remove artoolkit in the name when it is multi backend
- require to check/change all code
- can i do a compatibility layer for all the classes
- thus it is only about changing the files
how to handle trackingMethod
- area-aruco
- area-artoolkit
- aruco
- artoolkit
- tango
- arkit
- best
- DONE area-artoolkit fails in cameraTransformMatrix
- wtf ??? so issue upstream ? how to reproduce in three.js
- is the error in three.js level, or aframe level
- apparently setting cameraTransformMatrix or modelViewMatrix in changeMatrixMode doesnt change a thing in area-artoolkit
- area-artoolkit seems to react as if it was always modelViewMatrix
- DONE remove arSession.onResize2() - thus the API is cleaner
- do a onResize with a test on argument.length - if not good number call old stuff
- DONE put the UI in the plugin
- do a special function for it, and call this function from javascript
- or more like a data in the system
- DONE move three.js/arjs-.js in three.js/src/newApi/
- DONE pick real world with all trackingMethod
- hit tester with plane
- DONE button tangoonly pointcloudtoggle
- DONE full markers area
- THREEx.ArMultiMarkerUtils
- button - reset-markers-area
- button - toggle-marker-helper
- button - goto-learner
- DONE tango point cloud visible
- support all tracking but split the build
- ar.js itself
- ar-tracking-artoolkit.js
- ar-tracking-aruco.js
- ar-tracking-tango.js
put multi-markers in /src/markers-area
- /examples/markers-area/ - here all the examples
- put marker page in this directory too
- three.js/examples/multi-markers/*.js in /src/markers-area
refactor threex-screenasportal as a demo in /examples/markers-area/demo-screen-as-portal
- this is not a threex
remove the arcode generator + marker generator, now that they are in
move docs/ into its own repository
- thus no conflict with main repo
- and it is considered secondery
have seen stuff about projection matrix in jsartoolkit
- would need to recompiled
- would fix the near/far
- maybe i can understand the camera calibration number
- a pure-js to read camera calibration file would be good
ARdouble farPlane = 1000.0;
in emscripten/ARToolKitJS.cpp- what about replacing it directly in artoolkit.min.js ? it should contain it somewhere
- what if i set farPlane in js before everything
- check if the value in the projection matrix change
- this update the project matrix
arglCameraFrustum(&((arc->paramLT)->param), arc->nearPlane, arc->farPlane, arc->cameraLens);
- this should be called in setNearPlane
do test with a special webrtc emulation layer
- so i can download video and/or image - better for testing
handle pwa stuff - useful for phone
- some work done in webar-playground
- there is a resize every 1/60 seconds ??
- test on mobile
- aframe-ar.js new version
- support smoother
- support multi marker - so augmented-website
- fixed resize
- resize doesnt support portraiting a landscape ? still true?
- how to handle the parameters
- i need to have the profile
- still it should be possible to change parameteres to offer flexibility
- support multi trackingBackend
- do a aruco example
port webvr-arbackend
- one example to read webvr data and display them in html
- then a full example of 3d webvr tracking
- in desktop and in tango
rename THREEx.ArToolkitContext.getProjectionMatrix into .getArtoolkitProjectMatrix
make multi-marker without page reload
DONE make multi-markers to support aruco too
- add arBackend in learner.html input
- handle arBackend definition in player.html
DONE add modelViewMatrix and a smoother in AR.js example ?
