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⚛️ An opinionated React/TypeScript starter template.
- Based on React, Vite
- TypeScript, of course
- Ant Design as UI framework
- TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework
- pnpm as package manager
- Sass as CSS preprocessor
- React Router for routing management
- Zustand for global state management
- Axios for request, and highly encapsulated
- Tanstack Query for request state management
- React Hook Form, yup for form validation
- iconify/json and unplugin-icons for icon management, you can use icones to use it quickly
- unplugin-auto-import and unplugin-vue-components for automatic import of components, hooks, and utility classes, freeing your hands
- ESLint for code checking
- Prettier for code formatting
- CSpell for code spelling checking
- Husky, lint-staged, commitlint, cz-git for Git commit management
- Support absolute path import, use
- Deploy on Vercel, zero configuration
pnpm i
pnpm dev
pnpm build
Go to Vercel and select your Git repository, choose Vite as template, add production environment variables, and click deploy.
MIT License © 2023 Bruce Song