diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 8062720c3..e98a96b75 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -408,3 +408,6 @@ src/Tools/ **/Droid/**/[Rr]esource.[Dd]esigner.cs **/*.Android.*/**/[Rr]esource.[Dd]esigner.cs **/*.Droid.*/**/[Rr]esource.[Dd]esigner.cs + +# API Approval +src/*.Tests/API/*.received.txt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Directory.build.props b/src/Directory.build.props index 272d8801e..daba3d8c5 100644 --- a/src/Directory.build.props +++ b/src/Directory.build.props @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ AllEnabledByDefault true preview + enable $(NoWarn);VSSpell001;SA1010 @@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ true $(AllowedOutputExtensionsInPackageBuildOutputFolder);.pdb + netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net7.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net8.0-windows10.0.17763.0 false @@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ - + @@ -62,8 +65,8 @@ - - + + diff --git a/src/Directory.build.targets b/src/Directory.build.targets index d60f5c6c7..512f03853 100644 --- a/src/Directory.build.targets +++ b/src/Directory.build.targets @@ -7,39 +7,39 @@ $(DefineConstants);NET_45;XAML - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;IOS + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;ANDROID - + $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;IOS $(DefineConstants);MONO;COCOA - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;COCOA - $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;TVOS - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;TVOS - - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;MACCATALYST - $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;ANDROID - - - $(DefineConstants);MONO;ANDROID - $(DefineConstants);TIZEN + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;IOS + + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;COCOA + + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;TVOS + + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;UIKIT;COCOA;MACCATALYST + + + $(DefineConstants);MONO;ANDROID + $(DefineConstants);IS_SHARED_NET diff --git a/src/Splat.AppCenter/Splat.AppCenter.csproj b/src/Splat.AppCenter/Splat.AppCenter.csproj index 1ca08beee..3e897399a 100644 --- a/src/Splat.AppCenter/Splat.AppCenter.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.AppCenter/Splat.AppCenter.csproj @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net7.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net8.0-windows10.0.17763.0 - + netstandard2.0;$(SplatWindowsTargetFrameworks) + Splat.AppCenter Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Visual Studio AppCenter integrations for Splat Splat.AppCenter - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.ApplicationInsights/Splat.ApplicationInsights.csproj b/src/Splat.ApplicationInsights/Splat.ApplicationInsights.csproj index 8d6194b38..99ddbe7ee 100644 --- a/src/Splat.ApplicationInsights/Splat.ApplicationInsights.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.ApplicationInsights/Splat.ApplicationInsights.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.ApplicationInsights Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors ApplicationInsights integrations for Splat Splat.ApplicationInsights - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Autofac/Splat.Autofac.csproj b/src/Splat.Autofac/Splat.Autofac.csproj index b4e68436d..78a7dd384 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Autofac/Splat.Autofac.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Autofac/Splat.Autofac.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Autofac adapter for Splat - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.Core3_1.verified.txt b/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.Core3_1.verified.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8da70fbbf..000000000 --- a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.Core3_1.verified.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,448 +0,0 @@ -[assembly: System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Drawing.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Android")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Uwp")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1", FrameworkDisplayName="")] -namespace Splat -{ - public static class BitmapLoader - { - public static Splat.IBitmapLoader Current { get; set; } - } - [System.Serializable] - public class BitmapLoaderException : System.Exception - { - public BitmapLoaderException() { } - public BitmapLoaderException(string message) { } - protected BitmapLoaderException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } - public BitmapLoaderException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } - } - public static class BitmapMixins - { - public static Splat.IBitmap FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource ToNative(this Splat.IBitmap value) { } - } - public static class ColorExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.Color FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Color ToNative(this System.Drawing.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush ToNativeBrush(this System.Drawing.Color value) { } - } - public enum CompressedBitmapFormat - { - Png = 0, - Jpeg = 1, - } - public class DefaultPlatformModeDetector : Splat.IPlatformModeDetector - { - public DefaultPlatformModeDetector() { } - public bool? InDesignMode() { } - } - public interface IBitmap : System.IDisposable - { - float Height { get; } - float Width { get; } - System.Threading.Tasks.Task Save(Splat.CompressedBitmapFormat format, float quality, System.IO.Stream target); - } - public interface IBitmapLoader - { - Splat.IBitmap? Create(float width, float height); - System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load(System.IO.Stream sourceStream, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight); - System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadFromResource(string source, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight); - } - public interface IPlatformModeDetector - { - bool? InDesignMode(); - } - public enum KnownColor - { - Empty = 0, - ActiveBorder = 1, - ActiveCaption = 2, - ActiveCaptionText = 3, - AppWorkspace = 4, - Control = 5, - ControlDark = 6, - ControlDarkDark = 7, - ControlLight = 8, - ControlLightLight = 9, - ControlText = 10, - Desktop = 11, - GrayText = 12, - Highlight = 13, - HighlightText = 14, - HotTrack = 15, - InactiveBorder = 16, - InactiveCaption = 17, - InactiveCaptionText = 18, - Info = 19, - InfoText = 20, - Menu = 21, - MenuText = 22, - ScrollBar = 23, - Window = 24, - WindowFrame = 25, - WindowText = 26, - Transparent = 27, - AliceBlue = 28, - AntiqueWhite = 29, - Aqua = 30, - Aquamarine = 31, - Azure = 32, - Beige = 33, - Bisque = 34, - Black = 35, - BlanchedAlmond = 36, - Blue = 37, - BlueViolet = 38, - Brown = 39, - BurlyWood = 40, - CadetBlue = 41, - Chartreuse = 42, - Chocolate = 43, - Coral = 44, - CornflowerBlue = 45, - Cornsilk = 46, - Crimson = 47, - Cyan = 48, - DarkBlue = 49, - DarkCyan = 50, - DarkGoldenrod = 51, - DarkGray = 52, - DarkGreen = 53, - DarkKhaki = 54, - DarkMagenta = 55, - DarkOliveGreen = 56, - DarkOrange = 57, - DarkOrchid = 58, - DarkRed = 59, - DarkSalmon = 60, - DarkSeaGreen = 61, - DarkSlateBlue = 62, - DarkSlateGray = 63, - DarkTurquoise = 64, - DarkViolet = 65, - DeepPink = 66, - DeepSkyBlue = 67, - DimGray = 68, - DodgerBlue = 69, - Firebrick = 70, - FloralWhite = 71, - ForestGreen = 72, - Fuchsia = 73, - Gainsboro = 74, - GhostWhite = 75, - Gold = 76, - Goldenrod = 77, - Gray = 78, - Green = 79, - GreenYellow = 80, - Honeydew = 81, - HotPink = 82, - IndianRed = 83, - Indigo = 84, - Ivory = 85, - Khaki = 86, - Lavender = 87, - LavenderBlush = 88, - LawnGreen = 89, - LemonChiffon = 90, - LightBlue = 91, - LightCoral = 92, - LightCyan = 93, - LightGoldenrodYellow = 94, - LightGray = 95, - LightGreen = 96, - LightPink = 97, - LightSalmon = 98, - LightSeaGreen = 99, - LightSkyBlue = 100, - LightSlateGray = 101, - LightSteelBlue = 102, - LightYellow = 103, - Lime = 104, - LimeGreen = 105, - Linen = 106, - Magenta = 107, - Maroon = 108, - MediumAquamarine = 109, - MediumBlue = 110, - MediumOrchid = 111, - MediumPurple = 112, - MediumSeaGreen = 113, - MediumSlateBlue = 114, - MediumSpringGreen = 115, - MediumTurquoise = 116, - MediumVioletRed = 117, - MidnightBlue = 118, - MintCream = 119, - MistyRose = 120, - Moccasin = 121, - NavajoWhite = 122, - Navy = 123, - OldLace = 124, - Olive = 125, - OliveDrab = 126, - Orange = 127, - OrangeRed = 128, - Orchid = 129, - PaleGoldenrod = 130, - PaleGreen = 131, - PaleTurquoise = 132, - PaleVioletRed = 133, - PapayaWhip = 134, - PeachPuff = 135, - Peru = 136, - Pink = 137, - Plum = 138, - PowderBlue = 139, - Purple = 140, - Red = 141, - RosyBrown = 142, - RoyalBlue = 143, - SaddleBrown = 144, - Salmon = 145, - SandyBrown = 146, - SeaGreen = 147, - SeaShell = 148, - Sienna = 149, - Silver = 150, - SkyBlue = 151, - SlateBlue = 152, - SlateGray = 153, - Snow = 154, - SpringGreen = 155, - SteelBlue = 156, - Tan = 157, - Teal = 158, - Thistle = 159, - Tomato = 160, - Turquoise = 161, - Violet = 162, - Wheat = 163, - White = 164, - WhiteSmoke = 165, - Yellow = 166, - YellowGreen = 167, - ButtonFace = 168, - ButtonHighlight = 169, - ButtonShadow = 170, - GradientActiveCaption = 171, - GradientInactiveCaption = 172, - MenuBar = 173, - MenuHighlight = 174, - } - public class PlatformBitmapLoader : Splat.IBitmapLoader - { - public PlatformBitmapLoader() { } - public Splat.IBitmap Create(float width, float height) { } - public System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load(System.IO.Stream sourceStream, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { } - public System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadFromResource(string source, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { } - } - public static class PlatformModeDetector - { - public static bool InDesignMode() { } - public static void OverrideModeDetector(Splat.IPlatformModeDetector modeDetector) { } - } - public static class PointExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.PointF FromNative(this System.Windows.Point value) { } - public static System.Windows.Point ToNative(this System.Drawing.Point value) { } - public static System.Windows.Point ToNative(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - } - public static class RectExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF FromNative(this System.Windows.Rect value) { } - public static System.Windows.Rect ToNative(this System.Drawing.Rectangle value) { } - public static System.Windows.Rect ToNative(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value) { } - } - public static class ServiceLocationDrawingInitialization - { - public static void RegisterPlatformBitmapLoader(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver) { } - } - public static class SizeExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.SizeF FromNative(this System.Windows.Size value) { } - public static System.Windows.Size ToNative(this System.Drawing.Size value) { } - public static System.Windows.Size ToNative(this System.Drawing.SizeF value) { } - } - [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract] - public struct SplatColor : System.IEquatable - { - public byte A { get; } - public byte B { get; } - public byte G { get; } - public bool IsEmpty { get; } - public bool IsKnownColor { get; } - public bool IsNamedColor { get; } - public bool IsSystemColor { get; } - public string Name { get; } - public byte R { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor AliceBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor AntiqueWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Aqua { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Aquamarine { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Azure { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Beige { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Bisque { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Black { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BlanchedAlmond { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Blue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BlueViolet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Brown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BurlyWood { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor CadetBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Chartreuse { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Chocolate { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Coral { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor CornflowerBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Cornsilk { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Crimson { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Cyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkCyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGoldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkKhaki { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkMagenta { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOliveGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOrange { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOrchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSalmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkViolet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DeepPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DeepSkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DimGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DodgerBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Empty { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Firebrick { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor FloralWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor ForestGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Fuchsia { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gainsboro { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor GhostWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gold { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Goldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Green { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor GreenYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Honeydew { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor HotPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor IndianRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Indigo { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Ivory { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Khaki { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Lavender { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LavenderBlush { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LawnGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LemonChiffon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightCoral { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightCyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGoldenrodYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSalmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSteelBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Lime { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LimeGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Linen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Magenta { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Maroon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumAquamarine { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumOrchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumPurple { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSpringGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumVioletRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MidnightBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MintCream { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MistyRose { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Moccasin { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor NavajoWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Navy { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OldLace { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Olive { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OliveDrab { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Orange { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OrangeRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Orchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleGoldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleVioletRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PapayaWhip { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PeachPuff { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Peru { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Pink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Plum { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PowderBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Purple { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Red { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor RosyBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor RoyalBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SaddleBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Salmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SandyBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SeaShell { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Sienna { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Silver { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Snow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SpringGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SteelBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Tan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Teal { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Thistle { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Tomato { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Transparent { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Turquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Violet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Wheat { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor White { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor WhiteSmoke { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Yellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor YellowGreen { get; } - public bool Equals(Splat.SplatColor other) { } - public override bool Equals(object? obj) { } - public float GetBrightness() { } - public override int GetHashCode() { } - public float GetHue() { } - public float GetSaturation() { } - public uint ToArgb() { } - public Splat.KnownColor ToKnownColor() { } - public override string ToString() { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(uint argb) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int alpha, Splat.SplatColor baseColor) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int red, int green, int blue) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromKnownColor(Splat.KnownColor color) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromName(string name) { } - public static bool operator !=(Splat.SplatColor left, Splat.SplatColor right) { } - public static bool operator ==(Splat.SplatColor left, Splat.SplatColor right) { } - } - public static class SplatColorExtensions - { - public static Splat.SplatColor FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Color ToNative(this Splat.SplatColor value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush ToNativeBrush(this Splat.SplatColor value) { } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt b/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a698ae00c..000000000 --- a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatUIProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,450 +0,0 @@ -[assembly: System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Drawing.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Android")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Uwp")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("Windows7.0")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0", FrameworkDisplayName="")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetPlatform("Windows7.0")] -namespace Splat -{ - public static class BitmapLoader - { - public static Splat.IBitmapLoader Current { get; set; } - } - [System.Serializable] - public class BitmapLoaderException : System.Exception - { - public BitmapLoaderException() { } - public BitmapLoaderException(string message) { } - protected BitmapLoaderException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } - public BitmapLoaderException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } - } - public static class BitmapMixins - { - public static Splat.IBitmap FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource ToNative(this Splat.IBitmap value) { } - } - public static class ColorExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.Color FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Color ToNative(this System.Drawing.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush ToNativeBrush(this System.Drawing.Color value) { } - } - public enum CompressedBitmapFormat - { - Png = 0, - Jpeg = 1, - } - public class DefaultPlatformModeDetector : Splat.IPlatformModeDetector - { - public DefaultPlatformModeDetector() { } - public bool? InDesignMode() { } - } - public interface IBitmap : System.IDisposable - { - float Height { get; } - float Width { get; } - System.Threading.Tasks.Task Save(Splat.CompressedBitmapFormat format, float quality, System.IO.Stream target); - } - public interface IBitmapLoader - { - Splat.IBitmap? Create(float width, float height); - System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load(System.IO.Stream sourceStream, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight); - System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadFromResource(string source, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight); - } - public interface IPlatformModeDetector - { - bool? InDesignMode(); - } - public enum KnownColor - { - Empty = 0, - ActiveBorder = 1, - ActiveCaption = 2, - ActiveCaptionText = 3, - AppWorkspace = 4, - Control = 5, - ControlDark = 6, - ControlDarkDark = 7, - ControlLight = 8, - ControlLightLight = 9, - ControlText = 10, - Desktop = 11, - GrayText = 12, - Highlight = 13, - HighlightText = 14, - HotTrack = 15, - InactiveBorder = 16, - InactiveCaption = 17, - InactiveCaptionText = 18, - Info = 19, - InfoText = 20, - Menu = 21, - MenuText = 22, - ScrollBar = 23, - Window = 24, - WindowFrame = 25, - WindowText = 26, - Transparent = 27, - AliceBlue = 28, - AntiqueWhite = 29, - Aqua = 30, - Aquamarine = 31, - Azure = 32, - Beige = 33, - Bisque = 34, - Black = 35, - BlanchedAlmond = 36, - Blue = 37, - BlueViolet = 38, - Brown = 39, - BurlyWood = 40, - CadetBlue = 41, - Chartreuse = 42, - Chocolate = 43, - Coral = 44, - CornflowerBlue = 45, - Cornsilk = 46, - Crimson = 47, - Cyan = 48, - DarkBlue = 49, - DarkCyan = 50, - DarkGoldenrod = 51, - DarkGray = 52, - DarkGreen = 53, - DarkKhaki = 54, - DarkMagenta = 55, - DarkOliveGreen = 56, - DarkOrange = 57, - DarkOrchid = 58, - DarkRed = 59, - DarkSalmon = 60, - DarkSeaGreen = 61, - DarkSlateBlue = 62, - DarkSlateGray = 63, - DarkTurquoise = 64, - DarkViolet = 65, - DeepPink = 66, - DeepSkyBlue = 67, - DimGray = 68, - DodgerBlue = 69, - Firebrick = 70, - FloralWhite = 71, - ForestGreen = 72, - Fuchsia = 73, - Gainsboro = 74, - GhostWhite = 75, - Gold = 76, - Goldenrod = 77, - Gray = 78, - Green = 