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chore(deps): update chore (#10126)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [cypress](
([source]( | [`13.6.1` ->
`13.6.6`]( |
| [nx](
([source]( |
[`17.2.5` ->
`17.3.2`]( |
| [sort-package-json](
| [`2.6.0` ->


<summary>cypress-io/cypress (cypress)</summary>

















<summary>nrwl/nx (nx)</summary>

[Compare Source](

- **core:** add log lines grouping for GH Actions
- **linter:** add error and warning statistics

- **angular:** handle indexHtmlTransformer option in dev-server
correctly ([#&#8203;21520](
- **core:** update axios to address CVE-2023-45857
- **core:** Add missing migration from playwright
- **core:** always remove cursor reset in terminal output for Windows
- **core:** do not run pty in run-script when we're not TTY
- **core:** target defaults should be able to apply to multiple targets
with the same executor
- **core:** nx build --graph file.json should work in subdirectories
- **core:** Update Nx Welcome to include nx show project
- **core:** handle negative patterns better when specified in
- **core:** remove the full workspace path with node_modules from the
path env variable when running `run-scripts`
- **core:** do not watch temporary vite files
- **core:** target defaults from specifier should not be clobbered by
name based target defaults
- **graph:** fix expand when using external api
- **graph:** don't show open config button on & refactor tooltips
- **js:** package type is module should emit esm
- **linter:** make eslint mandatory dependency
- **linter:** ensure flat config generator works for pcv3 plugin
- **linter:** remove reportUnusedDisableDirectives for flat config
- **linter:** prevent dep-checks leaking when used outside nx
- **misc:** set $schema in nx.json generated during nx init
- **misc:** use caret for semver version
- **module-federation:** ensure the static remotes env var is used for
task hashing [#&#8203;21390](
- **module-federation:** ensure incorrect tsconfig path mappings are not
used [#&#8203;21391](
- **nest:** exclude react-specific packages when generating nx nest
monorepo ([#&#8203;21153](
- **release:** skip lock file update if yarn classic
- **testing:** fix config references to js files
- **vite:** deep file resolution in nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin.ts
- **webpack:** correctly handle data URIs with escaped quotes in style…

- andreasmoller25
-   Austin Fahsl [@&#8203;fahslaj](
-   Colum Ferry [@&#8203;Coly010](
- Craigory Coppola [@&#8203;AgentEnder](
-   Emily Xiong [@&#8203;xiongemi](
-   Ian Chadwick [@&#8203;ianchadwick](
-   Jason Jean [@&#8203;FrozenPandaz](
-   Jonathan Cammisuli
- Leosvel Pérez Espinosa
-   Lukas [@&#8203;LukasTy](
-   MaxKless [@&#8203;MaxKless](
- Mihail Golban
-   Miroslav Jonaš [@&#8203;meeroslav](
- Nicholas Cunningham
- Phillip Barta [@&#8203;Phillip9587](
-   Remco Krams
-   Simeon Cheeseman [@&#8203;SimeonC](

[Compare Source](

- **angular:** add generator to convert targets to use the esbuild-based
application executor
- **core:** don't clear NX_BASE or NX_HEAD
- **devkit:** improving error handeling read target options
- **react-native:** add useTransformReactJSX babel config to generators
- **vite:** allow passing path to custom tsconfig file when
skipTypeCheck is false

- nestjs lib generator pass skipPackageJson flag to js lib generator
- **angular:** fix dev-server validation for esbuildMiddleware
- **angular:** should not log invalid extension includedScripts
- **bundling:** consider index/folder imports in manual file resolution
- **core:** remove misleading message at front of error
- **core:** new generator not skipping package installation
- **core:** include typescript package when calculating project hashes
- **core:** do not append node_module paths in `run-script` executor
- **graph:** repair externalApiService usage broken after refactor
- **js:** allow inlined libs without imports
- **linter:** remove extend of
config ([#&#8203;18465](
- **linter:** restore rules to match previous
- **linter:** make target default migrations a bit more robust
- **misc:** prevent ts-node from reading tsconfig when registering
transpiler ([#&#8203;21381](
- **nextjs:** Add missing support swc for custom server
- **nextjs:** lazy load plugin import
- **nx-dev:** remove unmatched bracket. updates warning description
- **react:** import SupportedStyles type from correct path
- **vite:** prevent vite:build copying package.json when
generatePackageJson false
- **vue:** do not add
[@&#8203;vue/tsconfig]( dependency