- what would be a good example for aruco feature in ar.js
- yep add that because this is like the default now
DONE ArMarkerControls.markerId is artoolkit specific
- to rename artoolkitMarkerId for now
DONE ArToolkitContext.projectionAxisTransformMatrix is only to correct artoolkit axis
- it is a kludge to start with
- make it as contained as possible
- maybe cached in a ARtoolkit specific function
- projectionAxisTransformMatrix renamed as artoolkitprojectionAxisTransformMatrix
- simple, no risk and make it clear it is artoolkit -
DONE in trackingbackend-switch put the backend in hash. and offer to switch
- good for testing
DONE all this testing about aruco or jsartoolkit it crappy
- in artoolkitContext.backend === 'aruco' || 'artoolkit'
- not very clear + timer to init jsartoolkit
- so you keep the pointer to context for each. But you test all about the .backend = 'artoolkit'
DONE arucocontext has the canvas at the moment - but dont respect the original canvasWidth
DONE all the posit stuff MUST be out of aruco context and in controls
DONE replace THREEx.ArMarkerControls.notifyFoundModelViewMatrix() by .updateWithModelViewMatrix()
LATER: remove all the artoolkit mention in the front as is now multiple backends
- you got classname with 'artoolkit' in it
- even exposed in a-frame parameters
NOT NOW: threex-aruco layer is really really thin - YET ANOTHER INDIRECTION
- seems useless indirection for AR.js
- why not aruco directly
- you are using jsartoolkit directly
- YES use aruco directly
- threex-aruco is at the same level of jsartoolkit
- keeping them at the same level will help make ar.js more consistent
- threex-aruco provide standalone testing which is good
- UNCLEAR at best -
can you make it easy to try all your demo with aruco
- this means supporting aruco in webar-playground
- so multi markers
- may even be an option in the json localstorage learned area
- thus it is easy to switch from one to another
- the best way to put aruco as first player
aruco seems the future
- there is pure js implementation - readable code
- there is a cpp implementation too
- much smaller code
- well documented code + algo
- simple algo - easy to understand
- not too big - i can maintain it myself
- i got MUCH better controls over the code
- this lead to ability to tune and experiments with the detection
- the detection is the core of the business. it MUCH be under controls
- still issue with homography
- but can be easily fixed, compared to the huge advantage
if artoolkit arbackend and marker facing camera, then change the tweening
- specific fix to artoolkit
TODO super unclear how to get the backward facing camera...
currently webvr is able to do location already
- why wouldnt i code it all in webvr location, without the stereo rendering
- well it is too early. it is better to make it easier to reuse.
- webvr tango isnt mature enougth
release soon and start doing dev/master
- create a dev branch
- release AR.js as 1.2
- what about the communication ?
- make a post on what is new in AR.js
- ISSUE: i need to deploy dev on gh-pages it helps with https during dev
redo parameters-tuning.html
- all parameters exposed as button - stored as json in url
- to replace the demo.html in a-frame - which is super broken anyway
- 3 groups of parameters : source, context, controls. make it 3 group on screen too
currently the source image ratio is always in 640x480 :(
- the aspect of the webcam should depends on the screens
- it will improve the accuracy of the marker detection. trackable from further away
- do the initial tunning of camera resolution to have the same aspect as the screen resolution
- better precision for my cpu
- currently it is doing 640x480 by default
- as it is supposed to be fullscreen, get the screen resolution, instead of the window resolution
- thus no resize being late issue
DONE do a pass on THREEx.ArToolkitSource
- IOS support - jeromeetienne#90
- support for torch -
- use the new getUserMedia API with envfacing api - see IOS bugs
DONE update link in
DONE THREEx.ArToolkitSource.prototype.onResize split it in THREEx.ArToolkitSource.prototype.mirrorSizeTo(blabla)
DONE Race conditions in resize
- arToolkitSource.onResize([renderer.domElement, arToolkitContext.arController.canvas])
- fails if arToolkitContext.arController not ready
- change this code, and port is EVERYWHERE :)
DONE rename marker generator as marker-training - just because it is what artoolkit said before
- maybe creator ?
- training is the same word as before, and seems to do something smart
DONE do something to upload marker from image directly instead of .patt
- this avoid the pain of handling .patt files
- so get the image encoding it, and then do a dataurl
- as the data is image
DONE THREEx.ArSmoothedControls.minVisibleDelay to 0 ?
- why would it be worst to show the marker, than to hide it ?
DONE bug in resize + debug in context
- API is still crap tho
DONE do the tweening + disapearance with timeout in threex-armarkersmoother.js
- this is a controls which read a armarkercontrols and output a new smoothed root
- make a possible delay in the appearance and disapearance
DONE put armarkerhelper else where
DONE do a threex.armarkershelper.js something which display info on the marker
- which pattern, etc...
- an axis too
- like you did in threex.arealearning.js
- if controls.parameters.helperEnabled: true, then the controls will add the helper automatically
DONE fix projection camera which inversing y axis, and looking toward positive z
- this affect webvr polyfill in three.js demo
- in ar - - - - -
- multiple link
- twitter, avatar, linkedin, facebook
- all stored in the url. so all the states is in the network
- avatar at the center, each link graviting around, with exploding entrance like in
- minimal: twitter avatar, username, twitter logo
- twitter logo model -
- logo in voxel ?
- sketchfab logo -
- gravatar from the email -
release ar.js
- start working in dev branch
- more frequent release.
moving three.js/ at the root ?
