My configuration files and list of utilities i use on my system.
- i3-gaps - find installation instructions in repo's wiki
- compton - this is a fork with kawase blur which looks pretty dope
- betterlockscreen - a script for a faster, customizable lockscreen based on i3lock-color
- i3lock-color - a fork of i3lock with some added customization
- pulseaudio - sound server
- pactl - controls for pulseaudio2
- nm-applet
- firefox-color - for creating a custom firefox theme
- xkblayout-state - a tool to show the current keyboard layout and variant (interestingly enough there is no standard approach to this in linux from what i've found online)
- polybar - a very customizable bar
- polybar-themes - a collection of polybar themes with some instructions, a huge inspiration
- Firacode - a really nice monospaced font with great looking ligatures
- YosemiteSanFrancisco
- FontAwesome - many great icons
- MaterialIcons - some additional icons from google. They have the file with code points in their repo.