-   Adam Hunter [@&#8203;adamrhunter](
- Benjamin Kroeger [@&#8203;benkroeger](
-   Christian Käslin
- Craigory Coppola [@&#8203;AgentEnder](
- Denis Frenademetz
-   James Henry [@&#8203;JamesHenry](
-   Jan Pretzel
-   Jonathan Cammisuli
- Leosvel Pérez Espinosa
-   MaxKless [@&#8203;MaxKless](
-   Michal Jez [@&#8203;MJez29](
-   Miloš Lajtman [@&#8203;miluoshi](
- Nicholas Cunningham
-   Tobbb
-   Vinit Neogi [@&#8203;vneogi199](
-   wout junius [@&#8203;wout-junius](
-   Zac Bristow

[Compare Source](

- **angular:** support esbuild middleware functions
- **angular:** support angular 17.1.0
- **core:** remove prompt from nx connect command
- **core:** use Nx plugins and inferred targets when running "nx init"
- **core:** create a new function to run child processes via rust
- **core:** read name from package.json if present and no inference
plugin provides name
- **core:** add keepExistingVersions to all packages
- **core:** add the "add" cli command
- **core:** add target defaults in configuration generators rather th…
- **core:** update ci-workflow generator
- **core:** extend nxCloud prompt to include basic CI workflow options
- **core:** move target defaults handling to nx plugin
- **core:** forward stdin to commands started via rust
- **core:** reveal --web flag on show project
- **core:** use runCommand for runScript
- **core:** support args to be an array for command
- **core:** improve generated CI workflows
- **core:** guide users to view the graph after nx init
- **core:** pass down help to run-commands
- **cypress:** simplify inferred cypress command
- **detox:** add createNodes for detox
- **devkit:** add a flag to keep existing versions when calling
- **docs:** add {% project-details %} as a tag in markdown docs
- **expo:** support createNodes for expo
- **graph:** add nx console data loader
- **graph:** rework pdv target section & remove unused code
- **graph:** decouple graph client from <Fence> component
- **graph:** allow expanding target when opening pdv from external api
- **graph:** hover to see source & more UI updates
- **graph:** add tooltips to project details view
- **graph:** show open config button in graph web
- **linter:** add .nx to ignored folders
- **linter:** update @&#8203;typescript-eslint/\* package versions
- **linter:** make init generator public
- **linter:** move common options to target defaults
- **misc:** align version of
[@&#8203;types/node]( throughout repo
- **misc:** add layout for project details view
- **misc:** update minimatch version used across packages
- **misc:** identify and set up more nx core plugins during nx init
- **misc:** optionally update package.json scripts in init generators
- **misc:** hide unpublished links in project details view
- **nextjs:** Update [@&#8203;nx/next]( to
Next.js 14 ([#&#8203;20703](
- **nextjs:** Add support for experimental-https when running dev server
- **nextjs:** Standalone projects now default to src
- **nuxt:** make nuxt public
- **nx-dev:** add homepage updates
- **nx-dev:** improve related docs section
- **nx-dev:** adjust related section title padding
- **nx-dev:** update documentation dropdown menu links
- **nx-dev:** adjust highlighting of tagline
- **nx-dev:** new year challenge
- **nx-dev:** new year challenge
- **nx-dev:** modals and flip cards
- **nx-dev:** rectangle cards
- **react:** Treat window and var library types the same
- **react:** Add playwright support to generators
- **react-native:** add support for createNodes in react native
- **react-native:** generate pod install target
- **release:** support Revert commits in changelog renderer
- **release:** conventional commits support for independent projects
- **release:** enable git operations by default
- **release:** add fallback for currentVersionResolver in the version
step ([#&#8203;21155](
- **release:** support conventionalCommits shorthand for version config
- **release:** add formal entrypoint for programmatic API at nx/release
- **release:** support version prefix for dependents
- **release:** update lockfile after version command
- **release:** global stageChanges option & changelog fixes
- **release:** allow overriding generator and generatorOptions per
project ([#&#8203;21298](
- **remix:** add remix
- **remix:** add createNodes support for target inference
- **remix:** generate vitest file instead vite.config
- **remix:** remove projects prompt from artifact generators
- **remix:** use esm config file
- **remix:** add init generator
- **remix:** add nx welcome component
- **storybook:** nodes plugin
- **testing:** add create-nodes plugin for playwright e2e targets
- **testing:** add option to allow filtering test files in playwright
executor ([#&#8203;20862](
- **testing:** add jest create-nodes plugin
- **vite:** update to vitest v1
- **vite:** recognize all vite.config file extensions
- **vue:** add nuxt as cnw vue framework
- **webpack:** simplify inferred webpack-cli command
- **workspace:** update readme to point people to the graph

