Project Management System created using Django framework. It has many features like employee management, project management, clients management, project discussion, employee leaves etc. Feel free to contribute. This project is in initial state so please wait for an update. New ideas are welcomed.
- First screen after login
- Here person can add clients
- Here person can view added clients and can perform edit and delete operations
- Here person can add employee designation. This designation also implies to system user
- Here person can view added designations and can add, edit and delete the designation
- Here person can add interviews to be taken and can add following details about interviewee
- Here person can view added interviews and can add, edit and delete the interviews and can also change it's status
- Here person can view added Knowledge entries. It is list of discoveries that a developer made during the development. It can be a piece of code or some kind of important steps.
- Here person can add knowledge or important information and can add, edit and delete the knowledge entries
Here person can edit existing knowledge entry