- it seems more natural. But there is no emergency
- webvr and aframe in their own repository now that it is more stable ?
for refraction, do some deforming mirror effect
- put dat.gui in it
- various shape which will act as mirrors
- cylinder with shrinked middle, dilated middle
- animated geometry ?
see about an example of videoinwebgl + vreffect
work on the stereo thing - make the webvr stuff
- suddently your demo would work on any webvr device
- does this work if i port video-in-webvr into aframe ? what if we go in webvr mode ?
what to do with profile
- should it be the default ?
- at least on a-frame it should be the default because it is targeted at easy
- by default, the setting should be the most common one.
- aka the one of a phone
"Augmented Reality in WebVR" as WebVR experiments... It has a nice twist that i like :)
DONE fix the multimarker and the symlink - it prevents updating ar.js gh-pages
DONE add show/hide into arcode.html url
- thus the apps workflow is finished
DONE do a build file threejs/build/ar.js threejs/build/ar.min.js
DONE re-integrate dead reckoning
- rename motion prediction into deadreckoningcontrols - more precise
DONE put THREEx.ArToolkitContext.baseURL = '../' in all demo
DONE add fish in pool hole-in-the-wall
DONE put liquid marker as a single html
- or a directory, no need to be dirty
DONE liquid-table.html
- video texture + animation of sin
- center of finger click is the center of the wave
- it can be water wave
- it can be fluild real
- integrate physics from real finger
- it can be like the finger in matrix -
- GOAL: works well using only the positional tracking, not the stereo display
- thus it works well with all three.js examples
- handle resize - currently the canvas isnt using the css it should
- canvas is sent to the webvr with .requestPresent(layer)
- webvr polyfill to present in single screen - like smus/webvr-polyfill
- look at his tuning and do the same
- just do the call on the webvr-polyfill and see his framedata and all
- issue with the projection matrix being inverse in y and z
- LATER: make it work with a-frame
- do a threex-artoolkitprofile.js with various performance profile
- var arToolKitProfile = new THREEx.ARToolKitProfile(type)
- may be dynamic - for resolution - 'dynamic'
- type = 'phoneInHand' || 'desktop'
- thus the user can go a in profiler.html and try various profiles until he find the one he needs
- then we store that in a cookie, and other applications all use this profile
- cookie/localstorage makes it stored on the browser, need one profiler per domain tho
- but no database and no authentication needed
- DONE artoolkit-profile.html to store the profile in localstorage
- it allows you to select which profile you like
- it has a
and store it in the storage - desktop-normal - phone-normal - phone-slow - dynamic - in ctor, if there is a local storage use this
- do it on canary. this is the most advanced tool for that
- POST: optimising AR.js with chromedevtools
- more than 70% of the time is used to copy the image in the HEAP
- .drawImage, .getImageData
- this.dataHeap.set( data ) is 43% of the total
- if i can send just a pointer on the data... i gain 43% in one shot
- performance remove copy to heap
- this explains how to pass a pointer from a typearray to c++
- this would avoid the dataHeap.set() - 43%
The following is a part of
It has not been updated since 2 May 2018
add a test in three.js/test
- able to set setPattRatio
change that i broke something ? super unlikely
- be sure not to leave a mess tho
- where to put an example ?
- only aframe examples
- currently there are 2 examples
check that it works well, then commit to dev and release to master
how to know if it works well ?
- test manually
- add example in aframe
- add a test
- just take an picture of the generator with a marker
- TODO make test-runner.html to accept url of the image i want
test for setPattRatio
- aframe doesnt load image in test-runner.html - but works in default-tinner-border.html
- but work in three.js/test-runner.html so likely a small issue in ar.js aframe
change test-runner to get sourceImageURL in the query
- change the formats2
- threex.jsaruco see about tuning the fov manually
- in threex.jsaruco
- fix path in examples
- experiments with focal change - dat.gui to tune
- can you find a value which works on macbook
- multi-marker: put threex.screenasportal elsewhere ?
- multi-marker: make ar.js marker by default in the multi marker screen
- DONE make the generator.html able to tune setPattRatio
- remove all the artoolkit in classname and filename
- just keep a layer for backward compatibility
- remove three.js dependancy
- remove any tango support
- clean up data
- DONE put three.js/experiments/shadow markercloak + liquid-marker as /demos
- DONE in arjs-face make a nice examples of face tracking
- DONE rename EasyARjs into PortableARjs
- DONE remove webvr-polyfill
- DONE merge to master
- DONE in demos/ and experiments/ avoid to have .html directly, move each experiments in its own folders
- DONE fix the testing, seems to have projection issue on image read, works on webcam tho
- DONE import the new babylon.js port