- **angular:** add missing package update for
- **angular:** safely update task runner cacheable operations when
setting up ssr
- **angular:** fix standalone eslint config generation
- **angular:** add named export for moduleFederationDevServerExecutor
- **angular:** support scheduling inferred angular cli builder targets
- **angular:** run function is not called in
- **angular:** support scoped project names and entrypoints in library
secondary entrypoint generator
- **angular:** update autoprefixer migration to the right file
- **angular:** update setup-ssr generator to support the outputPath
object variant
- **bundling:** added back code to handle skipTypeField option of rollup
executor options + tests
- **core:** properly handle negated paths in cache outputs
- **core:** show warning if workspaceRoot starts with !
- **core:** fallback to checking stderr if stdout is empty on publish
executor ([#&#8203;20737](
- **core:** correctly move project and target strings
- **core:** handle "." project roots properly for hashing
- **core:** prioritize nxignore for watcher updates
- **core:** formatter should not fail when absolute paths are provided
as "--files" ([#&#8203;20331](
- **core:** handle invalid group glob groups
- **core:** ensure connect-to-nx-cloud works with lerna workspaces
- **core:** accept vue as preset in cnw
- **core:** properly disconnect daemon & reject promise
- **core:** fix socket dir removal for macos
- **core:** remove deprecated recursive rmdir with rm -rf
- **core:** exit with sigint when sigint is received
- **core:** yargs array-like prompts initial field is number
- **core:** clarify error log when a project exists in a directory
- **core:** do not create new targets from target defaults when packag…
- **core:** fix sending sigint to child tasks with the new psuedo tty …
- **core:** fix compilerOptions may not exist
- **core:** fix conflicting types from merge conflict
- **core:** address some wonkiness when merging command and run-commands
- **devkit:** update the ci generators to use the correct launch
template ([#&#8203;21304](
- **devkit:** fix extractLayoutDirectory typescript types to better
reflect allowed params and return value
- **expo:** fix externalDependencies for expo plugin
- **graph:** take vscode light/dark theme into account
- **graph:** refresh pdv periodically in watch mode
- **graph:** correct value when inputs/outputs are copied
- **graph:** fix 404 when / in name
- **js:** fixing output based on test runner selection
- **js:** allow inlineable dependency to be added to externals
- **js:** ensure result is valid before attempting to close it during
rollup watch
- **js:** set the unsafeHttpWhitelist when the set has any items
- **js:** add [@&#8203;swc/helpers](
when initializing js plugin since it is needed by other plugins
- **js:** fix missing top-level dependencies in publishable libs
- **linter:** move should migrate all eslint configs
- **linter:** fix workspace-rule naming with flat config
- **linter:** ensure angular entry point checks are correct
- **linter:** flat config should always set path to config when using
API ([#&#8203;20867](
- **linter:** only update overrides when applicable
- **linter:** add links to docs to rules
- **linter:** fix import of chalk for reporting
- **linter:** update eslint plugins for
[@&#8203;typescript-eslint]( v6
naming ([#&#8203;21221](
- **misc:** disallow path segments and allow scoped package name in
--newProjectName option of move generator
- **misc:** ignore .nx/cache when running nx init in an angular cli
project ([#&#8203;21000](
- **misc:** install nx when no plugins selected during nx init
- **misc:** identify usage of playwright correctly when running nx init
- **misc:** install required deps during nx init without overriding
existing versions
- **misc:** do not print formatting errors while setting up nx cloud in
nx init ([#&#8203;21302](
- **misc:** await async function invocations
- **module-federation:** allow relative remote paths
- **module-federation:** support buildable libs
- **nextjs:** empty port should not overwrite env port
- **nextjs:** Add missing setParserOptionProject
- **nextjs:** Page generator should work out of the box
- **nextjs:** enhance page generator to work when --project is not
supplied ([#&#8203;20778](
- **nextjs:** remove temporary patch for next eslint rules
- **nextjs:** correct inferred outputs for root Next.js projects
- **nextjs:** update migration to handle projects without eslintrc
- **nextjs:** Playwright should work with workspace libs
- **nextjs:** Missing deps for image and css optimization
- **nextjs:** Add support for mjs next config file
- **nextjs:** PCV3 with Cypress and Playwright should work with
standalone Next.js Projects
- **nextjs:** custom server unable to run production builds
- **node:** E2E test port conflicts
- **nuxt:** add all target names when adding vite plugin
- **nx-dev:** change to optimized for monorepos
- **nx-dev:** adjust blog links
- **nx-dev:** typo on the homepage
- **nx-dev:** fix plugin stats
- **nx-dev:** dynamic classes not allowed
- **nx-dev:** improve styles
- **nx-dev:** fix text colors
- **nx-dev:** fix heading size and improve contrast
- **nx-dev:** standardize nx cloud naming
- **nx-dev:** increase shorts video size to show volume control
- **nx-dev:** do not open official plugins in new tab
- **nx-dev:** align button sizes on hero
- **nx-dev:** table of contents with code
- **react:** webpack backwards compat for `@nx/react/plugin/webpack`
- **react:** skip adding comma to config when adding remote to host if…
- **react:** remove <base> tag from generated index.html
- **react:** update default webpack config for component testing
- **release:** changelog renderer should prefer breaking change
explanation text
- **release:** ensure leading v is stripped from provided semver version
- **release:** add overall nx release command
- **release:** publish error handling, dry-run in dependsOn
- **release:** capture all release titles during parse
- **release:** do not set extra v on GitHub release, improve GH API
error handling
- **release:** update error message check for npm dist-tags
- **release:** stage changes when versioning with --projects argument
- **release:** default changelog git commit and tag true
- **release:** versionPrefix should default to auto
- **release:** filtering publish by project or group should exclude task
deps ([#&#8203;21231](
- **release:** fix --first-release with conventional commits and
independent projects
- **release:** only add nx-release-publish to public packages
- **release:** disable workspace changelogs in config when not valid
- **release:** do not restart the daemon when skipLockFileUpdate is set
- **release:** ensure non-zero exit code is propagated, change missing
target handling
- **remix:** legacy package pointing to incorrect readme
- **remix:** import of config file should invalidate cache
- **remix:** required property in schema should be project
- **remix:** use twStyles as import to prevent conflicts
- **remix:** tsconfigs were being incorrectly generated causing errors
- **repo:** add missing packages to nightly
- **repo:** update nightly matrix with new packages
- **repo:** fix version calculation on nx-release
- **storybook:** do not throw for versions >=7
- **storybook:** handle output-dir properly for outputs
- **storybook:** throw if no project name for angular
- **storybook:** add storybook-static to gitignore for pcv3
- **testing:** avoid overwriting environment variables in nx cypress
preset ([#&#8203;20748](
- **testing:** run playwright with the correct project option for
multiple values
- **testing:** safely handle circular deps in component testing plugin
- **testing:** set correct type for ignoreTestFiles option in cypress
executor ([#&#8203;20853](
- **testing:** Inline projects inside playwright.config.ts
- **vite:** config migration account for other syntaxes
- **vite:** better extra args resolution
- **vite:** ignore CJS build deprecated warning
- **vite:** allow vitest to be v1
- **vite:** only dynamically import vite
- **vite:** vitest migration add reporters
- **vite:** more properly resolve arguments from configurations
- **vite:** dist and coverage paths for root projects
- **vite:** include vitest config in nodes plugin
- **vite:** build executor watch
- **vite:** only import vite dynamically
- **vite:** replaceFile and fileReplacement fixes
- **vite:** do not add test target if test is not defined
- **vite:** PCV3 Plugin update to use resolveConfig
- **vite:** PCV3 multiple targets
- **vue:** import vue libs in other libs - fix ts2307
- **web:** fix webpack + playwright config issues
- **webpack:** migrate projects without webpackConfig to use
- **webpack:** fixed `isolatedConfig: false` option not composing
plugins ([#&#8203;20678](
- **webpack:** add standardWebpackConfigFunction option when users opts
for a standard config function
- **webpack:** handle both nx and nrwl scoped executors when migrating
config ([#&#8203;20714](
- **webpack:** fix check for standardWebpackConfigFunction

