A decision optimization web tool built with Next.js 14 app router.
Notice: This app is work in progress.
- Next.js 14 app router - Framework
- TypeScript - Language
- Tailwind - CSS Framework
- shadcn/ui - UI Components
- Zustand - State Management
- Zod - Validation
Each factor includes the following:
- Name: A descriptive name for the factor (e.g., Enjoyment, Convenience)
- Importance: A value assigned to the factor based on its importance
- Very Important (5)
- Important (4)
- Neutral (3)
- Unimportant (2)
- Very Unimportant (1)
- Type: Indicates whether the factor is positive or negative
Normalized Decision Value Sum (PositiveSum & NegativeSum)
∑((ImportanceValue - 1) / (5 - 1))
Overall Decision Value
((PositiveSum - NegativeSum) / FactorLength) * 50 + 50
- Decision risks
- Lower multiplier for high risk decisions
- Separate results with normal multiplier for high risk decisions to show non-optimal but big payoff decisions
- AI integration (unsure)
- Auto generate decisions based on the goal or situation
- Auto generate factors based on the decision