79, - GreenYellow = 80, - Honeydew = 81, - HotPink = 82, - IndianRed = 83, - Indigo = 84, - Ivory = 85, - Khaki = 86, - Lavender = 87, - LavenderBlush = 88, - LawnGreen = 89, - LemonChiffon = 90, - LightBlue = 91, - LightCoral = 92, - LightCyan = 93, - LightGoldenrodYellow = 94, - LightGray = 95, - LightGreen = 96, - LightPink = 97, - LightSalmon = 98, - LightSeaGreen = 99, - LightSkyBlue = 100, - LightSlateGray = 101, - LightSteelBlue = 102, - LightYellow = 103, - Lime = 104, - LimeGreen = 105, - Linen = 106, - Magenta = 107, - Maroon = 108, - MediumAquamarine = 109, - MediumBlue = 110, - MediumOrchid = 111, - MediumPurple = 112, - MediumSeaGreen = 113, - MediumSlateBlue = 114, - MediumSpringGreen = 115, - MediumTurquoise = 116, - MediumVioletRed = 117, - MidnightBlue = 118, - MintCream = 119, - MistyRose = 120, - Moccasin = 121, - NavajoWhite = 122, - Navy = 123, - OldLace = 124, - Olive = 125, - OliveDrab = 126, - Orange = 127, - OrangeRed = 128, - Orchid = 129, - PaleGoldenrod = 130, - PaleGreen = 131, - PaleTurquoise = 132, - PaleVioletRed = 133, - PapayaWhip = 134, - PeachPuff = 135, - Peru = 136, - Pink = 137, - Plum = 138, - PowderBlue = 139, - Purple = 140, - Red = 141, - RosyBrown = 142, - RoyalBlue = 143, - SaddleBrown = 144, - Salmon = 145, - SandyBrown = 146, - SeaGreen = 147, - SeaShell = 148, - Sienna = 149, - Silver = 150, - SkyBlue = 151, - SlateBlue = 152, - SlateGray = 153, - Snow = 154, - SpringGreen = 155, - SteelBlue = 156, - Tan = 157, - Teal = 158, - Thistle = 159, - Tomato = 160, - Turquoise = 161, - Violet = 162, - Wheat = 163, - White = 164, - WhiteSmoke = 165, - Yellow = 166, - YellowGreen = 167, - ButtonFace = 168, - ButtonHighlight = 169, - ButtonShadow = 170, - GradientActiveCaption = 171, - GradientInactiveCaption = 172, - MenuBar = 173, - MenuHighlight = 174, - } - public class PlatformBitmapLoader : Splat.IBitmapLoader - { - public PlatformBitmapLoader() { } - public Splat.IBitmap Create(float width, float height) { } - public System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load(System.IO.Stream sourceStream, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { } - public System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadFromResource(string source, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { } - } - public static class PlatformModeDetector - { - public static bool InDesignMode() { } - public static void OverrideModeDetector(Splat.IPlatformModeDetector modeDetector) { } - } - public static class PointExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.PointF FromNative(this System.Windows.Point value) { } - public static System.Windows.Point ToNative(this System.Drawing.Point value) { } - public static System.Windows.Point ToNative(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - } - public static class RectExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF FromNative(this System.Windows.Rect value) { } - public static System.Windows.Rect ToNative(this System.Drawing.Rectangle value) { } - public static System.Windows.Rect ToNative(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value) { } - } - public static class ServiceLocationDrawingInitialization - { - public static void RegisterPlatformBitmapLoader(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver) { } - } - public static class SizeExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.SizeF FromNative(this System.Windows.Size value) { } - public static System.Windows.Size ToNative(this System.Drawing.Size value) { } - public static System.Windows.Size ToNative(this System.Drawing.SizeF value) { } - } - [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract] - public struct SplatColor : System.IEquatable - { - public byte A { get; } - public byte B { get; } - public byte G { get; } - public bool IsEmpty { get; } - public bool IsKnownColor { get; } - public bool IsNamedColor { get; } - public bool IsSystemColor { get; } - public string Name { get; } - public byte R { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor AliceBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor AntiqueWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Aqua { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Aquamarine { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Azure { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Beige { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Bisque { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Black { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BlanchedAlmond { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Blue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BlueViolet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Brown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor BurlyWood { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor CadetBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Chartreuse { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Chocolate { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Coral { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor CornflowerBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Cornsilk { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Crimson { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Cyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkCyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGoldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkKhaki { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkMagenta { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOliveGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOrange { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkOrchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSalmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkSlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DarkViolet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DeepPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DeepSkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DimGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor DodgerBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Empty { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Firebrick { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor FloralWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor ForestGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Fuchsia { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gainsboro { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor GhostWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gold { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Goldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Gray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Green { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor GreenYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Honeydew { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor HotPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor IndianRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Indigo { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Ivory { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Khaki { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Lavender { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LavenderBlush { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LawnGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LemonChiffon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightCoral { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightCyan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGoldenrodYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightPink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSalmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightSteelBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LightYellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Lime { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor LimeGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Linen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Magenta { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Maroon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumAquamarine { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumOrchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumPurple { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumSpringGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MediumVioletRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MidnightBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MintCream { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor MistyRose { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Moccasin { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor NavajoWhite { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Navy { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OldLace { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Olive { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OliveDrab { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Orange { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor OrangeRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Orchid { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleGoldenrod { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleTurquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PaleVioletRed { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PapayaWhip { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PeachPuff { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Peru { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Pink { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Plum { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor PowderBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Purple { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Red { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor RosyBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor RoyalBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SaddleBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Salmon { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SandyBrown { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SeaGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SeaShell { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Sienna { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Silver { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SkyBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SlateBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SlateGray { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Snow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SpringGreen { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor SteelBlue { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Tan { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Teal { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Thistle { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Tomato { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Transparent { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Turquoise { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Violet { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Wheat { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor White { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor WhiteSmoke { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor Yellow { get; } - public static Splat.SplatColor YellowGreen { get; } - public bool Equals(Splat.SplatColor other) { } - public override bool Equals(object? obj) { } - public float GetBrightness() { } - public override int GetHashCode() { } - public float GetHue() { } - public float GetSaturation() { } - public uint ToArgb() { } - public Splat.KnownColor ToKnownColor() { } - public override string ToString() { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(uint argb) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int alpha, Splat.SplatColor baseColor) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int red, int green, int blue) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromArgb(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromKnownColor(Splat.KnownColor color) { } - public static Splat.SplatColor FromName(string name) { } - public static bool operator !