- Ashwin Gokhale
-   Austin Fahsl [@&#8203;fahslaj](
-   Benjamin Cabanes [@&#8203;bcabanes](
-   Colum Ferry [@&#8203;Coly010](
- Craigory Coppola [@&#8203;AgentEnder](
-   daiscog [@&#8203;daiscog](
- Dmitriy Stepanenko
-   Emily Xiong [@&#8203;xiongemi](
-   Igor Katsuba [@&#8203;IKatsuba](
-   Isaac Mann [@&#8203;isaacplmann](
-   Jack Hsu [@&#8203;jaysoo](
-   James Henry [@&#8203;JamesHenry](
-   Jason Jean [@&#8203;FrozenPandaz](
-   jiayi
-   Johanna Pearce
-   Jonathan Cammisuli
-   Julien Simonet [@&#8203;jmons54](
-   Juri Strumpflohner [@&#8203;juristr](
-   Kaden Wilkinson [@&#8203;kdawgwilk](
- Katerina Skroumpelou
- Leosvel Pérez Espinosa
-   MaxKless [@&#8203;MaxKless](
-   Miroslav Jonas [@&#8203;meeroslav](
-   Miroslav Jonaš [@&#8203;meeroslav](
- Nicholas Cunningham
-   Tórur Zachariasen [@&#8203;torurz](
-   Tycho Bokdam [@&#8203;TriPSs](
-   Vadim Zhamkov [@&#8203;vadjs](
-   Yann Thibodeau

