function BACK-PROP-LEARNING(examples, network) returns a neural network
inputs examples, a set of examples, each with input vector x and output vector y
network, a multilayer network with L layers, weights wi,j, activation function g
local variables: Δ, a vector of errors, indexed by network node
for each weight wi,j in network do
wi,j ← a small random number
for each example (x, y) in examples do
/* Propagate the inputs forward to compute the outputs */
for each node i in the input layer do
ai ← xi
for l = 2 to L do
for each node j in layer l do
inj ← Σi wi,j ai
aj ← g(inj)
/* Propagate deltas backward from output layer to input layer */
for each node j in the output layer do
Δ[j] ← g′(inj) × (yi − aj)
for l = L − 1 to 1 do
for each node i in layer l do
Δ[i] ← g′(ini) Σj wi,j Δ[j]
/* Update every weight in network using deltas */
for each weight wi,j in network do
wi,j ← wi,j + α × ai × Δ[j]
until some stopping criterion is satisfied
return network
Figure ?? The back-propagation algorithm for learning in multilayer networks.