=(Splat.SplatColor left, Splat.SplatColor right) { } - public static bool operator ==(Splat.SplatColor left, Splat.SplatColor right) { } - } - public static class SplatColorExtensions - { - public static Splat.SplatColor FromNative(this System.Windows.Media.Color value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.Color ToNative(this Splat.SplatColor value) { } - public static System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush ToNativeBrush(this Splat.SplatColor value) { } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs b/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs index 1554d76c0..84f20384b 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Drawing.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs @@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ public class ApiApprovalTests /// Tests to make sure the splat project is approved. /// [Fact] - public Task SplatUIProject() => typeof(IPlatformModeDetector).Assembly.CheckApproval(); + public Task SplatUIProject() => typeof(IPlatformModeDetector).Assembly.CheckApproval(["Splat"]); } diff --git a/src/Splat.Drawing/Platforms/Cocoa/Bitmaps/PlatformBitmapLoader.cs b/src/Splat.Drawing/Platforms/Cocoa/Bitmaps/PlatformBitmapLoader.cs index cf467f4a6..3b5920148 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Drawing/Platforms/Cocoa/Bitmaps/PlatformBitmapLoader.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Drawing/Platforms/Cocoa/Bitmaps/PlatformBitmapLoader.cs @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace Splat; public class PlatformBitmapLoader : IBitmapLoader { /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1031:Do not catch general exception types", Justification = "By Design")] public Task Load(Stream sourceStream, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { var data = NSData.FromStream(sourceStream); @@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ public class PlatformBitmapLoader : IBitmapLoader } /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1031:Do not catch general exception types", Justification = "By Design")] public Task LoadFromResource(string source, float? desiredWidth, float? desiredHeight) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); diff --git a/src/Splat.Drawing/Splat.Drawing.csproj b/src/Splat.Drawing/Splat.Drawing.csproj index 36b018178..eea0800fd 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Drawing/Splat.Drawing.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Drawing/Splat.Drawing.csproj @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ - MonoAndroid13.0;Xamarin.iOS10;Xamarin.Mac20;Xamarin.TVOS10;Xamarin.WatchOS10;tizen40;netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net7.0-android;net7.0-ios;net7.0-tvos;net7.0-macos;net7.0-maccatalyst;net8.0;net8.0-android;net8.0-ios;net8.0-tvos;net8.0-macos;net8.0-maccatalyst - $(TargetFrameworks);net462;net472;net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net7.0-windows10.0.17763.0;net8.0-windows10.0.17763.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks);MonoAndroid13.0;Xamarin.iOS10;Xamarin.Mac20;Xamarin.TVOS10;Xamarin.WatchOS10;tizen40;net7.0-android;net7.0-ios;net7.0-tvos;net7.0-macos;net7.0-maccatalyst;net8.0-android;net8.0-ios;net8.0-tvos;net8.0-macos;net8.0-maccatalyst + $(TargetFrameworks);net462;net472;$(SplatWindowsTargetFrameworks) Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors A library to make things cross-platform that should be @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ enable - + true true @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ - + @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ - + @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ - + @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ - + diff --git a/src/Splat.DryIoc/Splat.DryIoc.csproj b/src/Splat.DryIoc/Splat.DryIoc.csproj index d65b80aa6..4b10f912d 100644 --- a/src/Splat.DryIoc/Splat.DryIoc.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.DryIoc/Splat.DryIoc.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 $(NoWarn);CA1801 DryIoc adapter for Splat - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Exceptionless/Splat.Exceptionless.csproj b/src/Splat.Exceptionless/Splat.Exceptionless.csproj index b84373173..202c110f4 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Exceptionless/Splat.Exceptionless.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Exceptionless/Splat.Exceptionless.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.Exceptionless Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Exceptionless integrations for Splat Splat.Exceptionless - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Log4Net/Splat.Log4Net.csproj b/src/Splat.Log4Net/Splat.Log4Net.csproj index 8b29f727d..22f91d09f 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Log4Net/Splat.Log4Net.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Log4Net/Splat.Log4Net.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.Log4Net Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Log4Net integrations for Splat Splat.Log4Net - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.csproj b/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.csproj index 834678885..16d5ea01f 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.csproj @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.csproj b/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.csproj index 2f89f0155..455f02c6e 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging/Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Microsoft Logging Extensions integrations for Splat Splat.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.NLog/Splat.NLog.csproj b/src/Splat.NLog/Splat.NLog.csproj index ffd8f3f93..d44735287 100644 --- a/src/Splat.NLog/Splat.NLog.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.NLog/Splat.NLog.csproj @@ -1,16 +1,15 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.NLog Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors NLog integrations for Splat Splat.NLog - enable - + diff --git a/src/Splat.Ninject/Splat.Ninject.csproj b/src/Splat.Ninject/Splat.Ninject.csproj index a7417a03f..f1c233f7f 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Ninject/Splat.Ninject.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Ninject/Splat.Ninject.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Autofac adapter for Splat - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Prism.Forms/Splat.Prism.Forms.csproj b/src/Splat.Prism.Forms/Splat.Prism.Forms.csproj index bf0a021d7..5153b7ade 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Prism.Forms/Splat.Prism.Forms.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Prism.Forms/Splat.Prism.Forms.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Prism adapter for Splat including Xamarin Forms adapters. - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Prism/Splat.Prism.csproj b/src/Splat.Prism/Splat.Prism.csproj index 7acb66b24..0135389ef 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Prism/Splat.Prism.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Prism/Splat.Prism.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Prism adapter for Splat - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Raygun/Splat.Raygun.csproj b/src/Splat.Raygun/Splat.Raygun.csproj index 7dfc6e7db..58758c9ab 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Raygun/Splat.Raygun.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Raygun/Splat.Raygun.csproj @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.Raygun Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Raygun integrations for Splat Splat.Raygun - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Serilog/Splat.Serilog.csproj b/src/Splat.Serilog/Splat.Serilog.csproj index cfa0c9dd0..d5f9ec9e5 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Serilog/Splat.Serilog.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.Serilog/Splat.Serilog.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 Splat.Serilog Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors Serilog integrations for Splat Splat.Serilog - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.SimpleInjector/Splat.SimpleInjector.csproj b/src/Splat.SimpleInjector/Splat.SimpleInjector.csproj index dcd530be0..f552cc76c 100644 --- a/src/Splat.SimpleInjector/Splat.SimpleInjector.csproj +++ b/src/Splat.SimpleInjector/Splat.SimpleInjector.csproj @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) $(TargetFrameworks);net462 SimpleInjector adapter for Splat - enable diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.Core3_1.verified.txt b/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.Core3_1.verified.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e8f7172e8..000000000 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.Core3_1.verified.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,775 +0,0 @@ -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Drawing.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Android")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Uwp")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", FrameworkDisplayName="")] -namespace Splat -{ - public class ActionLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public ActionLogger(System.Action writeNoType, System.Action writeWithType, System.Action writeNoTypeWithException, System.Action writeWithTypeAndException) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public abstract class AllocationFreeLoggerBase : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - protected AllocationFreeLoggerBase(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public bool IsDebugEnabled { get; } - public bool IsErrorEnabled { get; } - public bool IsFatalEnabled { get; } - public bool IsInfoEnabled { get; } - public bool IsWarnEnabled { get; } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class ConsoleLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public ConsoleLogger() { } - public string ExceptionMessageFormat { get; set; } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class DebugLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public DebugLogger() { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public sealed class DefaultLogManager : Splat.ILogManager - { - public DefaultLogManager(Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver? dependencyResolver = null) { } - public Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type) { } - } - public class DefaultModeDetector : Splat.IEnableLogger, Splat.IModeDetector - { - public DefaultModeDetector() { } - public bool? InUnitTestRunner() { } - } - public static class DependencyResolverMixins - { - public static T? GetService(this Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(this Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static void Register(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static void Register(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static void RegisterConstant(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, object? value, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterConstant(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, T? value, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterLazySingleton(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterLazySingleton(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Type serviceType, System.Action callback) { } - public static void UnregisterAll(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static void UnregisterCurrent(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.IDisposable WithResolver(this Splat.IDependencyResolver resolver, bool suppressResolverCallback = true) { } - } - public static class FullLoggerExtensions - { - public static void Debug(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Debug(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void DebugException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Error(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Error(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void ErrorException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Fatal(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Fatal(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void FatalException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Info(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Info(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void InfoException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Warn(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Warn(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void WarnException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - } - public class FuncDependencyResolver : Splat.IDependencyResolver, Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable - { - public FuncDependencyResolver(System.Func> getAllServices, System.Action, System.Type?, string?