[Compare Source](

-   **remix:** add remix

- **linter:** flat config should always set path to config when using
-   **nextjs:** update migration to handle projects without eslintrc

[Compare Source](

-   **angular:** fix standalone eslint config generation
- **bundling:** added back code to handle skipTypeField option of rollup
executor options + tests
-   **linter:** ensure angular entry point checks are correct
- **nextjs:** enhance page generator to work when --project is not
-   **nextjs:** remove temporary patch for next eslint rules
-   **nextjs:** correct inferred outputs for root Next.js projects
-   **node:** E2E test port conflicts
-   **release:** add overall nx release command
-   **release:** publish error handling, dry-run in dependsOn
-   **release:** capture all release titles during parse
- **testing:** run playwright with the correct project option for
multiple values
-   **testing:** safely handle circular deps in component testing plugin
- **testing:** set correct type for ignoreTestFiles option in cypress
-   **vite:** vitest migration add reporters
-   **vite:** more properly resolve arguments from configurations
-   **vite:** dist and coverage paths for root projects

[Compare Source](

- **release:** support Revert commits in changelog renderer

- **js:** fixing output based on test runner selection
- **linter:** fix workspace-rule naming with flat config
- **module-federation:** support buildable libs
- **nextjs:** Page generator should work out of the box
- **nx-dev:** dynamic classes not allowed
- **release:** changelog renderer should prefer breaking change
explanation text
- **release:** ensure leading v is stripped from provided semver version
- **vite:** only dynamically import vite

-   Colum Ferry [@&#8203;Coly010](
-   Isaac Mann [@&#8203;isaacplmann](
-   James Henry [@&#8203;JamesHenry](
- Katerina Skroumpelou
-   Miroslav Jonaš [@&#8203;meeroslav](
- Nicholas Cunningham


<summary>keithamus/sort-package-json (sort-package-json)</summary>



- add oclif



- don’t sort scripts when `npm-run-all2` is installed



📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] authored and jtoar committed Mar 7, 2024
1 parent e0cca62 commit 3ad7b81
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 107 additions and 106 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"babel-plugin-remove-code": "0.0.6",
"boxen": "5.1.2",
"core-js": "3.35.1",
"cypress": "13.6.1",
"cypress": "13.6.6",
"cypress-fail-fast": "7.1.0",
"cypress-wait-until": "3.0.1",
"dependency-cruiser": "15.5.0",
Expand All @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"ncp": "2.0.0",
"nodemon": "3.0.2",
"npm-packlist": "8.0.1",
"nx": "17.2.5",
"nx": "17.3.2",
"octokit": "3.1.2",
"ora": "7.0.1",
"prompts": "2.4.2",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tasks/check/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"@actions/core": "1.10.1",
"@actions/exec": "1.1.1",
"sort-package-json": "2.6.0"
"sort-package-json": "2.8.0"
"packageManager": "yarn@4.1.0"
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions tasks/check/yarn.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ __metadata:
"@actions/core": "npm:1.10.1"
"@actions/exec": "npm:1.1.1"
sort-package-json: "npm:2.6.0"
sort-package-json: "npm:2.8.0"
languageName: unknown
linkType: soft

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ __metadata:
languageName: node
linkType: hard

version: 2.6.0
resolution: "sort-package-json@npm:2.6.0"
version: 2.8.0
resolution: "sort-package-json@npm:2.8.0"
detect-indent: "npm:^7.0.1"
detect-newline: "npm:^4.0.0"
Expand All @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ __metadata:
sort-object-keys: "npm:^1.1.3"
sort-package-json: cli.js
checksum: 10c0/c2beffd46bc8db49164458175b1f1bc7e0081711e854cbe211653748707211184d745bfee377241f3ceeb2d0d63d5e8dd0dfe7f41be99a044e0a2095bcf2c053
checksum: 10c0/4fc8cc319741d26dc4f754a16780fc1fc3908a0dde02c0250e33b2ed417247e41b779b3d9f7ffdb02a280229225147c45236a9d5444be2bb148620ec124327cc
languageName: node
linkType: hard

Expand Down

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