- Open Source Experience Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems
- All Day DevOps Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems
- Longhorn PHP Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems
- DevOpsDays Detroit Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems
- All Things Open Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems
- ChiWitCon Diving Into New Technologies
- KCDC 2023 Tutus and Tech: A Ballet-Inspired Guide to Distributed Computing
- DevRel Roundtable Podcast
- Python Web Conf Regress to Progress
- PHP UK Conference Diving Into New Technologies: Hacks to Work More Efficiently
- Temporal Community Meetup in London Diving Into New Technologies: Hacks to Work More Efficiently
- All Day DevOps Regress to Progress
- All Things Open Building an OSS Community Milestone by Milestone
- Dash What Users Really Want
- Replay Shaping the Future of Backend Development
- KCDC Getting Started: Embrace Your Inner Child
- Building a Sustainable Career in Tech
- Scaling Developer Success by Peritus.ai
- The Maintainers of OSS
- Pluralsight Link 2022 DevRel Panel
- DeveloperWeek Europe Architecture of a Serverless Database
- Open Source: Repository Requirements
- DevOpsDays Atlanta Regress to Progress: A Child's Mindset for Growth
- Contributing.Today Open Source Databases Panel
- Open Source: CockroachDB
- Playing with Roaches: Devsisters
- Conf42: Chaos Engineering When Gremlins Play With Cockroaches
- Open Source: Ansible
- Open Source: CockroachDB Sample App
- Playing with Roaches: Heroic Labs
- DeveloperWeek OPEN TALK: The Architecture of a Serverless Database
- Open Source: Chaos Engineering
- Playing with Roaches: Mythical Games
- Open Source: CockroachDB Sample App
- Conf42: Python 2022: Regress to Progress: A Child’s Mindset for Growth
- Playing with Roaches: Heroic Labs
- Playing with Roaches: Devsisters
- Open Source: Camunda
- Playing with Roaches: Mythical Games
- Open Source: CockroachDB Sample App
- Playing with Roaches: Devsisters
- Open Source: Django
- Playing with Roaches: Heroic Labs
- Edgehog Day 2021 Data on Cloud-native
- Open Source: Python Pandas
- Open Source: CockroachDB Sample App
- DevOps Party Games - I Just Deployed Kubernetes And Boy Are My Arms Tired
- Open Source: OBS / VDO Ninja
- Playing with Roaches: Devsisters
- Open Source: Planning Session
- Developing with CockroachDB: Office Hours
- Developing with CockroachDB: JSON Optimization
- Database Office Hours: Ask us anything about CockroachDB Serverless
- Developing with CockroachDB: Build CRUD REST APIs with CockroachDB
- Say What? How to Track "Blipped" Marvel Characters with Node.js & CockroachDB
- Community Leadership Summit / All Things Open: Diversity & Inclusion in Community in 2021
- Extract Summit 2021: When to flip the table SQL to NoSQL to NewSQL
- Distributed Database Office Hours: Practical Python
- Developing with CockroachDB: Practical Python
- Distributed Database Office Hours: How to tune SQL queries
- Developing with CockroachDB: SQL Query Optimizations for Speed & Efficiency
- Database Office Hours
- Build a Full Stack Node.js App with CockroachDB
- Open Source Stream: First PRs with CockroachDB
- Developing With CockroachDB: The best way to get started with CockroachDB
- Developing Communities: the DevRel Podcast - Advocacy in Open Source Organizations
- PRXMTY EMEA Co-Host 2021: Create a Mobile Core Telecom for Breakfast
- Contributing Today 2021: Mental health in Open Source
- Live Stream 2021: Open Source: OpenStack on Equinix Metal
- She Story Community Day 2021: TheirStory: Rain Leander
- Nightmares On Cloud Street 2020: Your Worst Moments in the Cloud
- StackConf.eu 2020: Leveraging Procedural Knowledge: From Riding a Bike to Bare Metal Automation
- DevRelCon Earth 2020: The Four Pillars of Support in Developer Relations
- Project Teams Gathering Colorado 2018: RDO Community Liaison Interview
- DevRelCon London 2018: Pass the Torch