>? register = null, System.Action? unregisterCurrent = null, System.Action? unregisterAll = null, System.IDisposable? toDispose = null) { } - public void Dispose() { } - protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { } - public object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback) { } - public void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - } - public class FuncLogManager : Splat.ILogManager - { - public FuncLogManager(System.Func getLoggerFunc) { } - public Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type) { } - } - public interface IAllocationFreeErrorLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - } - public interface IAllocationFreeLogger : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - bool IsDebugEnabled { get; } - bool IsErrorEnabled { get; } - bool IsFatalEnabled { get; } - bool IsInfoEnabled { get; } - bool IsWarnEnabled { get; } - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - } - public interface IDependencyResolver : Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable { } - [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] - public interface IEnableLogger { } - public interface IFullLogger : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(T value); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Debug(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void DebugException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(T value); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Error(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void ErrorException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(T value); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Fatal(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void FatalException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(T value); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Info(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void InfoException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(T value); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Warn(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void WarnException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - } - public interface ILogManager - { - Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type); - } - public interface ILogger - { - Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - } - public interface IModeDetector - { - bool? InUnitTestRunner(); - } - public interface IMutableDependencyResolver - { - bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback); - void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - } - public interface IReadonlyDependencyResolver - { - object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - } - public interface IStaticFullLogger - { - Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - } - public static class Locator - { - public static Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver Current { get; } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver CurrentMutable { get; } - public static bool AreResolverCallbackChangedNotificationsEnabled() { } - public static Splat.IDependencyResolver GetLocator() { } - public static System.IDisposable RegisterResolverCallbackChanged(System.Action callback) { } - public static void SetLocator(Splat.IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver) { } - public static System.IDisposable SuppressResolverCallbackChangedNotifications() { } - } - public static class LogHost - { - public static Splat.IStaticFullLogger Default { get; } - public static Splat.IFullLogger Log(this T logClassInstance) - where T : Splat.IEnableLogger { } - } - public enum LogLevel - { - Debug = 1, - Info = 2, - Warn = 3, - Error = 4, - Fatal = 5, - } - public static class LogManagerMixin - { - public static Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(this Splat.ILogManager logManager) { } - } - [System.Serializable] - public class LoggingException : System.Exception - { - public LoggingException() { } - public LoggingException(string message) { } - protected LoggingException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } - public LoggingException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } - } - public sealed class MemoizingMRUCache - where TParam : notnull - { - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Action onRelease) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer paramComparer) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Action? onRelease, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer paramComparer) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable CachedValues() { } - public TVal Get(TParam key) { } - public TVal Get(TParam key, object? context = null) { } - public void Invalidate(TParam key) { } - public void InvalidateAll(bool aggregateReleaseExceptions = false) { } - public bool TryGet(TParam key, out TVal? result) { } - } - public static class ModeDetector - { - public static bool InUnitTestRunner() { } - public static void OverrideModeDetector(Splat.IModeDetector modeDetector) { } - } - public class ModernDependencyResolver : Splat.IDependencyResolver, Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable - { - public ModernDependencyResolver() { } - protected ModernDependencyResolver([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] { - "serviceType", - "contract"})] System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.List>>? registry) { } - public void Dispose() { } - protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { } - public Splat.ModernDependencyResolver Duplicate() { } - public object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback) { } - public void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - } - public class NullLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public NullLogger() { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class NullServiceType - { - public NullServiceType(System.Func factory) { } - public System.Func Factory { get; } - } - public static class PointMathExtensions - { - public static float AngleInDegrees(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static float DistanceTo(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other) { } - public static float DotProduct(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF Floor(this System.Drawing.Point value) { } - public static float Length(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF Normalize(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ProjectAlong(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF direction) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ProjectAlongAngle(this System.Drawing.PointF value, float angleInDegrees) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ScaledBy(this System.Drawing.PointF value, float factor) { } - public static bool WithinEpsilonOf(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other, float epsilon) { } - } - public enum RectEdge - { - Left = 0, - Top = 1, - Right = 2, - Bottom = 3, - } - public static class RectangleMathExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.PointF Center(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF Copy(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float? x = default, float? y = default, float? width = default, float? height = default, float? top = default, float? bottom = default) { } - public static System.Tuple Divide(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float amount, Splat.RectEdge fromEdge) { } - public static System.Tuple DivideWithPadding(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float sliceAmount, float padding, Splat.RectEdge fromEdge) { } - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF InvertWithin(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, System.Drawing.RectangleF containingRect) { } - } - public static class ResolverMixins - { - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, object value, System.Type serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, T value, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, System.Type serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, string? contract = null) { } - } - public static class ServiceLocationInitialization - { - public static void InitializeSplat(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver) { } - } - public static class SizeMathExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.SizeF ScaledBy(this System.Drawing.SizeF value, float factor) { } - public static bool WithinEpsilonOf(this System.Drawing.SizeF value, System.Drawing.SizeF other, float epsilon) { } - } - public sealed class StaticFullLogger : Splat.IStaticFullLogger - { - public StaticFullLogger(Splat.IFullLogger fullLogger) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Debug(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(string? message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, string? message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - } - public static class TargetFrameworkExtensions - { - public static string? GetTargetFrameworkName(this System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) { } - } - public class WrappingFullLogger : Splat.AllocationFreeLoggerBase, Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.IFullLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingFullLogger(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public void Debug(string? message) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Debug(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(T value) { } - public void Debug(string? message) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Debug(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void DebugException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Error(string? message) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Error(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(T value) { } - public void Error(string? message) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Error(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void ErrorException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Fatal(string? message) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Fatal(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(T value) { } - public void Fatal(string? message) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Fatal(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void FatalException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Info(string? message) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Info(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(T value) { } - public void Info(string? message) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Info(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void InfoException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Warn(string? message) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Warn(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(T value) { } - public void Warn(string? message) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Warn(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void WarnException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - } - public class WrappingLogLevelLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingLogLevelLogger(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class WrappingPrefixLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingPrefixLogger(Splat.ILogger inner, System.Type callingType) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } -} -namespace Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring -{ - public sealed class DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingManager : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - public DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingManager() { } - } - public sealed class DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingSession : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, Splat.IEnableLogger, System.IDisposable - { - public DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName) { } - public string FeatureName { get; } - public System.Guid FeatureReference { get; } - public System.Guid ParentReference { get; } - public void Dispose() { } - public void OnException(System.Exception exception) { } - public Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession SubFeature(string description) { } - } - public static class EnableFeatureUsageTrackingExtensions - { - public static Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession FeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IEnableFeatureUsageTracking instance, string featureName) { } - public static void WithFeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IEnableFeatureUsageTracking instance, string featureName, System.Action action) { } - public static void WithSubFeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession instance, string featureName, System.Action action) { } - } - public class FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - public FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager(System.Func featureUsageTrackingSessionFunc) { } - public Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession GetFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName) { } - } - [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] - public interface IEnableFeatureUsageTracking { } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession GetFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName); - } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingSession : System.IDisposable - { - string FeatureName { get; } - void OnException(System.Exception exception); - Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession SubFeature(string description); - } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingSession : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, System.IDisposable - { - TReferenceType FeatureReference { get; } - TReferenceType ParentReference { get; } - } - public interface IViewTracking - { - void OnViewNavigation(string name); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt b/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c7f8e26f2..000000000 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.SplatProject.DotNet5_0.verified.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,775 +0,0 @@ -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Drawing.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Android")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.TestRunner.Uwp")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Splat.Tests")] -[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0", FrameworkDisplayName="")] -namespace Splat -{ - public class ActionLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public ActionLogger(System.Action writeNoType, System.Action writeWithType, System.Action writeNoTypeWithException, System.Action writeWithTypeAndException) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public abstract class AllocationFreeLoggerBase : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - protected AllocationFreeLoggerBase(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public bool IsDebugEnabled { get; } - public bool IsErrorEnabled { get; } - public bool IsFatalEnabled { get; } - public bool IsInfoEnabled { get; } - public bool IsWarnEnabled { get; } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Debug(string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument argument) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9) { } - public virtual void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class ConsoleLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public ConsoleLogger() { } - public string ExceptionMessageFormat { get; set; } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class DebugLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public DebugLogger() { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public sealed class DefaultLogManager : Splat.ILogManager - { - public DefaultLogManager(Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver? dependencyResolver = null) { } - public Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type) { } - } - public class DefaultModeDetector : Splat.IEnableLogger, Splat.IModeDetector - { - public DefaultModeDetector() { } - public bool? InUnitTestRunner() { } - } - public static class DependencyResolverMixins - { - public static T? GetService(this Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(this Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static void Register(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static void Register(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static void RegisterConstant(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, object? value, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterConstant(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, T? value, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterLazySingleton(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static void RegisterLazySingleton(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Type serviceType, System.Action callback) { } - public static void UnregisterAll(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static void UnregisterCurrent(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) { } - public static System.IDisposable WithResolver(this Splat.IDependencyResolver resolver, bool suppressResolverCallback = true) { } - } - public static class FullLoggerExtensions - { - public static void Debug(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Debug(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void DebugException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Error(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Error(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void ErrorException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Fatal(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Fatal(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void FatalException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Info(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Info(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void InfoException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - public static void Warn(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void Warn(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function) { } - public static void WarnException(this Splat.IFullLogger logger, System.Func function, System.Exception exception) { } - } - public class FuncDependencyResolver : Splat.IDependencyResolver, Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable - { - public FuncDependencyResolver(System.Func> getAllServices, System.Action, System.Type?, string?>? register = null, System.Action? unregisterCurrent = null, System.Action? unregisterAll = null, System.IDisposable? toDispose = null) { } - public void Dispose() { } - protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { } - public object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback) { } - public void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - } - public class FuncLogManager : Splat.ILogManager - { - public FuncLogManager(System.Func getLoggerFunc) { } - public Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type) { } - } - public interface IAllocationFreeErrorLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - } - public interface IAllocationFreeLogger : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - bool IsDebugEnabled { get; } - bool IsErrorEnabled { get; } - bool IsFatalEnabled { get; } - bool IsInfoEnabled { get; } - bool IsWarnEnabled { get; } - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument argument); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string messageFormat, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, TArgument4 argument4, TArgument5 argument5, TArgument6 argument6, TArgument7 argument7, TArgument8 argument8, TArgument9 argument9, TArgument10 argument10); - } - public interface IDependencyResolver : Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable { } - [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] - public interface IEnableLogger { } - public interface IFullLogger : Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(T value); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Debug(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void DebugException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(T value); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Error(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void ErrorException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(T value); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Fatal(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void FatalException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(T value); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Info(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void InfoException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(T value); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3); - [System.Obsolete("Use void Warn(Exception exception, [Localizable(false)] string? message)")] - void WarnException([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, System.Exception exception); - } - public interface ILogManager - { - Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(System.Type type); - } - public interface ILogger - { - Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel); - } - public interface IModeDetector - { - bool? InUnitTestRunner(); - } - public interface IMutableDependencyResolver - { - bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback); - void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - } - public interface IReadonlyDependencyResolver - { - object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null); - } - public interface IStaticFullLogger - { - Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null); - } - public static class Locator - { - public static Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver Current { get; } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver CurrentMutable { get; } - public static bool AreResolverCallbackChangedNotificationsEnabled() { } - public static Splat.IDependencyResolver GetLocator() { } - public static System.IDisposable RegisterResolverCallbackChanged(System.Action callback) { } - public static void SetLocator(Splat.IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver) { } - public static System.IDisposable SuppressResolverCallbackChangedNotifications() { } - } - public static class LogHost - { - public static Splat.IStaticFullLogger Default { get; } - public static Splat.IFullLogger Log(this T logClassInstance) - where T : Splat.IEnableLogger { } - } - public enum LogLevel - { - Debug = 1, - Info = 2, - Warn = 3, - Error = 4, - Fatal = 5, - } - public static class LogManagerMixin - { - public static Splat.IFullLogger GetLogger(this Splat.ILogManager logManager) { } - } - [System.Serializable] - public class LoggingException : System.Exception - { - public LoggingException() { } - public LoggingException(string message) { } - protected LoggingException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } - public LoggingException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } - } - public sealed class MemoizingMRUCache - where TParam : notnull - { - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Action onRelease) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer paramComparer) { } - public MemoizingMRUCache(System.Func calculationFunc, int maxSize, System.Action? onRelease, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer paramComparer) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable CachedValues() { } - public TVal Get(TParam key) { } - public TVal Get(TParam key, object? context = null) { } - public void Invalidate(TParam key) { } - public void InvalidateAll(bool aggregateReleaseExceptions = false) { } - public bool TryGet(TParam key, out TVal? result) { } - } - public static class ModeDetector - { - public static bool InUnitTestRunner() { } - public static void OverrideModeDetector(Splat.IModeDetector modeDetector) { } - } - public class ModernDependencyResolver : Splat.IDependencyResolver, Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver, Splat.IReadonlyDependencyResolver, System.IDisposable - { - public ModernDependencyResolver() { } - protected ModernDependencyResolver([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] { - "serviceType", - "contract"})] System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.List>>? registry) { } - public void Dispose() { } - protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { } - public Splat.ModernDependencyResolver Duplicate() { } - public object? GetService(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable GetServices(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public bool HasRegistration(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void Register(System.Func factory, System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public System.IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(System.Type serviceType, string? contract, System.Action callback) { } - public void UnregisterAll(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public void UnregisterCurrent(System.Type? serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - } - public class NullLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public NullLogger() { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; set; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class NullServiceType - { - public NullServiceType(System.Func factory) { } - public System.Func Factory { get; } - } - public static class PointMathExtensions - { - public static float AngleInDegrees(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static float DistanceTo(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other) { } - public static float DotProduct(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF Floor(this System.Drawing.Point value) { } - public static float Length(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF Normalize(this System.Drawing.PointF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ProjectAlong(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF direction) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ProjectAlongAngle(this System.Drawing.PointF value, float angleInDegrees) { } - public static System.Drawing.PointF ScaledBy(this System.Drawing.PointF value, float factor) { } - public static bool WithinEpsilonOf(this System.Drawing.PointF value, System.Drawing.PointF other, float epsilon) { } - } - public enum RectEdge - { - Left = 0, - Top = 1, - Right = 2, - Bottom = 3, - } - public static class RectangleMathExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.PointF Center(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value) { } - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF Copy(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float? x = default, float? y = default, float? width = default, float? height = default, float? top = default, float? bottom = default) { } - public static System.Tuple Divide(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float amount, Splat.RectEdge fromEdge) { } - public static System.Tuple DivideWithPadding(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, float sliceAmount, float padding, Splat.RectEdge fromEdge) { } - public static System.Drawing.RectangleF InvertWithin(this System.Drawing.RectangleF value, System.Drawing.RectangleF containingRect) { } - } - public static class ResolverMixins - { - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func factory, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, object value, System.Type serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterConstantAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, T value, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, System.Type serviceType, string? contract = null) { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, string? contract = null) - where T : new() { } - public static Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver RegisterLazySingletonAnd(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver, System.Func valueFactory, string? contract = null) { } - } - public static class ServiceLocationInitialization - { - public static void InitializeSplat(this Splat.IMutableDependencyResolver resolver) { } - } - public static class SizeMathExtensions - { - public static System.Drawing.SizeF ScaledBy(this System.Drawing.SizeF value, float factor) { } - public static bool WithinEpsilonOf(this System.Drawing.SizeF value, System.Drawing.SizeF other, float epsilon) { } - } - public sealed class StaticFullLogger : Splat.IStaticFullLogger - { - public StaticFullLogger(Splat.IFullLogger fullLogger) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Debug(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(string? message, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string? message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(string? message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, string? message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string? message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string? callerMemberName = null) { } - } - public static class TargetFrameworkExtensions - { - public static string? GetTargetFrameworkName(this System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) { } - } - public class WrappingFullLogger : Splat.AllocationFreeLoggerBase, Splat.IAllocationFreeErrorLogger, Splat.IAllocationFreeLogger, Splat.IFullLogger, Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingFullLogger(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public void Debug(string? message) { } - public void Debug(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Debug(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(T value) { } - public void Debug(string? message) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Debug(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Debug(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void DebugException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Error(string? message) { } - public void Error(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Error(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(T value) { } - public void Error(string? message) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Error(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Error(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void ErrorException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Fatal(string? message) { } - public void Fatal(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Fatal(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(T value) { } - public void Fatal(string? message) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Fatal(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Fatal(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void FatalException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Info(string? message) { } - public void Info(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Info(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(T value) { } - public void Info(string? message) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Info(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Info(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void InfoException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - public void Warn(string? message) { } - public void Warn(System.Exception exception, string? message) { } - public void Warn(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(T value) { } - public void Warn(string? message) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, T value) { } - public void Warn(string message, params object[] args) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument argument) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2) { } - public void Warn(System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, string message, TArgument1 argument1, TArgument2 argument2, TArgument3 argument3) { } - public void WarnException(string? message, System.Exception exception) { } - } - public class WrappingLogLevelLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingLogLevelLogger(Splat.ILogger inner) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } - public class WrappingPrefixLogger : Splat.ILogger - { - public WrappingPrefixLogger(Splat.ILogger inner, System.Type callingType) { } - public Splat.LogLevel Level { get; } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write([System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - public void Write(System.Exception exception, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] string message, [System.ComponentModel.Localizable(false)] System.Type type, Splat.LogLevel logLevel) { } - } -} -namespace Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring -{ - public sealed class DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingManager : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - public DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingManager() { } - } - public sealed class DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingSession : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, Splat.IEnableLogger, System.IDisposable - { - public DefaultFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName) { } - public string FeatureName { get; } - public System.Guid FeatureReference { get; } - public System.Guid ParentReference { get; } - public void Dispose() { } - public void OnException(System.Exception exception) { } - public Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession SubFeature(string description) { } - } - public static class EnableFeatureUsageTrackingExtensions - { - public static Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession FeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IEnableFeatureUsageTracking instance, string featureName) { } - public static void WithFeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IEnableFeatureUsageTracking instance, string featureName, System.Action action) { } - public static void WithSubFeatureUsageTrackingSession(this Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession instance, string featureName, System.Action action) { } - } - public class FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - public FuncFeatureUsageTrackingManager(System.Func featureUsageTrackingSessionFunc) { } - public Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession GetFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName) { } - } - [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] - public interface IEnableFeatureUsageTracking { } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingManager - { - Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession GetFeatureUsageTrackingSession(string featureName); - } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingSession : System.IDisposable - { - string FeatureName { get; } - void OnException(System.Exception exception); - Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession SubFeature(string description); - } - public interface IFeatureUsageTrackingSession : Splat.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring.IFeatureUsageTrackingSession, System.IDisposable - { - TReferenceType FeatureReference { get; } - TReferenceType ParentReference { get; } - } - public interface IViewTracking - { - void OnViewNavigation(string name); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs index 273ef9b6d..3881dbf5b 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.cs @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. -#if !WINDOWS_UWP && !ANDROID - +#if !ANDROID using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace Splat.Tests; @@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ public class ApiApprovalTests /// /// A task to monitor the usage. [Fact] - public Task SplatProject() => typeof(AssemblyFinder).Assembly.CheckApproval(); + public Task SplatProject() => typeof(AssemblyFinder).Assembly.CheckApproval(["Splat"]); } - #endif diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/ApiExtensions.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/ApiExtensions.cs index 99380c590..0386fd654 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/ApiExtensions.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/ApiExtensions.cs @@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using PublicApiGenerator; -#pragma warning disable SA1615 // Element return value should be documented - namespace Splat.Tests; /// @@ -20,12 +18,16 @@ public static class ApiExtensions /// Checks to make sure the API is approved. /// /// The assembly that is being checked. + /// The namespaces. /// The caller file path. - public static Task CheckApproval(this Assembly assembly, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "") + /// + /// A Task. + /// + public static async Task CheckApproval(this Assembly assembly, string[] namespaces, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "") { - var generatorOptions = new ApiGeneratorOptions { AllowNamespacePrefixes = new[] { "Splat" } }; + var generatorOptions = new ApiGeneratorOptions { AllowNamespacePrefixes = namespaces }; var apiText = assembly.GeneratePublicApi(generatorOptions); - return Verifier.Verify(apiText, null, filePath) + var result = await Verify(apiText, null, filePath) .UniqueForRuntimeAndVersion() .ScrubEmptyLines() .ScrubLines(l => diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs index 4dff3b3ec..bb357aff8 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. -#if !WINDOWS_UWP - using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights; using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility; - using Splat.ApplicationInsights; namespace Splat.Tests.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring; @@ -49,5 +46,3 @@ protected override ApplicationInsightsFeatureUsageTrackingSession GetFeatureUsag } } } - -#endif diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsViewTrackingTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsViewTrackingTests.cs index 6d1c53048..2ed462dee 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsViewTrackingTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ApplicationInsightsViewTrackingTests.cs @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. -#if !WINDOWS_UWP - using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights; using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility; @@ -31,5 +29,3 @@ protected override ApplicationInsightsViewTracking GetViewTracking() } } } - -#endif diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ExceptionlessFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ExceptionlessFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs index 08eaf5e9b..8caf977b5 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ExceptionlessFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring/ExceptionlessFeatureUsageTrackingSessionTests.cs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. -#if !WINDOWS_UWP && !ANDROID +#if !ANDROID namespace Splat.Tests.ApplicationPerformanceMonitoring; diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/Logging/WrappingFullLoggers/ExceptionlessLoggerTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/Logging/WrappingFullLoggers/ExceptionlessLoggerTests.cs index 1ab678984..8ed0a19bf 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/Logging/WrappingFullLoggers/ExceptionlessLoggerTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/Logging/WrappingFullLoggers/ExceptionlessLoggerTests.cs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. -#if !WINDOWS_UWP && !ANDROID +#if !ANDROID using Exceptionless; using Exceptionless.Models; @@ -82,5 +82,4 @@ private sealed class InMemoryExceptionlessLogTarget : IMockLogTarget public ICollection<(LogLevel logLevel, string message)> Logs { get; } } } - #endif diff --git a/src/Splat.Tests/TargetFrameworkExtensionsTests.cs b/src/Splat.Tests/TargetFrameworkExtensionsTests.cs index 786d27d3c..c8af5f2c2 100644 --- a/src/Splat.Tests/TargetFrameworkExtensionsTests.cs +++ b/src/Splat.Tests/TargetFrameworkExtensionsTests.cs @@ -20,136 +20,110 @@ public class TargetFrameworkExtensionsTests ".NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2", "netcoreapp2.2", }, - new object[] - { + [ ".NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1", "netcoreapp2.1", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0", "netcoreapp2.0", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1", "netcoreapp1.1", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0", "netcoreapp1.0", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", "netstandard2.0", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.6", "netstandard1.6", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.5", "netstandard1.5", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.4", "netstandard1.4", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.3", "netstandard1.3", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.2", "netstandard1.2", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.1", "netstandard1.1", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETStandard,Version=v1.0", "netstandard1.0", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", "net472", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1", "net471", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7", "net47", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", "net462", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1", "net461", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6", "net46", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2", "net452", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", "net451", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", "net45", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0.3", "net403", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0", "net40", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v3.5", "net35", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v2.0", "net20", - }, - new object[] - { + ], + [ ".NETFramework,Version=v1.1", "net11", - }, + ], }; /// diff --git a/src/Splat/ServiceLocation/InternalLocator.cs b/src/Splat/ServiceLocation/InternalLocator.cs index 75239bb2e..453c1c04e 100644 --- a/src/Splat/ServiceLocation/InternalLocator.cs +++ b/src/Splat/ServiceLocation/InternalLocator.cs @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ internal class InternalLocator : IDisposable { // this has been done to have a default single instance. but allow isolation in unit tests.B private readonly List _resolverChanged = []; + private readonly IDisposable _resolverChangedNotification; private volatile int _resolverChangedNotificationSuspendCount; + private bool _disposedValue; internal InternalLocator() { Internal = new ModernDependencyResolver(); - RegisterResolverCallbackChanged(() => + _resolverChangedNotification = RegisterResolverCallbackChanged(() => { if (CurrentMutable is null) { @@ -45,7 +47,14 @@ internal InternalLocator() internal IDependencyResolver Internal { get; private set; } - public void Dispose() => Internal?.Dispose(); + /// + /// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. + /// + public void Dispose() + { + Dispose(disposing: true); + GC.SuppressFinalize(this); + } /// /// Allows setting the dependency resolver. @@ -55,18 +64,6 @@ public void SetLocator(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver) { Internal = dependencyResolver ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dependencyResolver)); - // DV: is this needed if we're changing the behaviour of setlocator? - /* - if (ModeDetector.InUnitTestRunner()) - { - _unitTestDependencyResolver = value; - _dependencyResolver = _dependencyResolver ?? value; - } - else - { - _dependencyResolver = value; - } - */ if (AreResolverCallbackChangedNotificationsEnabled()) { var currentCallbacks = default(Action[]); @@ -136,4 +133,18 @@ public IDisposable SuppressResolverCallbackChangedNotifications() /// /// A value indicating whether the notifications are happening. public bool AreResolverCallbackChangedNotificationsEnabled() => _resolverChangedNotificationSuspendCount == 0; + + protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) + { + if (!_disposedValue) + { + if (disposing) + { + Internal.Dispose(); + _resolverChangedNotification.Dispose(); + } + + _disposedValue = true; + } + } } diff --git a/src/Splat/Splat.csproj b/src/Splat/Splat.csproj index 966151c63..e31c7585a 100644 --- a/src/Splat/Splat.csproj +++ b/src/Splat/Splat.csproj @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ - netstandard2.0;net6.0;net7.0;net8.0 + $(SplatTargetFrameworks) Splat Splat .NET Foundation and Contributors A library to make things cross-platform that should be Splat $(NoWarn);1591 - enable diff --git a/src/Splat/TargetFrameworkExtensions.cs b/src/Splat/TargetFrameworkExtensions.cs index 40c0fe957..9236fb623 100644 --- a/src/Splat/TargetFrameworkExtensions.cs +++ b/src/Splat/TargetFrameworkExtensions.cs @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ public static class TargetFrameworkExtensions internal static string? GetTargetFrameworkName(string? frameworkName) => frameworkName switch { + ".NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0" => "net8.0", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0" => "net7.0", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0" => "net6.0", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0" => "net5.0",